The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

SPECIAL 3 – What is the right choice? (PART 1)

Caracas, Venezuela. July 25th, 2026. 5:45 PM

Cristopher was slowly walking through one of the dense parts of the Avila National Park in Caracas, far away from any of the touristic or normally used paths.

[Cristopher, Cristopher. Report, did you find anything?]

A sudden voice sounded from the radio that he had hanging on his clothes. He grabbed it.

“No. Still nothing, sir. I haven’t found her yet.”

[Okay, keep going, but remember not to lose your way. Rodriguez and Torres are close by, they’re keeping track of you by GPS, if anything happens, call immediately, you have one more hour to regroup. If you can’t find her, or any clue, go back to your group.]

“Will do, sir.” He shortly answered, before hanging the radio once again on his clothes.

Right now, he was doing a rescue mission tasked to the forest firefighters from the Capital District of Caracas.

“What are the chances of her falling through this part?” Cristopher thought while walking through the dried river, looking around as much as possible.

They were pressed on time, as night was slowly coming closer, and with how big this park actually was, it would be quite difficult to search for her at night. Not impossible, but difficult, as it wouldn’t be a good idea to let them go individually.

“Though… If they let me go by myself, it would actually be easier to search for her, even at night.” He muttered while walking towards a dry waterfall. “Mm?”

Looking down the waterfall, Cristopher’s could see there was something down there. He immediately picked the radio.

“Sir. I can see something.”

[What is it? Is the girl?]

“No. But it seems like something that could be from her.”

[Okay, stay there. We’re going to your position.]

“Got it.” He said before hanging the radio on his clothes again. “Just how the hell did you get down there, girl?”

Pondering about it, the fall was quite tall, while it wouldn’t be a problem for him, any other human would result critically hurt from the fall. Though, not dead.

“Which means… That she either has to be somewhere close, probably critically injured, or she somehow managed to slowly go down.” He pondered while sensing around the waterfall, and just as he thought, there was a part that wasn’t entirely a straight fall and was full of vegetation.

“Mm… Smart, I guess.” He muttered while walking close to the slightly inclined fall, which had a lot of broken vegetation, all in an almost straight line from top to bottom. “I understand that she tried to follow the river… But it was still a risky move. You never know if you got the right ones without knowing the place.” He muttered to himself while looking down at the end of the waterfall, where a small bloody piece of clothing was left there.

“Oh well, it’s not like I can say too much about it.” He sat down to wait.

A few years ago, while he tried to do something stupid, he also came up here to this mountain, where he thought no one would be able to find him. But, being really bad at planning things, as usual, resulted in him failing to do it.

So, without options A, B or C working, he decided to go back, but alas, the same as this girl, he was quite deep in the mountain then, so not knowing where to go, he just moved, trying to find a way back, being lucky to find a dry river that safely led him out of the mountain. At that point, getting lost wouldn't be that bad of an option for him, it would be like a forced hand, which he would also be thankful for. But it seems that his luck works in ways he quite doesn't understand.

“Cristopher!” Two firefighters came close to him, breaking him from his thoughts.

“Hey, Gabriel, Daniel.” He turned to look at them. “You were quick to get here.”

“I thought the general told you, we were close.” Gabriel Torres said while shrugging.

“Yeah, I know.” To which Cristopher only nodded.

“So? Where’s the thing you found?” Daniel Rodriguez asked.

“Down there.” And he pointed down the dried waterfall.

“Wow… That’s quite the fall.” Gabriel muttered while looking down. “How did she make it down there?”

“You’re right. She may be able to survive the fall, but no one would be able to do so completely safe.” Daniel nodded.

“She didn’t fall down the waterfall, she got down using that natural slide there.” Cristopher pointed out to the place he found before.

“Wait, do you mean through that patch of vegetation?” Gabriel tilted his head.


“But those are full of thorns if what the family told us is true, she didn’t have that much clothing to protect herself, which would make it quite a painful descend.”

“Yes, which is why I think she tried to either clean her wounds using that bloodied piece of clothing down there or use it as a way to break the vegetation while sliding down.”

“Wait, is that a bloodied piece of clothing?” Gabriel asked while looking down the waterfall. “Dude, you sure have an insane sight. How the hell do you do it?”

“Oh well.” Cristopher shrugged with a smile. “Just a 20/20 sight.”

It was a lie, of course. Cristopher’s sight went far over what one could consider normal, after all, it’s been five years since his body started to change. And a lot of things improved since then, including his sight, which no one in this world could hope to have, probably not even through any instrument or machine.

“I forgot that you’re quite good for these missions, I guess those eyes of yours are quite a good reason for it.” Daniel nodded at him.

“Yeah, probably.”

“Why don’t you join us officially then?” Gabriel asked. “It’s not the first time you come with us, and you even have the training.”

“I have other things to do, man, I can’t accept this as a full-time job, you know?”

“Oh well, still, consider it. It would be good to have one more helping hand.” Gabriel said.

“Oh, come on, I still help you with missions like this one.” Cristopher rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, but we don’t always have missions like this one.” Daniel said with a smirk.

“You mean searching for ‘important targets’?” Gabriel mocked while making quote marks with his fingers.

“Precisely.” Daniel nodded with a serious face.

“Pfft… I also help with other rescue missions.”

“Yes, but not like this. They usually wait two or three days of us searching for the missing person to even call you. But look at this. Not even 24 hours have passed, and you’re already here. All for this so-called important target.” Gabriel rolled his eyes.

“Stop, dude. Our job is to rescue people, it doesn’t matter who they are. If they’re lost around here, we go in and look for them.” Daniel retorted.

“Well, that’s true. It doesn’t matter if is finding them, or their corpse.” Gabriel shrugged.

“Stop bickering, you two.” Cristopher intervened. “Also, Gabriel. Daniel is right, it doesn’t matter who the target is. Our priority is to find her, and bring her out. I would love to help every time someone gets lost in here, but I can’t do so.”

“Torres, Rodriguez.” A new voice got close, and along with General Martinez, a group of ten forest firefighters also came.

Both Daniel and Gabriel saluted to their General, who nodded back at them.

“Rest. Cristopher, where is the thing you found?” General Luis Martinez asked.

“Down there, sir.” And Cristopher only pointed down the waterfall.

“Um…” Looking down, the general started pondering. “That’s quite the nasty fall. She couldn’t get out intact from that.”

“Sir, she didn’t fall from here, I suspect she used that natural slide over there.” Cristopher pointed to the place where he thought the girl slid through.

“Huh? Are you sure?” Martinez asked, looking there.

“Yes, the vegetation is all broken, like someone tried to move through it. It’s the safest way to go down from what I can see. Unless she knows how to climb down this wall of rock.” He then pointed to the dried waterfall.

“I doubt it.” General Martinez nodded while pondering. “Ok, guys. We better hurry up. The girl is close, so we better hurry.”

At his words, everyone started to move, looking for alternative ways to go down while a small separated group prepared to go down the waterfall.

“Cristopher.” Martinez called him.


“From what I know, you’re quite an expert in climbing, right?” He asked with a serious voice.

“Alright.” Taking the hint, Cristopher nodded before walking to the border of the waterfall, sitting down on it. “I’ll look for her while you all come down.”

With that, he turned around and started going down, using whatever small dent he could find on the rocks. Truthfully, he didn’t even need to do so, it wasn’t that much of a problem to go down through a completely vertical wall of stone, but it was better to keep some things to himself.

And just as he was halfway down, he looked down and jumped. After all, the fall wasn’t all that threatening now for a normal human, even less for him who could simply jump from the top of it.

“Contact us if you find her!” General Martinez shouted from up the waterfall.

“Okay!” With those parting words, he started to move through the river, not picking the bloody clothing, which looked like a piece of cloth she took from her outfit.

After a minute or so of walking, he started to call her name, just in case she decided to go out of the river's path.

“Victoria!” He shouted. “Victoria Hernandez!”

He walked while shouting. He was like that for a few minutes, until a faint shout entered his ears.

“Huh? Victoria!” He shouted again, focusing on the sound.

I’m here…” And indeed, he could hear a small shout.

“She shouldn’t be that far.” Taking out his radio, he spoke to Martinez. “General, I think I got her.” With that, he started running towards the voice.

[Got it. We found another way to get down, we’ll meet with you soon. Keep her close if you get to her.]

Not answering, he merely ran towards the target.


“Here! I’m here!” This time, the sound was even more clear, he was getting closer.

“Don’t move from there! And keep shouting!”


After running for a few moments, he finally made it towards her, she was sitting over a rock beside another waterfall, this one was even taller, and there wasn’t a way for her to go down like last time.

“There you are.” He said while walking towards her, before taking out his radio. “Got her. She looks fine, a few bruises and cuts, it seems there’s nothing too serious that can be seen at first glance at least.”

[Okay, we’re moving to your position. Good job.]

Meanwhile, the girl was weeping.

“Thank god, thank god you found me…” She said while crying. “I, I didn’t know what to do anymore…”

“It’s okay. We’re here already, and will take you back to your family.” He nodded at her, taking out his jacket. He knew from personal experience that this place could be cold at night, and it wasn’t that far from it.

The girl had barely any clothing covering her from the cold, wearing black leggings, multicolor sports shoes, a sports bra, and a ragged loose tank-top cut on the lower end.

“Here, have this. You are probably cold right now.” He said while giving her his black jacket.

“Thanks…” softly weeping, she took the jacket and put it on.

Looking around, he found out that she had a small backpack, with an empty bottle of water.

“Are you thirsty?” He said while putting down his own backpack, sitting on another rock while taking out a bottle of water, it didn’t have that much, but before she could see it, he quickly refilled it, making the water increase its volume as if he was pouring water in it. “Here, water.”

“…” She nodded, taking a big gulp of water.

“Are you hurt? Can you walk normally?” He asked her.

“Just a few cuts I made while falling down the ravine, and well when going down the last waterfall.” She said after drinking almost all the water in the bottle and giving it back to him. “Though I can still walk.”

“Yeah, saw that. Was quite risky to do it. More so without that many clothes to protect your arms or face.” He shrugged, before taking the bottle of water and quietly putting it inside the backpack, refilling it once again.

Standing up, he looked down at her. She was quite beautiful, slim-figured with a defined stomach thanks to her constant workout, thick strong legs, and a great behind. Followed by a not-so-small chest that was just perfect to grab, while her face was perfectly cared for, probably thanks to her family’s money.

Victoria Hernandez was the daughter of one of the richest guys in the country, taking out those from the government, of course, which were quite rich in this place. Still, her father did have a lot of connections to the higher-ups in the military, and even some important political figures, which resulted in Cristopher being called as soon as she was deemed lost.

After all, Cristopher was what some would call a wildcard. Someone the firefighters would call whenever they had an urgent problem.

Why would they do so? Easy. He has not only trained with the firefighters before, earning enough qualifications to be a volunteer in search and rescue missions, but he also had outstanding physical abilities, making him one hell of a rescuer. He could move through almost every kind of terrain, even those where no other guy in the team could move through, like climbing down the waterfall without any kind of security rope.

His eyesight was proven to be quite useful, being able to detect things no one else could, which helped quite a lot when searching for missing people. The same could be said about his hearing, which was quite good.

Most of all, he’s been proving himself through a lot of rescue missions while practicing with the firefighters, and even in real rescue missions.

And that was only what they knew about him. He still had a lot of things from himself hidden from the rest of the world, even his family didn’t know a lot of what he was really able to do, something he wished to keep like that.

“Come on, we can reunite faster with the rest of the group if we go up the river.” He said while pointing to the path he came from.

“Okay.” With a nod, she stood up, grabbing up her backpack, but was stopped by him.

“Give me that. It would be easier for you if you don’t hold anything else.” He said while putting his own backpack.

“Um…” She hesitated for a moment, looking at his backpack, but then nodded. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He took it and hanged the backpack to his front. “Let’s go.”

They both started to walk.

“Cristopher here. We’re moving up the river to intercept you.”

[Got it. Don’t deviate from the river.]

“Sure.” He answered, thinking to himself why the hell would he do so.

“Um…” Victoria spoke, looking at the jacket he gave her. “Can I ask something?”

“Yeah.” He only shrugged.

“Are you a firefighter?”

“Um? More of a volunteer, why?”

“Well, you certainly don’t dress like one… But it seems you came here with a group, so I can only think of the forest firefighters.”

She was right. He wasn’t dressed like a firefighter. If anything. He was wearing jogger sweatpants, mountain shoes, and a long shirt. As usual, he was mostly wearing all-black, including the jacket he lent her.

“They asked me to come for this mission. It’s not that common for me to participate in these things, after all, I’m quite occupied, but I do help when things are a little bit out of hand.”

“But I haven’t been lost that long, at most, for hours…” She muttered. “Why would they think everything was out of hands? I’ve heard of people being lost for weeks or days…”

“Well, I would love to say that every life is important and so they would do whatever they can to find people.” Cristopher said, before turning to look at her with an awkward smile. “But it’s more because of who your father is.”

“Uh… I guess I understand.” She nodded. “Though…” She hesitated to keep talking.

“Though you can’t help but feel relieved?” He smiled before walking.

“Yes…” She nodded.

*chuckles* Relax, it’s okay to feel relieved. You’re not lost anymore, and you can go back to your family, whoever they are.”

“Yes, but you said that you-”

“Yes, I know what I said, and I apologize if that somehow made you feel bad. Don’t worry about it. After all, it’s not like you’re guilty because of where you were born.” He shrugged. “Right now, what’s important is that you’re safe. You can be at ease.”


“No problem.”

After walking for a few moments, they finally regrouped with the rest of the firefighters, before starting to go back from the path they found.

It turns out that even if she didn’t encounter the other waterfall, this path would only lead her to a dead-end, so it was quite a stroke of luck that she didn’t keep walking, as they found her faster and in a relatively good state.

They all made their way back to one of the multiple camping spots in the mountain, which was still a few hours away from the entrance of the park they were walking towards, and even farther from the headquarters, but it was almost 10:00 PM when they got there. It was quite dark, and it would be dangerous to keep walking down.

With that in mind, they spent the night on the camping spot, which was perfect for all of them to rest. Cristopher lent Victoria the sleeping bag he brought, saying that he could sleep over a blanket.

She tried to protest, talking about how he would be getting cold and whatnot. But he said that it would be ok, after all, he had his jacket and an extra blanket. The rest of the group said the same and explained to her that he barely used the thing, saying how it was a pain to fold it back.

While they all talked and ate some of the food they brought with them, the general communicated back with the headquarters, to explain that they already found them and were going to be back tomorrow morning, as they were currently camping because of the hour.

From the headquarters, they asked why they didn’t go to one of the posts for aerial pick-up. But seeing as how Victoria was fine and healthy, and the rest of the way wouldn’t be that hard now that everyone will rest, the general considered that it would be a waste of resources to mobilize the chopper when they could perfectly make it back tomorrow morning.

The next morning, they all woke up at 5:30 AM, and everyone got ready to go down. Refilling their water bottles in a close spot, they started to make their way down to the entrance of the park, where the family would be waiting for Victoria.

After they got to one of the main entrances to the park, a lot of people were waiting for them, mostly for Victoria.

{That’s a lot of people, huh…} Cristopher thought while walking with the rest of the firefighters.

There was not only the family of the girl, which consisted of her parents, sister, and brother, which we already knew. There were a lot of other people too. Probably friends, and close relatives.

You could actually see some reporters and cameramen around, waiting impatiently, close to the family.

{Guess that’s normal for a member of an important family.} He shrugged before walking towards the general, who was talking with Victoria and her family.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, general.” Cristopher said.

“Oh? Cristopher. Don’t worry, is there a problem?”

“Not really, I just wanted to say goodbye.” He shrugged, before holding his hand out.

“Okay, good job out there. As usual.” General Martinez nodded while shaking his hand. “It’ll be good for everyone if you considered joining us officially.”

“Sorry, general, but you know I don’t have the time.” He shrugged. “Just call me whenever something happens.”

“Um, are you leaving?” Victoria asked, making him turn to her.

“Yes, you’re already safe, and as I said, I’m quite occupied.” He shrugged.

“But I wanted to thank you.” She said, before turning to her father, who came forwards.

“We meet again, Cristopher. I just want to thank you for helping us find her.” Her father, Jose Manuel Hernandez said. “If there’s something we could do-” He tried to say, but was interrupted.

“Sorry for interrupting you sir, and it’s nice meeting you again since the rescue mission briefing.” Cristopher said with a smile. “But, don’t worry about anything, as the general here probably told you before, I’m merely a volunteer, I help them, but they do most of the job. So, if you have to thank someone, it should be them.”

“But from what I heard. You were the one to actually find her.” Jose Manuel said with a lifted eyebrow.

“I just found a clue and followed it. Anyone in the group could do so. I just was in the correct place. That’s all.” Cristopher said, before nodding at them. “Well, I’ll be leaving.”

“Did you say goodbye to the rest of the team?” General Martinez asked.

“I did, general, before coming here.” With those words, he went to the place where the rangers usually parked their vehicles. He made sure to put on his jacket’s hood, as there were a lot of reporters looking to take pictures from anyone that was related to the rescue mission.

Quickly making his way to his motorbike, a total black Kawasaki Ninja ZX14R, he picked up the helmet that he had locked with a chain to the bike and was about to put it on, where someone got close.

“Hola. (Hello.)” It was a woman dressed in a suit and holding a purse, who seemed to be a reporter. “Tu eres Cristopher, no? (You’re Cristopher, right?)” She asked while smiling.

“…” He frowned, after all, it wasn’t as if he was a public figure or something like that for people to actually recognize him.

“¡Oh, lo siento! Debo presentarme. (Oh, sorry! I must present myself.)” She said with a small chuckle. “Soy Alisson Stiffler, reportera. (I’m Alisson Stiffler, a reporter.)”

“Foreigner?” Cristopher titled his head. “You speak Spanish really well.” He said, this time in English.

“And you speak English really well.” She smiled.

“Just so-so, I have my shortcomings.” He shrugged. “Though, I have to ask. Why would a fake reporter come to me?”

“Mm? What do you mean?” She tilted her head in confusion.

“Well, for starter, I haven’t known any reporter with enough martial training to move the way you do. You look exactly like a ready-to-respond-anytime fighter.” He said with a frown. “Which is weird for a normal reporter, even a foreigner one. So, you’re either a special kind of reporter or a fake one.”

“That’s… Quite a sharp observation, I must say.” She smiled. “But I do have to ask, why would you drop off the option of me being a special kind of reporter.”

“Because I’ve never met one, but I’m quite sure that they wouldn’t send a reporter with martial arts training here, to look for someone as unimportant as me.”

“Well. Look at those detective abilities you have there.” She gave an amused look. “But you’re only half-right. I’m not a reporter, that was true, but you’re not so unimportant as you want me to believe, at least not for us. Say, do you fancy having breakfast with me?”

“Sorry. I only have one helmet.” Cristopher said with a smile.

“Oh, really? But you know? It’s such a coincidence that I happen to bring my own!” She smiled while clapping, before pointing to a helmet that was right on a table close to us.

“So, this is what a stalked person feels like …” Cristopher muttered while looking at the helmet.

“Oh, come on. I’m not a stalker. It was only a coincide-”

“Okay, stop. Just go pick the thing.” Cristopher rolled his eyes before putting on his own helmet. “I’m curious to see what such a dedicated stalker has to say.”

While Allison went to pick her helmet, Cristopher sat down on the bike. Looking at the general that was still talking to the family, probably informing them about the report he had to make, he noticed Victoria looking at him.

“Ready!” Alisson came back just at that instant, taking back his attention.

“Sit then.” He patted the back seat of his bike. “I take it that you don’t have a problem riding one of these, right?”

“Of course not.” She smiled while sitting down, before putting on her helmet. “But you better let me hold tight onto you. I don’t want to fall, after all.”

With those words, she leaned forward and held onto him.

“You sure are touchy for someone that comes from the north, huh.”

“What do you mean?” She asked in an oblivious tone.

“The ones I’ve met from the US are not precisely that touchy with strangers. We’re not like that down here, even, well, unless you're drunk.”

“Whatever~ Let’s go~ I hope you can take me to a good place for eating breakfast.”

“…” Ignoring her words, Cristopher started the engine and made his way out of the place with her.


An hour later, they were sitting close to a window inside a restaurant famous for its local breakfasts and food, eating.

“So, what was it that you brought you here?” Cristopher asked after pausing from eating for a moment.

“Straight to the point, huh…” Alisson nodded while drinking some juice. “Well, let’s say that I have a work’s propo-”

“Not interested.” Cristopher just shook his head before taking a sip from his coffee.

“Huh? Are you not even going to listen?” Alisson asked with a confused face.

“I don’t have that much time in hands, you know? And I already have a job.”

“Mm… Is that so?” Alisson smiled, before looking outside the window. “But you know? I don’t think that your job is exactly enough for you to buy such a bike. So that leaves us with the question, where did you get the money to buy such an expensive motorbike?”

“I don’t know what you mean. I earn enough money to buy one of those.” Cristopher just shrugged.

“From your side-jobs, I assume.” Alisson turned to look back at him with a confident smile.

*sigh…* Could you go to the point? I don’t like these roundabout talks…” Cristopher answered with an awkward smile, knowing she knew something.

“As I was saying. I, we, want to offer you a job.” She smiled.

“Mm… Say, why do you keep referring to you as we? Do you perhaps have Dissociative Identity Disorder?” Cristopher asked while tilting his head.

“No!” She quickly answered in a flustered tone. “I mean we as in me and my employer!”

“You could have started with that.” Cristopher shrugged. “And who may your employer be?”

*sigh…* You know, this somehow makes me think you don’t have luck with the girls.” She said, before sipping on his juice. “But, to answer your question, my employer is the Government of the United Estates. A part of it, at least.”

“Mm…” Cristopher nodded, before looking at her eyes. “Have you seen the movie American Made?”

“Huh? The one about Barry Seal?”

“Precisely. This somehow feels like that movie, you know? An agent of the CIA looking for me to make some shady business.”

“Well, I first must say that I’m not part of the CIA.” She rolled her eyes. “And you don’t have to be worried. We are not offering you some shady business.”

“Ok, if not. Then what?”

“We want you to participate in a mission in North Korea.”

“You know, can we go back to that shady business you were talking about? I’m more interested in those.”

“I’ve never offered a shady business to you.” She frowned at him.

“No, but I would love to hear about those instead.” He frowned back at her.

“Oh, come on! At least listen to me.” She rolled her eyes. “We know that you’re not exactly bad when it comes to infiltrating places.”

“The hell are you talking about?” This time, Cristopher stopped moving and looked directly at her.

“Don’t feign ignorance.” She looked around, before leaning closer to him to whisper. “You know what I’m talking about. Mexico, some Cartels established in Chicago and New York, hell, you even disbanded some criminal group in Detroit. And that’s not talking about your recent works here in Venezuela.

“…” Cristopher glared at her. “What are you getting at?”

“Well, we know that you’re really good when it comes to infiltrating places, and honestly, thanks to you we’ve been able to capture a lot of criminals recently in our own home.” She said, leaning back on her chair with a smile. “And before you say something, yes, we have proofs of it. A lot actually. You even attacked some of our undercover agents.”

“Well, I hope they’re all well.”

“Oh yes, they are. Thankfully, you didn’t go in a killing rampage.”

“Of course, I didn't. Why would I kill when it's not needed?” He shrugged before sipping on his drink. “But I still don’t understand what the hell does that have to do with me working with you. I highly doubt that your government would look for an amateur for a place like North Korea.”

“In that you’re right. What we’re offering you is, a couple of months of training before your mission, all of them highly paid, and a really good chunk of money for your help in the mission.”

“And what would this mission be?”

“I can’t speak too much about it, but just think of it as a support mission. You will only help our main team.”

“Mm… Exactly how much money are we talking about?”

“…” Smiling at him, she just took a folder from her purse, giving it to him.

“Mm?” Quickly eyeing at the document, he noticed something weird. “Why offer a stranger that much money?”

“At this point, you should probably suspect that we are aware of your… Abilities? Should I say?”

“Now you lost me, exactly what do you mean?” He frowned again.

“Well, Cristopher. From what we were able to find, you’re not precisely normal, are you?” She smirked. “After all, at your 29 years, you’re quite good at evading bullets, have an abnormal strength, good at fighting, and you even have quite the ability when it comes to moving agilely.”


“See, we need someone like that for this mission. Someone that can actually become a one-man team. And from what I’ve found while being here, you’re even good when it comes to search and rescue missions, which means, you are perfect for this mission. If you change the search and rescue a little bit.”

“…” Looking down at the contract, Cristopher was actually interested in what she was proposing to him.

It was not only because of the high sum of money they were offering, which was over the seven digits, but it was the fact that he would actually be deployed in a mission like one of the movies, or at least he thought so.

The reason why he always did seemingly dangerous things like infiltrating Cartels or attacking criminal groups in his country, was mostly because he loved the feeling of adrenaline it gave him, it was, in his own words, a way for him to escape a boring life.

But this offer was different. This wasn’t a small operation where he just had to enter some building to rescue a hostage, which was mainly the reason behind his attacks on those groups in the US, Mexico, and even here; this was something else. Something bigger.

“So? What do you say?” Alisson smiled, looking at the changes on his face. She’s been in this line of work for a few years now, and she knew that he was positively considering the offer.

It’s not the first time she’s seen someone react to an offer like this. Even if those others were not ‘special targets’ like the young man in front of her, she was pretty sure that she could still read him. And right now, his face was telling her that he would accept.

“Okay. I guess you have all prepared then?” Cristopher asked, not looking away from the document.

“Yes, officially, you’ll be working with a company in the States, New York. Which is where you go the most whenever you visit the US, right?”

“I’m not even surprised to hear that from you. Fine. I guess I won’t have any problem getting legally in your country.”

“You never had.” She smiled. “But if you refer to actually getting a VISA that allows you to work, then I must say that you will indeed receive special treatment. Actually, I’m not that sure, but you’ll probably end up getting a residency status.”

“Mm… Interesting.” He nodded.

“That makes me curious though, which country do you like more? Venezuela, Spain, or the US? After all, you now can live in whichever of those you wish.”

“That’s a personal question, which I don’t want to answer, to be honest.” He said before calling for a waiter to receive their bill.

“Ow.” She pouted at him. “Don’t you like me?”

“I barely know you.” He rolled his eyes.

“And what does that have to do with-”

“Sorry. But again, it’s something personal that I don’t want to talk about to a stranger.” He said, looking at her sternly, which made her nod.

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