The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

SPECIAL 3 – What is the right choice? (PART 2)

The next days following the breakfast with Alisson were quite hectic, Cristopher had to talk to his mother and family about the news of him going to work for a company in the States for a few months as practice, and that they came to personally recruit him.

Thankfully, Alisson actually had the documents to impersonate as a representative of the company, and they even had one of the United States migrating officers talking through an official channel about the permits for entry.

It all flowed quite smooth after that, he said goodbye to his friends and family, and a week after his talk to Alisson, they were in an airplane going towards the Dominican Republic, where a private plane was waiting to take them to the United States, where he would participate in special training for two months.

After all, they were taking into account the fact that he had a really good physical ability, so they just had to impart him a few things, like management of guns, tactics, and so on.

The experience was honestly quite good for him. Not only he was able to use guns and train with them, but he was doing all these kinds of special ops training that got him on an adrenaline high most of the time.

From jumping off an airplane to infiltrating land from small boats. He started learning whatever he could. And thankfully, he was quite a good learner, which meant that he caught on quickly with everything they taught him.

Maybe, the only problem he had was with his weird hair color, as a lot of his new ‘classmates’ picked on him for it. After all, it was weird to have his hair color naturally, so they all thought he was constantly changing his hair color, something he had to deny constantly.


Almost two months have passed since Cristopher made it to the States, into a training center that was fairly close to New York, so it wasn’t exactly a lie when he told his family where he was going to work.

“Hey there.”

While he was currently listening to some music while meditating inside his assigned room, someone he knew entered the room.

“Meditating again?” It was Alisson.

While he met a lot of people during his stay here, the one person that would usually come to talk to him constantly was her. It seems her work wasn’t exactly going around the globe scouting promising personnel, but she was actually in charge of the logistic of the team that would perform the upcoming mission.

“Yes, you should try it too, it’s quite good actually.” Cristopher nodded with a smile while opening his eyes. “Also, you should really stop entering my room like that.”

“Why? Worried that I might catch you doing something improper?” She smirked.

“Not exactly, but I may be in the middle of changing my clothes, don’t you think?” He rolled his eyes. “Honestly, right now I’m even half-naked.”

“Oh, come on. It’s only your upper body that’s actually naked.” She retorted while sitting down with some documents in her hand. “Or what? Is there anything we should know about you? Are you hiding some kind of contagious disease on your skin or something?”

“No. But still.”

“Pfft, whatever. Relax, just try to wear your boxers at least every time you’re in here.” She smirked. “It’s not like you have a tattoo or anything you don’t want to show, right?”

*sigh…* Fine, whatever. You just do as you please.” He accepted the fate of having to follow her leadership for the moment. “So? What brings you here?”

“Well, to be honest with you. It’s more like everyone’s quite surprised by your growth so far.”

“Mm? And you just came to tell me that?”

“Ha, ha. No. In a sense, we didn’t expect you to be such a quick learner. You literally overdid our expectations. Not only did you learn to use any weapon we gave you during these past weeks, but even when it comes to dropping from aerial transport, either by rope or parachute, or even swimming your way towards the target from a boat in the middle of the sea.”

She made a small pause, not knowing how to continue.

“Well, in my defense. I’ve learned a few types of swordsmanship, and even some martial arts that also use a few weapons, and while I don’t dare say I’m a master on any of them, I at least know that there’s a trick to each weapon, and guns are quite easy to handle in comparison.”

“Forget that, it’s surprising that you can excel at any practice, which makes us think you’ve been doing this quite a lot.” She paused to let out a sigh. “Either way, the reason I’m here is to inform you that, after considering your progress, we're finally stopping the training, so you'll have free time until the start of the mission. Also, it's time for you to finally know what's the mission that’s coming in two weeks.”

“Oh, finally I get to know what I’m getting into.” He smirked.

“You already have an idea.” Alisson rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, something about infiltrating a country to search for some target which the team has to eliminate, right?”

“Among other things…” Alisson shortly answered while averting her eyes.

“Mm.” Cristopher shrugged before standing up and sitting on a chair in front of her. “Go on. Tell me what this is all about.”

After letting out a deep sigh, she started to talk about the incoming mission.

Turns out that the global situation wasn’t the greatest one. Ironically, while North Korea was currently under a peace agreement with South Korea and even the United States, there were currently a few strange armed groups inside the country.

Something that, in Alisson's opinion, didn’t make any sense with how tight the government of North Korea is when keeping control of their armed power.

A few weeks before, a document came to the White House, where it’s said that there was a high probability that said groups, which were being funded by an unknown source, were currently working alongside part of the upper echelons of the country to break the treaty.

“Our mission is, basically, going in there. Locate these groups, find any possible clue on their supporter, gather evidence of their intention of breaking the treaty, and eliminate them.” Alisson said with a serious face.

“That sounds pretty risky.” Cristopher nodded with a serious face. “Either way, I guess that there’s a small group going.”

“Exactly.” She nodded. “Also… Well, it seems that these groups are not only present in North Korea. Similar groups were sighted in a few of the recently developed countries of Africa.”

“Are you telling me that this isn’t my only mission?”

“Most likely.” She said with a small apologetic smile. “But hey… We’ll make sure to reward you as much as we can. As far as I know, there’s no other mercenary that gets paid as much as you do.”

“Which makes me wonder, why the hell are you guys paying me that much money in the first place?” Cristopher frowned.

“I’ve told you since the start, we-”

“Yeah, yeah. You value my abilities quite a lot. I’ve listened to that already. Still, I’m pretty sure you know it’s not exactly a really honest approach.”

“Well, why did you take it in the first place then?”

“Money.” Cristopher shrugged. “As you said. You’re offering a lot of money. Who am I to reject it?”

*sigh…* I know it’s weird coming from me, but, is money that valuable to you? More than your own life?”

Cristopher just looked at her in silence, before smirking.

“Yes, it is.”

“…” Alisson looked at him, before nodding and standing up. “Well, these are the details for the mission. The upper brass actually asked me to tell you that you can go out and visit New York, but be sure to be here three days before the team’s parting.”

“Ho… That’s great.” He smiled while taking the documents.

“Also, be sure to read everything on those documents.” She said, before looking at him for a moment, and going out.

Cristopher looked at her leaving, before turning to the documents.

Honestly, his answer wasn’t entirely true, but it wasn’t entirely a lie either.

He did consider that money was pretty much more important for him than his life, after all, it was a big help for his family and friends, so the more he could get, the more he could help.

But that wasn’t the main reason why he chose to do this mercenary-like job. He could gather money from other sources even if he didn’t accept such a lucrative contract.

It was the mission that attracted his attention. He didn’t know what it would be at the moment, but he was sure that it wasn’t going to be anything easy, and that it would probably be pretty exciting too.

Just thinking about the adrenaline that kind of secret job would give him, made him accept the deal right away.

But that wasn’t something he could tell anybody. It was partially the reason why he never tells anything about himself to those close to him, and that’s that he was afraid of them judging him as some kind of lunatic, or exaggerate their worries. Even more, when it wasn't him the only one risking his life, after all, a team of people was going be with him, so how would they feel when a mission that could probably cost them their life was being seen as mere entertainment by him.

Thinking about that, he merely looked at his hand. From it, a slight rainbow-colored energy-like thing seeped out, followed by a whitish-cyan-colored one and then a totally white-colored one.

This was something that he slowly learned to control since the first time felt the whitish-cyan-colored energy five to six years ago.

He wasn’t sure, but he still considered that it was mana, as it was fairly similar to the normally depicted blue energy in novels.

The white one was more uncommon, he wasn’t entirely sure about it, but he did notice it has a connection to nature, which made him give it the name of Natural Energy, out of consideration of one of his favorite anime/manga, Naruto. It has some similarities in what it did, after all.

Finally, the last one was the rainbow-colored energy he had. At first, he didn’t know what it was, but somehow, it felt even more natural to him than even mana or Natural Energy, and that’s something he thought impossible, as those two were like limbs he knew how to move from the start.

At first, he wasn’t sure what it was. But soon enough, he started to feel something different in himself. Small changes that would lead him to feel different than a human. He wasn’t sure if it was good or bad, but he wasn’t going to argue with himself over it.

After all, it was quite the powerful energy, arguably more powerful than mana or Natural Energy by themselves, but that still somehow worked synergically with them, getting results he deemed fascinating at the least.

From immensely enhancing his physical abilities to increasing the power and control over his own mana and Natural Energy. It also got quite a lot of affinity with elements, making him able to burn everything in front of him with devastating fire, to call down lightning that would destroy whatever he wished to, or even freeze masses of water and even land around him.

Though, it wasn’t something he could normally practice daily, as the results would be devastating, so he merely started meditating, as he learned that meditation would help him increase the control on these three energies.

*sigh…* I should better get ready.” He said after pondering about his powers, powers that he kept a secret from the rest of the world, at least their full reach. “Who knows when I’ll be able to come back and visit the city.” He smirked to himself before going to prepare some clothes to go to New York.


South Hamgyong Province, North Korea. October 20, 2026. 4:35 PM

A small group of 5 persons was currently moving through a dense forest. They’ve been in North Korea for a few days now, and have been moving through the place in total secrecy.

The mission until now has been pretty easy, surprisingly, the faction that consisted of the leader of North Korea and a few others supported it, allowing them to enter easily. Not only did they diminish the number of soldiers in a special entry point, but they also prepared a national event that took all possible attention from there, to the capital of the country.

“This been really easy.” One of the men currently moving through the forest spoke.

“Well, I don’t know about you Scott, but I’m quite glad that this is going out quite good.” Another man answered.

“I know what you mean Scott. It’s quite weird. To have a mission this easy? This smells fishy.”

“Ha. Maybe is it you that didn’t shower? Gabrielle?”

“Fuck off, Rick.” Gabrielle growled back to her teammate.

“You all shut up.” At that point, the one at the front leading them spoke. He had his radio on hand, and at that point, a small sound came from it. “Halt.”

Ordering his team to stop, Roger Grant took the radio.

[Found them.]

“Eric. GPS, track him.”

“On it, sir.” Eric Durkin took a small GPS which showed a small dot a few centimeters northeast of the center. “Got him. Three kilometers northeast from us.”

Nodding, the captain of the team took the radio.

“Roger that. Tell me what you see.”

[A small-town-like camp. Quickly built with wood and hay. Around forty-five armed men and three civilians, maybe more. I don’t have visuals of all the camp.]

“Distance to the target?”

[Roughly two hundred meters.]

“Roger that. Stay there, we’re moving to your position.”

[Got it. I would appreciate it if you move east first and come from my south. Their patrol team usually moves west.]

“Copy that. We’re moving. Keep your eyes out for any problem.”

[Sure so.]

After the small conversation, they started moving following the GPS, moving east before starting to move north.

“Can we really trust him?” Scott asked while following behind Eric with the rest of the team.

“Well, he has been doing a good job since coming here, right?” Rick answered him, looking around in case an enemy appears.

“Yes, but he isn’t from our country. He isn’t even from the army.” Gabrielle asked.

“You guys are always so negative.” Eric rolled his eyes at both Gabrielle and Scott, leading them with the GPS.

“Oh, come on, it’s a normal worry. Our lives depend on that guy.” Gabrielle glared at him

“Shut up. What it matters is that he’s doing his part.” Roger intervened, looking sternly at them. “I understand your worries, but we can’t do anything. That Alisson vowed that he was pretty good. And from what I’ve seen from his training, he’s quite capable, even if he’s not from the army.”

“But captain-” Scott tried to intervene.

“Shut up, I said. The mission comes first. And we may have to bring him around in future missions, so you better learn to accept his presence around here.” He said, turning around to walk ahead, meaning that the chat is over.

If we survive, that is…” Gabrielle whispered to herself while moving behind the group, to which Scott patted her shoulder, giving her an awkward smile. She just let out a deep sigh.

Thirty minutes later, they finally made it to the meeting point. But surprisingly, they couldn’t see anyone.

Are you sure this is the place?” Roger whispered to Eric, who just nodded while showing him the GPS with all six of them in the same place.

Shit… Where is he?” Gabrielle asked while looking around.

Oh no.” Roger suddenly widened his eyes, and just as he was about to shout, someone fell behind him and covered his mouth, not letting him speak.

Everyone immediately pointed their guns at the one that was covering their captain’s mouth, only to be surprised the next moment.

Shh…” Cristopher slowly asked them to be silent. “You better not make any noise, we’re not that far from them.

You son of a…” Gabrielle said while patting her chest, she got scared when he fell from nowhere and grabbed their captain’s mouth. “Why did you do that!?

“…” He moved his hand that was covering Roger’s mouth and shrugged before pointing somewhere over him. “I was up there, and was about to talk to you through the radio, but that’s when I saw that the captain was about to shout. So, I jumped down to stop him from calling the enemies.

Everyone looked up to see where he was pointing at with his finger. It was a tall and wide treetop that merged with a few of the trees surrounding it.

You fell from…” Eric just looked surprised.

Everyone, focus.” Roger said, trying to calm himself from what he felt was a close call, bringing everyone's attention to him. “Our target is close. So, we better move so we all can go back home.

He then turned to look at Cristopher before nodding and asking him for a report.

Well, scratch the forty-five guys I reported before. There’s 53 right now, probably more.” Cristopher said while looking at the teams. “They just brought another civilian from north of here. It seems they’re planning to mobilize them out of here.

Cristopher then started to give a rough description of how they were positioned, the possible hiding spots, and any other information that could help them through the mission.

So, we better act quick.” Roger nodded before turning to the rest of the team. “Okay, this is the thing. We’re going in. Teams of two. Quickly and silently eliminate as many of them as possible without alerting the rest. Once we get in a direct confrontation, Cristopher’s taking the civilians out of the place, while we all start killing. Our mission is to eliminate them all, take any information we can, and leave the hell out of here.

What about the civilians?” Gabrielle asked.

We’re leaving them here.” Roger said.

But sir… If they find them…

From what I’ve seen, they barely move from here. I don’t know if there are more out of this camp, but from what we’ve gathered since entering this country, it seems this is either the main camp or the only one. This is why it must be so big, to begin with. So, I wouldn’t bet on them having more people close.” Cristopher answered her.

Still. We can’t let them stay here by themselves. What would they do?” She retorted back.

Stay still. We’ll inform Alisson about it, and she’ll make sure the North Korean government gets their people out of here.” Roger spoke. “Either way. Is the plan clear?

Yes, sir.” Everyone nodded.

Perfect. I’ll contact our headquarters. We begin the mission in fifteen. Everyone, get ready.


One minute left to the mission’s start. They were all prepared and ready to go. Gabrielle was with Eric, Scott with Rick, and Cristopher with Roger.

The first two teams would move east and west from the camp, while Roger and Cristopher would enter from the south. The plan was to slowly move while taking out any enemy that appeared on the way.

While the other five prepared to move, Cristopher was looking directly at the camp. They didn’t know, but from where they were, he had a perfect vision of all the place. Meaning, that he was sure where all the enemies and civilians were in that place.

He wasn’t honest when he spoke about the number of enemies, but even when he didn’t want to appear like a complete freak and raise their suspicions, he still gave a close-to-accurate number.

There weren’t 53, but 65 enemies. Most of them were in the middle of the camp, while the civilians were close to the south, where the smallest entrance of the place was. The biggest entrance was north.

Either way, the fact that those civilians were sent back to the south, means that they were going to be taken out of the camp, to who-knows-where.


{I feel my blood boil.} I thought for a moment.

Since coming to this country, I’ve been constantly on alert. This wasn’t anything like going inside a building to rescue some hostage from the hands of a criminal organization. Not even close.

This was far more exciting. If I had to compare, it would be like comparing paragliding to skydiving.

The amount of adrenaline that you get while freefalling from an airplane was just insane, there was no way to compare it to the small rush of excitement you get when you’re about to lift off during paragliding.

Hey.” Suddenly, Roger’s whisper reached my ears. “I don’t know why would they bring you here. But I’ve been checking on you during your training, and the time we’ve been here.

“…” I didn’t say anything.

I still don’t fully trust you. You’re like a parachuter that suddenly fell on my team. Still, I will trust that you can do your job. We enter, kill anyone in sight as silently as possible, and you take those civilians out.

Understood.” I just whispered back.

That’s your job. You take them out, and that’s it. You stay here while we finish the mission.

Are you sure you don’t want me to go back in?

No. I’m sure that woman Alisson told you, but your mission was searching and helping us get in. Anything more than that is our mission. The only variable here is the presence of civilians, which you’re taking out with you.

“…” Without anything more to say, I just nod at him.

Okay, guys. Move out. Everyone go towards your positions.” At his words, both teams started to move northwest and northeast. While we stayed here for a little moment.

You said that there was a gate at the south, right?” Roger asked me.

Yes, sir. It’s open for the moments, which is why I think they’re taking out the civilians.

Okay, we can use that to our advantage.” Roger nodded, taking out his Sig Sauer M18 and a combat knife.

Do you mean going right in?” I asked, also taking out a Sig Sauer M18 along with a combat knife, I also had another close-range weapon with me, but for the moments the knife would be enough.

Yes. We can use that entrance, killing the guards, and acting as a decoy so the others can make an easy entry. After all, if the gate isn’t that big, we can use the short walls as a cover.

Wouldn’t it be better for us to just do like the rest and enter from a point they wouldn’t be waiting?

That’s the problem, even if they are not waiting for us to go in. It still takes a little bit of time to go over those walls, no matter if they are two-meter-tall walls. If by any chance, anyone from the teams goes in at the wrong time, they’re going to be vulnerable.

Got it. But still, why don’t you let me go in first? You probably know already, but I'm quite good when it comes to infiltrating unnoticed. I’ll take care of as much of them as I can, and then contact you so you all can move?

“...” The captain looked at me with curious eyes. “Are you sure? You would be alone against more than forty enemies.

They brought me here to help you go in. Which is what I’m planning to do.” I shortly said. “I won’t ask you to trust me, but I will ask you to trust your superiors’ judgment.

That’s a tough one. I don’t trust those that haven’t come to a place like this and still think they can order us around.

Oh, well. Then I guess you can trust my experience, after all, I’m pretty sure they told you a bit about what I’ve done before.

” He just nodded. “Fine. Once we get confirmation, you go in.

I nodded back at him.

{This will give me a little bit of time to act by myself.} I thought for a moment, waiting for the other two teams to report.

And just a few seconds after, a call comes to the captain’s radio.

[A-Team in position. Awaiting orders.] Eric’s voice came from the radio.

[B-Team in position. Awaiting orders.] Closely followed by Rick’s voice.

Copy that. Wait for instructions and be alert of any enemy’s scout.” Roger said before nodding to me, giving me the signal to go in.



I heard both teams reporting behind me, while I was already running towards the camp.

{East side of the gate.} I thought to myself while looking in front of me. Right now, out of the gate, four men were guarding the entrance, three of them were at the east, while one of them was at the west side of the gate.

Rushing towards one of the trees, I quickly run up it. This was a trick I learned while trying to copy some moves from Naruto, while I couldn’t copy a lot of complex jutsus, I could still copy a few of the simpler ones, which curiously included both the Rasengan and the climb up vertical surfaces.

Even if what I was doing right now was my own version of it, it worked for me, and that’s all that mattered.

{Damn, I wish I could learn the shadow clone jutsu.} I thought to myself while reaching the top of the tree, before jumping to the next tree, and then to the next.

I quickly reached the top of a tree that was close to my three initial targets. Two of them were currently talking to themselves, while the other looked around. The guard at the west side was looking towards the opposite side, which means that this was the perfect moment.

Jumping down, I fell between the two guys that were talking, using gravity to pierce the head of the left one, while shooting the other one through the head. Falling on the ground, I quickly took the blade and threw it towards the third guard, piercing his face with the knife, while also shooting to the west-side guard, giving him a clean headshot.

Pulling the knife towards me with mana, I quickly turned and rushed up the wall. From here, I could sense that there were no enemies behind the wall, and there was even a building covering me.

Getting on the other side, I quickly rushed toward some kind of window behind the building, head shooting the two guys that were playing cards inside. Going in, I pulled both corpses to the corner.

{Fifty-nine more to go.} I thought while sensing the area surrounding me.

The four civilians were still waiting in the middle of a few buildings, in what seemed to be some kind of small square, they were tied and blinded.

Right out of the building I was, were three more buildings that faced each other, and this one, it seemed that they were rooms for the guys here. One of those was filled with three guys talking, while the other one had one guy sleeping, the last one was empty.

I chose the one that had the sleeping guy, which was right in front of me. Looking for a chance where no one could see me. I ran out of the building in a straight line towards the one in front of me, quickly covering the mouth of the guy and cutting his neck.

{One more down. Fifty-eight remaining.} With that thought out of the mind, I quickly move to the house that was right beside this one, going in while throwing the knife to the left-most guy of the three, infusing mana in my legs so I could get to them almost instantly, taking the knife lodged on the guy’s head, and using an extended mana-blade I decapitated the other two with a sweep of my right arm.

From this house, I was quite close to the south gate, and I could even see the civilians from the window-like thing of the building, which was mostly a big hole on the wall.

{Fifty-five to go.} I thought while sitting right beside the window. Sensing everything. Three guards were looking at the hostages, while there were ten more standing not that far away from them.

To the north of the place, there were a lot of guards either eating, counting ammo, or even cleaning their weapons.

{Okay, taking those hostages won’t be easy if we don’t clean the south entrance.} I thought while sensing further to the south, towards the gate.

They still haven’t noticed the four corpses, but I guess it’s just a matter of time for them to do so.

At that moment, I sensed two of them coming to this particular house.

{It seems they were also invited to kill time here.} I thought before rushing to the entrance, throwing the three dead guys to one side of the door, while I went to the other side and crouched down.

They entered while talking in some language that I didn’t understand. It wasn’t Korean. Or any other I knew about.

{Nice. Some language I don’t know. I should better start learning some more languages, French, English, Japanese, and Spanish have their limitations.} I said while rushing up, using a mana blade to decapitate them both at once before kicking them to the wall of the building, not giving them time to notice the missing ones inside the house. {Thankfully, you guys were quite close to each other.}

Thinking about what to do next, I decided to contact the captain, after all, he needed time to come here, while I could help distract the guys while he came here, and the others entered through the west and east.

{I better make use of my abilities while I’m alone.} I thought while checking my ammo.

I still have 15 bullets left in my gun. And I had an idea of how I could make use of them, but first.

Captain Roger. South gate clean. You can start moving, sir. I’ll make a distraction for you to enter, so you better do it fast.” I whispered to my radio.

[Copy that. On the move. Don’t be reckless, I’ll be there in less than two minutes. The other teams will move too to make use of the decoy.]

Got it.” I whispered back while crouching down on the floor, and pointing it out, I started shooting through the walls.

While I couldn’t create mana bullets using this gun, I still could coat the bullets with a really slim cover of mana, which not only made them deadlier but also let me shot through walls quite easily, something that was quite good for someone that could perceive tens of meters around him without having to focus on it.

I first started shooting to the South Gate, quickly killing the five guards that were close to it, leaving the entrance open.

The death of their comrades quickly alerted the rest of the guys who started to stand up and move so they could find the sniper.

But I didn’t give them enough chance, another round of shooting, took down another group of guards before they could even find where I was shooting from.

They started to look around, but I stayed quiet for a moment, and just as they took their attention out of the house I was, I shoot another five bullets. Which killed the three guys closely guarding the civilians, and another two that were quite close to the building I was currently hiding.

But just when I was about to reload, one of the guys shouted something and started pointing in my direction, which quickly turned into everyone pointing in my direction. They soon started shooting.

Shit.I muttered while running out of the place, deploying a barrier while running, which helped me stop the bullets from reaching me and leaving holes without blood on my clothes that I couldn't explain. I rushed out of the place and ran north, shooting at any enemy I could.

{I better move quickly. Once the others get here, I won’t be able to do as much as I’m doing right now.}

One disadvantage to what I was doing, was the fact that I couldn’t show it to anyone. Stopping bullets with a whitish-blue barrier wasn’t something a normal human could do.

With that in mind, I hid right behind another building. Killing one target that was running to meet me here, and turning to kill another four. Right now, there were slightly more than thirty left to go.

{This is… Easy…} I thought to myself. Before my radio sounded.

[Roger here. Both teams have entered. They are engaging, so get as close to the civilians as you can. I’m already at the gate.]

I quickly went inside the building, I could see all the soldiers running north, towards the other four, leaving two to take care of the civilian. I could also sense the captain, who was crouching down behind one of the buildings at the entrance, also close to the civilians.

[I have the civilians at sight. Where are you?]

I'm in a building that's diagonal to the civilians, right side of the camp.” I quickly answered in a whisper.

[Can you take down those two?]

On it, sir.” I answered and immediately shot, killing them both.

[Move towards them, now! I’m covering you.]

I jumped out of the window and ran towards the civilian, with my knife in hand. One enemy tried to shoot at me, but the captain got him. At this point, the mission would end quite fast.

Getting to the anxious civilians who were crying in fear, I quickly used the knife to cut the ropes tying their feet and hands, and they quickly took out the blindfold they had.

“We need to move. Now.” I told them in English, but they seemed like they couldn’t understand, or so it seemed, as one of them, a girl, nodded quickly, trying to speak something.

She quickly tried to take the tape that was covering her mouth, but it seems her wrists were slightly hurt from the tying, so I helped her, after which she spit some kind of clothing that blocked her mouth.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She only thanked me again and again in a weird accent.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

{Better than nothing.} Hoping she knew English, I spoke to her.

“You tell them we need to move. Now.” She nodded once again and started speaking to the others in a language that seemed Korean.

At the same time, the captain got close to me.

“Take them out of here, now. I’ll go meet the others. Well done.” He said, before shooting at an enemy that just got out of a building and was surprised to see us here.

I quickly helped the hostage stand up and led them all the way to the south gate, which was empty thanks to my early entrance, and that the rest of the enemies were currently engaging the other teams.

From here you could hear multiple guns being fired, and even shouts in some weird language that I now was pretty sure wasn’t Korean.

After getting out of the place I led the civilians out of the place, my mission was complete, now I just had to wait for them to end the cleaning up. From my last count, there shouldn’t be more than twenty-something of the untrained militia left.

{They sure got this.} I thought to myself.

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