The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 128

The Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, thinking it impossible to kill physically, chose the method of burying the outsider along with the very world he was in.

Even if this world disappears, the original world remains safe. Then, it can be done again from there. After all, both the immortal and the master were people who lived in that world.

Expecting this would happen from the start, the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign used the ultimate device of the heavenly realm that operates in conjunction with the extreme gravitational field.

Not focusing on a specific area, but pulling the entirety of Kunlun.

The immense gravity compressed the heavenly realm named Kunlun.

However, as all particles collapsed into a single point, he witnessed a very ominous smile.

Still, there was nothing more he could do.

He had already done all he could.

In this world, which was becoming a singular mass, there was nothing more he could do.

It was a device prepared in case multiple beings like Daegon invaded, but he thought he never expected to use it against just one opponent and awaited his death.

Suddenly, an eerie sensation enveloped the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.

It was the feeling of cold creeping up from his spine, foreboding.

He quickly examined the damaged protective suit due to the tidal force of gravity sucking everything into one point.

The physical signs were still intact.

Several error messages popped up indicating that his body was in danger due to the collapsing world and should be avoided.

But there was one among them.

A message that shouldn’t be appearing yet.

The soul.

It was stained red, displaying numbers that shouldn’t be possible. Before he could understand what it was,

his soul screamed, and his body twisted.


Who would have thought they would try to bury the world of Kunlun together with it?

Thanks to that, I reached him and licked the light.

The light was small, so I obtained it quickly. I thought it would take long since I had many memories, just like that immortal Daegon, but the memories flowed in immediately.

I thought it took a long time to cover Daegon due to the amount of memory, but it turned out that Daegon’s light was just too big, hence the slow absorption.

As soon as I stole the warmth of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, the light was dyed black before shrinking, and the body began to grow chaotically, forgetting its form.

This appearance is always present when I absorb the warmth of an opponent who attacked me.

There’s nothing particularly different about immortals.

I examined the most precious things I obtained from the second world.

If I had to name it, there were plenty of techniques I could call “magic punk.” Techniques that don’t require special qualifications from the user.

Such generic techniques will be helpful to me from now on. Especially, I really like the technique for moving to other worlds among them.


After all, memory is just memory.

If I’m going to use this technique, I need a smart harvester. The fortunate thing is that unlike Daegon’s technique, which requires someone special, it can be inherited.

There’s plenty of time.

And making it a harvester will make it smarter, so I’ll be able to use it as much as I want. Many worlds are opening up before me.

I can skip across an infinite number of worlds without having to go down.


I’m satisfied with achieving the most important goal.

But there’s also a sense of loss.

I thought that having the memories of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign would allow me to use all of its by-products, but while the manual is in my hand, it seems I’ll take some time to get familiar with it.

If only it were a bit simpler.

Right now, it feels like Kunlun itself will all disappear before I can use that item.


If I need time, I can extend it.

To stop this world from disappearing, I forcibly pressed down while imagining a stable reality.


But instead of stopping, a significant portion of the glass shattered, revealing a pitch-black darkness. A vast emptiness.

However, it’s not just that. As the shattered part spread, light sparkled between the revealed outer darkness.

As the ambient light diminished, a scene resembling a starlit night sky appeared.

There was no sea outside.

No, as I’m attached to the body of the victim, I’m not below. Yes.

I vaguely understand that if I went out there bare, I’d simply fall into the void below.

The blackened, withered light of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign scattered like dust beyond that.

Like a sci-fi movie where a space station falls to earth, everything is gradually breaking apart, and the world sinks into a single point.


Speaking of which, on the day the first world went down,
when I watched from below the surface, living beings fell from above.

I thought it was rocks mixed in that caused the ground to split and fall underground.

But when I recalled the taste of heat about to go bad, it seems it was something alive rather than mere rocks.

Disguising oneself is a common technique.

In other words, only the living, only those with light fell to the place I’m in.

So, the living can go below?

We are going to the bottom.

Soon down there. Returning to a place where nothing can be done but stare at the night sky above. But at the same time, there’s a black dot before me, and beside it, the meaty remains of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.

I reached out my arm and grabbed the chunk of meat.

The speed of the collapsing black dot had slowed down significantly, so I wondered if what I did to stop it earlier wasn’t entirely ineffective.

However, the space itself being pulled in still felt like it would eventually condense into a single point.

When I excavated the memories of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, I found that this black dot was not just a black hole but a trap made to kill immortals like Daegon.

Compressing the entire heavenly realm into a single point to annihilate it in this world.

The Taegukdo, a treasured artifact, was the item that emerged during the crafting of this technique.

The Taegukdo focused solely on physical power, while what I’m experiencing now was made in such a way that not even the power of an immortal could escape.

That’s probably why it’s hard to twist free.

As I held onto the twisted meat, the soft meaty chunk burrowed into Choseol’s body like cancer cells. Thinking about it, is there no way to resist when attacked by a meaty chunk that has lost its soul?

Sizzle… Lord! Sizzle… Is someone… Sizzle… there…?”

While I was pondering what to do, a crackling noise came from somewhere, followed by a voice calling for the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I could see clothing peeking out between the bulging flesh.

At first glance, it looked like a simple piece of clothing, but rummaging through the memories of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign revealed it was integrated with advanced technology.

I reached out my hand towards that clothing.

The garment had a screen indicating the condition of the wearer. Comparing it one by one with the memories of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, I got a very strange readout; the life signs were detectable.

Life signs.

Ah, if the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign is alive, could it come this way?

Being kind, it might come to rescue.

If I could cross over to my side before this shattered world falls, I could move immediately without needing to wait for someone to pull me up.

I found it quite bothersome being entangled and burrowed into something, but I concentrated my strength to rip what I could apart and shoved the sensor on my chest.

It correctly recognized my heartbeats.

“Lord! I see, it’s crackling! Because I’m alive!”

And where was it? It was attached to the clothing. A device that sends a rescue signal.

Calmly rummaging through the tattered clothing, I reached out to pull the device to send a rescue signal. The wire touched my fingertips. The device activates when a wire is pulled.

No, I was about to pull it.

But my fingers wouldn’t budge.

It was supposed to send a signal as soon as I could grip it, but perhaps this meaty mass had burrowed in too deep.

I felt no sensation in my hand.

Then I could just bite down and pull it.

If I move forward along with this flesh, I can return. I could pretend to be a corpse for a while, then awaken and move on elsewhere.

Moreover, there’s already a place to go.

The Imperial Palace.

Even if I’m half an enemy now, they’d probably seal or torture me to create a harvester if I went there.

That would be enough. As long as I have more harvesters, I’ll be satisfied.


Thinking of this, I leaned in closer, but a long head barely retaining traces of a face stretched out in front of me, blocking my path.

One of its eyelids had a beating organ instead of an eyeball, while the other, hazy white eyeball, didn’t hold a proper gaze.

I wondered if it was a coincidence and lowered my head, but that head followed suit. Troubled by its oddness, I checked and found a red pupil growing where the nose used to be, staring right at me.

The light was disintegrating, turning into a monstrous mass.

It should have been far too cold to only have warmth left in its head.

But there was definitely consciousness.

It had become such a mess that I couldn’t read its emotions, but it didn’t seem dumb enough not to convey will through its gaze.

“Cold, isn’t it?”

There was no answer.


No, there was an answer.

It had long arms that weren’t part of its original body, and with them, it severed the wire that was supposed to send the rescue signal.


And, whether it smashed the power device or not, both the sound and the interface floating around the clothing completely vanished.


Even with its light lost and warmth snatched away, it still fights back.

At this rate, this small world will either vanish into a point or reach the place I belong.

I looked at the place where the outside door to Kunlun used to be.

Now, there was nothing left but rock steam instead of a door.


At that moment, the cells that had burrowed into my body completely tore off my arm.

But it didn’t particularly hurt. I merely recognized that the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign was desperately resisting. Yes. Resistance. Even in this state, it refuses to give up. That’s what it means.

“Primordial Heavenly Sovereign. You’ve won.”

Of course, the vengeance Samabaek is preparing his teeth for is still there.

Returning to the second world seems far off.

I watch the world being buried at the bottom.

It seems like the world might disappear before we reach the ground.

I don’t want to see the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign die with a happy expression, as if he accomplished everything alone. That irritating sneer is enough once.

I stretched my remaining arm toward the point that absorbs all.

And I meticulously pulled myself in to hold onto reality.

Then I twisted.


A point froze like a frozen apple, then shattered into pieces and vanished. Simultaneously, the place we were in solidified.

Of course, it’s impossible to escape like this.

But in this state, I want to show the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, who is acting like everything is fine, the world I feel.

“Hold tight. From now on, we’re going to sail this ship to the abyss where I was trapped.”

In other words, it’s called sinking.

Soon, we’ll arrive at the place I was. Although going down doesn’t mean physically going down in a world where people exist, it just means that spot suddenly turns into the bottom.

But in a world of light, darkness, and me, there are distinctions of above and below.

I am below.

You are above.

“We’re about to arrive at the place I was trapped. Please take care that no past memories remain when you arrive.”




Breaking the surface.

At that moment, I escaped from the vessel known as Choseol and returned below the surface.

This time, something alive is here with me. But if that’s the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign who fell with me, it seems it isn’t.

It’s simply nowhere in this world.

Whether it fled, or simply vanished because there was no light.

As I watched something gnawing at me, I crushed and erased it, looking up.

Far away.

Up high.

Numerous lights gather, but the second world glimmers from afar as a single light.

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