The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 129

Looking up at the second world.

Well, I lost in the end.

I thought I could drag it out to a draw somehow…

Yeah. The Primordial Heavenly Sovereign won.

Sama Baek doesn’t look like he’ll move to summon me. The martial artist who has been observing for years wants to solve his grudges by his own hands.

Whether it’s a blade or a spear, doing things with your own strength is the best.

The first world had a huge mistake, but it was warm enough to be called warmth. I realized that receiving one whole world is about that much, right?

I got everything I could, so even though there was a mistake at the end, let’s call it a success.

But the second world is a failure.

I couldn’t gather much warmth. It seems like Sama Baek will supply it, but over here, it’s like signing a contract with a light that’s fallen to the bottom.

To resist the absurdity, to clear the overflowing grudges, and to take revenge on those who insulted oneself.

Choosing to contract as an utterly ordinary person who’s hit rock bottom.

At least it’s a relief that I can gather warmth through this, but it’s lacking.

Fortunately, I didn’t end up doing nothing and failing.

I gained knowledge.
Knowledge gained!

I gained far more knowledge than when I endured for a long time in the first world and obtained the knowledge of someone named Yasle.
Ding ding!

Tongcheon Church’s Daegon.

Based on biotechnological skills that reached the level of editing souls, he conquered all his worlds and started wars of invasion in other worlds.

But he invaded too much and ended up counterattacked by his original world, fleeing and abandoning his own world. Then he moved to the next world, attempting to slaughter the indigenous people and start anew.

But there were indigenous forces led by the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign.

It’s usually the case that natives get slaughtered, and the invaders dominate the territory, but this place was different.

He ended up winning instead.

Of course, Daegon didn’t just fight once.

He charged in alone and lost, then he charged in with the subordinates he barely saved and lost again.

Realizing that wasn’t enough, he formed a group opposing the Heavenly Church, called Jeonggyo.
Group up!

When a group openly opposing another emerges, people gather. That’s why having enemies in politics is necessary.


Originally, the Heavenly Church was a gathering of immortals, and aside from that, there were only monsters and corrupted immortals that merely roamed the land.

When a faction that openly opposed the Heavenly Church appeared, those dissatisfied with it banded together, those persecuted by the Church gathered, and others who thought they might gain something joined, forming a massive group.
Big crowd!

Of course, those who are persecuted by the Heavenly Church are the ones…

If a mother has twins, she’d threaten to kill one if she doesn’t choose between them, then kill the chosen one and send the other back—seems like a wicked kind of fun!
Evil laugh!

We were just fooling around, but they’re the type to scream persecution from the Heavenly Church!

These kinds of things assembled and formed Jeonggyo.
Gather round!

Surprisingly, it ran smoothly.


If you rebel, you get hit, and if you refuse to obey when commanded or slack off, you get ground into pills.

Direct violence and the pills received for a job well done.

If you train a beast with a whip and a carrot, it’ll obey.

Every time it obeys, it gets stronger with the noticeable pills. The thrill of power makes people want to win, even if it means using hacks in online games.

Once addicted, it’s hard to escape.

Using every method available to expand his influence, the Daegon of Tongcheon Church led Jeonggyo to declare war on the Heavenly Church, but…

In the end, he lost.
Sad trombone!

Having powerful technology may be one problem, but those easily gathered can just as easily betray. In critical situations, instead of rushing to take down another, they choose to flee.
Run away!

Once one flees, it quickly increases the number of those unable to fight.

After the defeat, Daegon fled into the water. That’s an area the Heavenly Church had a hard time searching for. Plus, there was a rule not to kill those who were running away.

Daegon clung to survival and started almost from zero again.

He contracted with the first Cheonma and built the Cheonma Church or tricked others to let the Cheonma handle the dominance while he used people from within.

Then the third Cheonma was Eunjai, and intrigued by the powers used by Eunjai, Daegon encouraged Guseongyong through Woljedang. He kidnapped Choseol and raised her from a young age.

However, during that process, Cheonma intervened, and before Daegon could properly approach Cheonma through Woljedang, he recklessly used Choseol’s body.

That’s when I entered Choseol’s body.

And as a result, Daegon died at my hands.

Really, it was an incredible amount of warmth—no, heat. Hehe.

And I know these things are abundant.
Look over there!

At least now when I look up, I see a massive light shining relatively close.

It’s not just light; I know it has warmth as big as that light, so all that light is prey.

Or I could make it a harvesting period.


I can’t make it a harvesting period. I know, if that heat reaches me, I can’t hold back. I won’t endure. Never.
No way!

I can get rid of this chill.

Not just soothing it with a small warmth but escaping completely from the cold itself.

In that sense, I was disappointed with the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign since I was like, “What the heck is this?”

No, I was already getting beaten from then.

Eating a three-tiered cake named Daegon, expecting something similar, and getting a single grain of rice was the feeling.

This side, too, had its own history long enough, and had done bad things to lead the enormous group called Kunlun.

He wasn’t a flawless immortal.

But he resisted.

Even with his soul shattered and scattered, and his body twisted to the point of being practically just an object, he resisted.

He wasn’t resisting me.

He was resisting the chill.
Chill fight!

A chilling cold that’s unbearably horrible. It doesn’t warm up at all with material heat. According to the memories of the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, both of us were in a state like being buried under the sun.

The moment the flower petal breaks, I almost sublimated and flew away.

But the world was already all messed up, and my body faintly oozed out, which made it easier than expected to reclaim Choseol’s body.

Due to its weight, the spirit realm sank!

By the way, the artificially made small dimension is the spirit realm, and there are several of those, the largest and most massive one serving as the living space for the sages is called Kunlun.
Giant leap!

And that name, Kunlun, is taken from Kunlun Mountain, where the entrance to the spirit realm is installed.
Step up!

The very first was Kunlun Mountain. Back when the spirit realm didn’t exist yet. Even before fighting the Tongcheon Lord, immortals lived normally on Kunlun Mountain.
Peaceful life!

I don’t know how they could elevate the technology to that point in one world without any pollution or destruction.

Seems it’s possible being in reality.
Reality check!

And following Daegon, I also expelled. There was a sacrifice named the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign, but both he and I know that they won’t truly live well.
Wah wah!

It’s my defeat.
Sad face!

There may be factions split off from the Heavenly Church centered around the Jade Emperor, but now I no longer need to know.


I see the last remaining connection.

There’s no such thing as the flow of time down here. If it stretches out, it stretches endlessly; if you shorten it, it passes in an instant.

I zipped through.
Zoom zoom!

Sama Baek grew stronger until he was satisfied, then returned to the Murim.
Step step!

Having been in a cave for over ten years, when he finally came out, nobody cared anymore about his purple hair.

So when he headed to Hyungsan Clan to find Jeongchiljin, he faced no obstacles.

After a long time, he returned to his sect.
Back home!

And he found Jeongchiljin.
Found ya!

But if someone banned from the clan long ago comes seeking revenge and looks for the people of Hyungsan Clan, will those belonging to the clan lend a hand?
No way!


Rather, those who remembered Sama Baek emerged and said it was great that he, who had fallen to demonic madness, found them and tried to kill him.

The bloodshed began.
Fight fight!

Sama Baek killed everyone who stood in his way and scoured Hyungsan Clan for Jeongchiljin.

Hyungsan Clan is at the forefront of the Five Sword Clans. Why? Because the leader of the Five Sword Clan assembly, Oakpa, was from the Hyungsan Clan.

He came to save Hyungsan Clan from the Oakpa.

In the meantime, Sama Baek failed to find Jeongchiljin and was stealing information to cover up that failure.

The method of extorting information?

Isn’t something a powerful person can do, other than extract information through violence?

Evil deeds compound. They increase and increase and increase.

To completely cut it off, one must handle it perfectly. Or create a massive organization that humans cannot comprehend and hide within it.
Big move!

This is something corporations do. Exploit people until they die, push them aside if they break or die, and somehow, the dead are the ones to blame.
Blame the dead!

Those with grudges blame the name of the corporation, not the individual in charge.
Not my fault!

It’s a good way to avoid getting stabbed on the street.

But Sama Baek couldn’t do either.

And the ever-increasing crimes turned back on him.

Those who sought to kill him in the name of justice, those who sought vengeance saying he killed their brothers, and those who wanted to kill just for honor.
Honor battle!

Sama Baek crushed them all with martial arts.

Then, at some point, the rumor of the resurrection of Cheonma began to spread. The stories of the once-faint Cheonma Church merged with reality existing in Sama Baek.

Then the Murim Alliance moved to eliminate him.
Attack squad!

If you pick me and use me, I won’t run out of fuel. Even if I swing a massive amount of power, if you can control it, you can swing it infinitely.
Ultimate power!

Blood flowed like a river.

Killing and killing and killing.
Stab stab!

Finally, a man appeared wielding the Makya Sword.

He couldn’t defeat Sama Baek with such a treasure. As he fought like breathing, Sama Baek grew stronger too.
Battle hard!

So he subdued that man, torturing him to find out the truth.

Jeongchiljin had already been killed ages ago, losing his treasure somewhere, and they couldn’t even find his corpse, so everyone thought he was just missing.

Sama Baek killed that person and wielded the Makya Sword.

Because he used the treasure, he glowed until an immortal arrived and eventually died surrounded by numerous immortals and masters of the Murim Alliance.
Fizzle out!

There was a similar scene earlier.

At that time, it was Eunjai.
Hey there!

Eunjai lived, and Sama Baek died, but if you just look at the events, they’re the same.

The Murim flows the same then and now. Only the people have changed; the martial world hasn’t changed.
Steady flow!

It seems it will always be like that.

As I’m thinking that, with the last warmth obtained from the second world, all connections were severed.

Goodbye, second world.

If I’m alive, let’s meet again.
See ya!

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