The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 130

I’m back below the surface. Swoosh~

The dreadful silence with nothing to do. Cricket chirp

Still, this time I don’t need to sit back and wait for an opportunity. I have plenty of memories to sort through until then. Papers rustling

First of all, I’ve got two summoning methods. Ding!

Yasle method. Ta-da!

Daegon method. Bing!

Yasle’s method involves stacking altars and killing a lot of offerings to summon a deity into a vessel. Chop, chop!

The advantage? The caster doesn’t need any special abilities. To meet a cost called “gyeok,” you just have to kill loads. It means there’s no case where you can’t summon because you don’t qualify despite putting in memories. Facepalm!

The downside? You need to choose a vessel. That means you need to have an eye to pick and the vessel must exist in that era. Squinting eyes

When inserting Yasle’s memories, the method of choosing the vessel is included, so the choosing part itself isn’t an issue. The hassle is that Yasle had to wait for over ten years for the vessel to be born and grow—oh how picky! Wait, what?!

Compromising on that vessel = failure. Oops!

Well, to call a deity from Yasle’s memories, only an upper-grade offering is needed. But here’s the twist: a simple upper-grade can’t contain me. Mind blown!

That’s why it didn’t work out. Duh!

Finding the right vessel is purely a matter of luck, and that’s tricky! Whee!

Next, the Daegon method. Bah-dum-tss!

The advantage? No need to worry about the vessel! Whoop whoop!

At first, I thought I could fit in since it’s the child of the Harvesting Period, but looking through Daegon’s memories, that’s not the case. It takes at least 10 years to raise, usually around 20 years, but if done right, you can forcibly create a vessel that can accept a deity. Cha-ching!

Also, you can gain special abilities that the entity had—this is a trait of offerings made from the Daegon method. Super cool!

Plus, the one casting the spell, or “sulja” for short, doesn’t need to worry either. If doing it alone, they need to be at the level of Daegon’s top subordinate, but like when I was summoned from Woljedang, you can split the spell-casting among several people. Teamwork!

The downside? Enormous amounts of time, money, and labor are necessary. To create a vessel, you have to keep the baby locked in a special room from infancy, constantly feeding them special drugs for body modification. Yikes!

And since the one casting the spell has a high chance of dying from the burden while chanting, it’s recommended to prepare five times the number as the spell-caster. Plus, there’s the issue of how to put the spell into the sulja. Brain freeze!

You’re short on time to pour everything into one person. Tick-tock!

I weighed the pros and cons. Weigh it!

Overall, Daegon’s method has a higher degree of completeness. Ta-da!

It feels a bit off comparing it to someone who has completely conquered a world with humans. Wait, what?

On top of that, if you take Daegon as the benchmark, the downsides aren’t really downsides. If you can get it, you can get it! Money talk!

The mindset that if you can solve it with money, you will. Show me the money!

But that’s way too hard for a candidate of the Harvesting Period, stuck in a dead-end alley, drowning in despair. Boohoo!

Those who’ve fallen that far typically have their personalities ruined like rags. They can’t operate steadily like Tisah, it’s almost impossible. Womp womp!

In the end, it’s much easier to use the Yasle method. Woo hoo!

No, technically, there are three methods. Ding ding!

Directly ascending using the offspring of the Harvesting Period as an offering. This doesn’t lift the whole body but only part connects upwards. Lift off!

The problem is, unless the Harvesting Period is present with that offspring, I couldn’t perceive it, so I can’t ascend—just a little pesky problem! Sigh!

Ugh. Groan!

Climbing up from the bottom is tough. Really, it is. Sweat drop!

However, in the second world, I’ve gained many other things as well. Woo hoo!

First off—One Stroke Cheonma Martial Art! Flash!

Every Harvesting Period can use it. Ding!

Cheonma compressed the Cheonma Martial Art to the utmost, putting it into one stroke. In fact, Samabaek perfectly used the Cheonma Martial Art using just the One Stroke Cheonma Martial Art. Wow!

So… Drumroll!

Huh? Baffled!

Why does that remain in my memory? At that time, Cheonma was a Harvesting Period, so his memories shouldn’t remain. It was the memory of my perspective watching him. Mind warp!

Thus, I can’t understand what he understood. Even if I use the technique called One Stroke Cheonma Martial Art, it shouldn’t remain in memory…Confused!

But they say it’s shorter than Eunjai’s Cheonma Martial Art, which is nice! Yay!

Lucky me! High five!

Next is Soo-oh’s Divine Art Choseol. Sparkle!

I’m not sure about this one. Shrug!

I gave this to Samabaek along with the One Stroke Cheonma Martial Art, but there’re no traces of it being used. He never slashed once after it snowed. Snowy memories!

I don’t get why this too stays in my memories. Scratching head!

Looks like I don’t have a function for forgetting, so there’ll likely be a time when I’ll use it. Note to self!

Then, moving on to organizing my abilities. Label it!

Or we can call them functions. Ta-da!

First off, I can insert myself into anyone who touches me. Zap!

If this gets too powerful, the place where the Harvesting Period exists will physically explode. Boom!

Light falls towards where I am. Whoosh!

This doesn’t seem to change the physical address. Let me explain simply. Straight talk!

In faded memories, people enter dreams. Dreamy!

In dreams, they can delve into deeper dreams, and if they dive too deep, the bottom will show up. Whoosh!

The person’s body is there, but their mind has gone deep. Deep dive!

Just like that, the person’s body is in that place, but light has fallen deep. Thud!

Until the place I am at. Ta-da!

The world is a glass bottle, and if it shatters, everything falls to the place I’m at—but really, it’s just light that falls, and not the body. Puff!

But when the first world shattered, everything alive fell to me… Gasp!

I still don’t know well about this side. Even Daegon and the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign didn’t notice the light falling. Huh?

And the second ability. Bam!

If I recite the contract document and the opponent agrees, I can create a Harvesting Period. Cha-ching!

If the opponent agrees, I insert myself into their light, and then it’s done. The Harvesting Period can directly or indirectly gain the warmth of the opponent they killed. Heat wave!

This is a core part of my warmth harvest. Harvest time!

If I kill an opponent alive, I receive their warmth. Chop!

If it’s just one or two people, it might happen by chance. But what if time passes and it accumulates? What if the numbers increase? Oh boy!

Every moment, a massive amount will come in! Wowee!

Just don’t push too much into one world. If the number increases too much, the world will shatter, and all living beings from the first world will fall to me. Yikes!

Instead of warmth, there was heat, but even that didn’t last long. Whoosh!

In the end, it was nothing but a brief moment of joy. Woo hoo!

It’s better to gain steadily rather than receiving it all at once. Steady as she goes!

Returning to the story. Rewind!

The mechanism of gaining warmth seems to be related to killing. Dagger!

The Harvesting Period is the ruler of the flock, and if the flock is ordered to fight, the warmth of the one they killed comes to me. Charge!

Tisah wasn’t a good Harvesting Period in that sense. But in terms of total warmth, he has the second largest amount, except for Daegon. Top player!

So I’ll only choose those with high positions to contract with. Deal!

And when I recite the contract document, I can use it to contract with the next generation, ensuring they become a Harvesting Period. Future plan!

I’m planning to create such a system. Blueprints!

Then, humans will trample the weak as they please, so warmth will consistently come in. Heh heh!

Next world awaits! Exciting!

Now, moving on to the third ability. Ta-da!

Anyone who attacks me to kill gets connected to me. Zap!

I originally discovered this in the first world, but I figured out how to apply it in the second world. Light bulb moment!

I’ll think about that later; first, let’s organize the basics. Note it down!

If hit, I can steal warmth. Snatch!

But it’s a technique close to counterattacks, so unless the opponent attacks, I can’t steal warmth—downside! Doh!

One more thing. One more!

If the opponent has no intent to kill, even if they attack, they won’t connect. That was the case with the first attack from the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign. I wondered if a gravity attack wouldn’t work, but the second one did. Heavy thoughts!

If the opponent attacks with the intention to kill, any attack connects me, and I can steal their warmth. Whoosh!

Then the opponent’s light shrivels black, and the body loses form and twists. Like a human attacked by a monster that mutates them into something else from an SF work. Transformation!

They feel the same cold as I do, losing reason and blindly attacking the light in front of them. Madness!

Because light contains warmth, they attack to gain it. Charge!

But they’ll never gain warmth. Oh no!

Since they’re connected to me, all warmth goes to me. Cha-ching!

However, this mutation is entirely random. Those who mocked me and ended their lives were quite clever. At least their intelligence increased compared to the twisted forms of cats and wild animals before. Smart cookie!

So, I originally wanted to avoid using this on living opponents. Nope!

I found another way. Aha!

This goes hand in hand with the fourth ability. Woo hoo!

Reality manipulation. Wizardry!

Actually, it feels like an incredible cheat, and it truly is. Cheat codes!

But the restrictions are significant. Warning!

If you create something that doesn’t exist in that world, it can’t hold together and shatters. Shatter!

If you make something too far from reality, it’ll break the world. Caution!

Like changing tattered clothes into clean ones or turning stones into gold—things existing in this world, making them into things that exist doesn’t break the world. Magic!

However, if you try to fill an empty jar with water, you’re in danger of breaking the world. Warning signs!

It feels extremely heavy, so when I push myself in, the world shatters. Boom!

It’s usable up to a point, but if I use it excessively, the world might break. Panic!

If it’s called reality manipulation, it doesn’t feel that strange. Sure!

However, this technique exerts unique power when it meets the third ability. Synergy!

Yokai, or monster. Moo!

In cases where the physical did not exist first, but the rumor did first, the yokai that was created according to the rumor. Whispers!

If they attack me and steal warmth, they end up becoming a haphazardly mutated piece of meat. Yikes!

But if I force myself into the place where the blackened light is, twisting reality to turn it into a tool… Crafting!

The light turns to dust and a tool with functions derived from the rumors is created. Craft spurt!

That’s how the blue-glowing lantern was made. Flash!

If I do the same with people, they’ll probably become mere objects. But if there’s something that can replace that rumor, I can create it as a tool. Crafty!

I expected it to work with Choseol since she contains me, and it did just as I assumed. Success!

I’m sure I’ll be able to use it well in the next world. Optimistic!

If we think of it like a game, it’s like I gained a crafting function. Level up!

And the fifth. Drumroll!

Or a derivative of the third. Boom!

If the opponent’s light is sufficiently large and massive when they attack me, I can bully them around. Bullied!

Each action costs light and body that disappears. Wipe out!

But Daegon also vanished that way. Poof!

As I lay claim to their warmth, light shrivels into blackness, and their body alters. Then, through the connection I created by touching them, I pushed myself in and moved them as I wished. Puppet show!

Moreover, through that connection, both the blackened light and body disappeared together. Poof!

Maybe… Hmm?

If I practice enough, I might be able to do it with small creatures too. In that case, I wouldn’t have to deal with being toyed with like last time. No more games!

After confirming my abilities, I begin to sift through the countless memories I’ve gained in the second world. Memory dive!

Especially Daegon and the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign. Star investigation!

They possess technologies I could never have imagined! Mind map!

As I trace back through memories, I gaze at the calm sea, which barely has a ripple. Zen moment!

Occasionally, I contract with the light falling to the bottom, infusing it with strength and knowledge. Magic infusion!

Until someday, someone pulls me up. Hang in there!

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