The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 69

Chapter 69:

In fact, drying sea salt began in the Song Dynasty of China, and it has developed in every dynasty and every generation. The method used by Ling Wei is the method used in places where machines are not used in New China-this kind of artificial salt farm has been rare, and some of them are almost not based on salt production, but as a kind of special tourism. Ling Wei went there to travel, watched the whole process, and participated in it, and then wrote it down.

Although in modern society, this kind of artificial salt farm has basically been eliminated, but as far as artificial is concerned, this should be the most advanced method.

After all, after the baptism of years, the later the time, the more advanced the method.

If you want to improve, you have to use machinery. The principle of large saltworks in modern society is similar to that of artificial saltworks, but they are fully mechanized, so their output has increased significantly.

Now Yan Chao’s salt is still boiled, and sun-dried salt is already very advanced. When the salt came out, the white-flowered salt in that place caused everyone except Ling Wei to drop their eyes, shouting miracles, and seeing Ling Wei’s eyes become more and more different.

Ling Wei was not particularly satisfied. After all, it was the first time he practiced the whole process, and there must be some shortcomings in it. Its output and quality were much worse than the artificial salt farms he had ever seen.

So Ling Wei proposed to improve. When he proposed to improve, everyone looked at him like Buddha.

But he is the boss, even Liu Qi is the second in command. So the boss said to change, then change. The wisdom of the working people in ancient times is also very powerful. Ling Wei compared the current operation process with memory and let the craftsmen discuss it. After two things, the second batch of coarse salt has really improved the output and quality of the second batch of salt.

Everyone looked at Ling Wei’s eyes, it was more like looking at the Buddha.

This Ling Wei is embarrassed, and finally knows why the male protagonists of a certain point want to show off their skills. This adoring vision made him mistakenly believe that there was really a halo glowing behind his head.

The news that the salt was successfully released from the salt field made the emperor and prince who believed in Ling Wei relieved, but they were still thinking about it.

Although the news from the salt field is suppressed, after all, everyone who should know about such a big move knows. Originally thinking that Ling Wei is a scholar, other than reading, that is nonsense (of course they don’t know that the tea making, sugar making and new crop planting are all under the guidance of Ling Wei), I am going to see Ling Wei


Some people even thought secretly that Ling Wei could not blame him for not raising enough salt. Now that he has taken the initiative to take on this mess, isn’t it that he is a fool to get into trouble? This is really great, he must be peeled off.

Ling Wei did it.

As a result, the yield is still very high.

The troublemakers were panicked, and the salt merchants who followed the troublemakers panicked even more.

They dared to do this. First, it was due to the remnants of the family’s impression that they were more powerful than the emperor over the years; second, their industry was very important. The reason, the emperor can’t do anything with them.

Now that the emperor does not pursue it, I don’t know, but the emperor Zhuangzi can produce salt by himself. It is said that the method is ten million times better than before, and the efficiency is particularly amazing. Then, to the emperor, they didn’t need to say anything. If the salt was sold, wouldn’t it even be the job of setting up a family?

This is really as uncomfortable as terribly.

The salt merchants regretted it. If you had known to take out the salt obediently, don’t push the emperor into anxious to experiment with new salt-making methods, and you won’t let yourself fall to this point.

And they also hated Ling Wei, who gave this salt-making method, and then did all kinds of things against Ling Wei. This is something to say.

No matter what others thought, regret, entangled, or furious, Ling Wei got the salt, the task was completed, and happily transported the first batch of finished salt back to the capital.

After the first batch of salt came out, the emperor’s heart was half stabilized.

Sample, dare to embarrass me, want to negotiate terms with me, and see how I can take care of you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ling Wei completed the task and returned to Beijing with a large amount of salt, shocked the jaws of a group of people, and made a group of people gritted their teeth.

The emperor has obtained a new method of salt production and is still thinking about it. Now he has the confidence to change the salt management.

In these dynasties, salt control was very strict. Both salt and iron were produced by the government, and then the salt was distributed and sold to the salt merchants.

Of course, it goes without saying that there are so many tricks, the miserable exploited salt workers and the fat-belly salt merchants and officials will not say it for the time being, but only in terms of control, the rules are very strict.

However, Yan Chao’s policy on salt at this time was similar to that of the Tang Dynasty. It did not have much strict control over salt, but instead let the merchants produce and sell it themselves.

But now the emperor has been placed by the salt merchants, feeling uncomfortable under such shackles, and naturally thinking about how to take back the salt management and sales power.

Salt is something that every household needs. If it is sold by the official family, how much money will the treasury earn?

Ling Wei naturally didn’t want Yan Chao’s salt system to be as strict as it was during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. That kind of harsh system not only did not bring benefits to the country, but fattened a group of worms.

Ling Wei persuaded His Majesty that if the right to manage the salt was taken back, some people would definitely be stingy, because the salt merchants were not able to raise salt on time because of the disaster.

His Majesty the emperor heard this and thought it was so. But he felt panicked and uncomfortable.

Ling Wei suggested: “Your Majesty does not take back the power of the salt merchants to operate, but doesn’t it mean that Huangzhuang cannot continue to produce salt? There are many barren land by the sea, and the barren land is all of the state, and it is all of your majesty. Your Majesty has enclosed the land. It’s justified to produce salt and then sell it, right? As for salt merchants or something, they can continue to make salt and sell it. It’s good for everyone to compete fairly.”

His Majesty the Emperor looked at Ling Wei with a smile but a smile: “Fair competition?”

Ling Wei nodded very honestly: “Fair competition. The people are not stupid. Whose salt is better and cheaper, just buy someone’s salt?”

His Majesty the Emperor nodded: “That’s it. When you come back from Burma, let’s do this.”

Ling Wei choked. How does he feel that he dug a big hole for himself?

“Don’t go, it’s too offensive.” Ling Wei shamed.

His Majesty the Emperor glared at him: “You have made the salt, and you have offended everyone who can offend, and there is no need to follow up.”

Ling Wei wilted. When he first came out to promise this matter, why didn’t he expect the follow-up effect?

But even if he thought of it, he would probably make the same choice, right? It is disgusting to have moths on the armaments.

The soldiers are bleeding hard for the country, and the people behind not only don’t support them, but also pull their hind legs, which is simply chilling.

“If the salt merchants can’t sell the salt, what should we do next?” His Majesty saw Ling Wei lingering and couldn’t help being happy.

Ling Wei sighed: “If the salt merchants are convinced, your majesty can sell them wholesale at a price lower than the market, and let them be the second salt dealers. In this way, the official salt farms can focus on salt production and follow-up sales. Give it to salt dealers. It’s just that it’s better to leave a portion of the salt in the salt farms for direct sale, so that the market price of salt can be stabilized, so that salt dealers will not mess around and exploit civilians; The minister only knows this. For the specific implementation method, please also ask your Majesty to convene all the adults to brainstorm. It must be more reliable than the minister alone.”

His Majesty the Emperor nodded: “It’s not bad that you can think so much. Then you can concentrate on armament. Regarding salt, I will let others do the next thing. You don’t have to worry about being hated by others. ”

Ling Wei resurrected in full state in an instant, and was touched: “Your Majesty! Uncle! You are such a good person!”

His Majesty the Emperor slapped Ling Wei’s forehead: “Fuck! Nonsense! Of course I am a good person!”

Ling Wei rolled away.

The prince silently walked out from behind the screen and said: “Father, why don’t you let me come out?”

“When Jintang sees you, he will be more reliable if he doesn’t know it. I’m probably used to being a teacher.” His Majesty the Emperor smiled, “I just let you see how Jintang is not reliable.”

The prince was puzzled: “Jintang is very thoughtful in front of me, why in front of my father… um…”

“You don’t know how to dig a hole for yourself, do you?” His Majesty was amused, “So without me protecting him, he doesn’t know how many times he will be pitted.”

The prince also laughed: “When I see Jintang next time, I will laugh at him too.”

His Majesty said: “Do you know why Jintang behaves differently in front of me and in front of you?”

The prince shook his head: “Qi Chen doesn’t know.”

“Because Jintang treats me as an elder and can tolerate him; and he treats you as a junior, hoping to guide you.” His Majesty the Emperor sighed, “You too

We are about to get married, and I will give you this world after all. You have to know now, what kind of people can be trusted, what kind of people can be used without trust, and what kind of people can’t be trusted but have to use. ”

“A person who can be trusted must not only reuse, but also protect him, and he can’t let him do everything. Even when there is a conflict between what he has done and his safety, his safety must be guaranteed first.” His Majesty the Emperor paused. After a pause, “not only because a trustworthy person will make your throne stronger, but also because the emperor is also a human and has feelings. Sentimentality can’t be a good emperor, but it completely obliterates humanity and is definitely not a good emperor. I am not only an emperor, but also a father. You are not only a prince, but also my son. Not only do I hope that this country can be firmly secured, but also that you can live happily for a lifetime.”

The prince knelt down with red eyes and said, “My son knows.”

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