The Palace of Peach and Plum

Chapter 70

Chapter 70:

It was the first time that Ling Wei went out with the army.

However, one experience of an attack did not make him rush. Besides, he is engaged in logistics, and the battle on the front line has nothing to do with him.

Ling Wei was originally able to sit in the back of the town, but he couldn’t stay idle and didn’t feel relieved. As the food transport team ran back and forth on both sides of the battlefield, he really found some problems.

Ling Wei is so dedicated, other people want to slack off or want to do other things, they have to weigh it up.

The prince still ran with Ling Wei. Originally, other generals saw the prince appear, and they were always worried that the prince would dictate to them or make some embarrassing requests in order to make a profit.

But the prince was just working honestly, and he looked like he was a deputy, and to the surprise of the generals, the closeness to the prince became more and more serious.

In fact, what the emperor meant was that the prince would take a few soldiers to get some credit.

The princes have always made military exploits in this way.

Ling Wei remonstrated that the prince was still young and had no experience in marching and fighting. When he arrived on the battlefield, let alone the sword and no eyes, even if there was no problem with safety, it was certain to add chaos (only Ling Wei dared to say that). At that time, the generals knew that this was normal, but they would not dislike the prince, nor would they respect it.

The crown prince was the crown prince of the country. He was originally orthodox succession, and he was not rewarded by merit. It was like the ancient times. Whether there is merit or how much merit is of little significance. How to learn as much as possible to make soldiers and ministers more convinced is more important than making a superficial merit.

The emperor thinks about it too. The prince is already under him, the highest position. Even if you get the credit, how can you award the reward?

It’s just good-looking.

But he did not choose his son to be emperor based on his merits. No matter which son’s merit is higher, the prince will always be the prince. This is orthodox.

No credit is necessary.

He wanted the prince to take credit for his work, but he just thought that having military merits would make the military commanders and civil servants get closer to the prince.

But just as Ling Wei said, if the prince wants to go to the battlefield, there is no need to rush at this time. This attack on Burma was the first foreign war since he came to the throne and even since the establishment of the Da Yan Dynasty. It was of great significance. The soldiers tightened their nerves. It is inevitable that some people would be dissatisfied with the prince who really caused any trouble.

It is better to take a step back and let the prince do what he is good at instead of taking the credit for the Xu. Even if the merits are not as conspicuous as the military merits, the people who participated in it knew the prince’s real strength. The credit is also real and there is no falsehood.

The emperor never thought his courtiers were stupid. The false credits of the princes are nothing more than an excuse for everyone to open one eye and close one eye.

The prince has a precious status and a strong position, and he doesn’t need those imaginary names to support his appearance. As Ling Wei said, the most important thing is how to really get a good reputation for hard work in the hearts of the ministers.

His Majesty the emperor felt that Ling Wei’s loyalty and loyalty were rare. Although he was tired and lazy, he was still very reliable most of the time.

So the prince continued to follow Ling Wei.

Ling Wei is also at ease. Anyway, although the prince has grown up, the friendship with Ling Wei has not changed due to time. The two get along very well, and the work efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary chief deputy.

The Prince’s reputation gradually increased, and the King of Han gradually became anxious. He repeatedly played to His Majesty the Emperor, asking to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and defend the country, but the Emperor rejected it.

In order to win this war, he didn’t even send the prince to the front to cause trouble, let alone the king of Han who had been at odds with these generals?

Besides, the highest opposition to the war against Burma was King Han. Now he has changed his mind to gild himself through military exploits, regardless of whether the emperor is willing or not.

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The Dayan dynasty’s preparations for this war were very well prepared. The soldiers were strong, and the generals were all excellent generals. The soldiers had just experienced a heavy casualty. The so-called mourning soldiers will win. This mobilization before the war roared to avenge their colleagues. Woolen cloth.

Burma has suffered a big defeat, and the court is still struggling for the throne. The civil strife is endless. It originally had a very strong fighting capacity. After arguing with each other, only less than five points are left.

Compared with Yan Chao, whether it is on the sea or on land, it is naturally retreating.

Within half a month, the army of Yan Dynasty was as powerful as a rag, like a ruin. The naval army had landed on the Burmese land, and the land army had penetrated into the hinterland of Burma, forming a double-sided attack on the capital of Burma.

At this time, the Burmese court also knew that it was not a time for civil strife, and while hurriedly pulling out the generals that could fight to organize resistance, it hurriedly appealed to Yan Chao for reparation, reparation of land, and reunification, as long as Yan Chao retreated.

When the voice of Burma’s request for peace reached the capital, the original anti-war faction jumped out again, jumping up and down all day to ask for peace and let the emperor retreat.

The rhetoric mentioned is still what wars hurt heaven and peace, wars hurt the people and money, and wars are not what a benevolent monarch calls.

Please be forgiving and forgiving, Your Majesty, everyone has surrendered, just come back. Not only to come back, it is better to give others some gold and silver treasures to compensate for their injured little hearts.

Not to mention that the emperor in the capital was vomiting blood with anger. After the news reached the front line, the soldiers who were fighting in the blood became even more angry.

No matter how easy it is to fight a war, it is inevitable to shed blood and sacrifice. Not to mention how many people have been sacrificed, even the main general has color on his body. Seeing victory is in sight, will you let the soldiers retreat? Not only retreat, but also compensation?

Are these sacrificed soldiers Yan Chao people? They shed blood and died in vain?

“Jintang, let’s forget it?” The prince who has experienced this war personally, although not on the front line, has seen many casualties, and has suffered a lot, said angrily, “That group of mediocre people, besides adding chaos, what else!”

Ling Wei calmly said: “His Majesty calms down his anger. Your Majesty must believe your Majesty, is your Majesty the kind of person who changes his mind when he is disturbed by others?”

The prince blinked, “Jintang, do you know something?”

Ling Wei said: “The subordinates just know that your majesty is a holy emperor.”

“Of course the emperor is Shengming.” The prince was reluctant, “Jintang, you must know what, tell me.”

Ling Wei was so troubled that he stopped the pen in his hand and said, “Didn’t the peace-seeking adults say that fighting is against the peace and the will of the people? Then just let them see what the people want.”

“What’s the people’s will?” The prince was confused, “how do we look at the people’s will?”

Ling Wei said: “The southeast thieves have been raging for so many years. There must be a lot of wounded soldiers trained in the suburbs of Beijing, refugees flocking to the capital, and landlords and merchants who moved from the southeast to the surrounding areas of the capital? Except for the people harassed by the thieves in the southeast. Besides, there are a lot of people moving from the north to the inland, right? I think they are also very easy to think of their own situation. After all, no matter where the thieves are, they are all thieves. Should we give subsidies to these Turks? Not to mention, there are still many veteran generals and their children and grandchildren who have been trained in the frontiers in the capital.”

Seeing the prince thoughtfully, Ling Wei sighed: “This hatred, it’s not just playing tricks, it can be worn away. Even if there is no private hatred, there will always be this national hatred. Among ordinary people, there are no lack of **** people. We. Huaxia has been in trouble for so many years, and has been bullied by foreign thieves for so many years, and finally exhales. Unless there are people with a small abacus, who would be willing to continue to bear it?”

The prince breathed a sigh of relief: “Jintang, did you expect this earlier?”

“It’s not that your majesty had anticipated it, but your majesty had anticipated it.” Ling Wei said, “Your Majesty has considered foresight, how can these things have not been thought of beforehand? Besides, since there was peace before the war, then the war is inevitable. There will also be different voices. What’s more, the mentality of the ministers, how can your majesty not understand after so many years as the emperor?”

“But I still think that Jintang must also have a plan.” The prince insisted, “Only Jintang would come up with this kind of idea.”

Ling Wei couldn’t help being depressed. What kind of image is he in this kid’s heart? What does it mean that only he would come up with such an idea?

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Of course, the prince guessed right. His Majesty the Emperor had expected that someone would make trouble halfway, so he called Ling Wei and others to discuss the matter in advance.

It was indeed Ling Wei’s proposal to use the “people’s mind” to fight against “Tianhe”.

However, how to implement the follow-up concretely, that idea is not the idea of Ling Wei. To be precise, Ling Wei just started.

The kidnapping of public opinion or something, the capital of modern society encountered this kind of incident, so Ling Wei suddenly remembered it. However, he will be busy with logistics in the follow-up, so naturally he can’t take care of so much.

When he wanted to come, it was probably just a few people who came to petition with banners, meaning, to find the emperor a step down.

However, the facts were beyond his expectation. Obviously, the thick blackness of ancient emperors and ministers was much stronger than that of his modern soil buns. After he learned of the follow-up, he was shocked and sweated.

The beginning of this public opinion incident was an old man crashing into the frame of a certain yushi, crying and cursing while being dragged away, and finally hitting his head to death on the side of the road.

Because this homicide case was under the public, His Majesty the Emperor was furious and ordered a thorough investigation. In the end, it was found that Yushi and the old man had no holidays before, but the old man was originally a military member and his native place was on the southeast coast. His eldest son died after joining the army, and his second son also resisted when the bandits went ashore to kill, burn and looting, and became disabled. His wife and youngest son were also killed at that time.

Then the family went to Beijing to join relatives, and the disabled son also calculated interest. Although he was hopeless in his career, he had a good business acumen. He also became a small and prosperous businessman. Later he settled in the outskirts of the capital and bought a few acres of Susukada. The family is still stable. .

After the news of the imperial court attacking Burma, the old man drank two taels of wine happily.

This is revenge for the whole family! The thief made his own family ruined, and his wife and son can finally smile at Jiuquan!

However, the news of this victory just came, and the old man heard that a minister in the DPRK had forced his majesty to withdraw his troops, not only to withdraw his troops, but also to compensate Myanmar.

The old man was filled with grief and anger in an instant. Isn’t this a traitor? He didn’t report Yan Chaoren’s hatred, instead he said that it is not good for your Majesty to kill the thieves! I don’t have much compensation for the death of my family, and I still have to give gold and silver treasures to the thieves!

The old man felt that his health was getting worse, and half of his body fell into the loess. Although the son had a poor birth, he married a wife because of his disability. After I have gone underground, how can I face my wife and children face to face?

The more he thought about it, the more grief and anger the old man decided to fight his life, let others see what is public opinion! This public opinion is not the result of a few officials patted their foreheads and flipped through the books.

After investigating the old man’s affairs, the truth behind the scene spread instantly, causing a violent effect in an instant.

Some of these ordinary people were sitting and demonstrating, some were kowtow to the city gate, and some were swearing and throwing dung at the “traitor” mansion; while the scholars began to unite in verbal criticism, writing poems and articles satirizing, and writing joint papers to be uploaded. Dasheng heard it—the commotion spread from the capital and spread all around.

The first reaction was the ministers who defended the border, and officials without military affairs and military officials all came to the table, complaining about how hard and dangerous they and the soldiers around them were in the border, in order to keep the bandits out of the country; while impeaching the peace-seekers, it was hard for us to impeach them. I can fight back and hurt people in one breath, so I don’t have to worry about the suffering of thieves in the future. How many soldiers and ordinary people will die?

What is Tianhe? It’s Tianhe who died less than his family!

The ministers who guarded the border began to rise, and the scholars and local tycoons in the border began to respond. The ten thousand co-authored books were sent to the capital one after another. The joint book wrote about the atrocities of the bandits, blood and tears at that time. Don’t you want public opinion? This is public opinion! Public opinion says, fight! Beat me to death! We can all join the army if there are not enough soldiers! If the thief is killed this time, our children and grandchildren will no longer have to worry about the suffering of the thief!

Originally, these letters were circulated within the imperial court. But I don’t know how, those fold-up letters began to circulate among the people, and they were even publicly read out and explained to ordinary people by readers in large courts such as tea houses.

The people heard the collective cry once, and there were constantly **** men asking to join the army, and their parents sent their sons to join the army. Well, at this time, Yan Chao had a recruitment system. You can get food and pay when you join the army, and you can get subsidies after you leave the army.

Ahem, anyway, it’s obvious where the public opinion and the people’s aspirations are, right?

Ministers? Are you trying to fight against people’s hearts? Do you want to be scolded by the people as traitors?

Anyway, the yushi who was first involved in this incident was verbally criticized and humiliated. It is conceivable that the pen in this historian’s hand can’t write any good things.

The historian is also boring. Every historian has a heart to write history books that have been passed down for generations. However, the events that happen every day are not all legendary. Although the historians have a pen that can write history, their imagination is used to make you think that he hides on the beam every day to listen and watch, but if things happen There is no explosive point in itself, and they can’t produce anything interesting with the “Spring and Autumn Brushwork”.

This thing is very good, it is so explosive, it will be passed down for generations after writing it down! Don’t hurry up and write a lot!

However, before writing, I still have to ask what the emperor meant.

The emperor meant to write! Write well! How thought-provoking this is!

So the historian understood and wrote! Write well! Be sure to alert future generations!

This history is really a little girl who can be dressed up.

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This incident was initiated by the people themselves.

real? Ling Wei didn’t believe it anyway.

If we say that it is a modern society where the wisdom of the people has been developed, it is possible for ordinary people to demonstrate, and it is not common for this to be costly.

No one leads anything, no one promises anything, ha ha.

As for what happened later, Ling Wei was even less convinced without anyone’s promotion or deliberate guidance.

Feudal society has created a democratic society. If you want to speak, you can speak, and you can petition if you want to petition. Isn’t this nonsense?

When patrolling government offices, soldiers are all vegetarians?

This is obviously someone who deliberately condoned, and even caused this situation with one hand.

It’s terrible.

Looking at this situation, Ling Wei was really frightened.

Those compatriots who thought they would become Ritian after crossing, have you really played with native-born ancients? He was frightened anyway.

This shot was such a big battle, it was terrible, terrible.

However, what made Ling Wei feel depressed was that not only was he shocked, he was also in trouble.

All of these friends and teachers in twos and threes wrote letters, saying, “Small, okay, this time the strategy is very good.”

Ling Wei was embarrassed. He just started, okay? In terms of details, he didn’t make any contribution at all, so why did it become his credit?

What makes him even more depressed is that the people responsible for the details, such as his two friends, also wrote to him to praise him. It seems that all the results are expected by him, and they are all his credit.

Can it be better?

His Majesty the Emperor gave him the final blow. His Majesty the Emperor was very happy to come to the secret decree, saying that Jintang, your idea is very good, the effect is very good, I am very happy, waiting for you to return to Beijing, I will give you a few credits together.

“Jintang is really amazing.” Prince Xingxingyan.

Ling Wei hides his face. This is really not his credit! He really just started to make a discussion! Can this be better!

It’s almost speechless.

Only his little angel sent a letter to comfort him and said, it’s okay, I know that this incident is also beyond your expectation, they said theirs, let’s live ours, don’t think too much, anyway, it will not hurt you. Even if you let other people know, it will only worry you more, and you won’t be able to pinch a soft persimmon in the future.

Ling Wei felt so sweet instantly. Look! Only the little angel understands his heart!

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Paper cannot contain a fire, and there is no impermeable wall in the world. This Ling Wei’s “wonderful calculation” was soon known by everyone who should know.

Ling Wei smoothly rose from the obnoxious pebbles in some people’s eyes to the point of thorns in his eyes and serious confession.

Such an exaggerated improvement is really gratifying to congratulate him.

Ling Wei said he was very aggrieved.

Others’ execution is too strong, blame me?

When Ling Wei was depressed, the battle on the front line never stopped.

should say. When the capital was arguing, the frontline wars never stopped.

Li Ying had long been given his brother’s secret decree and told him to fight as he pleased. The big deal is that he dragged him in the capital until Li Yin hit Burma.

Come to a conclusion when you’re done.

It will be too late to draw any conclusions. After the hit, he didn’t believe that the group of people could brazenly let the food that had been eaten spit out. If it is really frantic to this point, His Majesty the Emperor also decided to tear his face.

As for whether Li Ying can be beaten… His Majesty said, brother! I believe you!

Li Ying said, =_=, go aside.

Burma has reached the end of the road, the civil strife has finally ceased, and it has begun to look a little bit of resistance.

Although it was probably too late, it still caused a certain obstacle to Yan Chao’s army.

Such as elephants, such as elephants, such as still elephants.

Well, in Southeast Asia, elephants are a specialty, and the elephant cavalry is always scarier than the horseman on horseback.

As soon as the elephant rushed out, no matter how brave the soldiers of Yan Chao were, they had to avoid their sharp edges for a while.

Fortunately, elephants are not everywhere like horses, and the cavalry is only in hand. This elephant cavalry is also Yan Chao’s most elite unit, and it can be described as a killer.

Before that, the elite troops were nesting in the capital of Burma to protect the palace. Now it’s about to hit the palace, and the elite elephant cavalry has finally come out.

After dealing with Myanmar for so long, Le Yan is not unprepared.

He had known for a long time that the only thing Myanmar could resist was the elephant cavalry. Therefore, a series of preparations have been made before.

Positive resistance is impossible. Even if they can search for elephants, it is impossible to temporarily form cavalry.

Therefore, sending bait to lure the enemy deeper and digging traps to hinder the elephant cavalry has become the most powerful way to fight against the elephant cavalry.

After all, the elephant’s head is indeed terrible, but being big means cumbersome. As long as there are trenches and traps dug on the ground, even if the cavalry sitting on the elephant sees it, it is impossible to stop such a big man immediately and make a flexible detour or something.

Inertia, inertia, understand?

After losing a lot of manpower, the elephant cavalry in Myanmar also learned how to behave.

They are only responsible for defending the capital anyway, so procrastinate.

You can fight on flat ground, but Yan Chao’s army ran away, but they didn’t chase after him.

Anyway, do not fight in unfamiliar places. Let’s form a square formation and stay there. Come here if you have the ability? Why don’t you come over and try?

This is considered to be Li Ying, but also a headache.

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