The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 067 – Future Sorrows

[294 AC]

Still, after several moments Missandei eventually noticed that she wasn't alone any longer. As she turned and saw who it was exactly that stood beside her though, she froze in her movements and didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

Missandei had primarily been trained as a scribe by her former master, even though she also had sexual duties to perform regularly. As such, she was much better informed than most slaves when it came to the happenings outside of Astapor.

This was especially true when it came to the Red Temple, as her former master Krasnyz liked to be informed when it came to threats like that, which meant that she had read all about the temple and its god in general.

And while not all that Missandei had read was the truth, some things were. One of the things that she had read about was about the incredibly powerful priestess that lead the temple and was said to be the most trusted adviser and the closest being to the Red God.

That particular priestess had many names like the Light of Wisdom, Flame of Truth, and First Servant of the Lord of Light, but the most significant of her titles was 'Red Queen'.

This title was an acknowledgment of her intimate relationship with the Red God, as that particular priestess was said to be a lover of the divine entity protecting the Blessed Cities.

Missandei knew this to be true, as she had seen and met the priestess when she had arrived in Astapor after Phenex had conquered the city and even knew that she was named Kinvara.

The young girl though had tried to stay clear of the priestess, as she feared how the powerful sorceress would react to knowing that she had also become Phenex' lover during his stay in Astapor.

So seeing Kinvara suddenly appear right next to her, spooked Missandei quite a bit and she didn't know how to react, as she couldn't gauge the woman's reaction.

You don't have to be nervous, Missandei. I am not plagued by anger or jealousy just because you are his lover too.”, the gorgeous brunette suddenly voiced out softly, as she looked at her with a calm smile, her crystal-coloured gaze shining with a clear light.

Hearing these words, Missandei let out a quiet sigh of relief. She knew that she was no longer a slave and that Phenex held genuine affection for her, but that didn't mean that her past experiences didn't still cause her to be fearful every now and then.

In her years as a slave, Missandei had seen and heard noblewomen taking out their anger and jealousy on their husband's bedslaves quite often, and sometimes these women would act with even more cruelty than their male counterparts. As such it was no surprise that the young girl held some trepidation in her heart about meeting Kinvara.

"Phenex also isn't like a mortal man. He would never abandon those he loves, nor would he ever choose a narrow-minded lover.", Kinvara continued, as she gazed at the distant fiery figure, "His heart is as great as his might, so there is no need for us to fight for his affection. And there is no reason why we can't get along either."

Saying so, Kinvara gave Missandei another calming smile, before her gaze turned back to the flaming azure bird that was flying side by side with a great sapphire dragon.

Missandei recognized the sincerity in the Red Priestess' words, which set her heart somewhat at ease, as she accompanied Kinvara while a comfortable silence was spreading between the two of them.

It was a few days later that Phenex looked over the nightly beauty of Volantis from the terrace leading to his study in the temple like he so often did. His thoughts though were in stark contrast to the lively and prosperous city, as faint sorrow had settled in his heart.

"What are you thinking about so intently, my love?", Kinvara's voice echoed in his ears, as the beautiful priestess approached him with silent steps, her red gown hugging her curves perfectly.

Giving her a faint smile, Phenex replied softly: “The future.”

His violet gaze though betrayed his expression, as Kinvara could see hints of anguish in them. Stepping up to him, the priestess grabbed her lover's hand and slowly brought it up to her face.

Resting her cheek in his warm palm, her eyes shone in near-overwhelming affection and care, as she whispered gently: “What has you so saddened about the future that you won't even let me share in your burden?”

Feeling the raging flame of Kinvara's love, a tender light appeared in Phenex' eyes, as his thumb softly brushed over her cheek.

"Time. It's time, my love.", he answered softly, "In maybe a thousand, or ten thousand years, all that I cherish and love will be gone, taken from me by the river of time. I know this and I know that even my power cannot avert this fate."

Sighing audibly, sorrow returned to the violet eyes of the immortal man standing before Kinvara, as he continued: “I will lose you and I will lose them. It is inevitable.”

A crushing pain settled in Kinvara's heart, as she thought about his words and realised that the one she loved was bound to be lonely at some point, as his power created a gulf between him and every other being in existence.

Silent tears streaking down her face, the priestess stepped into Phenex' embrace, her palms laying flat on his chest, as she looked up at him with her crystal gaze. Endless longing and love veiled only by the tears welling up inside her eyes.

"You will lose me.", Kinvara admitted gently, as she continued, "And you are allowed to be saddened by this, but not today. There will be enough time for you to grieve, my love, but now it is time for you to be together with me – with us."

Tiptoeing, the beautiful priestess placed a soft kiss on Phenex' lips, while she felt his arms snake around her waist and hold her tightly.

It was as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders, as he listened to his priestess' whisper. Phenex knew that Kinvara's words were true and that he shouldn't focus on future sorrows, not when he still had the time to be with those he loved.

In a fiery shower, he brought them both to his bedchamber, following which he unveiled the beauty that lay beneath Kinvara's robes, kissing and caressing her bare form, before he finally connected their bodies in a lover's fashion.

Kinvara's soft moans and pants, accompanied by her whispered words of love and devotion, soon managed to expel the darkness that had clouded his heart. And before long Phenex fell into a peaceful sleep, the beautiful priestess still in his embrace.

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