The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 068 – Phoenix Bay

[295 AC]

His fingers brushing through the silvery hair of the former Targaryen Queen, Phenex looked down at her with a faint smile, as she rested peacefully with her head in his lap.

Sounds of a strong breath echoed at his side, as Sapphire and Jade likewise rested side by side, their massive draconic forms stretching around Phenex and Rhaella, as if protecting them, even though such a thing was unnecessary, considering that they were in the heart of Volantis.

His gaze turning away from Rhaella's stunningly beautiful face, Phenex looked at the lush greenery of the temple garden surrounding them, while his thoughts drifted to the changes that had happened over the last year since the conquest of Slaver's Bay.

Since Slaver's Bay had been brought under the Red Temple's and subsequently his rule, it had been renamed into Phoenix Bay, which was a necessary step to help the wide populace realize the massive changes that had taken place in those territories.

Phenex also knew that a name could have power, even without magical forces aiding it.

The name 'Slaver's Bay' was unmistakenly associated with slavery and its past horrors that had taken so many lives, which obviously couldn't be changed, nor could this past be erased, so Phenex declared that the place should be renamed in an attempt to lift this veil of blood and terror from the region, though he didn't pick a name himself.

The high-ranking temple officials had discussed it and after Kinvara's suggestion of Pheonix Bay, they had unanimously agreed, and through her explanations of why she had chosen it, Phenex also found it rather fitting.

Kinvara thought that the name would inspire the people to believe that Slaver's Bay could be reborn through the flaming grace of the Red God like a phoenix, hoping that it would help them adapt faster to the new ruling system and motivate them to forge their own future.

Admittedly, it had worked rather well, as Astapor, Meereen, Yunkai, and the smaller towns and settlements had gained much vitality, while Volantis and the rest of the Blessed Cities supported the rapid advancement of Phoenix Bay with all manner of goods.

Phenex didn't really intervene when it came to the ruling of Pheonix Bay and the Blessed Cities, as that was exactly what he had created the Bright Sun Branch of the temple for. He knew that the priests and priestesses of that branch were incredibly capable when it came to governing and politics, more than that though they also had a passion for it, something he himself lacked without a doubt.

His flaming mark on them also made it impossible for them to act with injustice or be part of a corrupt scheme, so his mind was at ease handing these duties to them.

It may not be true trust that compelled him to do such, but human nature simply didn't allow for him to just give them free rein while these priests and priestesses occupied positions of such great power.

Phenex was very clear on the fact that trust and naivety were only separated by a fine line after all.

The other branches of the temple had also expanded into Pheonix Bay, which was a major reason for the rapidly improving economical and infrastructural situation of these new territories.

The Dothraki had reacted to the conquest of Slaver's Bay as expected, though wishing to raid the lands being ruled by the temple was nothing but a pipe dream for them, as they were unable to overcome the powerful priests and Fiery Hand members guarding these lands.

The only thing they had managed to accomplish these past few months was to nourish the land with their blood, as they had paid for their attempts with their lives.

The rest of the Free Cities had reacted with worry to the Red Temple's expansion and had sent many envoys to inquire about Phenex' intentions in regards to them, though he didn't bother giving them answers or pacifying them, as the Red Temple's strength wasn't something they could measure up against even together.

Phenex though had Kinvara met the envoy from Braavos and let him know that the Secret City was not in any danger of being taken over, which was primarily owed to the fact that it was the only Free City that actively ensured that its citizens weren't robbed of their freedom.

The other Free Cities did this only in name, while the actual situation was entirely different.

Pentos for example had the habit of forcing their servants into life-long servitude simply by making the necessary goods for survival too expensive in comparison to their wage, which meant that they had no other way than to indebt themselves to the upper class. So while they were free men and women by law, that exact law forced them to pay back their debts with life-long servitude.

Phenex though did not plan to conquer them any time soon, or at all, in fact, but the Red Temple's spies and agents were working tirelessly to place themselves in positions of power. It was a precaution and at the same time a preparation for eventual conflicts or wars, which Volantis and its sister cities would undoubtedly win.

Following such a hypothetical victory, it would then be much easier to control these cities with these spies.

On the other hand, if the agents managed to place themselves in control of the Free Cities, there would be no reason for conflict and they could join the Blessed Cities openly, by camouflaging it as an alliance.

That was essentially what Kinvara told him, though if that came to pass or not, Phenex did not know yet.

The Seven Kingdoms were also somewhat alarmed by the Red Temple's power, after having been informed of the conquest of the Stepstones, the Basilisk Isles, and then Slaver's Bay in the last few years.

From the Sunset Sea to the Summer Sea, from Myr to Astapor, all these lands were now ruled over and protected by the Red Temple.

With trade routes free of pirates, big roads connecting most of the Blessed Cities, and a populace of truly free men and women, it was simply impossible to estimate the true wealth and power that the temple had.

Furthermore, every merchant ship passing through these waters, which were controlled by the Blessed Cities had to pay taxes annually. The merchants would then be provided with a plaque that would ensure free passage of these waters and the help of the Red Temple's patrol ships when encountering danger.

They could also dock in any harbor of the Blessed Cities and Phoenix Bay free of cost, while their taxes when trading were also reduced.

This may seem like a loss for the Red Temple, but in reality, it just caused more gold to flood its vaults, as it established the territory under Phenex as a merchant's paradise, and with a reputation as such, trade didn't just flourish, it boomed.

The high priests stationed in Westeros also easily calmed the hearts of many Lords and Ladies, as they were told that they had nothing to fear from the Red Temple, not with slavery having been banned in Westeros ages ago.

Dorne, the Westerlands, and King's Landing also had three great temples, signifying that those lands were already living in harmony with the Red Temple without any problems.

This had incited a change in many of the noble's hearts, as they were of course aware of the benefits that the Red Temple provided to these lands, though most of them had not been too keen on cooperation with it before.

Now though, with the temple's power having been displayed so obviously, many thought that this might be a good time to approach the Red Temple with a more cooperative attitude.

Most of these Lords though were minor nobles from the Crownlands and Westerlands, while Dorne had long since accepted the religion as a whole, as the Red Temple had already possessed a rather noticeable presence in these lands before.

There were also some of the nobles from the Stormlands, Riverlands, and the Vale that inquired about the possibility of housing priests and priestesses as guests in their lands.

The Hand of the King, Jon Arryn though was the only Lord of a great noble House that had approached Thoros with the intention of working out an agreement similar to what the warrior priest had discussed with Tywin Lannister.

Phenex knew that it wouldn't be long before Renly Baratheon, Lord and Ruler of the Stormlands also approached the temple to propose such cooperation, while he also was aware that House Stark, House Tully, and House Tyrell would not do so any time soon, or at all for that matter.

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