The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 125 – Content

[300 AC]

Looking at the dark-haired man that had stolen her heart, while he carried the small white-haired bundle of joy that was her daughter in his arms with a relaxed and gentle smile, Rhaella's heart nearly leaped out of her chest in overwhelming joy.

The former Queen fought hard to suppress the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes after an afternoon she had spent with Phenex and Allyria playing in the gardens on Dragonstone.

It had been an intimate and precious moment for their little family, as it had only been the three of them, which simply had been something unthinkable in Rhaella's former life.

She sometimes had problems convincing herself that all this wasn't a dream but reality, that she truly could be this happy.

Not to mention the unfound worries that had plagued her mind during her pregnancy, not for the child's life, but also because she did not know the kind of father Phenex would be. The endless patience and love the purple-eyed warrior had not only for his daughter but also for herself, had caused her to cry her eyes out more than once.

The fact that Phenex had been there to embrace her and shower her with even more care and affection, had only added to her tears, while her love for him seemed to grow with every waking moment.

Seeing him look up at her, while they walked back towards the castle unhurriedly side by side, the Targaryen lady was somewhat compelled by the loving light shining in them to step up to Phenex and gently grasp his cheek with her lithe hand, before placing a tender kiss on his lips.

I love you.”, she whispered loving to her godly husband, love shining brightly in her violet eyes.

"I know.", Phenex replied with the slight smile, that Rhaella had become infatuated with over all the time they had been together, before he leaned forward and placed a kiss of his own on her cheek.

I love you too, Rhaella.”, Phenex added with quiet affection.

[A few hours later]

Walking through the castle on his way to the library, as he knew that this was where Missandei was at the moment, Phenex' gaze rested in the distance, observing the meeting between his dragonrider and the King of the North.

He knew that the Young Wolf may not want to give up his power as unchallenged ruler of the North, but some things were inevitable, though Phenex did not plan to take over the region between the Wall and the Neck forcefully.

Robb Stark though was in a position where he simply had no choice but to take the hand that the Red Temple, i.e. Phenex extended.

The young King was not only surrounded by men that sought to betray him, but also by those that resented him for the choices he made, especially when it came to his bride. The Northmen disliked Talisa not being from the North, the same way they had done with his father's wife Catelyn Tully, while the Southern Lords spat in hate at the fact that she was a heretic and priestess of the temple, something that the Northern Lords were likewise not happy about.

As men that prided themselves in being the only descendants that had been able to fight off the Andal invasion and with them their faith, it was a matter of great displeasure that not only their former Lord, Eddard Stark, but also their King had married a woman that did not worship the Old Gods.

The fact that Robb had also executed Rickard Karstark only added to his troubles, not to mention the Frey's untimely demise at the hands of the Red Temple and the Greyjoys plaguing and raiding the Western coast of the North.

It was highly likely that even if the young King returned to the North that rebellions against his rule would rise from all over the Northern Kingdom, while the Riverlands may even completely escape his grasp now that the Lannisters were no longer a threat.

His uncle Edmund Tully would certainly not hesitate to renounce his allegiance to the King in the North and maybe attempt to rule the Riverlands himself as King of the Trident himself.

To preserve his authority and ensure the safety of his family, Robb Stark would not have much choice but to pledge allegiance to the Red Temple.

And even in the unlikely scenario that he may refuse, the Wildling hordes and White Walkers coming from beyond the Wall would probably help him have a change of heart rather quickly.

Jaehaerys being a dragonrider of the Red Temple and his wife being a priestess, along with the display of power he had seen from the Feathers, Robb would naturally be more willing to swear allegiance to the temple.

Not to mention that Phenex did not plan to impose his rule on the North like he would on the rest of the Seven Kingdoms for the time being, as the territory that the Red Temple would have to take control of was simply too vast.

The North alone took up roughly one third of the total landmass of Westeros, which made it a difficult to rule place, when faced with opposition from all sides.

Also Red Temple had nearly no believers in these lands and the faith of the Old Gods was deeply rooted in the people, which would make it nearly impossible to rule them without great resistance.

The same was even more true for the Riverlands, as the Faith of the Seven was especially strong in these lands, while their dislike for the other religious believes was also more pronounced.

As such it was much easier to exercise patience and advance steady and cautiously, while waiting for an opportunity to enforce the Red Temple's rule. Phenex knew this very well and he was indeed a very patient and farsighted man, which was reflective in his plans for the North and the Riverlands.

Finally reaching the library, Phenex put those thoughts aside, as he entered with quiet steps and went in search for his quiet and exotic lover.

Eventually, he found Missandei hidden inside a small alcove with a stack of books taller than herself next to her, the scholarly beauty fixated on the book in her slender hands.

Wearing a light grey robe with black embroidery around her neckline, sleeves, and waist, where a thin leather belt held the clothing together, causing the former slave to look absolutely ravishing. Her hair was tied back tightly into one large voluminous braid, which just accentuated the tender lines of Missandei's features perfectly.

"You must have been a goddess of knowledge and beauty in your last life.", Phenex addressed his golden-eyed wife quietly.

Looking up in surprise, as she had not noticed his arrival, Missandei smiled affectionately while her eyes danced in joy at the sight of him.

"I am your wife, so I must be.", she replied with a slight blush, that caused a stir in Phenex' heart, as his desire awakened with intensity.

Leaning down to steal himself a deep kiss from her soft lips, which caused Missandei to let out a quiet moan of want and comfort, Phenex stated the reason for his visit, his eyes having already gained a fiery tint.

I was on my way to Oldtown and thought you might be interested in taking a look at the collection of books in the Citadel.”, he whispered against her lips, while still hovering above her.

His muscular frame forced the slender beauty to lean back into the armchair, causing Missandei to feel wholly surrounded by his strength and presence, which made her long to be even closer to her love.

Now though, I think we first have to take care of something else.”, Phenex added with a roguish smile, as his lips connected themselves with hers once again and this time he didn't plan to stop his intimate caresses with simple kisses.

It didn't take long before he had peeled off Missandei's robes and banished his own clothes to connect their bodies in a lover's fashion. His hard shaft penetrating deeply into the golden-eyed beauty's core, while his hands and lips wandered over her curves, drawing one orgasm after another from her willing form.

And when Phenex finally released his own seed inside his lover, Missandei similarly accompanied him for another blissful moment, her eyes nearly bursting with longing and affection.

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