The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 126 – Alliance

[300 AC]

"Oldtown, Blackcrown, The Three Sisters, Sunhouse, Uplands, Bandalton, and Honeyholt have already been conquered by forces I have brought with me.

"Horr Hill, Starpike, Ashford, and Ciderhall are left for the Dornish armies under Doran Martell's lead to deal with, while the lands further North are soon going to come under the attack of Commander Stannis' forces.", Kinvara reported quietly as she laid in Phenex arms, while they rested on the roof of the Hightower together, the full moon illuminating the dark night above.

Phenex had brought Missandei to the Citadel a few hours prior and had spent some time with her searching through the massive archives for some 'lost' and ancient knowledge, before he had gone to find his lovely priestess.

What about the Arbor?”, Phenex asked, not bothering to extend his senses towards the golden islands laying before the coast of the Reach, which was ruled by House Redwyne.

He much rather listened to Kinvara's beautiful voice, while she told him what he needed to know, drawing circles on his chest with her slender fingers as she did so.

"I have sent High Priestess Tibera and Atas, along with dozens of Fiery Hand warriors and roughly five thousand soldiers to force House Redwyne to submit or destroy them if they acted defiantly. They will not fail their duties.", the crystal-eyed priestess stated with quiet conviction.

I know they won't.”, came Phenex' light reply, while his hand caressed her side gently.

A momentary pause appeared between the two of them, as they just enjoyed each other's presence in silence, gazing at the star-filled, midnight-blue carpet that was the firmament.

How long will you stay?”, Kinvara inquired softly after a few minutes, looking up at Phenex with sleepy, yet loving eyes.

As long as you want me to.”, he replied quietly, his eyes ablaze with gentle affection.

Gritting her teeth in hate, bloodlust and a thirst for vengeance erupted in Jara's heart as she read the message in her hand.

Her brother had died in Winterfell, supposedly at the hands of assassins from the Red Temple, though she did not believe that.

The Red Temple may have been a powerful force that one certainly had to be wary of, but she could not see any reasons for them to interfere in this war, even though they had once sent the Undying Priest out during the Rebellion of her House against the Usurper.

The temple was known for its policy of not intervening in Westerosi matters beyond simply protecting and aiding their believers, of which there were only very very few in the North.

No, Jara was sure that the little lordling ruling over Winterfell had most likely poisoned her brother and just spread this news to avoid evoking the wrath of her family, as most of the Northern army was still in the South and he had no way to fend of the forces under her command.

"Get the men ready, we are riding to Winterfell!", Jara voiced out in cold rage, as she stormed out of the long hall sitting on a hill that was the Deepwood castle, the seat of House Glover, which she had taken over just a few weeks prior.

Her men proved their loyalty with their prompt actions, as they didn't hesitate to assemble and got ready to set off only a few minutes later.

Deepwood Motte wasn't far from Winterfell, barely a two-day journey on horseback, with no mountains or great rivers to cross, though Jara Greyjoy and her men didn't even make it past the halfway point when a bestial roar suddenly shook the atmosphere.


The ironborn trying to keep their somewhat frantic steads from throwing them off, looked up at the cloudy sky in fear and horror, as they saw a truly gigantic, winged beast break through the cloudy ceiling right above them.

Obsidian-colored scales giving the massive dragon a more terrifying appearance, as it descended with break-neck speed.

"RETREAT!!", Jara Greyjoy had hardly managed to shout her command when the black dread was already above them, its maw wide as a deep black firestorm erupted from it and practically annihilated the small army she had taken with her.

The heat and destructive force of the black dragon was so great that everything it came into contact with directly turned into ashes instantaneously, having no time to melt or burn.

"Our war is over.", Robb Stark stated as he sat in his seat in one of the few rooms that had survived the rampage of his brother's dragon, while facing the Lords that had followed him in this war until now.

Talisa sat by his left side, while Jon stood to the right, drawing uneasy, but mostly fearful and hostile looks from the men present.

"Tywin Lannister is dead, Renly Baratheon is defeated. The Westerlands, the Iron Islands, the Crownlands, the Reach, and the Stormlands are all being conquered by the Red Temple as we speak. I expect the same fate to befall the Vale not too far in the future.", the Young Wolf continued with a calm tone.

His words caused shocked and appalled outcries, while the atmosphere turned incredibly tense and hostile, nearly every Lord glaring at the dragonrider standing to his side, as well as his wife.

"Is that why he is here!? To force our surrender!?", a Southern Lord spat out, glaring at Jon with hateful eyes, amidst the many voices of anger and dissent.

Silence!” “GROWL!”

Robb shouted, as his trusty companion Grey Wind let loose a fierce growl that caused the crowd to settle down somewhat.

"He is not here to force our surrender, nor is he an outsider!", the Young Wolf stated with a firm voice, causing some confusion amongst those listening.

"I am sure you have all heard about my father's bastard son, Jon Snow.", Robb began to explain, "Though what none of us knew was that my father in fact lied about his child's origins."

Stepping forward, Jaehaerys looked on with utter calm, as stared down the many powerful Lords of the Riverlands and the North, a pressuring aura being emitted from his form, as he used his bond with Lyra to draw on her draconic presence.

"I am Jaehaerys Targaryen, Lord of House Targaryen and the legitimate son of the Last Dragon and the She-Wolf of House Stark. And I didn't come to force you to surrender and bend the knee.", the dark-haired dragonrider stated confidently, as he continued.

"I was sent here by the Red God with an offer for an alliance, to help the North and the Riverlands regain their peace and independence.", Jaehaerys ended, as a moment of shocked silence spread through the hall.

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