The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Smoker Vs Golden Lion

“The prison is here!” Dusqi stopped and was a little lost, and Wei Wei, who was about to go up the stairs, raised her hand and slashed the jailer to death with two knives, and then rushed in.

Weiwei waited outside for a while, she listened intently, looking for clues from a lot of messy information.

When Dusqi couldn’t do anything about the Hailoushi handcuffs and shackles on her boss Smog, Weiwei walked in with the key.

The hardness of Hailou stone is comparable to that of the hardest diamond. Dasqi cut it with the famous knife “Shiyu” for a long time without leaving a trace. Fortunately, Weiwei found a clue from the nagging of a nearby tree, and then obtained a clue from a jailer. Got the key.

Smoker was shirtless, and after undoing the handcuffs and shackles, he moved his shoulders and arms.

During the battle on the warship, he was slashed several times by the golden lion. The elementalization ability of the smoke fruit was ineffective against the domineering of the armed color. The two fought less than ten rounds, and they were proud in their hearts, plus they underestimated the strength of the enemy. The Smog was cut into serious injuries, and in the end, he was taken away directly like a cargo.

At this time, the colonel of the Navy Headquarters was a little pale, but he still looked at Weiwei and asked, “Who are you?”

Even though Weiwei knew that Smog had herself in the investigation list, she just didn’t plan to admit it, and she wouldn’t admit it to death! She still used the same trick to fool Dusky, and said calmly, “My name is Jaina, I’m a traveler passing through Rogge Town, and this time I’m going to take my pet duck to the sea restaurant for a big meal.”

Smog felt different, and continued to ask: “It sounds like your accent is coming from the Great Route, right? Why did you come to the East China Sea?”

“What’s wrong with me coming to Donghai? It’s just for dinner, what’s the problem?” Weiwei looked right, she was a duck lover and brought her pets to eat in Donghai all the way. Is it illegal?

Weiwei winked at Dusqi, and the female swordsman was stunned for a moment before she reacted.

“Colonel, Colonel… Should we… contact headquarters for support?”

Smoker was shirtless and couldn’t find his shirt for a while, but the guy took out a cigar from the pocket of his trousers, lit it, and took a deep breath.

“Why do you need to say that? I contacted the headquarters as soon as the accident happened.”

Weiwei was overjoyed and couldn’t keep a low profile: “Really? Which general is leading the reinforcements? When will he arrive?”

Smokey looked at her like an idiot: “How much time do you think I have to explain to the headquarters in that kind of melee? Just wait.”

His tone was full of impatience, but this person’s attitude towards commoners was really good. Although Weiwei’s temperament didn’t look like a commoner from both sides, he always maintained his attitude on a relatively polite level.

“What about Monka and the others? They’re not with you?” Smoker asked.

Weiwei listened carefully. Before, there was some movement at the main entrance of the castle, but now there is no sound at all. Needless to say, it must have been completely destroyed there. She suspected that the golden lion might not have made a move…

Just as she was thinking about how to persuade Smog to turn in with the survivor strategy, a sharp knife flashed at the end of her line of sight, and the surrounding stones, trees and walls were also reminding her of danger, very dangerous.

Without saying a word, Weiwei jumped to the side, Smog’s reaction speed was faster than her, but in order to take care of his female swordsman subordinates, he threw Dusky into the sky, and then it was a bit late to bend over to dodge, Therefore, he could only turn his body into a cloud of white mist, and let a sword light more than ten meters long pass quickly through the white mist.

“Jie ha ha ha ha! Little Navy actually got out of trouble?” With the sound of metal hitting the ground, the golden lion walked in slowly.

He has long blond hair that grows over his waist, but the hair on the top of his head is shaved off, and a quarter of the rudder is inserted from the top of his head to the back of his head. From a distance, it really looks like a cockscomb.

The golden lion’s clothes are a bit like traditional samurai clothes. The upper body is a wide black feather weave, and the lower part is an orange horse riding hakama. His legs are broken at the knees. In order to walk, he uses the famous swords “Sakura Ten” and ” Dead wood” instead of feet, so when walking, the tip of the sword hits the ground, making that kind of “clanging” metal sound.

“It doesn’t seem like an ordinary person to be able to escape my chopping.” The Golden Lion and Smog fought each other. He was not surprised that the navy colonel who used the smoke fruit escaped his attack. He just didn’t expect that at the scene. There are people who can avoid it, so most of the eyes are on Weiwei.

The heavy pressure came upon her face, and Wei Wei held her breath, and no longer teased with Smog and talked about the mood of duck lovers.

With a muffled “dong”, the golden lion threw Colonel Monka, who was in his hands, on the ground. The colonel’s eyes were dull, and he lost the heroic and braveness of “I killed the golden lion with an axe”. From Weiwei’s point of view , It seems that his arm muscles are still shaking slightly.

“Jie ha ha ha ha! – Send a group of small fish to attract my attention, and then dispatch elites to save people? Do you think I’ll be fooled? There are more and more idiots in the navy! Jie ha ha ha ha!”

Just when Wei Wei was thinking about what trump card to Smoker turned into smoke to block in front of her.

“Woman in the way, this is a battle between the navy and the pirates! You step back!” Smog’s arm turned into white smoke, then stretched out more than ten meters and punched the golden lion in the face.

“Jie ha ha ha ha, you don’t know how to use a domineering little navy, it seems that you still want to compete with me?” The corners of the golden lion’s mouth were full of contempt, not to mention a small colonel, he was not afraid of the general, just saw his left hand Suddenly covered with a thin layer of black energy, he casually stretched out his hand and grabbed Smog’s left fist that had turned into smoke.

The same trick, yesterday, on the warship, Smog was beaten by the opponent’s armed arrogance, and naturally he won’t be hit again today.

Smog started to change his moves when he was in the air. His left fist, which was a false move, quickly retracted, and at the same time he twisted his waist and swung his arms, and his right fist was quickly swung out.

This is his stunt, the ability “white fist” developed by the devil fruit.

The fist was not unexpected, and it failed again. Smog did not use the fruit ability again, but used “Six Form. Shave”. His feet stepped on the ground, stepping on the ground more than ten times in an instant, with the explosive speed generated by the reaction force. Suddenly rushed to the blind spot on the side of the golden lion, raised his foot, and kicked the enemy’s neck.

The golden lion sneered, useless fruit ability, useless domineering, he folded his arms in front of his chest, raised his legs with a composure, and kicked a giant sword light again with his left foot.


The sword light flew at a forty-five-degree angle, not only attacking Smog, but also including Weiwei and Dusky into the attack range.

The female sergeant knew that the gap between herself and the enemy was too great, so she dodged in a rather embarrassed way. Weiwei ran faster than her. Not only was she faster, but Weiwei also called out Karu, the killer duck who had been hiding in the dark. Getting ready to start her plan C.

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