The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Lion.0 Cut Valley

Following Wei Wei’s whistle, the duck who was hiding in the dark and shivering ran out with a face full of fear.

I don’t know how long the Golden Lion will fight with Smaller. The time she entrusted is one minute. It is estimated that Smaller can last for one minute, right?

The body is hosted by the panel, but Karoo can still make sounds now.

Accompanied by the cries of “Cuckoo”, “Cuckoo, Guck, Guck”, Karoo rushed into the battlefield while screaming.

The golden lion, who was thinking about whether to chop Smog’s left or right hand, was taken aback for a moment. Seeing Karoo’s colorful clothes and the strange red Christmas hat, his expression suddenly became dull. “Chopping” just put on a The stance could not go out, and he stared at Karoo dumbfounded, and said indifferently: “Oh? This is a… a chicken? How can there be a chicken here? Am I also a chicken? chicken?”

good chance!

Weiwei was overjoyed, she whistled again, and the sniper Fan Oka who got the signal pulled the trigger and shot the rudder above the golden lion’s head like a poisonous bullet.

Kalu’s makeup is still in place, and her cry is quite confusing. Weiwei’s reaction is extremely fast, and Fan Oka’s sniping is even more accurate. Their cooperation in this series has not been rehearsed beforehand, but at this time they are still showing It was very smooth, and there was no lag in the middle. The whole process was called art. Unfortunately, they were still a step behind because someone ‘snatched away”.

At the same time as Duck Karoo rushed out, the golden lion stared at the “chicken” in a stunned manner, conquering his own fear, and standing up with the idea of a desperate blow, Mr. Monka.

He had absolutely no intention of cooperating with Smog, let alone Weiwei’s plans on their side. His mind was muddled, and there was only one goal in his eyes, and that was the golden lion.

The fierce man roared and raised his right arm, with all his strength, he slashed the golden lion’s chest with an axe.

“Pfft!” A **** arrow shot into the sky. The golden lion’s swordsmanship, arrogance, and fruit ability are all at the top level in this world, but he is a mortal body after all. And unprepared, the muscles can’t compete with the axe.

The damage caused by this axe was not small. The golden lion was slashed with a long wound from the left shoulder to the right side of the rib, but Monkana’s divinely assisted rush attack also destroyed Weiwei and the others. .

At the moment when Fan Oka’s child popped out of his chest, the golden lion was awakened by pain, and the domineering arrogance that could be used to avoid danger immediately sensed the sniping at him from a distance. of a shot.

The golden lion was provoked, his eyes looking at Mengka were full of murderous intent, he had been in the world for so many years, and now he would be hurt by such a little shrimp that he couldn’t look down on at all!

Like an injured beast, he raised his leg in another “chopping”, and then his body floated in the air, and his left and right legs kicked out in a series. Xiang everyone, the dazzling golden light makes people dazzled, this is the golden lion’s swordsmanship stunt “Lion. Thousand Cut Valley”!

These slashes were fast and fast, and Weiwei didn’t dare to take it hard. She dodged left and right, and from time to time she saw the surrounding walls, iron gates, and trees along the way were cut into pieces by golden slashes from various angles.

Weiwei even saw Kalu, the pet duck, circling around the edge of the battlefield, croaking “guguga” and “guguga” from time to time. The golden lion was subconsciously curious about the existence of this “chicken”, the lion. Qianqie Gu’s large-scale attack did not completely cover Karu, but Weiwei had no ability to evade the panel at all. What if she was cut?

Karoo is not only her plug-in, but also her good friend!

“Damn it! Die all! Die for Lao Tzu!” The golden lion was completely in a state of rampage, the lion Qianqiegu did not stop, and most of the castle was bombarded by his golden slash, but he still had no tendency to stop. .

From the sound of the strong wind brought by the golden slash, the golden lion can be heard panting rapidly, and the continuous sound of “Lion. Chikirigu” is definitely a heavy burden for an old man of his age, but the old wound on the head and the chest The new injury caused the Golden Lion to completely abandon his reason, as if to destroy everything in front of him in a random way.

“Quick! Interrupt his attack with your attack! Use that iron block to carry it hard, and then use the finger gun! Hurry up!” Don’t interrupt, what are you waiting for?

Smog really wanted to say that Lao Tzu would be able to use one move, “Six Styles. Shave” and the rest would not be at all, but this was too imposing, and he knew that he needed to attack, but he still had to take care of Dusky and Mengka. Taking two people to avoid the flying “Lion. Chiakigu” is already the limit, and there is no time to attack the enemy.

“Come here if you have the ability!” he shouted in disbelief.

Weiwei’s head is getting bigger, UU reading www. She could tell that the golden lion would never stop until his physical strength was exhausted.

“I’ll come, I’ll come!”

Damn Monka! Weiwei is extremely angry at the guy who sabotaged her plan. Instead of suppressing this emotion, she catalyzes and indulges her anger, allowing her anger to rise and explode in her heart! The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. When her emotions reached their peak, she suddenly let go of the restrictions and burst out all her emotions.

The golden lion was panting like a cow, and his reaction speed was several beats slower than normal.

He was surprised at first, then contemptuous: “Little devil! Do you think this old man can’t be overbearing! You… Guguga? I don’t seem to be able to use it anymore?…”

The rudder oppressed the cranial nerve, and when the golden lion was about to use its domineering arrogance to fight, there was an obvious pause.

Domineering and domineering represent a person’s spirit, and this spirit also contains willpower, determination and all the mind.

This thing can only be awakened by one in a million people. Even if it is awakened, it cannot be improved through training and other means. What many people are like when they awaken, and what they will be after.

Katakuri is almost 50 years old, and he is the same generation as Luffy’s father. What’s the result? The level of domineering and domineering of the two is about the same.

Weiwei is now suppressing the golden lion with the overlord color, which is a bit like a young man who uses his good physique to punch the old master.

When his mind is good, the golden lion will be overbearing, but now he lacks a lot of emotions, and has been defeated by cruel reality several times. His “heart” has long been in a state of mutilation. When the domineering look came over, he suddenly found that he couldn’t use the domineering look.

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