The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 181

EP.181 It’s Mine

The first time I sensed that sign was when the Hero asked me to brush her hair using a Wish Granting Ticket.

Out of all the things she could have requested, I found it a bit suspicious that she asked for that. However, I thought it was much better than going for a bath together or sharing a bed, so I didn’t refuse.

I still vaguely remember the feeling of her golden hair wrapping around my fingertips, softer than any silk I had ever touched.

Could it be that even a seasoned Beastman would be mesmerized by its fluffiness?

I ended up making a blunder that I would never commit under normal circumstances.


“A-are you okay, Hero!? D-did it hurt a lot!?”

The taut feeling conveyed from the tip of my fingers. A brief moan that brushed past my ears.

I was anxiously checking her expression, realizing that my clumsy handling had hurt the Hero, just at that moment.



Her face turned as red as a tomato, and I was momentarily frozen by her strange demeanor as she clutched at her thumping heart.

“No, it’s nothing! Just a little snag in my hair! Please, don’t worry and continue!”

I had pretended not to notice it back then, but I could faintly guess the content of the Hero’s unfinished mumble.

“Actually, you like this, don’t you? Being treated carelessly like this.”


It was obvious to anyone that she was hit right in the feels, her reaction was so evident.

Even though she had declared she would cut me down if I got closer, I was able to boldly close the distance because I had struck a chord with her emotions.


I pushed her against the wall, using my arms as a barrier to cut off her escape route.

Considering the power difference between us, it was a pretty flimsy restraint.

But she seemed so focused on licking my collarbone that she didn’t even bother to resist, almost like she didn’t realize she had been backed into a corner.


“W-who would listen to a lowly Ha Gye In like you!”

“I said sit.”

“Ha! At this point, your audacity is just laughable! No matter how much you bark, I have no reason to listen to you! Wait, what!?”


Contrary to her sharp tongue, her body was surprisingly compliant.

The moment my words fell, she knelt demurely on the floor, occasionally bobbing her upper body like a loyal puppy waiting for its owner’s reward.

“What is this…!?”

In a bewildering situation where her body, which had been completely her own until a moment ago, suddenly moved on its own.

I could understand her astonishment, but I felt no sympathy.

She had crossed the absolute line I had within me.

“Good. Well done.”

“D-damn it! I’ll be punished! Punished for this…!”

I thought it would be quite exhausting to maintain such a cold attitude while looking at the Hero’s face.

But using my anger toward her as fuel, my tongue was rolling even better than I had expected.

“Now, if you don’t want to be punished, just lick it properly this time. With sincerity.”

“Ugh! N-no! I can’t be seduced by such a lowly man!”

With her eyes tightly closed, shaking her head back and forth, her resistance was quite fierce, but it didn’t last long against my determination.


She slowly took in my bloodied fingers with her mouth.

Despite the fierce expression that looked like she might bite my fingers off at any moment, her tongue was gently cleaning the droplets of blood off my fingers.

“Mmm! Bwah! Th-this! This is… mmm!”

Every time her soft tongue twined around my solid finger, a tantalizing voice filled the gloomy space.

But I couldn’t let my expression break.

Though she appeared to be obediently following my words, both her hands were still tightly gripping the Holy Sword.

To separate the Holy Sword from the Hero, I needed to push her more ruthlessly than I was now.

Mmm! Hah! Slurp! Ugh!


After letting out a heavy sigh filled with wavering thoughts, I roughly swung my idle hands, repressing her once more.



A despicable man trying to violate a fragile woman.

Anyone who didn’t know the situation would probably think of it that way if they saw us now.

“W-wait! I-I did as you told me!”

“I told you to lick, but I didn’t say to suck like that!”

“Th-that’s not it! W-where! H-huh!”

Her voice of condemnation for my audacious behavior tried to leak out, but as I buried my face in her neck, it quickly died down.

“It seems like you really need to be punished.”

“P-punished? What do you mean…!”

I softly breathed my ill intentions into her ear.

Her reaction was immediate.

Starting from that moment, she who had not been able to let go of even a shred of her pride amidst continuous adversities began to shiver with deep fear.

But did she really know?

That the pitiable actions she took out of fear of impending doom also carried beautiful excitement within.



I roughly sank my teeth into her soft neck, savoring it slowly. Inscribing my mark on her like it was a feast.

As I forcefully restrained her attempts to get away, I pressed down on her soft skin with my blunt teeth.

“Ah! Hah! Hah!”

She tiptoed, wiggling her body, silently begging me for mercy.

But she seemed unaware that such reckless movement only spurred my sadistic tendencies.



Licking the distinct bite marks left on her pure neck as if playing the piano made her body tremble once more.

In that moment, I realized that one of her hands, which had tightly held onto the Holy Sword, had gradually reached my chest.

Was she trying to push me away?

No. That wasn’t it.

If she had truly intended to push me away, she would have done so long ago.

This was a signal she sent to me.

A silent plea for me to torment her more relentlessly for her shameless resistance.

I was convinced that was the case.



I roughly grabbed the back of her hair, forcibly turning her face to meet mine.

Handling a woman who hasn’t even married yet like this was one of the things I despised the most.

But suppressing my self-loathing rising from the pit of my stomach with the sense of duty to return the Hero to her original self, I continued my actions.

“You’re being punished right now, yet you’re still moving your body so shamelessly. Do you want to be punished more? Huh?”

“Aah… Ah…”

“I can’t have that. Otherwise, I’ll have to punish you again…”

“Ha, ha… Hah…♡”

What genius came up with the phrase “that’s cringy”?

It was undoubtedly the best phrase to describe my position right now.

A rough tone that continuously chipped away at my dignity.

Authoritative actions that treated another’s body as I pleased.

All of it felt so uncomfortable, as if I was wearing clothes that didn’t fit my body.

If it weren’t for the Hero’s brazen reactions, this was something I would absolutely never do, even if it meant death.

What on earth could the Hero find appealing about my appearance like this?

She had fallen for someone like me, implying her taste was severely twisted, and while I subtly suspected that…

I never dreamed it would be to this extent.

“Open your mouth.”


As I firmly commanded, her tightly closed lips began to slowly part.

Just drawing this much reaction from her, who was half-consumed by herself, was practically half my battle won.

So now, all that remained was to drive the wedge in.

To awaken her consciousness with another display of affection that would appeal to the Hero the most.

“Get your dirty hands off my vessel this instant! You lowly Ha Gye In…! This body is mine! It’s mine!”

It was right then.

Suddenly, she widened her eyes and shot me a furious retort.

But even considering that this flimsy resistance of merely twitching her lips was all she could manage…

I could quickly realize this was what you call a last-ditch effort.

The Hero claiming her body as her own.

It was absurd.

A person can never belong to someone else, nor should they.

Even in this system where ethical standards might be lacking, that ideology still prevailed.

Perhaps because I, as a righteous clergy member, couldn’t stand by and watch such a preposterous declaration being made.

My mouth, which I had been trying to keep shut, suddenly started moving on its own.

“This is mine. I can’t give it to anyone.”



That slipped out.

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