The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 182

EP.182 Abigail

My brain felt like it was about to melt.

No. Maybe I just hadn’t realized it, but perhaps my brain had already melted away.

Every time she gulped down the thick drool that fell from my tongue, the remnants of rationality that I had clung to quickly shattered like glass.

The sense of loss was like a sandcastle built painstakingly, washed away helplessly by a fierce wave.

A thrilling sense of conquest that invaded that emptiness was leading me down a path of pleasure I had never dared to tread.


“Who told you to shut your mouth? Open it wide again.”

“Hah, hageeut!”

With her mouth wide open, I pushed her breathlessly once more, forcing her into submission.

I yanked her hair, forcing her head to look up at the sky, while I took in the sight of her collarbone rising and falling with her breaths.

“Haa···. Haaah···.”

The sweet breath that had been lingering around my nose just moments ago felt regretfully scattered in the air.

The dizzying droplets of sweat flowing down her pure white nape made me feel like I was watching honey flow from a glass jar; by the time I came to my senses, my lips were already headed in that direction.


“Uhahat! Haaah! Geut!”

I had merely nibbled and licked the skin around her nape, but her body shivered like aspen leaves, unaffected by the breath of a dragon.

What had been an impulse to leave a mark on a place I originally intended to gaze at from afar was bewildering to me.

Even I couldn’t grasp what had driven me to act this way.

Like how one leaves footprints on an endless snowy field where no traces of humans can be found, seeing such fair skin right in front of me made me suddenly want to leave my mark.

It was clearly madness.

Even if it was for the sake of bringing the Hero back to his senses.

Carving scars on the body of an unmarried maiden.

But with this tempting female form so close, how many men could actually keep their sanity intact?

At the very least, I wasn’t one of them.

“You talked without permission, so you’ll need to be punished again.”

“Th-then···. Th-then···.”

At my reckless declaration, she suddenly whimpered pathetically.

Her sorrowful melody was quite a pity, but it couldn’t break my cold disposition.



As I uttered her name, the hazy blue in her eyes suddenly sparkled with clarity.


And in that moment, I saw it clearly.

She had briefly adjusted her grip on the Holy Sword she had been firmly holding onto all this time.

Just as I suspected.

Every time I carelessly handled her body and called her name tenderly, this distinct reaction returned.

Within it danced the face of the woman I had been searching for with such longing.


I grabbed her angular chin and lifted it up to check her expression.

But her face regained its original sharpness only for a moment.

A fierce anxiety hit me.

It felt like she was gradually drifting away.

That I was about to pay the price for the affection I had continuously pushed away.

It terrified me to think that the sunshine-like smile that had always been directed at me might slowly be losing its brilliance.

Don’t make me laugh.



I forcefully tore away the fabric covering the back of her neck, exposing her collarbone, and sank my teeth into it once more.

Her sudden struggle momentarily changed tempo, but fortunately, it was not enough to overpower me.

What’s more, her hands gripping my shoulder felt like they were urging me on.



I cried out as if I was breaking through her skin, feeling my voice travel down to the bone.

I couldn’t lose her now.

I wrapped my left arm around her waist, securing her tightly, while my right hand gripped the back of her neck, preventing her from even thinking about escaping.


“Ah, ahh. Ahh···.”

No matter how much she twisted and groaned in pain, it wasn’t my concern.

The thought driving my movements was solely to reclaim what I had lost.

My stubborn resolve filled with the desire to make her wholly mine.

“You’re mine···.”


The careless voice that slipped from my lips twisted her face, which was already contorted from pleasure, once again.

“Wh-what did you just say···? Hihh!”


Afraid that revealing my true feelings would lead to trouble, I buried my sinful mouth back into her nape.

Though her pristine neck was now smeared with my lips and bite marks, I didn’t care at all.

“Remember this, Abigail. You’re mine. Mine. So don’t just let anyone handle you however they want.”


Anything is tough at first. They say the second time is easy.

My genuine feelings, which had been spilling out like an unturned faucet, now flowed endlessly from my mouth like a dam bursting.

Even though my body was steaming with an intense heat, despite not yet engaging in direct actions, I felt a sharp pain.

But for some reason, I had no desire to reach that action.

Thinking about it, that made perfect sense.

What I was so desperately craving wasn’t her body, but her very existence.

I had no desire to kiss a woman whose soul had been replaced, leaving only the body behind, to intertwine with her and share love.

Yeah, at this point, I couldn’t help but admit it.

I saw her as a woman.

As a one-time misdeed.

As a universal idol.

As the Hero.

How long had it been?

“Ah, ahh····. Aah····.”


“Ah, uh, ahh····. Ah····. Aaah····.”


I firmly urged for a response, but all that returned were jumbled words and broken breaths.

I couldn’t salvage a proper reply.

But the one thing that brought a faint smile to my lips was precisely that half-hearted response.


The heavy metal clattering to the floor echoed deeply in my ears.

Normally, it would have been a noise that offended the ears, nothing more, nothing less, but to me, it sounded like a refreshing chime praising the slopes of a hill.

“Hero. If you don’t answer, I’ll keep asking until you do.”

“Uh, uhuhhh····.”

Where had the usual loudness gone? The Hero, blushing bright as an apple, covered his face with both hands, becoming a flustered mute.

Seeing that was so heartwarming and adorable, I unconsciously wanted to tease him.

Of course, this was with a completely different meaning than before.

“When did your consciousness come back···?”

“That, that is···.”

“What happened between us···? How much do you remember about what I said···?”

“Ah, ahh····.”

Such a fresh reaction.

I had always been the oneless emotionally detached, ready to face him, but now, by simply accepting one undeniable fact he had evaded, the roles had effortlessly reversed.

The Hero was now was acting like a hero.

Having barged in without caring about my feelings or situation, he suddenly changed his approach a complete 180 degrees when he found himself on the receiving end.

Oh? Is this perhaps the perfect opportunity for me to repay the torment I had endured all this while?





Puhuh, Abigail.

“P-Priest! Stop! D-Don’t!”

Every time I called her name, the Hero’s body flinched like a sound-producing teddy bear, and it felt like a decade’s worth of pent-up frustration was finally released.

If it weren’t for the current situation, I would have loved to tease him until dawn, but for now, I decided to end it here.

I’ll get him again later.


Right after that.

As I squirmed like a worm on dirt, trying to subtly escape, I forcefully stomped down on a certain little creature.

“Where do you think you’re going?”


The heavy sound hit my ears because I’d carelessly stomped down with the intent to divide it in two.

But I felt no regret for my reckless actions; in fact, it felt like it was exactly what needed to be done.

“We know each other, don’t we? It seems like we have a lot to discuss, so let’s spread out a mat and have a good talk, shall we?”

“Hii, heeek!”

Under my stern warning, the Holy Sword trembled like a living creature.

I instinctively realized that the rascals, who had run rampant in the Hero’s body just moments ago, were now hiding inside that little metal piece.

Thud. Thud.

I relaxed my hands for a moment.

I had a bit of work to do from here on out.

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