The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 124: Gods and Fiends[3]

Yue only focused on the people in his way, blitzing through them before any even realized he was there. That was… until he felt someone—something… in the distance.


He froze and turned his head, a figure stood far in the direction he was heading in, they were the size of a child, only a little taller than Frida. While most would’ve underestimated the creature in the distance…Yue wouldn’t. After all, not too long ago he was just like the kid he was looking at. A child who was stronger than everyone else around him.


He squinted his eyes a little, his usually perfect eyesight seemed to fail him. The blurry little face seemed to be smiling but Yue couldn’t really tell. He could only vaguely see him. And he wasn’t that far away. He glanced in a different direction, he could see clearly twice as far.


…he was being taunted.


The child wanted him to come closer.



Lian Bai took a sharp breath. She wasn’t used to this feeling. The feeling that she was being overwhelmed. She had felt overwhelmed like this before, when she sparred seriously with Yue this happened often. But right now Lian Bai felt like if she didn’t just take one of the blows being thrown at her she would never get the chance to strike back. But she also knew that the attack would strike through more than just flesh if she took it.


She was almost prepared to take it. This battle was turning into a battle of endurance and she could tell it was not one she could win. It had actually been proven once before… against Xia Guiren. Xia Guiren was not as good of a swordsman as her but his stamina far surpassed her, to the point where he could get pretty close to defeating her by dodging until she got tired.


Lian Bai deliberated the benefits and quickly decided to just take the blow , she couldn’t allow this pattern to continue. 


She moved forward, her blade missing quite obviously and her left shoulder steering right into the view of her opponents blade. It would be fine, she’d been through worse things that what would likely be an arm all but detached. She was a swordsman before anything else, she wasn’t skilled in magic or mystic arts and therefore her injuries of the past had likely been far more gruesome than even Yue and Xia Guiren. It would be fine.


If her opponent was someone besides Zhao Quingjue.


Zhao Quingjue could sense her hubris, the idea of simply taking his attack, she would pay heavily for it. He wasn’t someone to be taken lightly. He was Zhao Quing—.


Flesh doesn’t feel like this.

Flesh feels like flesh. It's easy to tell once your blade has had a taste of it. It is unforgettable, It is addicting. It is not this.


This is a sword, a sword stronger than any other in the world. 



Viktor wasn’t used to visions. He seemed like he was to anyone who would watch him have one but he really wasn’t. Of course, the actual act of seeing the future was not that hard for him to become accustomed to as his pre-existing abilities were similarly overwhelming but the mix of all of the abilities at once plagued him with headaches. And then there were the mental effects. Seeing the future wasn’t exactly fun. He had only had the ability for a little while and he had already predicted events that he would’ve preferred to not know about… considering he likely would be unable to stop them. He felt closer to Yue this way though.


He often looked at Yue with sincere admiration after he had his prophecies. How did Yue live like this? 


It all seemed to add up though. Yue’s demeanor from when they first met, the way he fought, the way he interacted with others…it all made sense.


Fighting with this prophetic ability proved to be quite challenging though. For Yue it was easy because he had control of it, he could choose to see the future right ahead of the opponent's next strike. On the other hand, Viktor had a watered-down version of the ability, like what Yue’s offspring would have. So he was unable to choose or control it in any way. It just happened.mid battle he would get prophecies of events completely unrelated and if not for his mother’s ability and his own mana he likely would’ve fallen in battle because of it.


Overall though…the ability to see the future was immensely useful. To the point where Viktor could no longer imagine his life without it. It made him recall the time Yue’s eyes were clouded by the fog in Wolfsstadt. He seemed so afraid, so terrified by the thought of no longer being able to see the future…or maybe it was the thought of suddenly losing the feature that had both caused him so much pain and become an innate part of his entire existence. Either way, he kind of understood now.


He was glad fate was sometimes on his side with the prophecies too. Sometimes it wasn’t random. Sometimes it was something he needed to see and needed to change immediately.


Zhao Quingjue’s blade had moved, right in that second he had moved his blade from heading toward Lian Bai’s shoulder to heading right toward her neck. Lian Bai hadn’t had any time to process it. The blade was heading toward her and just as she started to flash back toward her childhood memories a word caught her sight.


Engraved into reinforced steel, not neatly scribed out or masterfully carved but scratched in was one word. One character.


Zhao Quingjue saw it too, his eyes widened. He misunderstood for a second, he almost smiled, thinking that he had proven himself worthy but then he looked up and noticed he was wrong.


“You Again....” He gritted his teeth.


Viktor just grinned, he was glad he got here in time. Now he would be able to get his revenge for what happened in Italy.


Lian Bai was still confused about the sword for a second. Viktor turned it, getting ready to strike Zhao Quingjue again, and then she knew she had definitely not misread.


On one side, “YUE” in English letters, and On the other side, “月”. Lian Bai was tempted to giggle, she knew the reference. But it was not the time, she silently accepted Viktor’s help, though she could tell Viktor would probably prefer to fight alone. She wasn’t too keen on letting her prey get stolen though.


They fought alongside each other for a while, taking turns blocking Zhao Quingjue so that the other could attack. When their attacks went through they rarely managed to catch Zhao Quingjue off guard. That was okay though, Viktor already knew that would happen, he recalled how they were well-matched in Italy and he decided to use even more power.


Lian Bai had used Azure Wind Slash against Zhao Quingjue already but Viktor’s version was different. Not because of the difference in their cores or anything like that but because of their swords.


Lian Bai smiled sadly as she watched him rush forward, her stamina was running out and her legs felt like they were stuck in place. 

‘I’ll tell him when this fight is over.’

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