The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 18: Wolf Town (8)

This chapter was much longer than I intended...I don't know how it ended up being 4K words but enjoy! The next chapter might come quicker because I'm reaching the climax of this arc.

 “Are you still pouting because of Mai’s teasing?” Viktor said with a chuckle as he crouched down to look at Yue who had been sitting on a tree stump near the forest.

There was still half an hour before sunset but he was sitting there waiting, eating some bread to keep himself from falling asleep from the lack of action and sound from the surrounding area.

“I wasn’t pouting...” Yue grumbled and passed Viktor one of the bread rolls he had been planning on eating. 

Viktor was a bit surprised that Yue shared with him. He honestly was about to decline it since eating made Yue stay awake longer but Yue didn’t seem like he was going to be falling asleep any time soon. He had finished eating his brad and didn’t start to nod off.

“Aren’t you sick of bread? You’ve been eating so much of it lately…” Viktor said and looked at the bread roll in his hand before beginning to eat it in pieces, unlike Yue who usually nibbled on it slowly until it disappeared.

“I don’t mind it, it doesn’t help in the long run though since the carbohydrates only make me more tired..” Yue murmured, fiddling with his hair a bit before tying it up into a ponytail.

A gust of wind blew past them, Yue giggled as all of Viktor’s loose hair had been pushed forward to his face. He moved impulsively to start messing with Viktor’s hair and fringe to move it away from his face. He only moved away when he noticed Viktor staring up at him with his pretty yellow eyes and faltered.

“...Your ducklings have arrived.” Yue murmured and changed the subject as the people Viktor was teaching went toward them. Yue has started to call them ducklings because, like the two young men from earlier, they all tended to follow Viktor around everywhere like little ducklings.

Viktor stood up and went over to talk to them after looking over Yue’s embarrassed face and chuckling a bit.

“Is something wrong? I told you guys to go with Walter if you wanted to help out tonight.” Viktor said in German, confused about why they were in the wrong place.

“You said you and your co-captain weren’t in a relationship right, sir?” One of the older men asked and put his hand on Viktor’s shoulder.

“...Right..” Viktor murmured with a raised eyebrow.

“Okay then! Fritz go make your move!” Another man said and pushed a young man forward toward Yue.

Viktor immediately put two and two together and stopped himself from letting out an audible sound of distaste. He watched the embarrassed young man walk over to Yue with his hands behind his back, holding a hastily made bouquet of flowers.

“Miss Yue!” The young man said in English suddenly.

He was stuttering and stammering trying to form his words. Viktor snapped himself away from his jealousy when he noticed the flowers in the man’s hand and realized something.


“Achoo!” A cute sneeze suddenly made Viktor freeze. 

He had been sitting on a fallen tree, watching as Frida and Yue picked herbs, he had been tasked with staying up on the tree to pull them back up from the slope they had gone down for the sake of the herbs.  He thought it was probably Frida and that it probably didn’t matter but when he looked over at her.

“Achoo!” Another cute sneeze and this time it was clear that it was Yue since Frida had not moved at all.

“Are you okay Miss Yue?” Frida asked, looking concerned as Yue kept sneezing.

“Are you allergic to something here Yue?” Viktor asked, noting the troubling amount of sneezes and how his eyes seemed red.

Yue seemed embarrassed as he looked up at him and pointed to the small patch of flowers that he had been avoiding as much as possible. He sneezed a lot more but he managed to say what the flower was.

“Chamomile…” He mumbled and told Frida that they should leave now. He was interrupted by another cute sneeze and Viktor chuckled a little.


Oh so coincidentally, the flowers that Fritz was holding were all Chamomile flowers. They grew naturally near here so it was one of the few options of flowers. Yue hadn’t seen them but he suddenly sneezed cutely but everyone except Viktor thought that it was just a normal sneeze.

“I should probably stop him..” Viktor murmured.

“Huh? Why?” A young man who spoke English asked.

“Miss Yue! Thank you very much for helping protect this village!” Fritz exclaimed in broken English and presented the flowers to Yue while bowing with his eyes tightly shut.

He was expecting Yue to be thankful and maybe even smile or just calmly take the flowers but he only heard silence until he heard more sneezes but from a bit farther away. He opened his eyes and noticed that Yue had jumped very far away from him and the flowers.

“M-Miss Yue?” Fritz asked with a hurt look.

Yue didn’t respond, still sneezing constantly even though he had moved back.

“Yue is allergic to Chamomile flowers,” Viktor explained in German and went over to Yue. He put his hand on his forehead and used healing magic to help with his allergic reaction.

Fritz was immediately shattered, disappointed, and annoyed at himself for choosing the wrong type of flowers. 

“I-I’m sorry...” Fritz said and was tempted to punch himself for making such a mistake after being cheered on by everyone.

“Th— Achoo! Thank you for the gesture..”  Yue murmured, feeling a bit bad for Fritz who had tried his best.

The group quietly tried to cheer Fritz up and walked away to go to the area they were guarding.

“Are you gonna laugh at me or him?” Yue asked, noticing a hint of amusement in Viktor’s impartial expression.

“Neither,  I'm just a bit amused by the coincidence..” Viktor said and chuckled before passing Yue a Handkerchief. Yue rolled his eyes and went back to his place on the tree stump.

“Let’s try using magic tonight.” Yue murmured as he watched the sun begin to set.

“Alright,” Viktor said and nodded.

“Ugh! They become more annoying every day!” Mai complained in Vietnamese as Viktor and Yue used healing magic on her ankle.

Yue and Viktor looked at each other, both feeling a bit guilty as they healed Mai. Mai wasn’t holding it against them but one of their spells was reflected by a Werewolf and onto Mai.

“Using Magic here is hard since we have to watch out for houses... Luckily the church is almost ready or we’d be in trouble when more mage werewolves appear.” Viktor said as they finished healing Mai who was still grumbling.

“I can finish it quickly this morning...” Yue murmured and helped Mai up.

Viktor and Mai were still very worried about his condition but Yue had already figured out the cause of his excessive drowsiness. The fog was affecting him differently from everyone else, but not just because of his injury. 

Other people had gotten injured recently and just like Yue’s injury, they couldn’t be healed completely but Yue was the only one with drowsiness or any other odd symptoms. Yue had tallied it up to be an issue with his own mana and the way it protected his body. 

Viktor’s insightful eyes and the insight spell would be able to show the layer of mana on all people with a silver core type or above and how they used it. Mana layers were a relatively unknown concept because they were either unconsciously active or consciously changing. 

Mai used her mana in a very conscious way where she would change how strong or protective it was based on her intentions, this was a good method because it allowed her to essentially add to her strength and block attacks as long as she could see them and where they would hit but it was also bad because her instinct and mana/presence detection wasn’t very high so she could be caught off guard when her mana layer was low. 

Frida had an unconscious mana layer that was constantly around her in a very protective way. People in the town would always comment on how she was odd because she never seemed to get hurt even when she did the same things that other kids got hurt doing. Everyone else who had gotten injured was an unconscious user of their mana layer so even though their wound couldn’t heal, their mana layer kept the fog away.

Yue couldn’t tell exactly how Viktor used his mana layer but he could very easily tell that it was constantly intense and never got any weaker. He kind of expected Viktor’s mana layer to be like his own but it was completely different.  It went beyond just protecting his body, it actively seemed to try and swallow other things up in both a protective and hostile way. It protected his sword from taking damage but actively stole the mana from the werewolves that he killed.  Yue was a bit worried by it, mixing that fact with the prophecy he had gotten when he first met Viktor he thought of the possibility that Viktor would become someone who is very power-hungry and kills mass amounts of people just to absorb their mana.

Yue shook his head, confusing Mai and Viktor and clearing his head of the bad thoughts. Mai and Viktor didn’t get a chance to ask anything before he started walking toward the church.

His own Mana layer was different from everyone else’s because of his eyes. He quite literally could not cover his eyes with mana, that’s why he was affected by the fog and why his eyes changed colors when he fought in the fog and why he couldn’t use his prophetic abilities in the fog. The ability that his eyes possessed was almost too good to be true in a sense, it didn’t use up mana and judging by how he had lived a healthy life so far that didn’t seem to be coming to an end soon, it also didn’t seem to take his life force either. His eyes couldn’t be covered with mana because it would probably make him lose contact with the source of his power.

‘The place least affected by the fog is the top of the church tower, if I fight from there tonight I might be able to get myself to a good condition for the dungeon..’ Yue thought as he entered the church.

The church was empty and no longer had the rows of seats that it usually had. It was lacking in most of the typical church items, save for a couple of crosses. Etched onto the stone walls of the church there was a giant magic circle that was partially incomplete. Half of it had been made by Viktor and the other half had been made by Yue. Only a few characters were left and it could’ve waited until after he slept But he felt more tired than usual so he was worried he’d pass out and sleep until sunset again.

After finishing the magic circle, Yue returned to the inn to see two unfamiliar horses waiting outside. He raised an eyebrow and went into the inn, looking around curiously.

“Miss Yue! Can you please try to translate for me? Miss Mai is bathing right now and they’re…” The innkeeper called, as the two people in front of her looked confused.

“Huh..? Okay..” Yue murmured and walked to the man and woman at the front desk. The two people seemed to have been frozen since the Innkeeper called out to him.

Yue walked over to them and noticed that the innkeeper probably wanted him to help because the couple was Asian. 

“Y-Yue? A-Are you Chinese?” The woman asked in Chinese, stuttering a bit. She seemed uncomfortable and couldn’t look Yue in the eye.

“Yes...How can I help you?” Yue said politely and bowed a bit in greeting, he was confused about the woman's nervousness.

“W-We just wanted to know if we can book a room here a-and if it included meals…”The man said, answering for the woman who had glanced up at Yue’s eyes and become unresponsive.

Yue translated to the innkeeper but now it was his turn to feel uncomfortable. He tried not to hold it against them too much. Their reactions to seeing his eyes were honestly some of the better reactions he had gotten from Asians. After the two paid and were led to their room, Yue just walked to his own room. He did think it was interesting and in a way a bit suspicious that travelers from China were all the way in Germany but he wasn’t curious enough to think about it after he plopped down on his bed. He immediately fell asleep.

Viktor yawned as he walked down to get some lunch. He ended up meeting up with Mai who had been on her way to get food as well. They didn’t say much to each other and just walked together to the dining hall.

They entered the dining hall and saw everyone else eating there too. There were also two other guests eating separately, away from the people in their group. They seemed flustered and uncomfortable but Viktor didn’t think they posed a threat so he didn’t pay much attention to them. Mai did feel curious though. She sat down next to Viktor at a table they shared with Alexius, Marianne, Walter, and a few other people. She immediately asked them about the couple.

“Oh, I don’t know anything about them... They’re probably Chinese, We heard Miss Yue talking to them in Chinese and translating for the Innkeeper this morning when they came in.” Marianne said, pointing at herself and Alexius when she explained what they heard.

“They’re a bit weird...They looked like they had seen a ghost when they looked at Yue. They were absolutely terrified.” Alexius murmured, glancing at the couple.

“Terrified? Miss Yue is pretty cold but unless she’s trying to be she’s never really scary. You sure they weren’t just blinded by her beauty?” One of the other students laughed.

Viktor would’ve been annoyed by someone else calling Yue beautiful but he was curious about the couple instead. Mai sighed she already had her assumptions as to why they would act that way and it only served to annoy her more.

The couple suddenly flinched and became flustered as Yue walked into the dining hall. He was clearly still tired and forcing himself to stay awake. He got his food and yawned as he sat down beside Viktor.

“Why...are you looking at me like that..?” Yue asked as he noted that everyone was staring at him.

“Everyone’s curious about what you did to make that couple so afraid of you…” Marianne murmured.

“Oh...They probably just think I’m cursed.” Yue said as if it wasn’t an issue and started eating.

“Because of your eyes right?” Mai asked with an awkward smile. 

Yue nodded, “It doesn’t bother me. It was worse when I was a child but now only the old fashioned people jump to that conclusion.”

“How bad was it when you were a child..?” Viktor asked and Yue flinched. He could just feel the overprotectiveness radiating from Mai and Viktor.

He couldn’t tell them the truth but no matter how much he tried to downplay it as he tried to think of what to say, it all sounded very bad.

“Uh...I might have been hit with rocks...multiple times..” Yue said, trailing off into a whisper and looking away from Viktor. Viktor had a stoic look on his face but his mana was spiking, showing his anger

No one brought the subject up again, the subject seemed touchy for Yue and Viktor got angry just hearing about it. Viktor was cautious of the couple but they would leave before sundown without ever talking to Yue again.

He did see them in the hall right before they left. He had been walking with Mai and Alexius and the couple was talking to each other as they walked with their bags. They weren’t speaking Chinese and they were generally being cautious, hoping no one understood them.

“It must be his g-ghost..h-he’s h-haunting us..” The woman said quietly as Mai, Alexius and Viktor walked by them.

“They were speaking Thai...They said a ghost was haunting them..” Mai translated when they got far enough away from them. She was only more annoyed, they actually seemed to think Yue was cursed.

“Let’s just drop it...they’re leaving and Yue doesn’t seem bothered by it,” Viktor said and sighed.

Alexius felt a bit awkward, even though Viktor had said that he and Mai were still tense and seemed unhappy. He quickly tried to clear the mood by changing the subject.

“How do you guys know so many languages? I still haven’t grasped German no matter how much time I spend with the villagers..” Alexius murmured, looking specifically toward Mai who he knew spoke more than 3 languages.

“..I don’t’s just not very hard for me..” Mai murmured, confused by the question.

“Are you sure it’s not because of Cultivation? That’s definitely why Yue knows so many languages and it’s why I know so many.” Viktor asked. He was surprised that Mai was so unsure since it would be pretty difficult to cultivate without realizing it.

“Cultivation?” Alexius asked, he didn’t know what that was.

“Cultivation is the harnessing of the energy of life, Qi, through meditation and training in martial and mystical arts. There aren’t any magic academies in East to southeast Asia because most people with high magic affinity join cultivation sects instead.” Viktor explained. Mai looked extra confused.

“I don’t recall ever culti—oh…” Mai cut herself off as she remembered something that made her blush.

She had a clear memory of pretending to meditate as an excuse to sit beside her first love when she was in her early teens. She remembered that there were a few times when she actually did meditate because she was determined to be strong so he would like her but most of the time she just watched him secretly.

“I-I didn’t think I’d get results from such half-hearted meditation...Anh would be proud..” Mai murmured, a bit embarrassed.

“Anh?Anh? Did you just say Anh? I do recall you being an only child Miss Mai.” Yue said with a smirk as he appeared behind Mai. He fully intended on embarrassing her just as much as she embarrassed him for his crush.

“Oh shush…”

“What does Anh mean?” Alexius asked Viktor quietly. Viktor shrugged in response.

“Why are you talking about cultivation anyway?” Yue asked after he felt that he had teased Mai enough.

“Oh, it just came up when we were on the topic of languages and how the three of us know so many,” Mai explained and pointed at herself, Viktor and Yue.

“You’ve done cultivation?” Yue asked Viktor with a look of surprise. 

“When I was younger I had a tutor that taught me cultivation,” Viktor explained, starting to walk since they had been in the middle of the hall for a while.

Something about that response gave everyone the feeling that they should be satisfied with the answer and not pry. They went on their way to start getting everything ready for tonight since they were trying a new tactic.

Some of the villagers were unsure and nervous as they entered the church. They were sure that they would be safe in the church, not just because of the spell but also because the students were strong but they didn’t know how to feel about the idea that their houses might be destroyed.

“You don’t have to worry, sir. Miss Yue and Mr. Viktor have everything under control,” Frida said with a smile, soothing the Villagers who were worried about the things they had left in their houses.

Once everyone was accounted for, Yue and Viktor entered the Church and started to gather their mana for the spell as it got close to sunset. Everyone had their eyes on them, for the villagers who hadn’t seen a spell with a magic circle before, just watching the carvings on the stone walls of the church light up was amazing.

Half the magic circle was white to represent the tone of Viktor’s mana and the other half was a blue-green color that represented Yue’s mana. 

The carvings on the wall were just the outer part of the magic circle, the inner part was created just from the mana that Yue and Viktor put into it and was also precisely split into the two colors. The only part that wasn’t was in the very center where the colors mixed and created a four-pointed star.


Frida was looking up at the magic circle with awe when she suddenly saw a dull blue aura around her. She and everyone around her seemed confused but Yue and Viktor just seemed glad that the spell worked.

“The Spell will stay active as long as Frida is alive so unless Frida leaves the church, you’re all safe,” Viktor explained and glanced at Yue who seemed on edge.

Frida’s mom immediately made her sit down, deciding that keeping her still and by her side was best for everyone’s safety.

Yue and Viktor had planned this out ahead of time when Yue explained that judging by the first time Frida saw fog, the dungeon would probably open within the next few days. He was mostly just saying that because his prophecy showed the full moon but other evidence seemed to back that up. The spell had been specifically made so it would still Function even if he and Viktor were to die in the dungeon.

Yue, Viktor, and Mai wait at the top of the church tower using the time before the sun sets completely to refill their mana. The other students were sitting at the windows of the church ready to either use long-range attacks or just jump down to kill werewolves. 

Yue looked at the moon and sighed, this was probably the night when the dungeon opened. That meant something would happen to make them chase after a werewolf through the forest despite their plan of killing them off as they came; the thought kept him on edge.

The fog started to roll in and Yue closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening his eye again and using his eyes.

“Raise your sword Walter, you’re about to get attacked,” Yue said through telepathy and started making his spell.

Walter was confused but did as he was told and was shocked when a sword-wielding werewolf actually attacked him and he was able to block it with his sword. Yue smiled a bit, as long as the fog didn’t reach him he could use his eyes as he wished and could actually fight the way he was used to. Using his eyes to predict his opponent's every move was his preferred method of fighting, it was a good thing that the werewolves were relatively weak in the beginning since he had to remember how to fight without his eyes.

Werewolves started attacking and Yue used telepathy and his eyes to warn everyone of anything they wouldn’t be expecting.

“Is that the werewolf that can use magic?” Yue asked after a second of silence.

Viktor and Mai immediately whipped over to look in the direction Yue was pointing and there they saw the werewolf they had fought against in the forest. They noticed that the fog turned red and another one of the red objects from when they first met the werewolf was thrown near them as the fog climbed up the church tower.

Viktor and Mai looked at each other for half a second before they both jumped off to catch the ball and go as close to the ground as possible to avoid having Yue caught up in it since Yue was the main part of their defense.

“Yue! This is going to send us into your mem—!” Viktor yelled before he and Mai disappeared.

“What…?” Yue was confused and jumped from the bell area to the highest point of the church as the fog had started to reach into that area.

“Mem…Memories?! No! Get out!” Yue exclaimed and shook his head quickly, worried that they’d find out something about his true identity or even worse, that they’d see something that they shouldn’t.

“Woah! Ow..” Mai said and whined as she and Viktor suddenly reappeared in the air.

“W-What did you see…?” Yue asked through telepathy, worried as he noticed they had returned suddenly.

“A forest, we didn’t even see you…I was hoping to see your younger self in a cute little Hanfu.” Mai said and cut down one of the werewolves in front of her.

Yue let out a breath of relief and continue the spell he was casting, aiming for the werewolf that could cast magic,

Mai had lied and she was glad that Yue couldn’t see her face at the moment because she wasn’t sure if she could hide her shock. The scene she and Viktor had witnessed was one skin to a battlefield and Yue stood in the middle of it, crying whilst heavily wounded.

Viktor was silent about it and just focused on killing as many werewolves as he could and keeping them away from the tower since Yue was still casting his spell.

“Yue...he definitely wouldn’t kill people just for fun…he was crying too... Just what did they do to him…” Mai said through telepathy to Viktor. She’d never seen Yue actually cry before.

“I don’t know. Only Yue can tell us.” Viktor responded and sighed.


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