The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 6: Wet dream or Lustful Prophecy

“Our project..I got the materials for us to do it.” Viktor said, changing the subject.

“Oh that’s good, I guess we could’ve planned it for a weekday after all though, this training seems light.” Yue murmured looking at all of the other students who were working on their training.

“They said something about it being harder this year since it’s our class’ last year, but it’s still very easy.” Viktor said, turning to face in the same direction as Yue.

“Oh..” Yue murmured, he thought Viktor would say something about how he didn’t expect Yue to be so good at the training exercises.

He felt sick of all of the misogyny he had faced ever since joining the class but he was pleasantly surprised by Viktor. He didn’t follow the crowd but he also didn’t lead it. He looked at Viktor and blushed a little, his Viktor’s long hair was in a half up half down style with some of his hair loosely framing his face. For a second Yue couldn’t distinguish his thoughts from those of someone gushing over a handsome man. He snapped out of it and faced forward again trying to convince himself he was just jealous that Viktor was tall and manly looking unlike him.

The next day there was no training so they got to go back to wearing regular clothes. The class went by pretty quickly and wasn’t a difficult topic.

“I’m going to the library.” Yue said before parting ways with Mai after having lunch.

Mai waved as she left to go to the dorms. Tomorrow would be the day he went to Viktor’s house and he just wanted to read some of the books on magic that they had in the library to pass the time or maybe come up with a more efficient way to do the tower project.

He ended up going deep into the library as he looked through some spell collections. He noted that a lot of them didn’t include any of the common arrays and spells from the East. 

“Not even requiem?” Yue murmured, sounding a bit disappointed.


“Ah!” Yue shrieked as he suddenly tripped and fell. He squeezed his eyes and braced for impact instinctively. 

Yue barely realized what was going on as someone stopped him from falling and hitting the ground. Their arms were under his arms and kept him mostly off the ground before setting him down on his knees. Yue opened his eyes after a second and realized it was actually a flustered looking Viktor who had saved him from falling.

“S-Sorry! I wasn’t paying attention!” Yue said and blushed, bowing. Their faces were close together so his fringe tickled Viktor’s face a bit as he bowed. Yue realized and moved away, Bowing a bit again.

“It’s alright...I was in the way.” Viktor murmured.

He had been laying on a couple of even stacks of books that he had read. Yue didn’t see him as he turned into the area to look for a book on the bookshelves. Yue quickly shook his head as he heard Viktor’s response.

“I really should’ve looked where I was going..”  Yue murmured.

He noticed a book that Viktor was laying on and stared at it for a second.

Is that Melody of avarice?” Yue murmured in Chinese, unaware of how confused he made Viktor who had no idea what he said.

Viktor followed his gaze and noticed the book he was looking at. He pulled it out of the stack and passed it to Yue.

“Greed’s rhapsody...did you want to read this? I already finished it.” Viktor said and passed it to Yue.

“Is that what you call it in English? Interesting...I already read it in Chinese though..” Yue murmured. He still took the book and looked through it, curious about the changes made to it during translation. Viktor made room for Yue to sit on the bed of books and sneakily used magic to lift him so he would sit and have enough space to feel comfortable. He also used magic to pick his next book.

“It’s wrong…”

“Hm? What is?” Viktor asked, leaning over  to see what Yue was talking about.

“The spell is wrong, they translated the characters wrong.” Yue said and pointed at where the translation went wrong, he turned to face Viktor and then backed up a bit as he noted that they were too close. Viktor didn’t even care and looked at the book curiously. 

“If It’s wrong it might’ve been on purpose, if the spell is too dangerous for usual use and not dangerous enough to be locked up, it gets censored in that way.” Viktor explained.

“Oh…” Yue murmured, he decided to put down the book and looked for the book he was actually looking for.  He sighed as he saw that it wasn’t there.

“How do you write your name in Chinese?” Viktor asked, putting down his book and looking at Yue full of curiosity.

Yue was surprised at the question, he didn’t expect Viktor to be suddenly curious. He sat down beside Viktor on the bed of books and used magic to create a floating script in the air. He wrote the characters for his first name easily but had to think a bit before writing his last name, it wasn’t his real last name so it took him a second to remember the right characters.

“What does it mean?” Viktor asked, noting how particular Yue was with the strokes he made with his finger to create the characters.

“Xia means ‘Summer’,” Yue explained, circling the character for his family name.

“And Yue means ‘moon’.” Yue said and pointed to his eyes. His eyes were a light cloudy blue but they were bright and alluring. His name mirrored the night he was born under a bright blue moon. 

“ suits you.” Viktor said and smiled.

“It’s interesting to have a name that doesn’t have an obvious meaning like mine.” Viktor said and chuckled, “Viktor means, well Victor. Or conqueror but it’s practically the same thing.”

“Yue is obvious. Just not in English.  Yue is the word for ‘month’ and ‘moon’. People usually say Yueliang though..” Yue explained.

“And Viktor is a good name!” Yue said and huffed. 

They talked about their own native languages for a while. Viktor taught him simple words in Russian while Yue taught him very random words in Chinese. They lost track of time as they talked.

“We should go..” Viktor said, pulling out a silver pocket watch and checking the time. Yue looked over at the time and was surprised. He didn’t realize they had been talking for so long and figured that Mai must’ve been worried by then.

They stood from the bed of books and Viktor sent them back to their proper place with magic. They walked out together and Yue smiled a bit.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”  He said and waved before going on his way to the dorm.

Yue was quite happy, he finally had a male friend. He also found that regardless of the prophecy he had when he first met him, Viktor seemed like a nice person. Of course he wasn’t too relaxed, he had gotten used to people who only had nice fronts while they were actually ready to stab him in the back.

When he arrived at the dorm he found that Mai had been pretty worried. She only expected him to be gone for an hour or two but it was almost time for dinner. He apologized for worrying her and said he just got caught up in a book.

That night he went to bed with not a single second thought, he didn’t feel anxious or nervous or anything, he just looked forward to talking to Viktor some more.


Yue saw golden eyes looking down at him and felt confused. It was Viktor, he was looking over him with his long white hair creating a curtain around both their faces. Yue felt like he couldn’t move, at least he thought he couldn’t, his hand moved to brush Viktor’s hair away from his face. He clearly wasn’t in control and couldn’t move how he wanted to. If he had been in control he would’ve said something already. His eyes closed and he felt a soft but feverish touch on his lips. He was so confused and embarrassed as he felt his hands touching clothes and bare skin as they moved without his consent. He didn’t even know what he was doing until his eyes opened again and he noticed Viktor’s half unbuttoned shirt and his blazer which was laying beside him in what he now realized was a bed. Viktor started to undo his hanfu as if he had done it a million times, kissing down his clearly male chest and not even flinching as Yue’s body was exposed to him. Yue desperately wished he could close his eyes but whatever side of him was controlling his body definitely wanted to watch Viktor touch him.

Yue was even more confused the farther this went, at first he thought this was a weird dream with Viktor in it but now the feeling of pleasure he got from Viktor’s touch felt so real it was scary.  He heard his own voice moaning and asking for Viktor to touch him more and do more lewd things to him and he could see his own exposed body pressed up against Viktor’s.

What if it’s a prophecy?


The thought woke him up immediately. The image stopped before they went to the final step and he quickly realized he had been sweating and his bottoms felt wet. He couldn’t even think about it though, he had no way of telling whether it was a simple wet dream or a prophecy. It was a common issue for him in the past when his sleep was often riddled with nightmares but he hadn’t been this distraught by the question since he began his adolescence.

He should’ve been more fundamentally against what he just witnessed regardless of whether it was a dream or a prophecy but what he wasn’t. He stood from his bed and carelessly turned his lamp on. He searched for and then opened his jewelry box. He could clearly remember that he had been wearing a silver necklace with blue gems, he saw it around his neck as he watched Viktor kiss down his chest.

He almost sighed in relief as he saw that it was nowhere to be found. He knew that it could still be a prophecy and that he just hadn’t gotten the necklace yet but he was relieved temporarily at the thought that something so embarrassing wouldn’t happen any time soon and that it was probably just a wet dream.

“But if it’s a wet dream….why did I dream about doing it with a man?!” Yue whisper yelled and looked down at his crotch area. 

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