The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 65: The Dragon’s Mountain (9)

"You should've slept..." Viktor murmured and glanced at Yue who was wide awake at sunrise.

"Can't. Mouth hurts." Yue mumbled. He was staring at the blade of his sword. He hadn't maintained it in a while so he wanted to make sure it would still be fine for his next battle.

"Do you have a plan on how you're going to defeat Skarr?" Viktor asked, moving so he was sitting next to him. He knew he couldn't do anything about Yue's pain, he'd already tried.

"It's cloudy so if I just stay in the air it'll be easy for me to hide my transformation," Yue murmured, sheathing his sword.

"You're going to fully transform?" Viktor asked, he wanted to see his full transformation so he was immediately a little disappointed that he had to stay in the cave to protect Aethen and the fang.

"No, just partially like I did during the meeting," Yue said and turned to him, he could tell exactly what Viktor was thinking of from his expression.

Yue looked around at Mai and Aethen who were sleeping at the moment and then turned back to Viktor. He put his hand on Viktor's shoulder and pulled him close for a chaste kiss.

"Be careful," Yue murmured and kissed his cheek right afterward. Yue laughed as he saw the slight blush on Viktor's cheeks.

"Why are you blushing? You do this to me all the time." Yue laughed.

"It's different if you do it," Viktor said and kissed Yue's forehead, "You be careful too."


Yue walked out of the cave out to where the other students were guarding the entrance of the cave. He could sense Skarr and the Hundun mages getting closer but he couldn't see them in the area yet. He motioned for the students waiting outside to get ready and sighed as he looked up at the sky.

"You don't have to kill them, or rather you shouldn't kill them...For the sake of your own morals. But whatever happens, happens. Better their life than yours." Yue said and then looked toward the other students. He knew it'd been on their minds for a while, the fact that they were no longer fighting monsters, but humans instead.

The students didn't know whether to comforted by the fact that they weren't being ordered to kill people or confused by Yue's attitude about the issue.

'Better their life than yours', Yue felt he had no right to say that after killing so many Hundun members that had no chance of being able to kill him. He said it anyway though, even after thinking it over.


A few of the students were frozen for a second before they realized what Yue meant and quickly ducked down.

Skarr quickly appeared near the entrance of the cave and dipped down toward the students, if Yue hadn't warned everyone someone else would've been dragged into the air or cut by Skarr's claws but instead Yue let himself be taken into the air. That's where he wanted to fight it out anyway. Skarr let him go, trying to make him fall out of the sky but Yue was ready for that and was using magic to keep himself flying.

"What even are you? Some weird mix between wyrm and a drake?" Skarr asked with a growl.

"All of you are so rude..." Yue murmured, he could still see the other students from where they were so he made the wind pick up, forcing Skarr higher into the air.

"I have a feeling you will be quite troublesome," Skarr said as he looked at the wind that was forcing him up.

"Maybe you're not that dumb." Yue laughed, smirking.


"Focus on support and defense!" One student told Ava as he cast a spell toward the Hundun mages that were suddenly appearing and attacking. Ava wasn't very happy with just doing that but she focused on upkeeping barriers anyway.


Anika was on the side of the mountain with Mai, focusing on long-range attacks. They were completely alone but they were doing quite well. Mai was pleasantly surprised by it but they both mainly used fire magic so they could work together pretty well.

"We make a good team!" She said and smiled as she and Anika used similar spells to separate a group of the Hundun mages from the rest.


"Mari!" Alexius called out to Marianne as he and Walter were rushing to the edge of a small drop on the mountain.

"I know I know, defense--"

"Just do whatever you want!" Walter said and jumped down to go with Alejandro to focus on sword fighting.

Marianne froze for a second before grinning, "Alright. I will!"

She took off her bracelet and transformed it into its true form. She threw the Chakram and had it attack the mages with the magic she had infused it with. She wasn't used to the weapon but it could do some good damage and her magic helped to guide it so the learning curve wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Alexius and Walter were happy for her. They knew always felt bad for being the one that had to be protected or the one who was tasked with long-range attacks so they also knew how happy she was to be on the battlefield with them.

Walter looked over at Alexius as he fought beside Alejandro and huffed. Alexius had also gotten stronger recently.

"Damn lovebirds...I won't fall behind." Walter whispered. Alejandro almost laughed beside him.

"I know right," Alejandro murmured, they were thinking of different sets of lovebirds but their feelings were the same.


"Oh...That's not good." Viktor murmured, standing up and walking so he was in front of Aethen who had awoken when the battles started.

"You're good at handling negative energy right?" Viktor asked Aethen, glancing at him.

"I'll be fine human, as long as you don't get killed that is. Though I can hold my own against a human pretty well even at my age." Aethen murmured.

Viktor rolled his eyes and summoned his grimoire for a second before deciding not to use it and instead unsheathing his sword. He cast a healing spell on the students who were directly outside the cave in advance and waited for a few seconds before he heard panicked cries and negative energy started entering the cave.

"..." The cloaked mage who walked into the cave was silent but his eyes showed his cautiousness as he looked at Viktor.

He raised his hand, casting a spell that sent a burst of negative energy toward Viktor. Viktor analyzed it for a second and simply raised his hand toward it. The negative energy was all swallowed up in a second.

Viktor looked at his hand, examining the condition of a ring that he had used to absorb the negative energy.

"Not as good as I hoped..." Viktor murmured and put the ring in his storage ring.

The mage quickly started his barrage of spells, all full of negative energy. Viktor simply dodged them and Aethen had raised a barrier for himself.

"I know you can make light work of that human so stop messing around." Aethen hissed.

"Yeah, Yeah." Viktor laughed.


'He's fast...' Skarr thought as he tried to dodge Yue's attacks. He was able to dodge but the more he dodged the faster Yue seemed to move.

'Fighting like this is fun...' Yue thought to himself, smiling a little. He was partially transformed, his hair was turquoise, except for the white streak in it, like usual, and he had scales on his body and horns coming from his head.


Yue silently cursed as he heard Wyverns coming toward them. Skarr smirked, the Wyverns were so blindly loyal to him that they didn't even think of how Yue was superior to them before they started attacking him.

Yue dodged them as they rushed toward him and practically ignored them. He didn't want to kill them if it wasn't necessary, he knew the Wyvern population was very small anyway.

"I'm their king, they will follow me to the grave," Skarr said and smirked as a Wyvern that Yue thought he had pushed far enough away suddenly appeared behind him. The Wyvern struck Yue right in the head and actually managed to make him almost fall out of the sky.

Yue was silent as he felt a little bit of blood coming from his forehead. He tried to stabilize himself right above a cloud but he struggled a bit, the Wyverns hit harder than he'd expected. It was strange and something about it just felt wrong. He looked up at Skarr, ignoring the Wyverns that were rushing toward him.

He used insight of Skarr and saw that he had been casting spells. He glanced at a Wyvern that was flying next to Skarr, it was the wyvern that had hit him and he also had an aura of mana around him. Skarr's mana. Yue grit his teeth in annoyance as he saw this. Skarr could cast enchantment magic to make them stronger.

He looked at all the Wyverns who were rushing to attack him and he saw that they all had enchantments on them.

Yue knew all about enchantment magic. It was the worst nightmare of anyone who was outnumbered.

"So damn annoying," Yue murmured in Chinese.

The Wyverns were about to attack him all at once, they were just a few feet away from him when Yue raised his hand in front of them and suddenly a bunch of vines caught them. The wyverns tried to thrash around and escape but Yue just made them fall to the ground, making sure they didn't die from the fall by cushioning their fall with wind magic. The vines could only be broken by him so the Wyverns continued to struggle uselessly.

The Wyvern that was flying with Skarr tried to attack Yue as well per Skarrs's order but met the same fate.

The students down on the ground were shocked as Wyverns covered in vines started falling from the sky.

"They were probably trying to interfere with Yue's fight... It'll be fine." Mai told Anika and continued attacking mages.

"O-Okay..." Anika murmured, still a bit shaken up from watching wyverns fall from the sky right beside her.

"Who are you...?" Skarr asked, shocked that Yue could just take out the Wyverns like that.

"I'm neither a Wyrm nor a Drake. I'm a Dragon, dumbass." Yue said in the Dragon language, smirking and wiping some blood that was dripping from his head and staining the white part of his hair.

Skarr was silent, their fight turned from troublesome to incredibly dangerous.

"You...You're the enemy of those humans, aren't you? Azure Dragon or whatever..." Skarr asked.

"You've heard of me? Isn't that great..." Yue said, he should've been smiling menacing but he felt annoyed instead. His face was expressionless as he looked at Skarr though. He drew his sword and sighed.

"Why do you want the fang? And Why do the humans want the fang?"

"I'm guessing you want it for the same reason. I want to be the dragon king, and the humans want to make me the dragon king." Skarr said and smirked, he was casting a spell silently as he spoke.

"I don't need it, nor do I want it. I just can't let you have it." Yue said and rolled his eyes He was going to attack so Skarr's spell wouldn't be completed. It felt like a dangerous spell so he didn't want to take any chances. He couldn't exactly handle damage well so he didn't want to get any big injuries again. His plan came to a halt when an absurd amount of negative energy burst from the ground.

He quickly turned around and looked at the ground. Plants on the mountain were dying from the negative energy and the other students seemed to be struggling to breathe. The negative energy was all coming from the cave. Yue immediately called out as if they could hear him from all the way down there.

"Viktor! Aethen!"

He was going to fly down there but he remembered his current opponent and his current appearance and panicked. He looked at Skarr who was smirking and finishing his spell and then back at the ground.

'I'm fine. Don't worry.' Viktor said to Yue through telepathy.

Yue wasn't convinced but suddenly he could see a white magic circle appearing on the radius of the mountain. He recognized it and immediately stopped panicking and turned back to Skarr.


"That was just cruel," Viktor murmured, watching as the mage in front of him looked at his feet with a shocked expression. The spell he had cast mere seconds ago was the same spell he cast in London, It purified negative energy and made white flowers appear on the ground.

"Your comrades could've died too Y'know," Viktor murmured, he had protected the students from most of the negative energy so there hadn't been any casualties from his side but he knew at least one mage from Hundun's side probably dies from the mage's negative energy.

"Holy magic...Someone like you could never be a cardinal...Who are you?" The mage asked, breaking his silence.

"How rude! I'm Viktor Ivanov, I'm the equivalent of a cardinal for the Black Tortoise temple." Viktor exclaimed, faking an offended look. The mage understood the second Viktor said he was an Ivanov. It was a well-known fact that Elena was the head of the Black tortoise temple, no one knew she was Black Tortoise but everyone knew she essentially ran the temple.

"...It seems were fated to be enemies..." The mage said and glared.

"Fated enemies? Me? With you? You're clearly just fodder, don't get ahead of yourself." Viktor said and rolled his eyes. This mage wasn't as good as he seemed. After all, even the Lich would back off after seeing Viktor cast the holy garden spell without a grimoire.

'Not bad...'Aethen thought as he watched Viktor fight.


Yue wasn't able to stop Skarr's spell from being completed but he transformed his hands to the point where they were fully in Dragon form and as the spell flew toward him like a large beam of light, he clapped his hands together. The wind immediately picked up and completely destroyed the spell.

"Is that all?" Yue asked, looking at Skarr with his piercing turquoise eyes.

"Of course not," Skarr said and rushed to cast more spells.

The spells were all easy to break and destroy so Yue was confused for a second before the magic particles that had spread around from him breaking the spells dissipated and his view was clear again and he realized that Skarr was quickly diving toward the cave.

Yue cursed and quickly flew down there, trying to be fast enough to both catch up to Skarr and not be seen by the other students. Skarr made it to the cave first, It had only been a few minutes since the burst of energy from the Hundun mage and the spell that Viktor had cast so he expected the mage to be in the middle of a fight.

"Li Xiaowen! Just give me the fang alread--?!"

The Hundun mage was kneeling on the ground with Viktor's sword through his stomach.

Skarr could feel that Yue was about to reach him and he knew that Viktor was definitely a problem if he could defeat Li Xiaowen and end up without even a scratch. He quickly made his decision and opened his mouth, breathing fire into the cave not even thinking that Li Xiaowen could be saved. Viktor didn't even get the chance to look up at Skarr before the fire suddenly entered the cave.

"Viktor!" Yue yelled as he entered the cave and forced Skarr's mouth closed with his hands.

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