The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 66: The Dragon’s Mountain (10)

"I'm fine," Viktor said and cleared the smoke out of the room, showing that he and Aethen were fine. He set up a barrier to protect the two of them. He wasn't able to protect Li Xiaowen's body or his own sword though.

Yue let out a breath of relief, letting go of Skarr's mouth for a second, that second was just enough for Skarr to take Li Xiaowen's charred body into his mouth, quickly swallowing him and his core whole. Yue panicked and tossed Skarr out of the cave, using the wind to make him go back into the air quickly. He glanced at Viktor for a split second before rushing back into the air before Skarr could fully absorb Li Xiaowen's core and mana.

"What a pity, that was a fine sword," Aethen murmured.

Viktor's sword was also swallowed by Skarr when he swallowed Li Xiaowen. Aethen looked at Viktor and while he did expect him to be unhappy because of this, he seemed much angrier than he expected.

"Human, It's just a sword..." Aethen murmured with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't care about the sword," Viktor murmured, he was glaring furiously at the entrance of the cave.

Yue's head was bleeding and somehow that made him angrier than anything. Perhaps it was because every other time Yue was hurt by some creature it was dead within a few seconds but he felt much angrier at Yue's head wound than any wound he'd seen Yue get. Yue was moving just fine so it wasn't even that serious but It made him so angry for some reason.

"Human. Stop that." Aethen said with a menacing aura, standing up and looming over Viktor. Viktor wasn't at all afraid and he didn't even feel threatened but the change in Aethen's tone did manage to take his mind off of Yue's injury and let him regain his composure.

'His mana was about to swallow my mana AND the fang...' Aethen thought to himself, getting rid of his menacing aura, It was all a bluff to try to hide how frightened Viktor had made him.


Yue was panicking, other than a full transformation, what else could he do now? Skarr was absorbing Li Xiaowen's core and mana and it was not only making his body larger and visibly stronger, but it was also replenishing the mana he had used up during their fight so far.

The normal Hundun mages had already been defeated by the other students down on the ground. They paled in comparison to monsters like Yue and Viktor but all of the students were incredibly talented individuals, so it wasn't surprising that they defeated the mages of Hundun who were low-class mages at best.

The students had rounded up the barely alive mages and were now looking to the skies where they could just barely see the large red dragon and what looked like a little turquoise sprite flying around it.

'They can't know, They can't know, They can't know, They can't know,'

It was a mantra replaying over and over again in Yue's head. He couldn't involve people, he couldn't let them know he wasn't human, he couldn't let them know it was all his fault. For the sake of his own pride and for the sake of what people thought of him but also for the sake of not ruining the characters of his classmates. He knew far too many people who completely deserted him and became greedy, heartless creatures after learning of his ability. He knew not all people were like that but not all people were like Fei Xiang or Xia Guiren or Lian Bai either.

Before meeting Fei Xiang he was always either a demon to be feared or a god to exploit as one wished. It had been many years since then but he knew the world hadn't changed and people hadn't changed, he had confirmed it himself.


"Why are we here? I thought you said you liked the wine from the place down the road?" Lian Bai asked as she and Yue sat down at a table on the first floor of an inn.

"I know the owner," Yue said and smiled, It was barely visible through his veiled hat. Lian Bai looked at her 18-year-old Shidi with a confused look, how did he know the owner?

"Come on Young Man, How could you know an old lady like me?" The owner of the inn said as she came over with a laugh. She was an older woman, she ran the inn with her youngest son.

"How could I not know you, Auntie? You raised me right in this very inn." Yue said with a smile.

Lian Bai immediately realized what Yue meant and her face turned stone cold, the owner of the inn on the other hand was confused and unsettled.

"It's okay if you don't remember. It's been 15 years, I've changed a lot." Yue said and chuckled, raising his hand to move his veil so the innkeeper could see his eyes.

"You really are a menace, Yue." Lian Bai murmured, giggling a little as the innkeeper dropped to her knees.

Fear was the only word that could describe her expression. She was one of the people who thought he was a monster, she always had been. Yue didn't know what he had been expecting. Did he expect her to cry beg for his forgiveness? Did he expect her to yell and scream at him for being a monster? Well, he had no doubt that she would actually yell at him if she had a moment to think. He didn't stick around for that long though. His little joke wasn't as entertaining as he had hoped.

"That wasn't very fun."

"It's okay, Yue." Lian Bai murmured and patted his head as they walked.

Maybe it was okay. Back then at least.


Yue held back blood that threatened to come out of his mouth as Skarr's train just barely grazed his stomach. It hurt like hell. The attacks that would usually do no damage were now making him freeze up just from the pain alone. If he took a full-on hit anywhere he was bound to break a bone or two in that area.

'Ah, I want to give up... everything already hurts...'

"Your majesty. Your majesty!" Aethen called out through telepathy.

Yue only acknowledged Aethen when he called his name the second time, he was low on mana and was trying to not show it to Skarr.

"Please just take the fang. Your wind has made the clouds dissipate and Skarr has gotten stronger because he ate that mage, you can't do this without transforming." Aethen called out, he and Viktor had walked out of the cave and were now observing the fight.

It took Aethen a second to realize that he had definitely worded that wrong. There was no way that Yue would accept that. His pride would never let him accept that, regardless of if he wanted to be the king of the dragons or not, his body would make it very clear that the position belonged to him and only him. So being told that he was unable to defeat another dragon was equivalent to blasphemy in his eyes.

"Watch me." Yue said with a glare.

'What is he doing?!' Mai asked Viktor through telepathy, she could just barely see how beat up Yue was as he fought.

"Aethen. Give me the fang and use your time skill on everyone but me." Viktor said through gritted teeth.

"Huh? Everyone but you? I can't do that!"

"Yes, you can just. Just slow down your own time as well." Viktor said and grabbed the fang from Aethen himself. Aethen was going to argue but he found himself already using the skill. He didn't get the chance to ask what the hell was going on before his time slowed down.

Viktor quickly flew all the way up to Yue and Skarr who despite having their time slowed down were still moving, just much much slower than they intended to be moving. Yue barely even got to notice that Viktor had flown up to him or that he had the fang before Viktor grabbed him and forced his mouth open.

Yue's increasingly slow thoughts were thinking that Viktor was going to make him swallow the fang or something like that, in which case he'd just force himself to throw it up immediately as an act of defiance but instead Viktor placed the fang exactly where it was missing. The fang immediately fused itself to Yue's mouth as if it knew that this was its true owner.

"I'm serious... Please don't fight without it," Viktor whispered and noticed that time was speeding back up since Aethen couldn't handle making him the only one whose time wasn't slowed down. He quickly flew down to the cave, Yue would only feel worse if he stayed up there. Yue was definitely already pissed that he had to get the fang so he didn't want him to be angrier.

When time sped back up Skarr was confused by the change in Yue's aura but he went to attack anyway. He didn't even get the chance to regret the decision.

"Just die already," Yue murmured with his head down, gritting his teeth.

Skarr immediately stopped moving and started falling to the ground. Yue cushioned his fall with wind magic as to not hurt anyone or have blood splatter everywhere. He stayed in the air for a bit, gritting his teeth some more as he removed his transformation.

"His majesty is definitely angry at you now human..." Aethen said as he watched Yue come down from the sky and go toward them.

"You're the worst! Why did you make me--..." Yue whined to Viktor, he was actually very angry but he couldn't actually yell or get angry over something that really only hurt his pride. He stopped speaking suddenly, feeling dizzy as he set his feet on the ground.

Viktor quickly caught him and looked worried. Yue tried to stand by himself but his vision was blurry and he felt sick.

"He'll feel sick for a long time, weeks maybe months. His body isn't used to the sudden surge of power after so long." Aethen explained watching Viktor's worried expression as Yue couldn't even hold the transformation that made his body look female.

Yue quickly passed out in Viktor's arms as the other students were either going over to them or watching them from their positions.

"...At least this expedition is now pretty much over..." Yue sighed, trying to appease his own anger as he saw Yue's injuries.


Yue stayed unconscious for 24 hours before he finally opened his eyes. He was alone in his and Viktor's room. Viktor seemed to have already packed everything and even healed his wounds. Despite the fact that Viktor healed him exceptionally well, his body still hurt like hell and his vision was still blurry. He forced himself to stand from the bed and put his shoes on, he wanted to deal with all the loose ends before they left for the academy.

"Yue!" Mai exclaimed as she watched Yue leaning against the wall as he tried to walk down the hall.

"C-Captain!" Ava and Alejandro exclaimed, they had been walking with Mai and were also shocked to see Yue awake and attempting to walk, especially when he looked so sickly.

Yue's face was flushed red and he was struggling to breathe even as he walked slowly. He tried to wave Mai and the other two away, their loud voices hurt his head.

'Viktor...Where are you...' Yue said through telepathy, it took a lot of effort to focus his thoughts enough to use telepathy and he doubted it would even reach Viktor.

He was proven wrong when Viktor almost instantaneously appeared at the end of the hall, rushing toward him. He helped Yue stay standing and quietly murmured, "I'm right here".

"Did you... write the report...? And we have t....o deal with the merchants that Hundun hired... and..." Yue murmured, taking a breath after every few words, as he tried to force himself to not feel sick.

"It's okay, I already did everything. We can just go back home now." Viktor said and stroked Yue's hair.

"Oh..." Yue murmured before falling unconscious into Viktor's arms.

"...The captain is almost too dutiful..." Alejandro murmured, with an awkward smile.

"What do you mean almost? She is too Dutiful." Mai said and shook her head.

"Let's get ready to go," Viktor said and lifted Yue into his arms, holding him bridal style.


Yue's next moment of consciousness wasn't as arduous as the last, he was cradled in Viktor's arms on a carriage. They had already arrived in the academy and Viktor had even had a meeting with Mr. Anderson already.

"Where--" Yue was interrupted by a sudden bout of nauseousness.

"We're going to my manor so I can take care of you," Viktor said and kissed Yue's forehead, using some magic to try and make him feel better.

"O-Oh..." Yue murmured and hid his face in Viktor's shoulder, sighing.

"Does it hurt a lot, Yue?" Viktor asked, sadly looking at Yue whose face spelled out his discomfort.

"It's fine..." Yue murmured kissing Viktor's cheek, "I'll be fine after some more rest..."

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