The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 90: Graduation

Viktor was happily snuggling into Yue’s chest as they laid in bed. Yue was stroking his hair while lost in thought and only looked over at Viktor’s face when Viktor placed a kiss along his jawline.

“Hm?” Yue hummed and kissed Viktor’s cheek with a small smile.

“Are you sad that tomorrow is graduation?” Viktor asked, kissing Yue’s hair.

“Just a little…I’m mostly excited though.” Yue said and smiled.

Viktor hummed, “That’s good.”

“Where do you want to go after graduation? Unless you wanna stay here for a while?” He asked.

“I don’t know but we should visit Frida…and Italy,” Yue murmured.

“Alright,” Viktor said and smiled softly at him.

“Don’t you have anywhere you want to visit?” Yue asked.

“Hmmm…I want to go with you to China.” Viktor grinned, “I want to go to the places you like there.”

Yue smiled and moved himself so he was laying at eye level with Viktor and kissed him on the lips. He pulled away after a second and had an awkward little smile on his face.

“What is it?” Viktor chuckled, stroking Yue’s hair.

“I don’t really have any places I like. Let’s just go everywhere.” Yue said and smiled.

“Why not— ah never mind…” Viktor murmured after thinking about it for a second.

“Yeah…” Yue looked a little sad, “After my brother died I really couldn’t stand to go to the places I used to like.”

“It’s fine if we go there though! I had fun memories in most of those places so making some more wouldn’t be a bad thing.” Yue said and smiled.

“If you say so,” Viktor murmured and kissed all over Yue’s face. Yue nodded and little and they went back to cuddling.

Yue wore a light blue European style off-shoulder dress to graduation. He wore his hair in a low updo that was decorated with silver hair accessories. On his neck he wore the silver necklace Viktor had given him in Wolfsstadt and his arms were decorated with a few silver bracelets. His gold engagement ring stood out because of all of the silver he wore but he didn’t mind that.

Viktor wore a light blue suit that matched with Yue’s dress. Yue couldn’t help but smile as he saw how they looked together. He had been prepared to feel a little lonely since he wouldn’t have any family to be with during the after-party but matching with Viktor made him feel better.

“I love you,” Yue said and grinned, kissing Viktor’s cheek.

“I love you too.” Viktor chuckled.


The graduation was relatively short. After congratulating the graduating students, the principal of the academy spoke about the shocking total merit points for the graduating class.

“I think the academy will have to wait until your children are all grown up to see a result like this again.” He said and laughed.

Yue felt a little embarrassed as he could feel some stares on him and Viktor as the principal said that. The students were allowed to sit wherever they wanted so most of their class was sat near each other.

“I look forward to hearing of your future endeavors and accomplishments in the world, once again, congratulations to all of you.”

The speech ended and then the diplomas were handed out, it was in alphabetical order so Yue had to wait for a while but he was very happy to watch his classmates walk up and get their diplomas.

When it came time to call out Viktor’s name, the principal paused for a second.

“Our Valedvictorian, the person to have allotted the most merits in our Academy’s history, Viktor Anderinovich Ivanov.” The principal said and a wave of applause came from the other students. It was customary to not applaud in the middle of the ceremony unless the Valedictorian or Salutatorian were being called to the stage, the rest of the applause was saved until the end.

Yue watched Viktor walk up the stage with a bright smile. He took a look at Viktor’s diploma when he returned to his seat beside him and chuckled, “Almost didn’t fit.” he murmured. Viktor laughed a little as well, his full name was barely fitting on the diploma line. 

Mai’s name was called after a while and she went up to get her diploma and came back with a relieved expression.

“Thought they were going to misspell it or pronounce it wrong,” Mai whispered. Yue chuckled a little in response.

Yue was the last student to be called up on stage because of his last name.

“And Finally, our Salutatorian, Yue Xia.” 

Yue felt awkward as he walked up there to get his diploma while students clapped for him but he felt grateful for it. 

After some final words from the principal, the students started to leave to go to the after-party where parents and other family members were waiting to congratulate them. Viktor, Yue, and Mai were walking together until Mai broke off from them when she saw her parents and Huy. Yue watched them and the other families for a bit as Viktor led him off. Everyone was getting congratulated by their families. He felt a little jealous but he kept a smile on his face as he went on.

He and Viktor stopped near where some food was being served and they just stood there for a while together, drinking some champagne.

“There you are.”

They both turned and saw Elena walking over to them with some flowers. Everyone seemed too preoccupied with their own families to really notice her and she seemed to have been almost running a little late. Anya followed behind her, she was dressed formally and not like a maid since she was accompanying Elena.

“Congratulations on graduating,” Elena said and held the flowers out toward them, Yue looked at Viktor, waiting for him to accept them but Viktor just looked at him with confusion. 

“Yue these are for you.” Elena giggled and watched Yue’s shocked expression.

She handed Yue the flowers and hugged the two, repeating her congratulations. Yue still seemed confused but he was a little flushed and embarrassed.

“The flowers are from me, but the note is from your master,” Elena said and smiled.

Yue was a bit hesitant to open the little note that he quickly found in the flowers.

‘Congratulations’ was written clearly in English but the rest of the note was in Chinese.

‘I at first worried that you wouldn’t be able to go back to your normal self after everything that has happened but now I see that you’ve managed to bounce back and I wonder why I ever worried. I’m proud of you but while I do hope you are happy, please don’t forget that nothing has ended yet. Li Chaoxiang wasn’t the root of why Guiren died, there is something deeper. I’m investigating it with Lian Bai.’

Yue stared at the note for a bit and smiled. He definitely hadn’t forgotten about Hundun, his resolve had actually just gotten stronger.

“You two plan on going to Italy right?” Elena asked.

“Yes, we want to see what’s going on with investigations and rebuilding,” Yue said and hugged Viktor’s arm.

“Alright. I’ll set that up. If you want you can also talk with the mages we captured.” Elena suggested.

Viktor nodded and passed Elena some champagne.

“Oh also…I’d like it if you could go to the Military aca-.” Elena was cut off by Viktor.


“What are you embarrassed by Mr.Valedictorian?” Elena teased as she watched Viktor’s expression. 

“Many things.” Viktor hissed quietly.

Elena didn’t quite understand until she glanced at Yue’s intrigued expression.



Paintings of when Viktor attended the academy were EVERYWHERE in the academy. Partially because he was the founder’s son and partially because he was valedictorian. And because a certain Mark Delov followed Viktor around everywhere, paintings of them together were everywhere. Yue didn’t seem to care much about Mark anymore but Viktor knew it would at least make him a little irritated.

“Good luck with that, son.” Elena laughed and patted Viktor’s back, she had no intention of helping him out.

“I wanna go,” Yue said and smiled up at Viktor who only became more troubled.

“You’ll get to see lots of paintings of Viktor’s oh so embarrassing teenage years.” Elena laughed, adding fuel to the fire.

Yue chuckled, he was excited to see the paintings. He thought the teen Viktor that he saw during their last expedition was adorable so he did want to see more.


“We’ll miss you!” The girls from the dorms who weren’t graduating said to Yue and Mai. Yue had moved out to the Ivanov manor already, but Mai was going back to Vietnam today so the girls all decided to say their farewells.

“Do your best, girls. Stay safe!” Mai called as she walked with Yue. The first-tier class girls were meeting one last time to have tea just before Mai left so they walked together.

“We’ll be seeing each other much less often from now on…” Mai sighed.

“Yeah… It’s alright though, we’ll definitely be in touch. Your husband is my ‘colleague’, after all.” Yue said and smiled.

“From now on I’ll be able to see the real Yue more often, won’t I?” Mai said and smiled, wiping the sad look off her face.

Yue was caught off guard by her words, “What do you mean ‘the real me’?”

“The Yue who doesn’t have to change himself,” Mai whispered.

“Oh…” Yue looked down at his hanfu and understood what she meant. 

“...I prefer being that Yue but I think this is fine. It used to feel like putting on a mask but now I think that mask has just become a part of me. Not being in the academy does mean I don’t have to continue the ‘perfectly elegant girl’ facade though.” Yue said smiled.

“Haha I noticed that it’s been getting harder for you to keep that up, “ Mai laughed, “You used to be much colder and quieter but now you’re all bubbly.”

“Oops.” Yue chuckled.

“No, It’s fine. I like it when you’re happy. And I’m sure Viktor loves it too.” Mai teased a little.

Yue just rolled his eyes as they finally arrived at where they were having tea.

The other girls were already there but they had waited for Yue and Mai to start everything.


The group talked about their future plans for a while before Mai and Marianne handed out their wedding invitations to them.

“What about you, Miss Yue? When should we expect the wedding?” Anika giggled.

“I’m not sure…” Yue murmured, a little embarrassed.

“Well, you only just got engaged and a royal wedding is something kind of crazy so it might take a while,” Marianne said and smiled.

“I’m fine with that. I just want to be with him.” Yue said and smiled softly.

The girls giggled a little.

“Let’s all try to keep in touch okay? If you need anything just reach out!” Anika said and smiled.

Everyone agreed and they continued their tea party, just talking about the year and their memories.

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