The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 91: Student

Frida immediately ran up to Yue when she saw them entering the town and hugged him. 

“Miss Yue! Lemme show you the spells I learned!” Frida explained and Yue giggled.

“You didn’t even say hello!” Yue jokingly scolded and patted Frida’s head.

Frida stared at Yue and then at Yue’s hand for a second and then smiled at Viktor.

“You finally did it, huh?.”

“What do you mean finally?” Viktor laughed and Frida looked embarrassed.

“Did I say that out loud?” Frida asked, and laughed awkwardly.

“Yeah.” Viktor chuckled.

Yue looked at the two of them for a second and tilted his head a little.

“Let’s go, let's go!” Frida giggled.

“I want to go to the Academy, but Mr.Anderson says I should wait until I’m 19. I don’t know why though, can’t you enter at 16?” Frida said as she walked through the forest with Yue and Viktor who wanted to check out what was going on with the area where the werewolves lived and the area where the dungeon had appeared.

“I’m not sure? Both of us joined the academy when we were 19, maybe that’s why he said that?” Yue murmured.

“Mr. Anderson would probably say something like that.” Viktor chuckled.

“If that’s the case then I can definitely wait!” Frida said and grinned.

“You might end up being with Kolya since he’s probably not attending the military academy,” Viktor murmured.

“Who is Kolya?” Frida asked and tilted her head as she turned to face Viktor.

“My nephew, he’s 2 years younger than you,” Viktor explained.

“Do you think he’s strong?” Frida asked.

“Of course he’s strong, he comes from the strongest mage family in Europe.” Yue giggled.

“Wow…I’ll have to work hard to be captain then…” Frida murmured, pouting a little.

“So ambitious,” Viktor murmured.

“Well…yeah… maybe you’ll end up as co-captains like we were,” Yue said and smiled.

“That’d be good too!” Frida said and grinned.

As Yue waved goodbye to Frida and her mother as the sun started to set, he suddenly felt himself being pulled into a prophecy.

In the prophecy Frida was entering a lecture room at the academy, she was clearly older and seemed more mature but she had a bright smile on her face and was a little less dressed up than some of the other ladies in the room. She panned around the room as she tried to decide where to sit and then she saw a white-haired young man who seemed a little younger than her being surrounded by other students and she immediately seemed to recognize him.

“Kolya!” She immediately called out.

The boy immediately turned red, “W-Why would you call me that?!”

“Is that not your name? That’s what my master called you.” Frida asked and turned her head, quickly walking up to a seat near Nikolai.

“Your master? Are you Miss Kuhn?” Nikolai asked, his embarrassment dying down a little.

“You can just call me Frida,” Frida said and smiled.

Some of the people looked at her like she was a little crazy for defying etiquette but Nikolai just stretched out his hand and shook her hand.

“…Please don’t call me Kolya, just call me Nikolai. Only my family calls me Kolya…”

Yue giggled, he recalled that he and Viktor hadn’t actually used Nikolai’s full name when talking about him. He figured it was fine though, that seemed like a memorable way for them to meet.

Viktor insisted on paying the innkeeper for the room they were staying in but they just wouldn’t take his money. No one in town would take their money. They felt that since the students of the tier 1 class had saved their lives the only way to properly pay them back is in this way. Viktor still continued to try and coax them into letting him pay while Yue walked Frida home.

“Don’t be so stubborn, young man.” The innkeeper scolded.

Yue laughed a little, he had returned right when that was said.

“What’s our room number?” Yue asked and took Viktor’s hand.

Viktor sighed and gave up and just led Yue to their room.

“…You look even happier now…did something happen?” Viktor asked.

“I had a prophecy of Frida at the academy.” Yue said and smiled, “She and Kolya seemed to be friends.”

“Oh, that’s great!” Viktor chuckled.

“Yeah, seeing them all grown up is great,” Yue said and smiled softly as he sat down on the bed.

His smile slowly died down though as he stared at Viktor for a while. He seemed fine right now but just a second ago when they were in the lobby, Viktor seemed like he had a migraine for something. He was certain that Viktor wasn’t that frustrated that he couldn’t pay so he worried that he wasn’t feeling very well… Yue was also a bit concerned with some behaviors he’d seen from him lately.

“Viktor…Are you okay?” Yue asked and grasped Viktor’s hands as Viktor stood in front of him.

“…What do you mean?” Viktor asked, a little confused.

“Lately you always look like you’re in pain. Mostly when you’re with lots of other people but sometimes just when you’re talking to certain people. You never seem like that when I’m around but when I see you from afar it looks like that…Are you hiding something from me? Are you getting worse?” Yue asked with a very worried expression.

Viktor looked conflicted for a second. He sat down next to Yue and decided to be honest with him though. He knew Yue would only worry more if he didn’t tell him the full truth. He also wanted to work on not having misunderstandings between them, especially since the incidents in the past.

“I noticed it a while ago and I only recently talked to my dad and actually got confirmation about it,” Viktor murmured.

“I hear murmurs every time I’m near people. Usually, I can’t understand them but recently it has developed more and I do understand some of what the murmurs say….It’s other people’s thoughts.” Viktor murmured.

Yue turned bright red as he listened had he heard his thoughts during se—

“I can’t hear your thoughts or my mother’s thoughts though,” Viktor added.

“Oh.” Yue was relieved but also just a tiny bit disappointed.

“It gives me a headache, The murmur, The mix of voices, it felt like I was going crazy for a while.”

“Do you know why it’s happening?” Yue asked.

“My Dad says that it’s rare but that some people in the Ivanov family have had abilities like those before,” Viktor murmured.

“Does he know if there’s a way to tune it out or control it?” 

“No, but I can’t hear anything when you’re beside me so I think it’ll be fine,” Viktor responded and smiled. Yue had reached out to massage Viktor’s temples, kindly wanting to help his headache die down but Viktor pulled his hands away and kissed his palms. He didn’t have a headache anymore.

“ It’s probably because I’m not human,” Yue murmured and leaned his head on Viktor’s shoulder.

“Yeah…It works out well though, everything will be fine if you just stay by my side.” Viktor said and hugged Yue.

Yue giggled a little and Pecked Viktor’s lips, “I’ll try and stick close to you all the time.”

Their stay in Wolfsstadt was short and they went on with their list of places that they needed to visit.

“Well, aren’t you bold…” Viktor murmured. He whistled a little as he watched Yue change his clothes right in front of him.

“You know I’m not changing this way because I want to.” Although Yue said that, he was in fact smiling a little as he changed. 

They had gone to Italy to check on the situation but Yue had been informed that he would have to change into some other clothes because the terrain would be tough if he went out dressed in a Hanfu. Yue didn’t expect the situation to still be that bad so he was a bit surprised. 

They took a room at an inn for Yue to change in private and so Yue went ahead and started right away.

“Shouldn’t you be in the hallway or something?” Yue asked and then mouthed the word “pervert” at the end. He didn’t try to hide himself much though, he knew that Viktor knew how to control himself.

“You didn’t give me the chance to leave, now did you? Also didn’t you say you would stick by me so my head wouldn’t hurt?” Viktor laughed and watched as Yue changed into a white dress shirt and black pants and boots. It was hot outside so he opted to not wear a blazer. 

“Done,” Yue murmured and walked over to the door. Viktor stopped him and stole a quick kiss.

“To hold me over.” He said and chuckled as he watched Yue’s cheeks become tinted with red.

“You have a promise to keep, don’t forget that,” Yue said after a moment of silence and smirked.

Viktor had a confused look for a second and then he looked a bit flustered as he remembered. Yue chuckled at his expression and kissed his cheek before walking out of the room.

“Not sure I’m mentally prepared for that yet,” Viktor murmured and gulped.

“What is taking so long?” Yue asked as he watched the mages trying to rebuild. He expected the reconstruction to be much farther along by now.

“Magic crystals keep appearing in reconstruction areas and the association makes us stop construction until an appraiser decided whether or not

the vein is worth keeping.” The mage that was guiding them around explained.

“You should just keep them all, no magic crystal is ever useless,” Yue murmured.

“All the excavation would be too expensive, if we just scrap the ones that aren’t high grade we can save money instead of having to carefully extract all of them.” The guide murmured.

“...I have an appraisal ability,” Viktor revealed.

“Oh! Do you have a license?” The mage asked quickly.

“Yes,” Viktor said and pulled what looked more like a diploma than a license from his storage ring.

Yue looked confused but the mage immediately recognized it.

“Is that what an appraisal license looks like?” Yue asked Viktor quietly.

“Not typically. I got my license through my electives in the Military Academy so It’s listed on my diploma.” Viktor explained, Yue looked like he understood but then he saw the mage unrolling the diploma and saw that it was twice the size of a typical diploma.

“Is that what a diploma from the military academy looks like?” Yue asked, raising an eyebrow.

“If you’ve done literally every elective, yes.” Viktor chuckled.

“You’re such an overachiever.” Yue giggled and nudged Viktor a little.

“I was really bored,” Viktor said and chuckled as he got his diploma back.

“Uh… If you could help us with appraisal while you’re here we’d really appreciate that sir.” The mage said and started leading Viktor and Yue around into the construction areas more.

“That’s fine, we’ve got time to kill,” Viktor said and stuck close to Yue as they got closer to where groups of people were.


A/N: I don't know if you readers also read the BL Palace Newsletter but if you do you probably already saw this. I only just read it yesterday and I was over the moon with happiness when I saw that my story was featured as a chibi, I saw the cover and was like "wait a second. they look like--- VIKTOR AND YUE!!" yeah I was really happy I thanked like everyone because I was so happy with it. I won't make you travel far and wide to see it but I do recommend the newsletter if you like BL and want more to read, here is the link:


Special Thanks to @Killokii for drawing this beautiful image!


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