The Protagonist Only Thinks About Falling In Love

Chapter 84 Upstairs

[No. 0181 system loaded into the world... Loading completed, successful landing. 】

[Basic identity information loading...]

【Name: He Yu / Gender: Male / Age: 8 years old...】

The dilapidated walls of the rental house are yellow. In a narrow room, there is a petite figure lying on the wooden bed, covered with a thin quilt. The room is small but tidy. The books on the desk are stacked neatly, and the schoolbag is hung on the back of the stool. There are some traces of mending on it.

So hot……

He Yu opened his eyes dimly, his whole body was hot and weak, he turned over on the bed, raised his small hand to rub his eyes, and got up from the bed with strength.

He has a fever.

He Yu opened his mouth, but no sound came out of his throat.

[There are antipyretics in the drawer of the living room table. 】System 067 navigates for him.

He Yu propped up the bed, and found a pair of yellow slippers beside the bed. He looked down at his little feet, moved, and stuffed his feet into the slippers, which were a little too big.

He was like a child stealing an adult's slippers, he was weak and stumbled to open the door of the room.

The living room was also narrow, so He Yu found the table, opened the drawer, took out the antipyretic medicine, went to pour another glass of water and drank it.

He waited for 2 minutes.

【Useless. ] He Yu said that he was still having a fever.

The system said: [Anti-fever medicines take time to take effect, they cannot be cleared with one click. 】

He Yu frowned: [It's really troublesome to be a human being. 】

After the system awakened its self-awareness, the higher-ups sent instructions to them to fill out a form and asked them if they wanted to become human. 0181 didn’t read the form carefully, so he filled it out casually. One of the human systems, mission programs cannot be undone.

Among the previous systems taken over by System 067, He Yu was the first one who didn't want to be a human being.

[After the mission is over, you have another chance to decide whether to stay or not. 】The system comforted him, 【Don't miss the opportunity and never come back again, you are alone now, so be a good human being. 】

Be a good person - He Yu has heard the system say these four words many times.

This world is a youth campus story.

The protagonist of the story, Li Fengran, because of his single parent and his mother's high-profile, suffered all kinds of injuries and malicious speculation from others since he was a child, he became out of gregarious and gloomy, but he had a good appearance, with red lips and white teeth. There was also a girl who wanted to confess to him, but he was too indifferent, and others retreated when they knew it was difficult.

Until high school, he fell in love with a girl.

Li Fengran has the habit of keeping a diary. His diary has a password lock, and usually no one else will read it, so he wrote the girl in the diary. The girl smiles very beautifully, very clean, and very innocent.

The feelings of youth are like neutrons that have not yet germinated, beautiful and pure, hazy, green and simple, maybe just a look, a smile, and a ignorant heart sprouts.

He and the girl gradually got closer. On the way home, the two stopped by for a short distance. They coincidentally walked home one after the other with a short distance from each other.

Every day.

Then suddenly one day, someone found Li Fengran's diary. It was a gangster from the sports school next door who said he picked up Li Fengran's diary on the way home from school, and the other party read his diary aloud in front of Li Fengran's classmates. , laughed at him, satirized him.

Both he and the girl were called to have a conversation by the teacher, and after that time, the two of them never met again, even if they accidentally touched their arms, the girl would carefully avoid him.

The young shoots that haven't grown up are just strangled in the cradle.

The turning point happened on a certain rainy night, that day Li Fengran went shopping for his mother. When he bought something and was carrying it to go home, he heard a cry for help in an alley. Li Fengran ran over and saw the girl being embarrassed by those gangsters. .

He stepped forward to help, but there were too many people there, and he was punched a few times. He was ridiculed because he also wanted to be a hero to save the beauty. He let the girls run first, and he stopped them.

The girl ran away, and the punks were completely pissed off by him. Li Fengran was in a daze, not knowing what he had got, so he threw it at him.

There was the sound of a broken glass bottle, and soy sauce was poured on one of the gangsters, who staggered a few steps and greeted him even harder.

Li Fengran fell into a puddle full of sewage, and was almost beaten to death by these people. When he got up and returned home, he saw his mother suddenly fell ill and was sent to the hospital, but he still missed it. Best rescue time.

His mother died.

That was the person he had depended on since he was a child. He had no relatives, only his mother, and the only thing that belonged to him was also lost.

For him, the blow was huge.

It took him quite a while to go to school, and he also learned that the girl did not call the police that day. She apologized to him, saying that she was afraid that others would know that she was almost killed... and that others would point at her behind her back, saying that she Indiscreet.

Li Fengran didn't say anything, it's just that things changed after that incident, those punks didn't let him go, he changed from a top student to a person similar to those punks, fighting everywhere and causing trouble.

He often wondered if he had gone home earlier that day...would it have been different.

He embraced his mother's death on himself, and couldn't do anything else. Looking at his classmates who were his age, he always felt that he was out of place with them.

He lived like a piece of trash, a... trash with nowhere to go.

In his world, he is self-sufficient, he is a prisoner, and he is a brother and brother with those wine and meat friends.

When he went out to fight with someone one time, someone stabbed him, and when he came back to his senses, he was holding the knife in his hand, and lying in a pool of blood not far away was a gangster who had a feud with him.

The knife did not belong to him, nor did he stab the person.

The police found out what happened, and Li Fengran stayed in the police station for two full weeks before he was released. The real culprit was caught, but he couldn't pick it off.

It was this incident that made Li Fengran wake up. In the past three months, it was like a big dream. He wanted to get out, but he couldn't smoke cleanly. Li Fengran's temper gradually became harsh and sharp.

When he was studying, he got excellent grades and was determined to go back to school, but it was more difficult than before. He had suffered all kinds of hardships and suffered all kinds of tiredness. He left the society and got out of his own world.

He has always lived in the dark. If he wants to say that there was a piece of pure land in his heart, it is probably the girl he liked. Later, they met in a restaurant casually. They both reached the age of starting a family. The girl sent him a marriage proposal. Invitation, the story ends when he got the invitation, turned his head and threw it into the trash can with a casual smile, as if he had abandoned the former Li Fengran in the past time and space.

He Yu's task is to prevent the protagonist from being blackened. After completing it, he wants to go back to work on his system. Naturally, there is no problem, but...

[Why am I only eight years old? 】He Yu asked the system, the plot started when Li Fengran was sixteen or seventeen years old.

System: [The passage of time is beyond our control. You came on time, which is not harmful to you. 】

This system is very satisfactory, unlike the late system he once received, there is no time criterion.

"Bang bang bang"——

The door of the living room was knocked and shook, He Yu's cheeks were flushed due to fever, he turned his head to look at the door, his voice was hoarse and he couldn't make a sound, he was weak, "Who?"

People outside can't hear it.

"He Yu, He Yu, are you home!?" An immature child's voice shouted outside, at this age, it was impossible to tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

He Yu let out a breath, thinking not to make a sound, and probably won't knock later.

The system said that his body had a high fever and he was gone.

"His" parents are very busy. His mother runs a snack bar. His father occasionally helps out. The family relationship is harmonious. It's just that he is too busy to take care of the children. When the store is not so busy, "his" mother will Take him to the store.

The knocking was still ringing.

"He Yu, He Yu, are you there!" The people outside knocked on the door persistently, as if they would not stop until the door was opened.

"You little bastard is going to die!" Someone yelled in this direction because he thought it was noisy.

The sound outside stopped.

Just when He Yu thought that the people outside had given up, there was another knock on the door softly, calling "He Yu He Yu" from the crack of the door.

He Yu had a headache at first, but after such a noise, it hurt even more. He walked over and opened the door.

A kid who was about his size was wearing overalls, dark skin, small eyes, a little fat, with hair combed on both sides, he complained: "Why did you come to open the door, I was almost beaten by that old witch just now. "

"Fall asleep." He Yu said.

"Your face is so red." He said, "Forget it, don't talk about this, come here quickly."


"Watch cartoons!" The other party dragged him and ran out without any explanation.

He Yu didn't have much energy when he had a fever, and he had strong hands. He Yu was dragged to a stagger, so he could only run out with him.

He Yu asked the system: [Who is he? 】

System: [Liao Yuanyuan, your best friend, likes to hear you brag. 】

He Yu thought for a while, there was such a person, he matched the name of the person in front of him with the name, it was quite round.

One or two o'clock in the afternoon in summer is the hottest time. The glaring sun hangs high. In front of the canteen, the refrigerator is covered with wet towels. The uncle is lying on the recliner. A child sits on a small bench and watches TV.

A minivan drove by outside, and the children's attention was diverted for a moment. They ran out to watch the excitement one by one, but one of them didn't move. He was still sitting on the small bench, watching TV with his chin up.

This child is He Yu.

He Yu looked at the black cat on the TV, feeling drowsy.

He fumbled in his pocket and found a coin. He Yu looked at the old man beside him, got up and went to the entrance of the canteen, opened his palms, and revealed the coin, "I want a popsicle."

"Choose it yourself." The uncle said, "It's fifty cents over there, and a piece here."

Under the awning at the entrance of the canteen, there were many types of popsicles in the refrigerator. After He Yu opened it, he picked out a mung bean popsicle, and a person came to the side, which was Liao Yuanyuan.

"Can you give me a bite later? My mother didn't give me any money today, so I'll treat you to a popsicle tomorrow." Liao Yuanyuan said.

He Yu glanced at him and asked the uncle how much the popsicle was. The uncle said fifty cents, so he took another one and handed it to Liao Yuanyuan. Liao Yuanyuan patted him on the shoulder and said "good brother" with a smile.

The two stood under the shade of the pergola, beside the truck not far away, a good-looking woman with bright red nails and a beautiful dress that was incompatible with this dilapidated neighborhood asked someone to help carry the things on the truck upstairs.

At the woman's feet, stood a child about their size.

The child had a fair face, straight lips, and lively eyes. He looked at the children watching the excitement vigilantly and timidly, like a vigilant animal, and any slight movement could startle him.

"Who is he?" He Yu asked.

That child looked prettier and cleaner than all the children in this area. He Yu's ears had been noisy all afternoon, and it was rare to see a child who was more pleasing to the eye.

"New here," Liao Yuanyuan said seriously, "my mother said that woman is not a decent person, and she gave birth to a child without a husband, which is not serious."

He Yu glanced at him, "Do you know what it means to be unprofessional?"

Liao Yuanyuan was stunned, scratched his head and said, "I don't know."

"Don't use words you don't know." He Yu said.

Liao Yuanyuan curled her lips: "That's what my mother said."

He Yu didn't say anything more, looking at the women and children over there, the more he looked, the more he felt that this scene seemed familiar.

He put the popsicle stick on his forehead, and after cooling for a while, he felt that the popsicle had melted a little, and water dripped from the green plastic bag, making his forehead a little wet.

He took apart the popsicle, bit off the popsicle, chewed it up, his cheeks bulged, and the woman and child beside the truck went upstairs.

This was the first time He Yu saw them.

A group of children watched TV, and He Yu inquired about the news from these children, and figured out all the circle of relationships in this circle.

In the evening, the smell of food came from the windows of Tongzilou, and in the corridors of each floor, after a while, someone came out and asked their children to go back to eat.

The children left one by one, and in the end only He Yu was left with no one to shout.

The scene was truly bleak.

The light in the corridor was broken, and no one has repaired it. At this point in time, the corridor was a little dark. When He Yu was walking towards the stairs, he heard a hurried footstep. He raised his head, and a figure rushed towards him uncontrollably. It knocked him down like a small cannonball fired.

The two rolled into a ball, and He Yu fell dizzy and wanted to vomit. He was lying on the concrete floor, and the child on his body got up in a hurry, and whispered timidly: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose."

The child was the one who just arrived this afternoon, and his voice was trembling with fear.


He Yu stood up, patted the ashes off his body, "It's okay."

The elbow hurt a little, He Yu looked at it, the skin was worn out, and the wound was covered with dust, which was a bit ugly.

"I..." The child on the opposite side squeezed the money in his hand and looked at him with his mouth pursed.

He Yu put down his hands: "Want to buy something?"

The child nodded, bowed his head and whispered, "Buy, buy cigarettes..."

"Over there." He Yu pointed to the commissary.

Pointing the way, He Yu walked past him and went upstairs.

The footsteps gradually faded away.

Li Fengran stood where he was, and after getting nervous, his mind went blank, he couldn't believe it—it's just... like this?

He thought that the other party would scold him and maybe beat him up.

I don't know why, but he always gets into trouble carelessly. In the past, he often caused other children to bully him. Today, when he went down the stairs, his left foot tripped over his right foot, and he ran all the way down, only to bump into someone again.

He was prepared to be troubled, but the other party just let him go.

He Yu was not interested in making trouble for the child. After he went upstairs, he washed the wound under the tap and treated it casually. Half an hour later, there was movement at home.

There was a sound of unlocking the door, but before the door was opened, He Yu could already hear voices outside the door, mixed with laughter, the atmosphere was very good, the door opened, and a well-looking man and a gentle woman walked in one after the other .

When the woman saw He Yu, she spotted the injury on his body at a glance, quickly put down the things in her hand, walked up to He Yu and knelt down to look at the injury on his hand.

"what happened?"

He Yu wasn't used to it for a while, so he froze, wanted to hide but didn't, and choked out "I fell" for a long time.

These two are his father and mother.

The woman said why he was so careless.

"If you fall, you will fall." The man bent down and touched He Yu's head, and said with a smile, "Boy."

He Yu: "..."

"You really don't feel bad at all." The woman patted the man as if complaining, then turned her head to get iodine to apply medicine to the wound on his arm. When it came out, He Yu's expression was not right, and he touched his forehead, panicked.

"Why do you have a fever? Where is the discomfort?" The woman asked with concern.

He Yu's head was buzzing and hurting.

It's noisy, but it doesn't seem to bother you.

Before he had time to eat dinner, his mother said that he would take him to the community clinic. He Yu protested a little, saying that he had taken medicine, but his mother didn't take him to the protest.

He Yu got water in the small clinic, and his father came to deliver food to them. The time for getting water was very slow, and He Yu fell asleep before he knew it. When he got home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

There are two rooms in this house, one is the master bedroom, where the couple sleeps, and the other is the small room where He Yu sleeps. When He Yu looks at this room again, it seems that he can feel the warmth in the details.

In the middle of the night, He Yu was half asleep and half awake, when he heard the ping-pong bang upstairs, he glanced at the ceiling, and lifted the quilt to cover his head.

He Yu's fever disappeared after one night, and he recovered much more energetically after the fever.

Now it's summer vacation, He Yu doesn't have to go to school, but he needs to do summer homework, he will think of this, because today Liao Yuanyuan came over with his homework, and wanted to copy his summer homework, but when he learned that he didn't write it, he planned to follow with a sad face He writes together.

He Yu took a brush and wrote in the past. Liao Yuanyuan suspected that he wrote indiscriminately, and asked, "What should I do if the teacher finds out?"

"I won't find out." He Yu said.

"Are you unhappy today?" Liao Yuanyuan asked.

He Yu: "No."

"You don't talk much today." Liao Yuanyuan said.

He Yu: "You talk too much."

Liao Yuanyuan said he was doing his homework, and it took him a long time to get the homework, but he didn't start writing much. Either it was itchy here, or he was uncomfortable there. He was talking to He Yu in a rambling manner, and he felt that He Yu didn't talk very much today. , He talked about the family who moved in yesterday.

He said that he saw the child being held and beaten by his mother at the window, still silent.

"It seems to be upstairs in your house—it's so pitiful." Liao Yuanyuan said, "My mother never beat me like that."

He Yu: "..."

The movement last night seemed to be explained, He Yu stopped writing and glanced at the ceiling.

Initial impression, domestic violence and stuttering.

Except for last night's movement, He Yu didn't hear any big movement upstairs in the next few days.

The life of a child is very simple. Apart from studying, they just play. There is not much extra pressure to bear.

He Yu did his homework every day, went out to fool around with Liao Yuanyuan, and ate and slept at night when he came back. He didn't see the beautiful woman upstairs and the innocent child again until four or five days later.

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, his parents returned home, the gentle woman was busy in the kitchen, and the smell of the food came out. At 08:30, two bowls of home-cooked dishes were served on the table, one Chinese cabbage and one tofu with some Minced meat.

"It's time to eat." The woman called out.

He Yu put down his pen for homework, his father turned off the TV, and the three of them sat at the small dining table in the living room. There was no rule in his family, and He's mother and He's father were chatting about today's trivial matters.

The faucet at home was broken and was always dripping. Mother He asked Father He to fix it. As they talked, they talked about the new residents who moved upstairs.

"Thanks to her today, otherwise my wallet would have been stolen." Mother He said.

Father He: "It's time to thank him well."

"I'll go downstairs to buy some food later." Mother He said, "She seems to have a child at home, about the same age as our Xiaoyu. It's not easy for her to take care of the child alone."

From what his parents said, He Yu almost understood the whole story. Today, He's mother was almost stolen by a thief, but the woman upstairs just happened to see her and reminded her.

After eating, He Yu went back to his small room, cleaned up the books on the table, and took a storybook, which was lent to him by Liao Yuanyuan, and he used it to pass the time.

After watching for a while, the door was opened by He's mother from the outside.

"Xiao Yu." Mother He called softly.

He Yu put down the book, turned his head, and Mother He entered the door, "I'm reading a book."

He Yu: "Yes."

Mother He felt that the child had been a little silent these two days, but when asked if there was any conflict between him and the child, he refused to say.

"Come up with mom later, okay?" Mother He asked.

He Yu: "What are you going to do?"

"Send some food to the neighbor's house." He's mother said, "There is a child who is about your age in his house, have you seen it?"

He Yu nodded.

"I'll see him later, how about saying hello to him?" Mother He said, "After delivering the things, Mom will take you to buy delicious food."

He Yu paused, nodded: "Okay."

The corridor is dark, the sensor lights are not very sensitive, flickering, the handrails of the stairs are shaking, and there are graffiti drawn by some children with crayons on the walls, as if they are shooting a horror movie with a sense of time.

The sound of footsteps overlapped, one light and one heavy, echoing in the quiet corridor.

He Yu followed behind He Mu, and finally stopped in front of a door on the fifth floor.

Mother He raised her hand and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened a gap. At the door, a small figure cautiously poked its head, revealing half of its face, looking at them through the gap.

"Hello." When Mother He saw this exquisite and beautiful child, she felt like it in her heart, knelt down and greeted him with a smile, "Is your mother at home?"

The child behind the door looked at He's mother, and then at He Yu who was beside him, He's mother noticed his gaze, pulled He Yu over, put a hand on He Yu's shoulder and patted, "Say hello. "

He Yu looked at him: "Hi, I'm He Yu, I live downstairs from your house."

Li Fengran hid behind the door, and after a while, he said "Hello" dully.

Getting along with children is sometimes much easier than getting along with adults and children. He Yu got a signal from He's mother and asked him if there was anyone else at home. Li Fengran nodded.

"Yes, wait a minute." He said, "Mom is answering the phone."

"Don't open the door to strangers casually." He Yu said.

Mother He: "...?"

She was at a loss, when did her son become so vigilant?

Li Fengran whispered "Mmm", "Wait a minute..."

As he spoke, he was about to close the door, but the door was blocked by He Yu's small hand again.

"My name is He Yu, what's your name?" He Yu asked, with a cold hostility in his eyes for no reason, a little bluffing.

Li Fengran dared not say: "Li, Li Fengran..."

Li Fengran.

Sure enough it was him.

A beautiful and attractive woman came to the dilapidated Tongzilou alone with her child. She would inevitably be criticized. It was very similar to the experience of the protagonist in the novel. In the past few days, He Yu had already noticed it, but he just wanted to verify it himself.

"Xiao Yu." Mother He thought He Yu was bullying, and pulled He Yu back, "Don't scare him."

"Oh." He Yu responded, and looked at Li Fengran, "We know each other now, we are no longer strangers, let's open the door."

Mother He: "..."

Li Fengran: "..."

When he was hesitating to open the door or not, his mother's voice came from behind him.

"Who's here?"

The door flew wide open.

The woman has a beautiful face with exquisite makeup, and is often referred to as a "ghost" by those who gather here to gossip in the evening. Her long black hair is draped over her shoulders, and with a cigarette in her hand, she is leaning against the door and looking out. Two people, one big and one small.

The woman slowly exhaled the smoke ring, her tone was neither salty nor weak, "Is there something wrong?"

Mother He: "Hi, I live downstairs from your house—that, I don't know if you remember what happened this morning, thank you so much..."

"You're welcome." The woman interrupted her long talk, "Is there anything else?"

"Ah... oh! Well, I bought some food downstairs to visit, I hope you don't find it disturbing..."

"Thank you." The woman glanced at the things in her hand, "There is no need for gifts."

The woman's aura was too strong, and Mother He couldn't hold it back. She said no, but she didn't dare to continue sending it.

Seeing his mother's bewildered look, He Yu's eyes fell, and he pulled the things in his mother's hand. He's mother lowered her head and looked at her son.

"Sister, take it." He Yu, with a blank expression on his face, passed the bag forward from his mother's hand.

The expressionless woman laughed, "Sister?"

He Yu: "My mom specially bought it for you, it's not sweet and you don't need money."

The bag contained watermelon and some small fruits. He Yu directly copied the boss' slogan, "No sweet, no money."

The woman took the watermelon in He Mu's hand, thanked her, and let them in.

She went to the kitchen to cut watermelon.

The living room was neatly organized, there were almost no clutter, and it was too clean. He Yu sat on the stool by the table, and Li Fengran who was at the side peeked at him several times. When he looked over, Li Fengran lowered his eyes and avoided it. line of sight.

He Yu thought for a while, and asked him, "Which school are you from?"

The tone of the question was very social, as if the next second, he was about to say the ruthless words "Don't leave after school".

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