The Protagonist Only Thinks About Falling In Love

Chapter 96 First Kiss

"He Yu."

The two were lying on the bed, covered with fluffy quilts, and the body temperature communicated with each other, becoming warmer.

He Yu responded with a "hmm", and Li Fengran asked softly, "How do you calculate the money you got for selling yourself?"

He Yu: "... what?"

"Didn't you say in the afternoon that you sold yourself?" Li Fengran's voice was a little weak, and he said, "I want to buy you."

He Yu: "Close your eyes."

Li Fengran: "Is this a special service?"

He closed his eyes.

For a long time, there was no sound in my ears.

"He Yu..." He called out, "And then?"

"Then sleep." He Yu said.

Li Fengran: "..."

Do you mean dreaming?

"I have money." Li Fengran said.

"Don't do it."


"Because it's booked."

Li Fengran tasted the meaning of his words for a while.

"If you show me the diary..." He Yu added additional conditions, "I can think about it and do your business."

Li Fengran pinched the corner of the quilt, and suddenly moved, groping in the dark, He Yu smelled the smell of shower gel on him, a faint fragrance, not sweet, but very nice.

A moist touch came out of his ear.

"Can't money buy it?"

He Yu tilted his head in conditioned reflex, and the soft touch of the lips swept away. The two looked at each other, and they both stared blankly for a moment. Li Fengran didn't back away, propping his elbows on the bed, his upper body, and the tip of his nose against his.

"We...are friends." Li Fengran said, "It's normal for friends to be like this."

He Yu: "..."


After a stalemate for 2 minutes, He Yu pulled up the quilt, covered the heads of the two, covered him in the quilt, and touched the corner of his lips, "Why don't you cry?"

Li Fengran: "Crying...what?"

It's too late to be happy.

He pursed his lips in recollection.

"Before someone asked me to kiss you, you were scared to tears." He Yu said.

Li Fengran: "..."

He Yu was talking about an incident when he was a child. The children liked to play house games. He Yu was the "father", and everyone was vying to be the "mother". He Yu pulled Li Fengran over and said he would be the "mother".

The game was about getting married that time, and getting married means kissing.

The child next to him sprinkled wild flowers on the two of them, clapped his hands and coaxed him to "kiss each other", Li Fengran stared at He Yu with his eyes wide open in a daze, his eyes filled with mist, like a little lamb caught in a trap Helpful and pitiful.

When He Yu mentioned this matter again now, the teasing meaning was clear.

Li Fengran kneaded the hem of his clothes and did not speak.

He Yu didn't know, he didn't cry out of fear.

Early the next morning, He Yu got dressed and went downstairs before Li Fengran's mother came back. He didn't want to run into Li Fengran's mother. He had bumped into Li Fengran several times in the third year of junior high school. Women would smoke and squint from behind the smoke. Looking at him, it was a hidden gaze.

What's more, he also told him that Li Fengran is a little lunatic, if you don't treat him too well, you will regret it if you get entangled.

Since then, He Yu has been avoiding women.

However, during this period of time, the turning point of the plot began to approach.

On Wednesday evening, it rained.

The raindrops are crackling on the window, the winter vacation of the second year of high school is approaching, and the end of the year is approaching. There is a calendar on the table in He Yu's room, and the days that have passed are marked with "X".

He Yu has been tense these days.

It was cold and windy outside the window, the sky was covered with a layer of silvery white snow, and the window was covered with a layer of white mist. He Yu stood by the window and looked downstairs.

They stayed late for the holiday, and Liao Yuanyuan was even tighter. They said they would come to play for two days a few years ago, but because their grades were too glaring, they were faced with the bad news of going to tutoring. They even called last night to cry.

Faint voices could be heard from upstairs, and suddenly there was a sound of ping-pong-pong. He Yu concentrated, thought for a while, and planned to go upstairs to have a look. He went out and put on his down jacket, and changed his shoes at the door.

At the top of the stairs, He Yu ran into a man. The man was wearing a suit and leather shoes. His face was a little out of breath, and he was pulling his tie. He had a gloomy expression on his stiff face. After bumping into He Yu, he didn't even look at him, and continued to walk down the stairs. .

When He Yu reached the door on the fifth floor, before he knocked on the door, he heard another crackling sound inside, accompanied by the woman's exclamation.

He Yu paused, raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Aunt Li."

There was no echo inside, He Yu took a step back and kicked the door open.

The door lock of the old-fashioned residential building flew out from the door with a "bang", and the living room in the room was in a mess, with blood stains on the corner of the table. A woman in a sweater was lying on the ground, blood was flowing from the back of her head, and the scarlet blood was gradually spreading.

In the original plot, it only said that when Li Fengran returned home and saw her lying on the ground in a pool of blood, He Yu remembered the man who had just gone downstairs. The man's lips were thin, somewhat similar to Li Fengran.

It's today.

He Yu calmed down, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the emergency number, the rain was still falling outside the window, where is Li Fengran?

After making the emergency call, he called Li Fengran again, and the phone rang from the bedroom, but Li Fengran didn't bring his phone.

During this waiting process, he thought a lot, until the ambulance came, and they carried the woman into the ambulance on a stretcher.

The arrival of the ambulance was like a drop of water falling into hot oil in a peaceful place like Tongzilou. Several people were lying on the corridor watching, but no one came up to help. Even if someone came, it was a fake concern to inquire about the news.

The rain hit He Yu's hair and face, he raised his head, and for a moment, he understood Li Fengran's mood in the original plot.

Humans are emotional and complicated creatures. When facing other people’s affairs, they often look at them with lively eyes. A small place like Tongzilou has its advantages and disadvantages. Greetings, even if they may gossip behind their backs, on the surface they maintain a friendly image of good neighbors.

They looked at this side, pointing and not knowing what they were talking about.

This is a warm and cold place.

"Xiao Yu?" In the crowd, Mother He walked over holding an umbrella. She had just returned home from get off work.

"what happened?"

The medical staff in the ambulance urged him to get in the car, He Yu grabbed He Mu's hand, "Mom, you accompany her to the hospital, I'll go find Li Fengran."

Seeing this situation, Mother He also knew that the situation was critical, "She... hey, Xiaoyu, take the umbrella, take the umbrella—"

People have long since disappeared.

The alley was damp and cold, the ground was pitted with dirty water, Li Fengran's umbrella fell to the side, and a few gangsters who had drunk surrounded them on the opposite side.

"Call the police." Li Fengran threw Jiang Fanlu out rudely, his eyes darkened.

"I..." Jiang Fanlu was wearing a long skirt, her coat was soaked, her face was cold and pale.

"Don't dawdle." Li Fengran said, he didn't like Jiang Fanlu, but when this happened, he couldn't turn a blind eye.

Water was dripping from the eaves, and Jiang Fanlu was cold all over. She ran out of the alley, panting violently, took out her phone from her pocket, and splashed water droplets on the screen.

One drop, two drops...

Her fingertips were trembling. Due to the coldness of her fingers and the rain, it took a minute to unlock the door. She called the police. At that moment, many thoughts crossed her mind. She turned her head and looked into the alley. Dial out.

More than ten minutes passed.

The footsteps came from far to near, Jiang Fanlu squatted in the corner with weak legs, hurriedly looked up, her wet hair stuck to her cheek, and then she saw someone coming.

"He Yu..."

"What about others?" He Yu asked panting.

Jiang Fanlu didn't react for a moment.

"Li Fengran, where is he?" He Yu asked in a low voice.

Jiang Fanlu pointed to the place.

He Yu looked at the direction she was pointing at, and ran over with big strides, the rain splashed his trouser legs.

The sky was gloomy, and the rain didn't show any tendency to stop. Instead, it became heavier and heavier. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. He Yu ran to the entrance of the alley and stopped.

The boy in the alley was in messy clothes and was drenched all over, but he didn't look embarrassed at all. His usual smiling brows showed determination. He leaned on the wall, panting, and walked out slowly step by step. He met He Yu. one is right.

When the lightning flashed across the sky, it also illuminated his face, revealing a gloomy and world-weary beauty after being abused.

Seeing He Yu, he was taken aback, apparently he did not expect him to appear in such a place.

"Li Fengran!" He Yu strode over.

Li Fengran: "He Yu, I..."

He was hugged upright, swallowing all the words.

The two hugged each other in the dark alley in the rain, Li Fengran raised his hand and hugged He Yu's back.

He has grown taller again.

Li Fengran rested his chin on his shoulder, and the rain hit his face, making him unable to open his eyes.

Li Fengran had nothing serious, only a few injuries on his face and waist, he showed off to He Yu like a child, he beat a few drunkards, and won.

When he learned that his mother had an accident, the smile on his face froze.

The smile was still on his face, and the blank eyes made people feel distressed.

They took a taxi and hurried to the hospital, both of them looked drowned, when they got off the car, Li Fengran didn't rush to the hospital, but grabbed He Yu's hand, not daring to let go.

He Yu paid the fare and led him to the hospital.

He Yu and He's mother got in touch. After meeting, He's mother was startled when she saw the two of them, and told them not to worry.

Li Fengran's fucking condition is fine, but the trauma hit his head, and his mother couldn't stand the stimulation, so he became a little emotional today, which caused his illness.

She has been placed in the ward, Li Fengran said "thank you" dully, drenched in the rain, was cold all over, and was carried by He Yu to treat the wound, He's mother asked them to go back and change their clothes before coming back, lest Li Fengran's mother be fine, They fell ill.

The two went back to Tongzilou by car again, Li Fengran sat on the stool in the living room, He Yu found a dry towel and covered his head, with a seemingly invisible strength in his waist, after he rubbed his head, his arms tightened She hugged his waist and buried him in his soaked clothes.

He Yu is not very good at saying comforting words, and many times it will have the opposite effect, so he didn't say anything, just patted his head.

He didn't speak until Li Fengran gradually calmed down.

"Isn't it cold?" he asked.

"Cold." Li Fengran replied in a muffled voice.

"Get up and change clothes before going to the hospital." He Yu said.

Li Fengran: "Yes."

He lowered his head and let He Yu wipe his hair. After a while, he asked again: "Auntie called the ambulance?"

"Yeah." He Yu said, "I heard a voice upstairs - when I went out, I ran into a man."


"Wearing a suit and having a mouth just like yours."

Li Fengran was silent.

"Do you know him?" He Yu asked.

Li Fengran: ""

He Yu went to boil hot water, he plugged in the electricity, and said, "I'll go down and change my clothes."

"Will you...will you still accompany me?" Li Fengran asked.

"Well, accompany you."

After receiving the answer, Li Fengran felt relieved.

"Don't get wet on the wound on your face." He Yu reminded.

Li Fengran: "Okay."

He Yu changed his clothes and came up, the water boiled, he poured out the water, put it into a basin of cold water to cool down, and then brought it to Li Fengran who was quietly waiting for him, "Take a drink."

Li Fengran took a couple of sips, looked at the water in the glass, "Why didn't you ask me?"

"Ask you what?"

"Who is that man?"

"Then who is he?" He Yu followed his words and asked.

Li Fengran: "..."

"It's not that you don't care." He Yu explained, "It's just that you don't want to talk about it right now."

Nothing to talk about.

"He' dad."

"My dad" was said very coldly.

His father cheated on him when he was three years old, and then his mother divorced him, moved several times, and finally came here. When he was in junior high school, his dad contacted him frequently. During the summer vacation last year, he said to take care of something, which was his father's business.

He finished speaking in a few words.

He Yu understood, this is to see the child grow up and want to pick the fruit, Li Fengran is indeed very qualified, and there is a gap between his temperament and his peers.

A smart and handsome young master, or a troubled noble son.

He was well protected by He Yu. As long as He Yu was by his side, he would not be bullied by others. He Yu even taught him where it hurts the most to beat someone.

Li Fengran is not innocent, but he is not a bad boy either, but he cannot be called a good boy.

They grew up together, and they are the people who are most familiar with each other. Even when they first fell in love, they couldn't do without each other. For Yu He Yu, he is not only a person who can be summed up by the word "protagonist".

It was already midnight when they arrived at the hospital after work.

Both the mother and son were injured, Li Fengran's mother had to stay in the hospital for a few days due to the head injury, Li Fengran brought her food every day after busy work, his mother seemed to be in good spirits, her face was paler, weaker than before A little bit, but emotionally stable, and hid in the toilet to smoke a cigarette once or twice.

They had a big quarrel before and had been in a stalemate. After this period of time, the relationship between the two eased a lot.

Liao Yuanyuan's plan to come and play ran aground, and Li Fengran had a little accident, but it wasn't too bad for He Yu.

That night, the police came, which was completely different from the original track, another road.

The second half of the second semester of high school was very busy. Between He Yu and Li Fengran, they did many so-called normal actions between "friends", holding hands, hugging and... kissing.

It was a sunny afternoon in summer, physical education class, the two returned to the classroom after playing ball, the classroom was empty, Li Fengran was too thirsty, so he unscrewed the mineral water and drank it.

He Yu said it was his water.

When Li Fengran heard this, he blushed and said it was not intentional.

"You have drunk many times unintentionally." He Yu exposed his clumsy lies.

Li Fengran asked him: "Do you mind?"

"I don't mind." He Yu said, "Just to remind you, don't drink the wrong drink next time - use the same excuse every time, don't you get tired of it?"

The sun shines on He Yu's face from the window, eyelashes cast shadows on the bridge of the nose, he opens the window, raises his hand to rub his hair, his movements reveal unrestrained indulgence, and he begins to take on the sexy of a mature man.

It was probably because the weather was too hot, the hot Li Fengran's heart was on fire, and he stared at He Yu intently.

Sensing his burning gaze, He Yu tilted his head slightly, lingering on his moist lips for a moment.

In the school's small playground at night, there are always many adolescent men and women dating, young and innocent, holding hands, He Yu and Li Fengran have met several times.

He Yu took the water bottle in his hand, raised his head and took a sip, feeling a little strange.

"Is this an indirect kiss?" He heard Li Fengran ask.

He Yu tilted his head: "Do you really want to kiss?"

The tip of Li Fengran's tongue protruded from his lips and teeth, and he licked them. He rested his elbows on the table, tilted his head to look at He Yu, "He Yu, do you think...kissing would be very comfortable?"

He Yu had thought about this question before.

"I don't know." He said, "If you are curious, you can try it."

"Try... how do you try?" Li Fengran's Adam's apple rolled up and down, asking the question knowingly, or in other words, waiting for He Yu's answer.

"What do you think?" He Yu raised his eyes, the eyes full of aggression had a different expression at the moment.

As if to eat him.

Burning hot.

Li Fengran dodged his eyes a few times, "Then...try."

The moment the lips were pressed together, both of them held their breath, the soft and unfamiliar wet touch, neither of them moved first, the heartbeats in their ears, it was hard to tell who it was, maybe it was just their own .

The sprouting buds of youth have sprouted, and they can never be taken back.

A faint voice came from outside the door, and the two quickly backed away.

Li Fengran was lying on the table, cooling his face. He Yu propped his chin and looked out of the window. The wind carried the summer temperature and blew past his face. —The stamina is a bit big.

A few people passed by the classroom door, not from their class.

After a while, Li Fengran couldn't help laughing, his shoulders trembled, it was a muffled laugh, and then he made a sound, but couldn't hold it back.

He leaned his head on the crook of his arm, blushed, looked at He Yu, and made a mouth shape without making a sound.

He Yu understood.

He said, "This is my first kiss."

Well, so was he.

He Yu hooked the corner of his mouth, and raised his hand to cover his face.

Li Fengran lay on the table, grabbed his wrist, and pulled it down. His clear eyes were soaked in water, moist and bright, and his thin lips were raised. He hooked He Yu's little finger with his index finger under the table, and then did not Let go again.


The second half of the third year of high school has started.

After being promoted from the second year of high school to the third year of high school, the learning atmosphere in the class became much more intense. The school implemented a shift system, from class one to class ten, which were divided into classes for excellent students and poor students. The grades dropped, and the class would be changed.

In such a tense environment, the students in the class are immersed in their studies.

The weather in March was chilly. In the self-study class, the students all consciously took out the book test papers. He Yu was giving Li Fengran a set of questions and answers that he had just done.

The class teacher disappeared from the back door and called two classmates out of the class.

This caused a little lively gossip in the class, and it fell silent after a while.

Li Fengran lay on the table to catch up on sleep. He had a serious illness during the winter vacation, and he is still a little weak now, but it was another thing that made him more depressed.

The reason why he got sick was because he drank alcohol on his birthday and got windy. The reason why he drank alcohol was because he wanted to do something big and drank to strengthen his courage.

The kind of thing I wanted to do at the time and the situation, although it was a bit deliberate, it could be regarded as going with the flow. If I didn’t do it on the spot, and I mentioned it later, there was always something wrong.

The so-called missed the best time.


Li Fengran turned his head towards He Yu, his eyes slightly opened, what was He Yu thinking?

He was drunk that day, and he still remembers what happened afterwards. It was He Yu who helped him to bed and coaxed him very patiently, but other than that, it seemed that he didn't do much.

He Yu tilted his head and asked in a breathy tone, "What's wrong?"


"It's finished." He Yu handed him the test paper, "Do you want to go to the bookstore to buy materials for the holiday tomorrow?"

"Let's go this afternoon." Li Fengran said, with a drawn out voice, coquettishly, "I don't want to go out tomorrow..."

"Okay." He Yu stroked his head smoothly.

"Don't touch it." Li Fengran covered the test paper on his head, "I won't grow taller if I touch it again."

"How tall do you want to be?"

"taller than you."

"Then work hard." He Yu didn't hurt his self-confidence.

"He Yu." Li Fengran tore off the test paper with rustling noises.

"what happened?"

Li Fengran hooked his index finger at him, He Yu glanced at the door, lying on the table, Li Fengran leaned over, "I'll send you something tonight, take a look."


"Learning materials."

"it is good."

After school, the two went home together.

In the evening, He Yu received Li Fengran's study materials on time, a very large file package.

He Yu raised his eyebrows and clicked download.

It took a long time to download, so he got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he got out of the shower, the file package had been downloaded, so He Yu unpacked it directly.

Learn the materials and learn how to be a black-skinned strong man attacking and a white-skinned chicken weakling.

After 10 minutes, He Yu withdrew.

[He Yu: I'm not wearing earphones]

[Li Fengran: Is auntie at home?No way no way? 】

Li Fengran at the other end was lying on the bed, and sat up straight.

[He Yu: Playing tricks on me? 】

【Li Fengran: No [beautiful]】

[He Yu: Where did you come from? 】

[Li Fengran: I found it on the Internet]

[He Yu: You're fine [thumbs]]

After five or six minutes, Li Fengran replied to the message.

[Li Fengran: Do you hate it? 】

[The other party withdraws a message]

【Li Fengran: I was wrong】

He Yu covered the phone on the table, took a sip of water from the water glass next to him, and couldn't help but think of the stupid things they did together during the winter vacation.

He didn't expect Li Fengran to get drunk so easily.

On the day of Li Fengran's birthday, he said that he had officially come of age, so he wanted to drink some wine to celebrate. He obviously couldn't drink much, and he sipped it down. His expression is shining, very cute.

Immediately, He Yu couldn't bear it anymore, threw him on the sofa, kissed him enough, and was about to go a step further - he failed to go a step further.

Li Fengran drank too much and couldn't get hard.

That night Li Fengran looked at him weeping, and shouted in despair that he couldn't do it anymore.


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