The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 115

The competition between divine status and magic began alongside the history of war, and that’s no exaggeration.

Divine status.

The power of divine intention granted by the great god.


The manifestation of sorcery created by refining innate talent and magical power.

The Holy Kingdom, which worships the divine status of the Creator Deity, considers magic a suspicious deviation. Meanwhile, the Magic Tower, which has produced numerous Grand Magicians, looked down upon the divine status as something belonging to cultists, showing disdain.

“The Disaster God of Innocence, known as the pinnacle of all disaster gods… Not lacking when facing the Master of the Magic Tower.”

If the great Master of the Magic Tower, who encompasses many Grand Magicians, can defeat this Disaster God, even the elders of the Holy Kingdom will come to realize the greatness of sorcery.

It was a rare opportunity to put an end to the prolonged rivalry between divine status and magic, like a bitter rivalry. Thus, Querisa released her gack as she faced numerous firearms surrounding her.

-Let’s compete with firepower, Master of the Magic Tower, Granny.

“Sounds good. I’m confident in firepower too.”

The firearms deployed in the air all erupted with fire.

Simultaneously, the Master of the Magic Tower stretched both hands, manifesting bullets concentrated with magical power.

Bullets to counter bullets.

Countless projectiles rained down simultaneously, resulting in a fierce clash.

Surprisingly, the collision between divine status and magic created a balance. Despite thousands of bullets falling like a torrential downpour, neither Edanant nor Querisa suffered a single scratch.

‘I didn’t use all my power, but… to accurately calculate the trajectories of the bullets and deflect them all?’

The opponent was a top-tier hero among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States.

It was only natural for such an outcome.

She gazed up at the Master of the Magic Tower floating in the air.

A stunning beauty with verdant hair let a captivating smile escape as she stretched out her hands. The staff that assisted the manifestation of magic seemed like a mere ornament, as she cast spells solely with her bare hands.

“Shall we raise the stakes?”

As the Master of the Magic Tower gestured, flames shaped like ferocious beasts began to descend. Edanant, observing her, unfolded countless cannons for a concentrated bombardment.

Brilliant golden light flashed.

It was the backlight flowing from the Imperial Palace Aldebaran.

Querisa’s eyes sparkled upon witnessing it.

For the first time, shock spread across her previously curious verdant eyes.

‘To use the divine status of disaster… and simultaneously wield the sanctity of the Earth Mother bestowed upon the Holy Sword? A Divine Collision should have torn her apart!’

In contrast, armored in pitch-black armor, Edanant swung the Holy Sword freely, slicing through the flames. Ready for battle, Querisa raised her hands, deploying her defensive spell.


The flames that rushed in like a flood were severed.

At the same time, Edanant, amplifying his divine status continuously, charged straight at Querisa.

“I hate rough movements…! My joints will be sore by morning!”

Close combat unfolded.

However, Querisa did not evade.

Even though she could instantly close the distance using teleportation magic, she chose to respond.

“Arise, knights of the Magic Tower!”

Lifting one foot in her high heels, Querisa stomped down on the uneven ground. With a heavy metallic clang, more than ten metallic dolls sprang up from the earth.

Their armor gleamed with a bluish hue.

The metallic dolls, born from the magic of the Master of the Magic Tower, formed a formation centered around Querisa, like a royal guard protecting their queen.


Dolls that gained temporary life through her grand magic.

As Edanant closed the distance, the metallic dolls simultaneously drew their swords and charged.

“Are you interested in playing with dolls?”

As the golden torrents poured down, they struck the group of metallic dolls. The sanctity of Aldebaran quickly infiltrated them, disrupting the spells stored within the homunculi.


An eerie scream echoed from within the metallic armor.

The sound emerged from the homunculi resisting the sanctity of the Holy Sword.

Seizing the moment when the homunculi became rigid due to the impact of the divine power, Edanant swung his blade, tearing through the Master of the Magic Tower’s metallic dolls.

A vessel imbued with the disaster of war.

His personal might was magnificent, backing the continuously amplifying divine status.

Indeed, could it be said that he was a hero representing the Valtarian Empire?

If he continued the battle with mere complacency, he might be devoured by the Disaster of Innocence. Sensing this, Querisa activated her teleportation magic to distance herself from Edanant.


She wasn’t activating teleportation magic to escape from the Holy Sword Aldebaran.


Clenching her fists tight.

The homunculi sacrificed by the Holy Sword emitted a chilling gleam.

As the command for self-detonation was issued, the metallic dolls exploded in unison. The massive explosion triggered by the magical core of the homunculi engulfed Edanant.

“Wow, that’s really amazing. Even the endurance is top-notch.”

The shadow clad in pitch-black armor slowly emerged from the explosion.

There were only minor scratches on him.

Querisa clicked her tongue at Edanant’s unscathed appearance.

‘How did he manage to withstand the explosion? Even a hero of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States shouldn’t escape without at least a severe wound from the core’s explosion… Could he be on par with Maximilian?’

Narrowing her eyes, she kept her gaze on the approaching Disaster of Innocence.

Everything was a mystery.

She couldn’t grasp the sheer scale of the divine status.

Did such an enormous divine status exist in this world? The Master of the Magic Tower felt an insatiable thirst for knowledge boil like lava and began preparing new spells to capture the unidentified monster.

“You’ve chosen a magnificent knight in the Saintess. Truly dependable, isn’t he?”

“Of course. He’s the one I chose.”

Querisa spoke while gazing at the girl with fluttering silver hair.

Suddenly, a strong, confident reply flew back.

“Hmm… If you say that, I might get jealous. I almost want to snatch him right in front of you.”

“That’s quite unexpected. This is exactly why older women… don’t know their place and throw flirty remarks at a taken man?”


Zebeline gritted her teeth as she said that.

Was it because of previous experience?

Even though it was a light provocation meant to tease, Zebeline reacted intensely.

“You’re quite relaxed. The esteemed elders of the Holy Kingdom must be eagerly awaiting you.”

“I only joined to observe the Disaster of Innocence, which was once passed down solely through prophecy. I don’t care what the Cardinals of the Holy Kingdom are plotting. I don’t want to know their sinister intentions.”

Only due to the emergence of the Disaster of Innocence in the Valtarian Empire did she momentarily form a temporary alliance.

The Magic Tower and the Holy Kingdom have a long-standing feud.

Proving this, the Master of the Magic Tower displayed disdain while mentioning the Holy Kingdom.

From that response, Edanant understood why the Master of the Magic Tower did not show enmity. She indeed wasn’t of sound mind, a leader consumed by madness from her insatiable thirst for knowledge.

“Could you let me leave now? I’ll join you later, but it’s getting a bit annoying to be respectful to an old person.”

“That would be difficult. I received payment in advance from the Holy Kingdom folks.”

Negotiations were over.

Now, they would forcibly clear a path ahead.

Black mist swirled around, painting the surroundings.

An astounding amount, tenfold the weaponry summoned thus far, appeared all at once.

But that wasn’t all.

Not only firearms and cannons but also unfamiliar weapons that had never been seen before were summoned.

Like crows feeding on corpses, the overwhelming display of firearms quickly covered the sky, leaving Querisa visibly shaken. The surge surpassed her wildest expectations.

“The final ultimatum has passed. Now I won’t show mercy, even to your seventy-year-old mom.”

Sigh… How did my model son end up making friends like this?”


Edanant and Querisa approached each other.

Simultaneously, a heavy booming sound resonated as the pillars separating the inside from the outside began to collapse one after another.

The durability had reached its limit.

The pillars, swaying precariously from repeated bombings, finally crumbled, signaling the end.

“The earth wall has collapsed!”

“Ma-Master of the Magic Tower is visible! But that’s…!”

Numerous Holy Knights of the Holy Kingdom had deployed and surrounded the site. The massive pillars crossing the Holy Sanctuary and the series of explosive blasts set every Holy Knight stationed in the sanctuary into motion.

A shadow draped in black mist.

Upon witnessing him, the Holy Knights gasped, drawing their swords.

The divine status of the Disaster God had manifested.

The ominous divine status overflowing was undoubtedly a power of cult.

Massive amounts of artillery blotted out the sky. Faced with an unimaginable natural disaster, the Holy Knights trembled as fear overwhelmed them.

“The apostle of the Disaster God is attacking the sanctuary!”

“Raise your swords! From now on, all Holy Knights commence defensive actions!!”

The adversary of the Creator Deity.

The monstrous harbinger of ominous prophecies destined to destroy humanity.

The Disaster of Innocence descended, darkening the heaven above the Holy Sanctuary.

They must defend the sanctuary.

They could not allow such implications to surrender the sanctuary to cultists.

Surrounded, the Holy Knights aimed their sharp blades at the apostle of the Disaster God, bracing for martyrdom.

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