The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 116


An overwhelming pressure crushes the body.

A fear as if facing the bottom of the abyss.

There’s no doubt.

It was stronger than any divine being faced thus far.

If countless weapons floating in the air began to spew flames, Hell on Earth would unfold. The Holy Knights, with their blades raised, swallowed dry saliva as they gazed at the ‘worst enemy’.

“Do, don’t back down!”

“We are the elite of the Holy Kingdom! Let us give our lives for the great Creator Deity!”

They shouted to suppress their fear.

Struggling to move their stiffened bodies, they took a step forward.

It was nothing but futile resistance.

Their faces reflected only deep fear, confirming that.

Even with nearly 5,000 soldiers surrounding them, they were swallowed by fear. The numerical advantage was clear, but before overwhelming terror, it was useless.

-I never said to retreat, you know?

The Apostle of War sneered.

And with a snap of his fingers, he pulled the trigger of slaughter.



Weapons spewed flames.

As cannons fired, fierce projectiles, exhaling flames, shot forward in a straight line.

The sight of tens of thousands of explosive shells flying was like a fierce flame enveloping the sky. The Holy Knights facing it forgot even a glimmer of hope and prepared to face the hellish devastation brought by the disaster of war.

“Enemy attack! Quickly, deploy the barrier!”

“What are those flying at us…! Are they secret weapons of the cultists?!”

The gunfire and cannon fire dominating the battlefield were familiar.

But projectiles spitting flames and accurately striking targets were unfamiliar weapons that had never been experienced in any battlefield.

Of course, they wouldn’t have seen them.

The projectiles, delivering hell with overwhelming destructive power beyond that of cannonballs, were weapons from another world that could not be achieved with current technology.

“The, the barrier has broken!”

“Damn it! What the hell are those weapons?!”

The extensive barrier deployed with Saintly Power was shredded like paper. The Holy Knights swept up in the storm screamed their last and lost consciousness.

The sanctity of the Creator Deity had collapsed.

Even the Holy Knights, who had reversed the tides of battle against the cultist forces, were utterly powerless before the calamity of war.

-I won’t kill you… but you’ll be in bed for months.

As the storm created by overwhelming firepower cleared, the defeated forms of the Holy Knights, tattered like rags, were revealed. The forces of the Holy Sanctuary were rendered powerless in an instant.

Edanant sighed as he looked at the last remaining enemy.

“It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call you the destroyer of worlds. Who exactly are you?”

Querisa, witnessing the merciless massacre before her, shouted in a voice close to a scream.


Even though she had seen it all from beginning to end.

Her beautiful verdant eyes were filled with awe.

The projectiles, each exhibiting destructive power rivaling that of a fiery mega spell, were weapons unlike anything she had ever seen.

What kind of structure were they made of?

They must have been weapons born from the culmination of vast technological prowess.

A finished form unreachable by sanctity and magic.

It was no wonder that the Master of the Magic Tower, obsessed with new inventions, found it intriguing.

“Haha! I was curious about what the disaster of innocence recorded in the prophecy was… and it turned out to be a true monster!”

-Such are the Tower mages.

There was not an ounce of fear or apprehension.

Only an overwhelming thirst for knowledge bordering on madness.

A monster driven by the desire for knowledge.

That was what the mages of the Magic Tower were.

Needless to say, the Master of the Magic Tower, revered by all mages, focused solely on exploration even after witnessing the destruction of 5,000 Holy Knights in one stroke.


“That creature is a monster…! You must flee now!”

Still not down? Quite resilient, aren’t they?

Edanant’s gaze turned toward the Holy Knights, who resembled half-dead bodies.


The ordinary Holy Knights did not know the truth.

They were unaware that the White Dragon of the Holy Kingdom was the disaster of famine.

Thus, though heavily wounded, the Holy Knights squeezed their voices to urge Zebeline to escape. They seemed to think that even with the First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom stepping in, they had no chance of winning.

-The beautiful Saintess of the Holy Kingdom is coming with me.


Edanant reached out both hands and embraced Zebeline.

The girl with flowing silver hair looked shocked as she stared at Edanant.

Princess carry-.

It was an incredibly embarrassing display of affection amidst the chaos of a large-scale bombardment.

In front of numerous witnesses, it was nothing short of humiliating. Zebeline’s face turned red from the sudden situation, and instinctively, she placed her hand on Edanant’s chest.


“You coward! Are you planning to kidnap the Saintess?!”

As the Apostle of the Disaster God lifted the First Saintess, the Holy Knights screamed bloody murder. It was only natural for them to react passionately to witness the representative Saintess of the Holy Kingdom being abducted right before their eyes. Even though they had sustained wounds that could lead to them collapsing at any moment, the Holy Knights swung their sword hilts, trying to stop the Apostle of the Disaster God.

“Aha! If this goes on, I will be kidnapped by that cruel villain! This is what plunder is! I’ll surely be forced into marriage and have lots of cute children!”

The First Saintess lamented in a melodramatic tone, like a tragic heroine.

It was an awkward performance not even third-rate actors would attempt.

If she activated her blessing, she could escape the kidnapper’s grasp at any moment. Yet, Zebeline feigned the image of a frail girl and did not resist at all.

“Hmm? What kind of situation is this…?”

The Master of the Magic Tower, who had spent decades only in the workshop, lacked the judgment to decipher the farce unfolding before him.

Why was the calamity of war trying to abduct the disaster of famine?

They were surely on the same side.

Even until the moment Edanant used an explosion to escape the scene, Querisa did not chase after them. The Apostle of the Disaster God boldly kidnapped the Saintess in an instant and slipped through the outskirts.




Loud explosions continued, increasing speed. Only hazy afterimages would be captured by the eyes of ordinary people.

No matter how great the Master of the Magic Tower was, it would be difficult to catch up to speeds that even surpassed sound. However, he couldn’t afford to relax, so he accelerated, trying to escape the sanctuary.

At that moment-

A tearing sound split the air.

It was merely a brief noise.

But even so, as soon as Edanant detected the ripping sound, he forced his body to twist and changed his previously straight path.


With a swish, a sharp blade pierced the air.

If he hadn’t instinctively dodged, his head would have been smashed.

-Hold tight!


After multiple attempts to brake, they finally came to a stop.

Thick clouds of dust swirled around.

As he confirmed the presence beyond the dust, Edanant deployed weapons in the air, preparing for danger.

“Where are the Hero and the First Saintess going?”

A middle-aged cardinal in a neatly worn priest robe approached.

Was he trying to prove that he was the one who attempted an ambush by throwing a sword? In both of the cardinal’s hands were two swords, radiating a menacing aura.

-Damn it.

“Y-Yes, Cardinal Nebiaku!”

He had encountered the most troublesome foe.

Upon seeing him, Edanant frowned and cursed.

Zebeline reacted similarly to Edanant. She trembled as if she had faced a ghost, turning pale.

“It was a mistake to entrust the matter to the Magic Tower. I almost messed it up.”

-The dark figure has arrived.

The monster that had judged powerful villains threatening the continent in the name of the Creator Deity appeared. Facing the benevolent façade of the cardinal, Edanant was ready to pull the trigger.

In an instant.

The tide of victory would be decided in a heartbeat.

Ilkeron Nebiaku was both a ruthless hound of the Holy Kingdom and the master who had raised Maximilian to the rank of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States.

Thus, he sweated coldly as he stared at the formidable foe before him.

-Haa… today’s luck is really terrible. I keep running into troublesome old men.

The opponent was a monster who trained swordsmanship to the extreme.

In close combat, there was no chance of winning.

To prevent his head from being separated in an instant, he needed to create as much distance as possible.

“Indeed, it seems Cardinal Nebiaku is the one orchestrating this. The only one in the Holy Kingdom who could draw the disaster of innocence into a sanctuary filled with numerous believers must be you, Cardinal Nebiaku.”

“It is a decision for the continuation of the world, First Saintess. Please forgive me.”

Decisions for the greater good always required sacrifices.

This one would be no different.

Ilkeron replied in a flat voice as he gazed at the Creator Deity’s adversaries.

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