The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 17: +The Not-So-Great Escape!+

Ignoring the stifled cries of pleasure behind me, I wait and hope that my maid arrives, preferably with Julia. I continue to keep the heroine as messed up as possible so that she can't cast at me. I can't do this forever, but...

It should be enough time, I think? My memories are kind of fuzzy, so it's difficult to know precisely when things happened. ... If the heroine would pass out this would be a lot easier, but she seems to be enduring it a lot better than I would.

Perks of being a horny freak, I guess? I shrug a bit, peeking outside to keep an eye out for the maid and possibly Julia.

Time continues ticking by, I can tell the heroine is starting to get exhausted, but admittedly so am I. Constantly casting spells really wears on you, and if any more time passes I'm gonna just have to escape without the maid or Julia.

Tapping my foot impatiently, I grit my teeth. I need to at least be able to find a town... Maybe I'll run out and grab the next person I find at random instead. My heart pounds nervously as I'm stuck waiting, my energy running thin.

C'mon, c'mon, why are you taking so long?! I really hope I told her to hurry up, because this is getting ridiculous! I still have to have enough time to be able to sprint the distance to the wall and hop it, on account of this place being so massive... Ugh, I think I just have to go.

As if on queue, I finally see the maid come around the corner, even with Julia in tow! I quickly shoot a charm at them the moment I see them before shouting at them. "Come to me, quickly!", and as if in a daze, they begin running over, wagging some invisible tails as they look at me lovingly.

"Alright, the heroine is having a little bit of fun right now, but we need to do a little something she asked of us, okay? I jump out the window, Julia, you throw her out, I catch her, then you jump out shortly after, and I'll catch you." I run to the window in the heroine's office, opening it before quickly hopping out.

Nearly before I can act, I see my maid sailing out the window almost instantly, I almost have to dive to catch her... Then Julia jumps out, landing straight onto my back, causing a wheeze of pain to escape my lips. I really should have given some sort of time frame... Like 5 seconds after I jump out, then 5 seconds after she throws the maid... ugh.

Groaning, I stand up, pushing both of them off... While the maid went unscathed, Julia's ass seems to be injured from landing so hard onto me. Guess she's not as durable as I am but that's to be expected. Hoisting them both over my shoulders, I ignore the screaming of my spine that just got diving elbow dropped and begin my long sprint.

I run as fast as I can directly perpendicular to the house since that should be the fastest way to the wall. My heart races as I try to get there, praying that I can make it in time before the heroine recovers.

I pant heavily as I run as hard as I can while carrying both of them. I'll probably have to get Julia treated later. Gardens pass of every kind, standard human, zen gardens, and even greenhouses for the winter.

I push my body to the absolute limit. Ideally I'd get a horse of some kind, but I don't have the time for that. Finally, after what feels like forever, I find the wall and immediately scale it, sprinting up to the top before hopping down. The wall has been surpassed!

Excitement raises in my heart, but I do my best to suppress it. We're not out of the woods yet, or should I say we're not in the woods yet, and there's no guarantee her vision stops at the walls. I book it straight towards a nearby forest, hoping to lose any possible pursuers in there, since she'll likely be coming after me immediately.

Fuck, carrying two people is exhausting... Maybe I shouldn't have brought the maid. I didn't expect Julia to get injured though! Aaagh, why can't the plan just go smoothly for once!

My leg muscles burn as I come up towards the treeline, my heart pounding in my ears as I feel the home stretch coming. Each step brings a new exhausting agony as I begin to hop over roots while the trees gradually begin coming, going from sparse to thick as the forest goes on. I feel like I've ran a three minute mile twice.

I probably HAVE run a three minute mile twice at this point. I feel slightly dizzy from exhaustion, barely able to hear anything besides my heartbeat, but I can rest when I can't run anymore!

As the trees grow more and more dense, I can feel my exhaustion building even faster, having to vault and hop over large roots, not having time to go around them.

My head is spinning after who knows how long. I don't even know where or when I entered anymore, all I hope is that I just didn't get turned around. After a couple times of nearly tripping and face planting into a tree, I finally give up and collapse against one of them, setting the two captives next to me, firmly keeping them locked under my charm as I try to catch my breath.

My legs feel like jelly by this point, I don't think I could take even another step if I got up again. If I can't escape running this far... I think I might be trapped here forever.

I try to shake my head of that negative thought. I definitely managed to escape! The ground wasn't very muddy, so it shouldn't be super easy to track me, especially over all the roots and bushes.

Speaking of bushes, all three of us are covered in scratches. Thankfully they closed their eyes whenever a bush would come up to prevent having their eyes hurt.

Freedom... Freedom! It's gotta be freedom! After six weeks, freedom! SIX WEEKS! Absolutely nothing can go wrong now! Yay!

... I wish I could punch the me from an hour ago. About half an hour ago, a massive thunderstorm has been rumbling off in the distance.

While I appreciate how much it might cool me off, I don't have the energy to make any sort of encampment, and Julia doesn't seem to be able to stand. I've examined her butt, and while cute, there appears to be a large incredibly dark bruise spreading across it, along with swelling.

It looks like I'll need to manage to find a town anyway... One with a holy mage there too.

I could leave her here, but... She's my slave now, I take care of my slaves! Or well, I try. Julia getting hurt was a freak accident, okay?

Biggest issue is that Holy mages can detect demons, and if I leave her on the doorstep of somewhere, naturally my charm will be removed, and while she'll survive... I'll lose her.

I guess I could try to carry her the whole way... A horse is out of the question now because she would be in agony the entire time.

That would make a week trip take two to three times as long... Aagh... Maybe I could hitch a ride on a merchants carriage, but if we end up passing by any holy magicians, or there's a holy magician among the guards, which is very common mind you, we'd immediately be chased out.

I rub my temples, trying to figure out exactly what I can do. While I think I can finally start hearing the pitter patter of rain as it hits the leaves, slowly coming to hit us through the lightly dense canopy.

Fuck, now we're all gonna be soaked...

I wish I could just charm people left and right, but holy casters can dispel it pretty easily unless they're caught by surprise...

Wait, surprise? I could try and identify the holy mage and immediately get their group to kill them before they can try anything... Hm.

The first goal, regardless... Is now to find a town I can steal some candles in.

The rain soaking through my clothes brings a chill to my body that relieves much of my exhaustion and while being wet sucks, it still feels so damn good.

Ugh... I don't want to get rid of Julia, she's so kinky and cute. I want to remove the charm on her and train her so badly... Nghhhh...

I'm fawned over by the two girls next to me while the rain soaks us both, even Julia, despite her injury, is trying to please me as much as she can.

Thunder rumbles above us as the sky flashes repeatedly, threatening to take us out with it. It would be my luck to be struck by lightning after escaping.

I sigh, mourning my bad luck as we sit there, exhausted, injured, and soaked with the constant threat of death looming above us.

I wish the maid knew how to build something, but even if I guided her it would be meaningless considering the short amount of warning we had...

I guess despite everything... We're gonna just have to try and take a little nap for now. Here's hoping we all wake up.

+And so was the end of Ilvia's journey as they got struck by lightning and killed by the Goddess' wrath.+

(I don't recall being dead.)

+That's what a dead person would want you to think!+


Author's Note:

Sorry for the slightly short chapter, I'm sleepy today.

I hope all my readers are having a wonderful day.

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