The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 18: +Mama Makes The Girls Wet+

(Okay, that title is a no, bad.)

+What? It's perfect!+

(Absolutely not, it is a terrible name.)

+You're just embarrassed 'cause we're all watching you get wet 'cause of Mama~.+

(How many times did you make this joke when you came to this world?)


(Yet you still aren't tired of it?)

+Nope, still just as funny as the first time.+


I awoke from a restless slumber, my body feeling like I just got turned into a wet dog. I can feel a chill running down my spine from being soaked to the bone, even with the two gals I brought with me huddling up to me for warmth. Both of them shiver as well, though far more than I am.

Humans are so fragile... While that makes it fun to play with them until they break, sometimes they break accidentally even when you weren't trying to. It always feels bad whenever I have a slave suddenly not show up for work, only to find out they passed away in the night for one reason or another.

I suppose at the very least this gives me time to figure out how to keep fragile humans from dying... Especially considering how cold and exhausted they both look from... Well, I don't know what time it is, but the rain seems to have stopped, and it's still light out.

Four hours, maybe? I slowly put the two girls onto my shoulder, trying to let them continue to sleep for now. I would try and start a fire, but for a lot of reasons that's a really bad idea.

I stand, ignoring the protests from my legs, exhausted from the all out sprint not too long ago, but getting away is still a priority.

Everything feels even more heavy now, the weakness combined with the extremely wet clothes makes everything baggy, heavy, and uncomfortable. I wish I would have asked my maid to pick up a bag of some sort to carry things, but that would have probably been too obvious.

I pause briefly, giving up with the cold and setting down the two unconscious ladies. I'm quite impressed they haven't stirred yet, but perhaps that's just a sign of the unfortunate circumstances.

I undress all three of us, getting every bit of soaked fiber and leather off our bodies, gently wringing out my own hair first before getting the maid's.

You know, now that I finally get a look at her under all that silly clothing, she's actually pretty cute. She has a bust on the lower end of a B-cup, her hair is black. I can imagine those dark brown eyes of hers would be cute if she woke up realizing she's naked, all surprised as her face reddens...

She seems to be lithe but feminine, I think she makes a perfectly cute servant, though the traditional maid garb is boring... I think I would rather put her in something more risque.

Her small nose and ears are very cute though, giving the appearance of some sort of small animal. A squirrel, perhaps?

I shake my head before wringing out all our clothes, unfortunately or fortunately, Julia's hair is too short to wring out, but at the very least it'll dry faster.

I toss the clothes over my shoulders before throwing the girls over my shoulders as well. At the very least we're a bit lighter now. I made a little sling out of my dress to carry our muddy shoes and Julia's boots.

Now that I've nudified her and got her close to my face, Julia's rear doesn't seem to be looking particularly good. Perhaps that's why she was weak enough to fall prey to the cold rain? I figured the maid would be fragile, but I didn't expect Julia to also be as well.

I can feel the mud cling between my toes as I take step after step, sinking slightly into the ground with each movement due to the weight of myself and the two women I'm carrying.

Trudging through this is going to suck, but at the very least we don't seem to be in a low spot, otherwise this place could have flooded. There must've been a lot of rain.

Judging by the fact we haven't been caught, that means our trail was either washed away, or the search party got stuck waiting out the storm. Regardless, as shitty as it was and is, I'm thankful for it.

However, there's a really glaring problem. I don't know where we are. Way to go, me.

I run my tongue across my front teeth, letting out a groaning sigh. While I feel more clear-headed than most days, probably on account of the survival situation, that doesn't change that I ran into the woods full sprint and have no idea where we came from.

The two on my shoulders don't seem to be waking up either... I'm gonna have to try and wake them up now, I don't want them to go and die because I didn't try to.

Setting them down for the second time, I gently begin to poke and prod them all over. They didn't even wake up when I undressed them, so I can't imagine some poking and prodding will do much...

As I expected, they didn't wake up no matter how much I poked or shook them. I might need to figure out how to start some sort of fire for them, regardless of the odds I get caught from it.

Everything is soaked from tip to tail, however, and I'm not really normalized to this kind of situation. Cold isn't exactly a big threat to a demon.

If only I were a fire demon! Psshhhh, burn everything down! I try to rejuvenate myself through fun thoughts, but all it does is make me realize that this kind of situation just isn't what succubi are built for.

I'm hesitant to try and climb into the treetops while they're vulnerable down here, but I think that's my only remaining option. At least if I'm next to them, I can keep them safe, but at this rate they're gonna die anyway, probably.

Maybe not, but humans are fragile!

I slowly begin scaling a nearby drenched tree, the climbing somehow both easier and harder with the soaked bark. While it's slippery the bark has a bit more give to it, so it's easier to find grips, just not keep them.

After a few extraordinarily close calls of branches snapping under my weight, I manage to get my head above the canopy of the forest. It's not a perfect view, but at the very least I can see where 'out' is.

... Okay, but I also might be slightly bad at directions still, how do I make sure I don't get turned around?

For now, I climb back down, tearing off some bark from the tree pointing in the direction where we need to go.

I ruffle my wet hair, trying to think while some thunder rumbles in the distance, far more infrequent than it was before, but still occasionally appearing.

Why did I even try to escape? I escaped and now I'm exhausted, carrying two weak humans, we're all soaked, I'm naked, I'm cold... ugh...

I would kill for at least a towel right now! I scream internally, plopping down between the two girls as I try to put my mind into gear for some sort of plan.

Alright, alright, stop complaining for a second, if I don't do anything my new slaves will die, and that would make me a bad owner.

My reputation is at stake! I pump myself up once again, cuddling up against the two to keep them warm for now.

So several minutes pass, cuddling two naked girls, soaking wet in a soggy forest.

Wait, if I just follow where I tore off the bark to the next tree... go around, and tear off the bark again, as long as I can see the bark behind me I won't get lost!

I'm a survivalist genius! I knew it! Who said I have a bad sense of direction? I've just been waiting for my moment to shine this whole time!

I hoist up the girls once again, and worryingly they still don't stir. Ignoring the feeling of my heart sinking like a rock from the recent high, I immediately enact my plan! Tree after tree, I follow, rip off the bark, follow, rip off the bark, follow, rip off the bark.

I definitely got it right the first time and didn't almost go off track a few times, okay? I got it right the first time!

Feeling pride in my heart, I can see the formerly dense trees begin to gradually spread out as the small plains bordering the main road comes into sight.

... Where's the road?! I followed the path correctly, I even got out! Where's the road??!! I know it wouldn't have been a good idea to walk on the road, but I could have at least hid along the tree line while walking! Where is the road???!!!

Trying to ignore the growing punctuation in my thoughts, I try to think about what could have caused this. We walked for about an hour or so, the girls aren't awake... I can see the torn off bark repeating as far as I can see back into the forest.

... Did I go the wrong way?

+You asking that is like me saying 'did I have sex yesterday?' the answer is always yes.+

(You should probably have sex less often.)

+You literally hadn't gone a day without masturbating before you met me!+

(Hey, practice what you preach, you're the one that taught me denial is a powerful tool.)

+Anyway, next time on Dragon Ball Z, will Ilvia manage to save her wives and escape the clutches of the heroine?! Tune in next time!+

Author's Note:

Another shorty today. Hopefully my daily upload schedule makes a couple short chapters tolerable.

My story properly says 6 chapters a week now. <3

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