The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 4: +An Unfamiliar Ceiling+

A week has passed since then, and I threw away that dirty collar as well! She hasn't done anything to me for some reason, which is leaving me anxious. I've been hiding in the room she gave me this entire time, and I still can't get used to waking up here. I miss my cell.

I don't know why I haven't seen her, and I don't know why I haven't tried to escape either... Besides some attempts to climb out the window. Some deep part of me just feels like it would be a terrible idea to unleash her wrath on me once again... It feels like she has eyes in the back of her head, whenever I try to do anything remotely close to escaping, she casually appears. Usually on 'walks' or some other activity, but it always conveniently happens when I'm plotting something.

Her Gravity magic is far too overpowered... Isn't this unfair? Why is it so unbalanced? Is it because there's only one hero, and 7 Demon Generals, AND a Demon Lord? But this feels... way out of bounds.

Here's the biggest problem though, since she can detect when I'm trying to escape, she's almost definitely watching me... Which means the worst possible outcome. I can't even masturbate, I'm SO BORED! Right-y is feeling itchy, ready to jump into action but I can't do it because I don't want to give her the pleasure of watching me do it. Even Left-y is getting antsy... I hate this.

Today, though, I've resolved myself to escape! ... No, not from her, idiot, she would just squash me like a bug. I've decided to escape... My NEET life! I've been stuck in this room for a week, the only person I've 'met' is a maid who is too scared to talk to me, even through the door, who brings me meals and helps me with daily necessities.

I've decided to venture out into the open world, away from this cursed domain! The meals are tasty though, so I'll come back for dinner. ... No, she hasn't already tamed me, I'm biding my time, biding it, I say!

With a grumble after the slightly forlorn thought, I hop to my feet. Honestly, as bored as I am, this room is fit for a princess. If I didn't know better I'd think she stole the Princess' room and handed it to me like the psycho she is.

(I really didn't think you'd actually do that... I'll stop talking!)

I cautiously peer out the door, moving around like Solid Snake. He's the only hero I found interest in from the tales, I mean, he apparently had a great ass, and a very 'solid' snake if you know what I mean. I shuffle from each side of the corridor to the next, watching carefully as I make my way through the halls.

I make cool stealth noises as I hop around the halls, enjoying my time exploring outside of my room finally. ... It's not stealth if you're making noises? Well, I refer to you the number one rule in the 'Hero's Guide to Adventuring', the rule of cool! As long as it's cool, it'll work out.

Okay, maybe I don't actually believe that one, but I'm desperate for entertainment, okay? Please have pity on my poor demon soul. With a bunch of hoos and haas, and shwooshes, I make my way through the halls, past a great many doors, looking for even one that catches my eye.

Boring... Boring... Boring... Boring... After umpteen million of these, a very factual and accurate number, I found a big entrance hall! Graceful chandeliers line the ceiling, rippling sparkles as the light passes through them. ... I kinda wanna break them out of spite, but no time for that, if this is an entry hall, I get to go outside probably!

As long as it's not through my window it should be fine, right? My logic is perfectly sound and not at all compromised from sheer boredom and loneliness. ... Also I haven't met a single person on the way, what's that all about? Did they all up and die? Am I free to go?

My spiraling thoughts chasing after me, I run down the stairs!

(Don't do this at home, kids. ... What? I'm just warning them. Oh right, this is smut, there wouldn't be any kids here... Don't mind me!)

+100 Spankings.+

A sudden feeling of dread runs through me, the future must be bleak... But that's a problem for future me! Adventure! I tumble out the door in a combat roll, darting my gaze from side to side. If it feels like I'm going insane from being cooped up for a month and a week, it's just your imagination.

I'm going to keep reminding myself of that, that ratty hero locked me up for a MONTH. AND A WEEK. Wait, I wasn't locked up for the week, was I? Still her fault. I grumble brattily as I take a walk around the fountain area surrounded by clusters of flowering bushes.

... There's nobody out here either, all I can hear are the sounds of animals in the distance and the running water coming through the fountain. Even the wind isn't present.

Okay, now I'm starting to get concerned. Did the Demon Lord win without me? Am I gonna get demoted for not helping? My maid still comes by every day though, but she's always beyond the door. There's just... Nobody.

C'mon, a human to charm, fuck, or flirt with, ANYTHING, I just want to talk to someone, aargh! The maid doesn't count either, I can't afford to have my only happiness, food, spoiled! I rush through the gardens, trying to find any sign of life, only to be met with a wasteland barren of people.

... Fuck this, I'm jumping the fence. I immediately turn to make a break for it, if it's empty it's safe!

Suddenly a chill runs down my spine, turning around, I see the heroine conveniently strutting around with a parasol, acting fragile and walking around... I feel something snap in me, grumbling wildly, I toss away all thoughts of my previous experiences with her and trot over to her to give her a stern talking to!

"There's only so much a lady can take you know?! I need entertainment, something! If you're going to keep me trapped in this pig pen of yours, at the very least know how to make it palatable! Send me servants to fuck, or hell, give me a book to read!" The words left my mouth fluently, the boredom induced rage almost sending steam from my ears.

In return, I was met with a gentle smile, one definitely not intending to acquiesce to my request. "No. If you want entertainment, you will come to me. You will not meet anyone in your stay here except me... Do you understand me?" Her words were very gentle, masking her dark intentions before her voice lowers to speak the final question.

"That... I..." I felt stunned by her attitude, I couldn't even bring myself to be angry, placated through sheer amazement. Is this what a psychopath is? Is this a yandere? What on earth is her malfunction? I desperately hold back the urge to tear open her skull... Not to try and kill her, but to just see what in the hells is going on in there.

"... Is this what a yandere is?" I couldn't help but voice one of my thoughts, I felt completely helpless, my hand reaching to pinch the bridge of my nose as I try to think of something to help me process what is going on through her mind.

"No, I plan on letting you meet people... Eventually, maybe you'll even get to do things... But for now, I quite enjoy that flustered, listless, and occasionally lustful face of yours," she rattled off, taking a short but thoughtful breath before continuing, "however, I would be willing to give you the entertainment you desire if you do a little something for me."

Psycho. Pure unadulterated psycho... But there's a chance, I just need to take it! "What is it?" I sternly reply, trying to relay as much of my displeasure as possible so that she can at least take a little pity on me and not give me a task too difficult.

"Swear off the legions of your comrades, and become a part of my troop as a... Mm. Support mage."

Judging by her phrasing, I feel like it's not a magic staff she's asking me to use, but another staff I can wield... Oh well, I'm good at lying, and I can at least get to fuck and meet people, so.

"Sure, I swear, not like they're coming to save me anyway. What am I supposed to do about it?" I reply, trying to keep my voice steady and nonchalant... Not forgetting to add a tinge of desperation so the act is sold. Well, the desperation is real, I guess.

She doesn't seem to have a reaction to my words, just following it up with a nod before speaking. "Well, alright then, good girl. The people will return by tomorrow... And so will the soldiers. I have many I want you to meet." She says, a sadistic smirk passing her lips.

Suddenly I feel incredibly nervous, but I'm getting what I want, right? I just have to... Avoid whatever trap she has set for me, good, good. Easy. I'll be fucking by tomorrow, and I can finally release this exhausting sensation.

Tomorrow... Just tomorrow. I hate myself sometimes, I made it back to my bed without her saying anything else, and I can't sleep! What am I, a giddy schoolboy ready for a field trip? SLEEP! I want to meet people already! I want to socialize!

I don't need to sleep but it's so fucking good at passing the time, why can't I sleeeeeep! I whine as if that would change my predicament, tossing and turning while hugging my pillows in annoyance.

If only I could masturbate or something, I'd at least feel a LITTLE more sleepy after that. I feel a scream rising in my throat, before I release it into the pillow, trying to let all my frustrations go with it.

I'm gonna do it. Just a quick-y... Just... I catch myself from falling down that hole, not wanting to subject myself to more shame from her watching me masturbate.

...Wait, has she been watching me the whole time? Did she see me masturbating in my cell? If so, that means I don't have to care, I'm already full of shame!

+I did, by the way.+

Recklessly, I convince myself of the worst possibility, as if that would be any better... Fuck it, I whip my cock out, which was surprisingly easy given my short dress. No more nudity all the time, hooray!

The moment I attempted to reach out and touch myself, I was immediately thrown into the bed with a crack of the splintering frame. That God damn Gravity spell again. Desperately, I try to move, trying to reach for myself, only to have my wrist smack back into the bed as I exhaust myself.

Don't fucking tell me... This bitch is trying to do denial play to me?

+Yes, yes I was.+

(I hate you.)

+I love you too, 50 spanks.+

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