The Punishment of A Demon General

Interlude: +Denial Is A River In Egypt+

+Well, while we're here watching this cutie struggle to masturbate the entire night... World building time! No, we're not fast forwarding, I love this part.+

(Ugh, I'll do the world building, you'll just say something like "It's the perfect world to craft the perfect harem." or "I'm the most wonderful and worshiped person in the world.")

+20 spanks. Since some of you are probably intimately unfamiliar with this world. Which makes sense, I didn't exactly limit this fun little show to this universe... This world is called Mama! Yes, like the word for mother.+

(... No it's not, it's called Herath.)

+That's just what you silly demons call it, as we know, the winning side is the one who writes history!+

(You haven't even won yet, what the hell are you talking about?)

+30 spanks. Anyway, Mama is a fantasy world of magic, even including the whole leveling thing! At least for humans, demons can't level. They have a different and funny system.+

(It's not funny, it's just how we work, okay? We gain power from subduing others in our aspected ways, lose power from being subdued in our aspected ways.)

+And humans work off levels, the obviously superior way! We can't lose levels unless drained by demons, it's the perfect system! Anyway, when I came to this world... Hi anyone from Earth, I don't miss you. ... I learned a lot about this place through rigorous study!+

(You learned that there are many different kinds of races, ranging from demons, devils, beast-kin, elves, humans, yadda yadda, perfect place for a harem, right?)

+Exactly! No spanks for you this time. So anyway, this place is INCREDIBLE. So many kinds of races, even the rare futanari! Sadly, I wasn't blessed with one of those on my arrival, or else I would have been dick-ing down Ilvia into submission the moment I saw her.+

(Please keep it in your pants.)

+10 spanks because you asked nicely. Yeah, this place comes with the whole kit and caboodle, world tree, singular giant land mass with an ocean in the center, which houses an island containing said world tree, magic of all the elements, and better yet... People who summon heroes from another world with OP as shit powers to wreck shop for them with no consequences whatsoever!+

(Humans are the worst for that, yeah...)

+C'mon, you wouldn't have met me if they didn't summon me, that's gotta count for something right?+

(No comment.)

+That's the spirit! Anyway, the human country is way advanced. Way more than any other country on account of constantly 'truck-kun'-ing people. So many people have tossed their various worlds crazy inventions at the humans, uplifting them like crazy.+

(Which lead to incredible disparities in equality for all other races, asserting human dominance over everyone else.)

+Oh come on, thanks to other heroes, they have rights now!+

(What about demons?)

+Stop making demon kings to rape, pillage, and kill and I'll think about it.+


+What, cat got your tongue? You little goodie two shoes, you... I bet you can't even think about doing that kinda stuff now!+


+Oh right, spoilers, her little secret is that she abso- mphh!+

(Please don't.)

+Fiiine... Spoilsport. Anyway, other details other details... Oh, obviously the moment I came here I ground to level cap. I even asked them to keep my summoning a secret with the phrase 'overwhelming firepower'. I was able to level unabated with my absolutely totally not busted gravity magic.+

(You LITERALLY tore open a hole into other universes just to shame me.)

+Hey, that wasn't ALL my gravity magic. Also your face has been constantly red for days, it's adorable.+

(We could just stop this now...)

+Nuh uh, this is your punishment, remember?+

(What I did wasn't even that bad!)

+1000 spanks for not being apologetic yet.+

(W-wait, isn't this enough? There's no need to be rash!)

+Mmm... 500 spanks, take it or leave it.+

(400 spanks?)

+600 spanks.+

(... 500 spanks?)

+You've got yourself a deal.+

(We got sidetracked.)

+Oh, right. So there's a ton of different kinds of magic in the world, but there are specific unique magic types limited to transmigrators. The types available to the normal folk are fire, air, water, earth and holy. Each of these evolves into various counterparts depending on if you're lucky enough to get two elements or maybe even three! Wowee. Air and holy makes lightning. Fire and earth makes laaaava. Magma? Which was it again? Anyway, stuff like that. There IS unholy but that's limited to half demons. There are also a couple other racial exclusive elements like wood for elves, shapeshifting for beast-kin, devils... Devils you would think are demons! But they're not, they're actually kinda craggy lookin' fellas, lotsa muscle. Gives them defense magic. They call it something weird like 'ragtath' or somethin-+

(Hey, you're kinda rambling, I think you might be losing a couple folks...)

+Oh, right! Anyway, feel free to ask in a comment later or something, maybe I'll respond to it. Uhhhh, so unique magics, there are lots of cool things like time, there was another one that had a weird name but it did some Re:Zero shit where you'd basically make save points. And of course, my extra special gravity magic!+

(Isn't this just basically the same rambling? Move onto another topic.)

+Aw, I was just getting to the good part... Ughhhh, fine. There are a few countries in this world, mostly consolidated due to the humans having so much power and the constant threat from the demon kings... But the primary human country is called Orenth! It's separated into a bunch of states that have a ton of different names and a massive variance in leadership to respect local customs stuff like that. Yes, it's primarily a democracy at it's core.+

(Can I talk please? You just keep talking about the human world and I'm starting to feel left out...)

+Aww, so cute. Fine.+

(Alright, so the demon world is obviously... a monarchistic meritocracy. Whoever is the strongest wins. We culminate from the sins of humans, and stuff like that, seven deadly sins basically everything you've heard about. Apparently that's a pretty common term in most worlds. Every world has it's sinners, right? No, not every demon is amorphous, only the Demon Generals are as it's a blessing granted by the Demon Lord through the Demon God. For example, before I became the Demon General of Lust... I was a succubus! Tadaaaa~. Also part of the reason I only used a dick for a while... I was pretty bored of it. Anyway, there are various demons ranging from Lust, a la succubi and incubi among others. Wrath, like minotaurs and kraken, or Pride, like medusa and that one bitch next door who wouldn't stop stealing my customers-)

+Hey, shh. You're cute, but don't go off on a tangent, or I'll tell them that the reason you're so weak to pleasure is 'cause I'm so skilled.+


+I got it all from porn!+

(How does one get that much experience from porn?)

+A lot of it.+

(Also wait, you just told them!)

+You caught me!+

(Jeez... Anyway, no, monsters are not related to demons... Wait, did we ever bring up monsters before?)


(Right, monsters are... intrinsic aspects of the sins, ones not formed by the Demon God but rather processed by nature itself. Lust would be tentacle monsters and stuff like that, the rest... Well, we'll see if they pop up in the story, otherwise it won't really matter. Never know what she's gonna skip.)

+Heeyyy... By the way, did you wanna convert to a new religion yet?+

(No, I'm not joining Heroineism.)

+That's not even what it's called! But I get why you said that, we can't go spoiling my name yet before you call me Mistress.+

(As for beliefs go, despite being... on the side of humans now, I do still worship the Demon God. He created me and has been a crucial being for all my life. I can't just drop him and go "yeet" as she would put it.)


(But fuck the Demon King.)

+Butt fuck the Demon King!+

(That... That would hurt, you realize he has spines right? Like all over his back.)

+Where there's a hole, there's a goal.+

(For fucks sake... Right, what else is relevant about the world...)

+Oh, right, there's hentai monsters!+

(I literally just brought up tentacle monsters earlier.)

+No, like, monsters that just draw hentai.+

(Wait, really?)

+No, I'm just shitting you, there's no hentai monster artists in the world... Woe is me. Oh right, other religions besides Demon God bull! There's a Goddess who is actually real and has proof unlike he-who-shall-not-be-named. I met her when I got isekai'd, she's the one who was like 'saaaave the world.' And then I asked her if I could have a dick and she disappeared right after that.+

(Are you sure that wasn't just you having a lewd dream?)

+Yes! She had MASSIVE bazongas, there's no way my dream would make someone that big. My type is more like you.+

(Mmph... Thanks.)

+Awww, she's blushing, look guys! ... You know I wonder if I should bring other random harem members onto this presentation so we can have a meet and greet with everyone else. I mean it can't just be you, even though you're my favorite~.+

(Stop it, this isn't a relevant topic.)

+Pffff. She's covering her face now, she looks like she's about to explode.+

(Ughhh, how about you flirt with them or something.)

+Oh, sure. So guys and gals and everything in between... If you do find yourself in Mama and you're rockin' a hot bod or a cute personality, come hit me up for a date! I'm in the Hero's Mansion. You literally can't miss it if you go near the capital, it's basically a giant cock and balls.+

(No it's not!... Alright, maybe it is, fucking heroes...)

+Though I guess some inter-dimensional tentacle monsters might not be able to see, and Goddess knows I'd LOVE to get down and dirty with one of them... Fuck, how do you even relay an address like that?+

(Please don't go hunting down beings that are likely to rape you into a stupor and keep you locked away forever.)

+Awww. She's worried about me.+

(Yes, I am.)


(Now look who's blushing.)

+Hey, I have a reputation to uphold, unlike you, you dirty skank!+

(By all means, compliment me more.)

+Slut, whore, lusty busty babe-+

(You can't use something I called myself to compliment me.)

+Damn right I can!+

(... I think we're not able to stay on topic anymore.)

+... Right, yeah. Wanna go fuck?+


+Great, lets go!+

(Wait, one more topic, the six-)

+Nope, fucking time!+

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