The Raptor of Life

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


(Agent Phil Coulson)


Cerberus Security HQ, front for SHIELD
September, Saturday 9th 1996
10:05 AM


Phil entered the office of the director, and he hoped- really hoped- he wasn’t making a mistake.The facts were there: someone was tampering with the minds of their agents. It was the only way to turn diligent and competent people into slackers. Phil had doubts, but his guts were telling him he was on the money.

The elevator door opened, and Phil entered in its cage, then the keyboard illuminated being replaced by another one with a retinal and a handprint scanner. Phil placed his hand on the screen, and put his right eye near the aperture that will scan his eye. The elevator lurched, then shot up. Elevator classical music played for another two minutes and Phil looked at his wristwatch.

Finally the elevator stopped. The silver, metallic doors of the cage opened on two SHIELD agent guarding a door. Protocol dictated that he should be checked for weapons by them, but they let him pass without problems. Director Carter must have given them instructions. Phil straightened his suit, smoothed down his hair,and entered. 

Standing before a ten meters long bay window, a silver haired woman in a black pantsuit looked at the view of the Hudson and the people mingling in the city; the traffic being congested. 

“Good morning,  Phil.” The woman saw his reflection in the armored glass.

“Director.” He bowed his head slightly.

Margaret Elizabeth “Peggy” Carter was one of the most prominent agents of the Strategic Scientific Reserve during and after World War II and one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. She was a war hero, but her fame had grown from being Captain America's old flame. Though, it didn’t stop that she was an extremely well trained agent. Director Carter, was a spy mistress, investigator, an expert combatant and marksman and learned a lot of languages over the years.

Phil Coulson admired her a lot. She was a woman who had it tough amongst men, but gave as good as she got, and now she was on top, with great connections. Peggy turned, her eyes landing on Phil. With an indication for him to take a seat, she did the same herself. “Well, I am here, Agent Coulson. What was so urgent that I had to cancel my 10:00 AM meeting?”

Peggy was smiling. She had been getting bored lately, what with people thinking they could come bother her over nothing as though it was the Watergate all over again.

Phil looked hesitant, but decided to pull at the band aid in one go. “Ma’am I think we have a situation.”

Any traces of mirth disappeared from the face of the director, “Report, agent.”

She knew Phil, and even though he was a level four agent, at the moment, he was a reliable and competent agent- everyone serving under him was happy with how he ran things. Add to that, he possessed a scarily good intuitions for events which at first didn't have any obvious patterns.

Phil sighed, saying seriously, “I think we have a fox in the henhouse.”

It was a code phrase, meaning someone actively worked against them in secret.  Peggy leaned forward in her seat. “Are you sure?”

Phil's intuition were telling him so. He nodded. “Too many discrepancies, the mind of our agents are being… influenced I feel.”

From memory, Peggy tried recalling the mission Coulson and his people were on. It was a strange case, with multiple people found dead or vegetables in secluded place around a residential neighborhood. What was even stranger was that, the twenty people found were all the same person, with the same DNA,  fingerprints or dental match. The scientists at SHIELD were baffled, and vowed that someone had cracked how to clone humans perfectly. 

Raising an eyebrow,  Peggy asked, “Annandale-on-Hudson? That’s the long term mission I heard get more rotations than any others lately?”

Phil nodded, putting his hands in his lap, immediately diving into what he had discovered. . “Yes ma’am. I think that the one who has turned all those clones into vegetables is now tampering in some ways with our people to avoid being discovered. I suspect that Agent Shane was the first victim, Director.”

Carter scowled at that. “What do you need?”

This was too serious, and she couldn't blow off a trusted agent for listening to his guts. 

“Ma’am for now those are just theories, but I want permission to use recording equipment to try to catch the culprit red handed.” Phil was determined more than ever to find the culprit. before. However, the patterns he noticed suggested that it was someone who wanted to be left alone, but that was too late; said person was now on the map. 

Peggy raised her chin, looking imperiously at him. “You have it.”

Phil sighed heavily, relief flashing across his face. “Thank you Director. I just hope that it’s simply my imagination acting up. But it's better to be safe than sorry?”

Peggy nodded at that. “As you say, I just hope it’s not the fault of one of those… optimized people.”

Some people often came out of the woodwork with strange abilities or extreme quirks that made them exceptionally gifted. Mutants, or super soldiers, were common to her after all.

Squinting at that, Phil added, “I should take tranquiliser guns too, then.”

Peggy began to take some notes and wrote that she needed to give more funding for Coulson's operation. 

The agent smiled at her, repeating the motto he was brainwashed with in SHIELD training, “Always be prepared.”

“Dismissed, agent Coulson.” She chuckled.

Phil stood up, ready to salute, but thought better of it, instead mumbling for her to have a ‘good day’, and left the office. What he didn’t know was that he left the weary old woman with her mind churning and worrying for the mental integrity of her agents. Instead of mulling over what she should do, Peggy decided to directly cut to the chase and contact someone who might know what’s happening.

She took a communicator from the drawer, something that a dear fluffy blue friend, came up with and activated it. It was a special kind of portable phone, she pushed a button and thirty seconds later a gravely yet cultured voice could be heard, “Hello, what can I do for you Pegs?”

“Charles, I have a problem and you might know what’s going on.” She started, not wanting to bother him but knew it was possible that it was an operation that might pertain to his strange skills...

Amiably, the professor asked his old friend, “What is it about?”

“Do you know any of your people to be in Annandale-on-hudson?” Peggy bluntly said.

A strangled noise came from his end, confusing Peggy. “I… might know something about that.” He said after a moment.


# # #


Forest Hills
Queens Center Mall
11:25 AM

I was having fun! The huge mall was coliseum-shaped with many indoor retail stores along with a food court. It was completely different from the shopping center in Bedford Hills where mom did all her main shopping. Four stories tall, it was located in the heart of the Queens Borough, housed over 90 shopping, dining and entertainment brands, including Macy’s, JCPenney, Sony, The Cheesecake Factory, H&M, and Forever 21. 

A poke in my ribs stopped my gaze wandering in awe. I turned my head to the rude person who interrupted me, and I wasn’t surprised that it was Jessica. 

She smirked.. “You looked like a hick who came to the city for the first time.”

“Hey! Not my fault this… is big. I never had time to go visit places beyond schools.” Hell yeah, I was coming far to go to highschool in another town to avoid the people who treated me like a pariah in my town.

A giggle came from behind. I saw that it was Patsy who laughed at our antics. “C’mon let’s go look for Jessica’s new hoodie.” 

Yeah… I owed Jess a Hoodie; one of those goth ones she was fond of. We went to the shop Jess get all her punk rock things, called Etsy. It was a well lit shop full of mannequin as display models with shelves upon shelves of different type of clothing, pants, skirts, hoodies, shirts and T-shirts, even different type of shoes. They sold mostly handmade clothes which had good quality, and were stylish. The price tag on some raised my eyebrows more than once. The punk rock girl must have caught my surprise as she said, “You see now why I was so upset?” Jessica crossed her arms under her breast, she wore a purple top and black skirt with boots that went well with her general demeanor. 

She scowled at me and added, “I had to save up money and babysit many whining kids to buy it.”

Whew, I understood why she was put off yesterday, but it’s her fault too- who told her to fight in such expensive clothing? 

“Okay, okay I will get it for you. Damn I hoped to buy that nice skirt I saw in the window though.” I raised my hands before me to placate her. “But next time you want to learn how to fight, you bring sportswear.”

Jessica smiled smugly, having the cheek to say, “Fine.”

Satisfied with herself, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I rolled my eyes and lightly slapped her arm, we smiled at each other in camaraderie. Patsy looked at us with a strange gaze and asked, “Sis, you learn how to fight from Jean?”

We almost forgot about Patsy, *Whoops!*

I smiled smugly at her and patted her on the head. Why was this kid so cute? 

 Jessica intervened.“Yeah, she’s good! A real ninja.”

I shook my head. I wasn't even at the level of Elektra or a Hand ninja yet, and I cheated with my powers. But I was so happy about having landed Elektra as my sensei, because it was finally something going right. However, I dreaded what kind of training awaited me. 

“Could you show me later, Jean?” She gazed at me with puppy dog eyes. *W-what is this? She’s shining?!* I looked at Jessica who just rolled her eyes again and said through our mental link, <She do that all the time to get what she wants.>

I nodded, shooting Patsy a smile.  “Sure, Pat.”

“Cool!” She lifted her head and looked at me with upturned eyes.

And that was that. I splurged money, buying a cute, black hoodie which adorned a fairy on the back for Jessica and that awesome sauce black leather cropped mini skirt in genuine lambskin. It was a seventy dollars expense, but I just closed my eyes and bought it. Result I am 105$ lighter, my pocket money was basically 200$ per month as I helped around the house. I needed to do something about my income.

*Ah I know, I will steal it from criminals! We are in the nineties, so I just have to hit somewhere they launder their money and I am golden.* But I didn’t have enough time to think about it as Jessica suddenly pulled me and led me to the mall’s first level and we navigated through the throng of people, where there was even some tourists mingling. We passed Macy’s, H&M and a cafe, until we stopped before a eaterie called AuntieAnne’s, it smelled awesome inside; I discovered that it sold mainly pretzel products, dips and drinks.

We ordered lemonade, pretzels and nuggets. I think I found a new place to hang out. Spending another hour shopping, we finished our mall foray with lunch at a Shake Shack. We pooled our money for a serving of burgers and milkshakes, loving it, but as we ate I was trying to make things easier for Jessica, because I didn’t plan to drive for two hours to my house.

<Hey Jess, you know that we are going to fly with my car to arrive at my house, right?> I said as I chewed on my bacon and steak burger.

Jessica had this deer in the headlights expression on her face that told me she wasn’t ready for this. <Uh oh. But what about Patsy?>

She stopped eating and put her burger on the plate. Patsy looked at us, shrugged and continued to eat. However, she still was observing us.

I hugged Jessica’s mind with my own., <We could tell her about our abilities, I keep having a good feeling about her. She’s trustworthy, I wouldn’t like to push her mind to sleep on the way.>

Jessica seemed to understand my reticence in wanting to manipulate the mind of her step sister, and I sensed her resolve steeling in her mind through our bond. If there was one thing the pink haired young woman before me respected, it was the sanctity of one’s mind.

She looked into my eyes, while I slurped on my vanilla milkshake. <This isn’t an easy decision, but… I do trust your intuition. You are the telepath after all.>

<When we get back to the car we will tell her then.> I put my milkshake down. 

Patsy looked between the two of us. 

“You know girls, you act as if you were having a silent conversation. It makes me feel like a third wheel.” 

*This girl is scary sharp.* I thought. Jessica just snorted at her, but I saw her flinch of surprise. Gathering courage, I decided to broach the subject of what I was discussing with her big sister. “I-hum… Patsy we have something to tell you, but not here, ok?”

“Huh, you are together with Jess is that it?” Patsy shyly lowered her blue eyes, her cheeks reddening.

This took me by surprise. Patsy sounded so smug and sure of herself that it made me want to laugh at her, but I refrained,   Though it wasn’t the case for Jessica whose giggle turned into a full blown laugh that had her clutching her stomach. 

I gave her a mirthful smile. “Hum, no Patsy your sister isn’t going out with me. She’s just my new best friend.”

I was even surprised that she didn’t have any prejudice against people who like others of the same sex. The 90’s are supposed to be backward with people unable to see past their social programming. But I guessed that Patsy was an exception...

Patsy reeled once she realised her assumption was just that: an assumption.  “What?! But all the signs were here! The smiles, the glances and how you are always so intimate.”

Jessica and me looked at each other and, “Pfft.” laughed at the conclusions of the poor little gal who looked embarrassed.

“Wow, you are observant but nah, I don't like Jess this way and she's not my type.” I poked Patsy on the arm.

Patsy looked at me as if I was a puzzle she needed to solve, tilting her head with a frown. “You aren't even denying that you like girls.”

I waved my hand at that in clear dismissal. “Please, why should I? I like men  too, older ones not boys and it’s not like I hide my preferences. Why should I be afraid? I know a lot of people are intolerant, but I won’t let them ruin me or how I lead my life.”

“You are really brave, Jean.” She grinned wide. 

Shrugging, I poked her again, evoking a laugh out of her. Jess resumed eating her burger.Despite myself, I returned to my thoughts. I liked older and more mature men, those who knew what they had not the bundles of ego and hormones that teenagers were. This was one of the consequences of my melding with my other self, and I knew what the score was. So I will avoid the drama and let myself just being lusted after from afar, high-school didn’t matter to me though it was still a good place to see who will be important in my quest for freedom and equality.

*And there were others things attracting me at school…* The face of a certain brown eyed asian girl came into mind.

Jessica snapped her fingers before my face and I flinched upon noticing the action. “What?”

“Ah she’s back, what were you thinking about?” Relief was visible on her face. I frowned because I didn’t intend to be this distracted before them. “About my situation and hum about the great reveal we must do. Patsy must know, but we will tell her when we are in the car. She won’t be able to freak out too publically.” I answered her, then I slurped on my milkshake but there wasn’t any left. It made me sad.

With fiery eyes, Patsy looked at me. “Hey! Why would I freak out?!”

Giggling, I told her with gravitas in my voice, “Pat, I am going to change how you see this world.”


# # #


When we embarked into my car it was in silence. Patsy and Jessica looked solemn, though the younger redhead was more curious. While I was preparing for the drive, Jessica stared at her step sister with apprehension in their seats. Patsy felt the gaze of her big sister on herself and saw the worry in her eyes, and automatically put a comforting hand on Jessica's arm.

The first thing Patsy did when she saw her step sister's distress was an attempt to put her at ease and my opinion of the younger girl rose up a notch. "See, Jess? Patsy is a good girl. She would never betray us." 

Jessica didn't rebuff her sister, and just reddened and averted her eyes in a huff. "Fine…"

I decided to RIP the band aid, "So Patsy, before we fly home we must tell you something about us two… We have superpowers."

The blissful silence remained for all about thirty seconds. There was surprise in her eyes, but the surprise was only directed at me. Then she looked finally at Jessica who braced herself for something or insults or for her sister to ask for proof.  The reality was different though.

"Are you super strong like Jessie? " Patsy was curious. 

This made me smile, like I knew she was already aware and never said anything to protect Jessica. Patsy was a really smart girl.

This caught Jessica by surprise though. "What?! How do you-"

Patsy giggled and patted Jessica's cheek twice. "You aren't as sneaky as you think, big sister."

Jessica was speechless, her mouth agape, and she double face palmed herself to conceal her embarrassment. Through my empathic ability I sensed the poor girl's belief in what she knew of Patsy being completely shattered, but I felt something else growing in her heart at the realization that Patsy was always in her camps: love. The sisterly kind.

I laughed. "I like your moxie, Pat. So you already know."

She flushed at the praise. "Yeah." She nodded. "So what can you do?"

She was a curious little thing, reminding me of a cat I had in my previous life- one who never left things alone. 

"I can use telekinesis. " I flipped my long air as I looked at her.

"Like Carrie?" Patsy questioned, with a catch in her voice and a sliver of fear.

I knew it! Stephen King gave telekinetics a bad rep with his books, the fucker.

To reassure Patsy I said, "Oh dear, I can do so much more than killing bullying teens in a prom."I ignited my car.

In the mirror I saw her shock. Well ok what I said didn't reassure her at all. After that, we went to the nearest isolated alley and I turned the car invisible and launched it in the air. Patsy's eyes opened wide and she went silent for a long moment as she saw the landscape pass under us at high speeds. I estimate that I was going at 400 km/h, not too fast in my opinion.

"See Patsy, better than Carrie." My eyes briefly flashed behind me, to her. Patsy looked at me, then at Jess, who she held on with excitement as she jumped in her seat. "She can fly!"

Jessica was pale, clutching her security belt. Weird. So she was fine flying under her own power, but being in a flying vehicle bothered her?

"Jessica can fly too." I revealed, focusing on the route, noticing we were already on the George Washington bridge. 

Patsy’s eyes shined, as she asked, "You can?"

"Hum… yes." Jessica stammered upon being confronted by her sisters gaze which was filled with wonder. 

Admiration swelled in the younger girl's heart, her respect increasing towards Jess. "Amazing!" Patsy cried out.

Using my augmented senses, I followed the landmarks that would take us home. I didn't raise the elevation more than twenty meters from the ground.

"We will be there in fifteen minutes." 

Jessica looked at the road signs, noticing they headed outside Manhattan.  "Hum, Jean how far do you live?"

As I needed to concentrate, I gave factual answers. I didn't want to crash us. "175 Km from the Queens in a place called Annandale-on-Hudson."

In their eyes, I saw questions forming. Jessica knew better than to ask, but Patsy didn't. "Why do you live so far!? Don't you have any nearby highschool?" She was a curious little thing.

There was no way that I would tell her I was avoiding nearby schools because of the severe bullying I endured till I was homeschooled at thirteen years old, and that I decided to go so far away that I had to go to high school in Forest Hills in Queens. Or that I choose our high school because I knew Jessica and Peter Parker went there.

"It's complicated…"

Patsy was going to insist, but Jessica came to my rescue. “Stop with the questions, Patsy. She’s clearly bothered by them.”

Patsy pouted. “But-”

To disarm any drama, I promised, “It’s okay, I will tell you later, for now though I’m focused on flying. You don’t want us to go splat on the ground, right?”

Jessica and Patsy shuddered at that and answered in unison, “No…”

“Good.” I returned my attention to the road below me.

The girls went silent for a moment and continued to look outside the car, until they began to sort out their feelings. Jessica was happy that Patsy was having her back, and the younger redhead enjoyed the sensation of finally being acknowledged by her new big sister. It was so sweet that it gave me diabetes. 

It took time, but we finally arrived near Barrytown, landing on the New York state route. I wanted to avoid landing in the college town proper still crawling with SHIELD Teams so I drove by land.  We became visible again when arrived at the crossroad of Cedar Hill and Kelly road, I turned left on Cedar Hill and was almost home. We passed an unmarked van, and I recognized it as the one full of SHIELD agent.

*Hmm, I will see what they are about tonight.* I mused to myself.told myself.

Arriving home five minutes later, I parked the car beside dad’s, and honked to signal my return. Mom would know who it is; she’s nosy like that and know the exact way my car’s honk. Stopping the car, Jessica and Patsy spilled out of the vehicle, took their bags and waited for me. I exited my Camaro, closed the car door, ran a hand in my hair and looked beatifically at my friend.

“Here, follow me girls.” I walked up to the door.

My house was all frey and white bricks and two stories, as I opened the glass door, I entered and cried out, “Mom, I am here!”

“I know! Bring your friends in the living room!” Mom’s voice came out from the far away.

Behind me, Jessica and Patsy followed with their duffel and shopping bags in their hands, I passed the stairs and found my parents waiting on the sofa with snacks and drinks on the low table. Mom and dad stood up and welcomed the girls.

“Welcome to our humble abode.” Dad made a grand sweeping gesture with his arm that made me cringe.

He was a bit of a dork, but his heart was in the right place and he was a good dad because I wanted for nothing. But sometimes he would do cringey things like just now, mom rolled her eyes at him and the girls giggled at his silliness. 

“Good afternoon, everyone.” Mom graced them with a smile. 

Jessica sheepishly waved at my parents. “Hi.”

Patsy walked up to them, shaking their hands. “Hello.”

Mom grinned at Patsy, liking her manners. “You must be Jessica and Patsy, nice to meet you. You know, Jean has been talking about you to us.”

The girls turned, looking at me with sly smiles. I averted my eyes in embarrassment. Sue me, they are my first friends since ever!

“Hum, ok?” Jessica wrangled her hands, still nervous. 

It was my first time seeing her like this; she was completely confident with me, but before adults she became that awkward kid. *How strange.* 

“Don’t be nervous girls. We don’t bite.” Dad tried reassuring. 

“Technically, you do dad.” I averted my eyes, my smile enigmatic. The bite marks adorning mom’s skin showed me that he was into rough sex… My father looked at me and- honest to god- he reddened, making mom giggle. Jessica groaned, understanding what was said, whereas Patsy had an oblivious expression etched on her face as the innuendo was lost on her. *She's so innocent.*

During the introductions with Patsy and Jessica, the phone rang and dad went to take it. Mom was curious about the girls; she thought Jessica was a good girl but pitied her a bit from what I had told her previously, and she decided that she would pamper her in the place of her parents. She was also thrilled about getting to know Patsy who seemed to relish her attention. Dad came back, apprehensive as he looked at me. He hesitated to speak, feeling like an eel but he soldiered on. I frowned.

"Jeany, there's Charles Xavier on the phone he wishes to speak with you." Dad didn't want me to not accept, what with me clearly lacking respect for the man.

Tensing at the name dad pronounced, Jessica looked at me. Then I rolled my eyes. "I really don't want to…"

"Jean…" Mom's tone of voice was laced with warning, and she leaned forward, shooting me  a meaningful stare.

She didn't understand how much I loathed the man. He was one of the catalysts for my life to end. If she knew, would she look at me this way? And then there was a certain curiosity in me, why would the baldie call me? I sure hoped that it wasn’t related to certain of my activities...

*Fine, I will go.* I retorted in my heart.

"But I am intrigued, so I will." I added, standing up from the sofa. Jessica and Patsy stared  at me in obvious curiosity. Walking up to the telephone, I asked myself what was going to change this time in my life? Was Marvel going to make it more difficult? 


# # #

(Professor Charles Xavier)




Charles Xavier was still on the phone when he heard the telephone handset being picked up. He looked at the photos on his cedar desk showing the first mutants he helped, when he dubbed his first class. Then, as he lost himself into memory lane, the door to his study opened and a well built man entered. His unique hairstyles consisted of mutton chop sideburns and his height was at least 1.80m. He was rather hirsute, wearing a dark blue shirt and brown pants. 

Charles smiled at his friends who sat before his desk, took a cigar out of the pocket of his shirt, and with a slow and careful movement made a thirty centimeters long retractable bone claw covered in metal cut it. Then took a lighter and lit it. Charles didn’t like how much Logan relied on those, but to everyone his poison.

“Hello professor.” A young, silky female voice greeted him. 

Charles tensed, closing his eyes. Jean Grey was one of the most powerful telepath and telekinetic he had come to know. She was a good young woman when surrounded by her family, but a dangerous young woman to cross; there was also the fact that she knew things about him he never told anyone and he feared that she may have subtly pierced his telepathic shield and learned of his secrets. 

She was unpredictable, dangerous and willing to dirty her hands; Jean Grey reminded him strongly of Erik Lensherr, his friend and that was a big concern of his.

“Good afternoon, Jean. It is good to hear your voice.” Charles tried feigning a normal tone, hoping she didn’t catch the slight hitch of nervousness in it.

“Aww, prof you flatter me.” Jean cooed with a honeyed voice. “So, what's the occasion? Is this still about joining the school? I told you I couldn't right now though.” The young woman seemed more affable to Charles as if distance and time had mellowed her since their first meeting, though he could tell the girl still hated him.

Logan could hear the threat lingering in her voice due to his acute sense, and put himself at attention in his seat while frowning at Charles. The professor closed his eyes, counting to ten. He didn't know why she hated him; it was beyond a dislike of his attempt to read her mind. Charles hoped to help guide this girl and maybe bring her into the fold- he couldn’t let his friend, Magneto recruit her.

In some twisted sense, Charles was happy that she still thought about the institute as it meant she was interested, but playing hard to get or some such. He remembered how her eyes shone when she heard about the danger room.

 He smiled. “Unfortunately, it is another matter that made me call you Jean. But I am not at ease speaking about it through the phone…”

Charles heard her unladylike snort. “Yeah, SHIELD might be tapping the landlines.”

Charles gasped, a sheen of sweat appearing on his forehead. “Jean, how…?”

*How does she know about SHIELD?* 

The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, better known by its acronym S.H.I.E.L.D., was an American extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security. It was a secret organization that he encountered after helping Peggy Carter with an enhanced threat like she called them.

“Come on, prof. I am a telepath.” Jean’s tone was snide. “So, when are we going to have a meet-together?” 

Charles pondered over it as he leaned into his chair, tapping his fingers against his armchair for a few beats. “Are you available this Sunday?” He finally asked.

For a moment, there was silence at the other end of the phone and then, “Oh, I will make it so. I am curious about what you want to discuss.” The young woman seemed to be intrigued.

They discussed curtly after that, then  Jean gave the address of a bakery cafe in her college town, choosing it as the location for their meeting. Charles then hung up, sighing heavily because of the tense call.  

“What's got into you, Chuck?” A gruff voice asked from the other end of his desk.

After the tension bled from Charles’ body, he looked at the man and asked him, “Logan. I will need you tomorrow, I hope you have nothing planned my friend.”

The man shrugged. “Sure, I can come.” 


# # #

(Jessica Jones)


14:32 PM
Grey House


Jessica landed on the green lawn ass first, then spent thirty seconds looking at the blue sky. This has been happening for the third time since they had decided to brush up on her new martial art skills that Jean had graciously helped her obtain. The punk-rock girl quickly and agilely got back on her feet. Jean had waited for her to stand up.

"Still want more?" Jean asked sweetly.

She scowled, but this time refused to let her temper take charge. Instead she remained calm and collected. *Stop panicking *

“You know how to move, Jess, but you have never got into a fight for your life. I will come at you as if I wanted to kill you, okay?” Jean was in a combat stance. 

Snort. “As if you could-”

The redhead simply disappeared from view, and Jessica felt a hand grip her arm and as fast as she could she lashed out by doing an automatic shoulder throw on her foe. Jean was sent into the air thanks to Jessica’s super strength and inner control of her balance but the redhead caught her by her white T-shirt, reoriented herself and did her own projection throw of the pink haired girl who stopped herself from getting on the ground again by hovering one meter from the ground. But she didn’t anticipate Jean’s next move, the redhead punched her in the stomach and forced her to land on the ground.

“You do not anticipate the moves of your enemy, you just follow a series of movements.” Jean reprimanded.

“It kind of hurt right now…” Jessica whimpered.

Jean approached her friend, not daring to help her yet. But she was still worried about her. “Hum, did I go too strong?”

Jessica raised her T-shirt and on her abs a purple emathome was visibly fading on the skin of her abdomen. “Nah, it was at the level of a… slap? Have you ever been slapped?”

The pink haired girl saw a hurt expression briefly appear on her face and disappear as swiftly. “Yeah, I was. I restrained myself at the level you used at the Junkyard.” The redhead nodded.

“It still hurts.” Jessica chuckled but a grimace appeared on her face.

Jessica looked at Jean, she looked sorry at the moment, she smiled and threw her leg around her friend’s waist and then it was the redhead’s turn to be on the ground, straddled by Jessica who slapped her. The slap rang into the air and the spectator, Patsy and Elaine (Jean’s mom) who said ‘ouch’ in unison. Jessica tried hard to not focus on what she was going to do to fool her telepath friends, she knew Jean was able to anticipate some of her movements.

Scowling, Jean tried to struggle.“You little-”

But she was quickly held on Jean’s arms, their face was really close. Jessica laughed as she restrained her friend. “Cheating is good.”

“You two need a room.” Patsy's voice pulled the two friends from their banter.

"I see, so it's like that, Jean?" Elaine teased.

Jean and Jessica quickly disentangled themselves from each other, the two even stood at three meters from each other. Jessica firmly scowled at her sister who smirked at her. As for Jean she didn't want her mom to know about her sexuality. 

"Jean don't worry, I know that you like girls too." Elaine smiled and waved at her daughter.

To Jessica, there was no judging or disapproval in her expression, this was a woman who accepted her kid as she was. She didn't want to try to change her, not like Alisa Jones her step mother acted.

With a look of surprise, Jean asked, "Wait, how?"

"I'm not blind, and let's say it runs in the family if you know what I mean." Elaine had a sly smile on her face and she took a suggestive pose.

"Mom! TMI!" The redhead looked majorly embarrassed and averted her eyes from her mother.

"Poor Jeany is embarrassed. Let's continue, who wants to see baby photos of Jean?" Elaine turned to Patsy and then to Jessica. The older woman proceeded to then run into the house, certainly to go look for photos albums. 

"Don't you dare!" Jean cried, and followed her mother.

The rest of the day passed in such a fashion, Jean's parents were carefree and loved her. They also showed their appreciation to Jessica and Patsy for becoming friends with her, Elaine had taken the pink haired girl aside to the back garden, they sat on the garden chairs and the housewife began to tell her thank you to offer her friendship to Jean, then Elaine proceeded to give her some context of her daughter’s situation; some incident happened in primary school when Jean awakened to her powers and her so called friends turned their backs on her and since then she has been bullied till she was in eighth grade. 

“Jean? Bullied? I can’t believe it.” Was the reaction of Jessica.

Jean was strong, beautiful and smart; even though she was all alone in school like the pink haired girl was nothing touched her, rumors and gossip slid off her, she was the second smartest girl after Gwen Stacy scholastically. To Jessica, the girl was breezing through high school and leaving everyone in the dust as if she didn’t care about anyone and knew what she wanted. 

Elaine just shattered the perfect picture she had of her friend. The older woman looked at the pink haired girl with a knowing eye. “You only know the strong willed, funny and caring Jean. But… let’s just say that she can be an acerbic shrew when she wants.”

Jessica remembered the time when Jean humiliated the cheerleading squad’s captain when she accused her of trying to steal her boyfriend. The redhead smashed her accusation by telling her to look at her slutty friends first before slandering another person, and that she should leash her manwhore of a boyfriend who seems to be obsessed with knocking up girls.

It was later revealed that the degenerate had gone through half the girls in the squad and knocked up three of them. No one messed with Jean anymore after that, all asking how she knew about their situation and such. Now that Jessica knew that Jean was a Telepath, she knew how and it made her laugh. She treated idiotic and sheep-like teenagers like leper and was reluctant to interact with them. Jessica had been really surprised when she wanted to associate with her.

“Hum, yeah… I saw how she treats people at school. They call her perfect Jean and things like that.” Jessica crossed her arms under her breast, she was in her leggings and sport bra, having let Elaine put her T-shirt in the laundry basket.

Elaine suddenly looked like she has sucked on a lemon. “Urgh, it has started in another school, huh.”

Jessica tilted her head, she didn’t like what that comment insinuated. “How many schools has she been going through, Mrs Grey?”

Elaine looked at her garden and rose bushes in remembrance. “This will be the sixth.” She sighed heavily.

After a minute of silence, Jessica wanted to assuage the worries of Jean’s mom, the woman seemed genuinely concerned for her daughter. She looked older at this moment.

“I don’t think she wants to change, you know.” Jessica took Elaine’s hands in hers. “I’m going to take care of her for you when she’s not with you, don’t worry ok?”

Elaine took in the serious expression of Jessica, a smile split her face and she nodded. Jessica then stood up and Elaine did the same and they entered the house, sure that they now understood Jean a little better.


# # #


Later that same night, after a fulfilling dinner, the girls prepared for some movies. They were in the game/movie room on the lime green sofa facing the big TV screen with the shelves full of video tapes.

Jessica was stunned by the choices that were available for them, Pocahontas, Judge Dredd and Mortal Kombat in VHS. She had thought that Jean would have more… girly tastes, like While you were whispering with Sandra Bullock or To die for with Nicole Kidman.

Once again, she discovered things about her friend that she assumed to be a bit like some Queen Bee, but no, Jean wasn’t tied down to mere stereotypes. She was just so much more than a beautiful young woman, she was also a fighter and active girl. Jessica had seen in Jean’s bedroom all those books she had, ranging from history, psychology and philosophy, science fiction and fantasy. The pink haired girl had felt that she wasn’t worthy to hang out with Jean, she wasn’t as smart or knowledgeable, she had nothing going for her.

“Jess, stop this.” Jean’s voice interrupted Jessica’s train of thoughts.

Green eyes met brown eyes, and Jessica asked nervously, “What?”

*You have no privacy when you are friends with a telepath.* Jessica lamented.

Jean continued to look at her disapprovingly. “You are my friend, stop comparing yourself to me. You are Jessica Jones, you are a tough girl with a heart of gold. Here let me show you.” The redhead just put a hand on her cheek and suddenly they were not in the game room anymore.

Jessica was facing herself and Jean, it was an out of body experience. The pink haired girl looked at hands and body weirdly. Patsy was still choosing which movie to watch, unconcerned by what was happening. Jean appeared at her side, surrounded by a red halo in the form of a bird around her, she had wings that spanned beyond the entire room. 

The pink haired girl looked from herself to Jean and asked, “Did you just push me out of my body?”

“Yes, it was to show you this…” Jean conjured a mirror out of thin air and suddenly Jessica saw herself.

Not exactly, she saw deep into her being. The gentleness encased into a steel core and diverse layer of her own being. It was exhilarating and… scary. But Jessica didn’t panic, as Jean wouldn’t be showing this facet of her powers without good intent.

With a radiant smile, Jean explained this to her friend. “This, this is one of the things that made me want to befriend you. You’d never betray me, you are a good person. I have never met someone like you before, you know.”

*Was this how Jean saw people all the time? Now I understand why she dismisses most people if they are immature petty assholes and they appear ugly to her.* Jessica’s thoughts were clear to Jean, the redhead giggled when she heard her.

“I see.. Wow, this is a lot to take in.” Jessica averted her eyes from the radiant form of Jean.

Jean shrugged. “Well, at least you know yourself a bit more. Jess, just stay you, ok? I mean it, you don’t have to change yourself to hang out with me. I’d never turn on you, right?”

“Look at us being all sappy…” Tears fell down Jessica’s cheek.

This was the first time someone beside her parents and Patsy showed they cared about her, Jean wasn’t the kind of girl who made shallow relationships. Now, Jessica knew that Jean wasn’t just friends with her, but loved her; Jean has an incredible capacity for love and genuinely concerned about the welfare and happiness of not only those nearest and dearest.

Jean felt what Jessica was thinking and feeling, she seemed a bit embarrassed. “Right, l-let’s stay there for a while till you calm down.” The redhead hugged her friend.

Jessica felt herself being wrapped in the warmth of her friend. “Okay.” 

It was five minute later when they returned to their body and Patsy chose to watch Mortal Kombat, on the sofa Jessica leaned against Jean and they seemed as close as possible. 


# # #


23:15 PM


I don’t know how to take what happened, but it’s glorious. Staring at my own sleeping body was kind of strange, so I could astral project? That was news to me, but it wasn't that surprising anymore. This is better than watching myself from the mirror, I could even remote control my body by watching from a higher point of view; this was another branch ability born from my mental detection field.

Patsy slept on a mattress on the ground, and Jessica spooned my body, her arms wrapped around my middle. I flushed slightly. She was my friend who didn’t like me in a romantic way, but wow did it feel good to be in her arms. Shaking my head, I forced my mind out the gutter. *Jessica wasn’t a toy to feel good. Bad Jeanie.*

I turned my head to the outside, looking beyond the window of my bedroom; something out there called to me. The voice was muffled, but powerful. *Who was it?*

Despite myself, I was thrown into the air and passed through the ceiling, the attic and then the roof. I was in the sky and suddenly a portal gobbled me up. I put my arms before my head and closed my eyes in fear. For a long moment, nothing happened, and I opened my eyes to see a really weird landscape around me… if you could call this landscape.

It was like I was into space, surrounded by a myriad of little planetoids and other non-descript objects. I knew where I was and it scared me. I was totally in the Astral Plane. From my knowledge, the Astral Plane was an alternate dimension in an equivalent space to our own, where all matter is composed of ectoplasm. *Yuck, I hope it’s not like in Ghostbusters.*

I saw a little planetoid, about the same size as my hometown, with a tree smackdab in the middle of it, and decided to take it. It will be mine. Then I frowned; why do I think this way? Was someone influencing me? Upon that thought, a bright red, yellow and orange light shone at the periphery of my eyes and I looked up. 

As I touched foot with the ectoplasm, wrought planetoid, the colored light coalesced into a ball and sped toward my planetoid, striking the tree in the middle.  It fired up, but the tree didn’t burn. 

*Shit, it’s you!* 

Damn it, how did the Phoenix find me? Why this early? A bird took form from the flame and perched on one of the tree branches. It stared at me. I felt judged, analyzed and prodded. My mental shield were like tissue paper to the Phoenix Force, making me feel insignificant towards it. 

<You are not ready yet.> A female voice, similar to my own, rang into the vast space.

“Excuse me?” I asked aloud, confused by what the force was telling me.

<You don’t have any control over yourself yet, return from where you came.> The Raptor of fire commanded. She simply beat a wing and I found myself ejected from the astral plane, the portal opened behind me and I returned to my own house and in my body. 

Opening my eyes, I trembled. 

*This is why I don’t think I am one of the top dogs in this fucking universe, she just moved and I am back…*

The Phoenix Force could influence me, and that worried me. From her comment, I knew she was waiting. Waiting for me to be at my peak and powerful enough for.. does she want to make me an avatar like in canon? Will I have to leave my family and Earth? *I won’t let it, in some ways I am sure I can make a deal with it! I don’t want to leave mom, dad and Jess!*

When I accidentally linked my mind to Annie’s to keep her soul to moving from the afterlife, the Phoenix had interfered and broke my connection with her, sending me back as it did now. I didn’t think it would happen again, as I thought that I wouldn’t be a Phoenix host in this dimension, but it seems in every reality our fates were linked.

I stopped thinking about my first failure, about failing to save my best friend. With a heavy sigh I turned my head to the alarm clock, seeing it was only 23:20 PM. *Bullshit! Only five minutes passed?!*

It had felt like hours that I discovered my planetoid and the tree. But… it’s not impossible, after all, everything that happen telepathically do so at the speed of thought. Yes, I have more to learn about my own power. 

The Phoenix force is watching me… I closed my eyes to sleep, this dreadful realization haunting me. 


# # #


Sunday 10th 1996
Chez Leanne cafe
08:01 AM

After waking up to the sound of Jessica’s cute snoring, I went to do some jogging, alongside her and Patsy. Saying that those two weren’t morning people was clear. They couldn’t follow my rhythm so I had to go slower than normal and when we got back from our run, mom had a giant breakfast for us. The girls were gluttons, but I understood them. Mom’s food was too good to pass up!

Charles Xavier called back at six AM to say he was coming at eight AM or so at the place we planned to meet up at. I had to prepare for it. Dressing into a black cropped top, I paired it with the leather skirt I bought at Etsy yesterday with Jessica and Patsy. To finish, I wore my red leather jacket and red ankle, leather boots. Mom and Patsy took turns to help me with my makeup while Jessica listened to music, singing alongside the punk band I wasn’t familiar with.  

Now after all those preparations, I waited  at the end of the table in Leanne’s cafe, which was also a bakery. I seated myself in a place I could monitor who came in and went, and there was the service exit not too far. Those habits of checking the field had been born rather recently, after I replicated the knowledge and skills of Katherine Shane from SHIELD.

I had my Walkman and headphones on for this trip, listening to some Destiny’s Child, with one of Leanne’s cappuccino with a croissant. The cafe was full of students and teaching staff taking sunday to rest or complete their work. It had been hard to find a free table, but nothing that a mental compulsion couldn’t do. I made a bunch of giggling girl leave, I wanted to have my coffee in peace and wait for Xavier.

It was 08:05 AM when I saw a car pull up in the parking lot before the cafe- a Rolls Royce's to be precise. The driver who exited the car was strangely familiar, wearing a black shirt with brown jeans and boots, looking like a no nonsense guy with black hair, a yummy body, but then I realized...*What was Hugh Jackman doing here?*

Oh my god! Is that Wolverine? Xavier brought Wolverine here! This is awesome! Huh, he is taking Charles out of the car, okay Some cars aren't rated for disabled people and that's a shame. But I took a sadistic pleasure in seeing the man suffer. Don't get me wrong I liked the guy when I was younger in my other life, but as I analyzed his actions as I got older and with a lot of debate on the internet and forums, I realized that Charles Xavier was a peaceful man who did nothing and was content to watch the world burn around him with the ones he surrounded himself with.

There was no way that I would do so. I want my freedom and the world to stay as it is, and if I had to kill the people who I know would make it Hell on earth? *So be it.*

The man kept too many secrets, secrets that could save the lives of people surrounding him but he chose to do nothing; about what he did to me in most realities that I know of, it was inexcusable. Just days ago, he was about to enter my mind without asking. *The man wasn't that different from Magneto, they are not friends for nothing.*

Charles Xavier, followed by Wolverine, entered the cafe. Rolling in his wheelchair,  the bald man in an expensive clothing found Jean at the most isolated table, and beamed at her. Jean rolled her eyes, taking a swig of her coffee. Wolverine frowned at her, helping wheel Charles to her table.  

Jean, as she was well, raised up and came to greet the two men, beginning with Charles. "Good morning professor."

Looking at me appraisingly, the man offered me a smile. "Hello Jean, you are devilishly beautiful as usual."

I tilted my head, that was really gentlemanly of him of saying so, "Aww Prof, don't be such a Don Juan, you could be my grandad."

Embarrassed,  Xavier loosened his black tie, lowering  his eyes. "Hum, very well, but I was just being honest."

My gaze moved to Logan’s, who looked so rugged and feral. I asked myself what he was like in bed. *Down Jean! Those fucking hormones are frying your brain.*

"And who is this handsome man behind you?" I was shocked at the purr in my voice.

Logan simply raised an eyebrow at me, holding out his hand to greet me. My heart skipped a few beats, and I clasped his hand with mine, holding it for some time as I looked into his piercing gaze. 

"My name is Jean Grey." I introduced myself first after an awkwardly long time.

"Logan." He simply said in his baritone voice which made me wet instantly.

As I held onto him, his feelings seeped into me, and just like usual I saw his inner self, which was the same thing that happened with Jessica and other people. He had  animalistic tendencies, honor and such a selfless soul that it made me relish being in his presence.

"You are such a sweet guy…" I couldn't help but saying as I held onto his hand.

"Jean… are you reading his thoughts?" The annoying professor pointed out, causing Logan to retract his hands fast, as though I was a snake or such. He stared at me with distrust. I found that sad, my heart breaking just a bit.

To assuage his fear, I decided to explain myself.  "No, I see him through my empathy. He is a good man, weary and lost, there's this feral side of him which  scares me just a little bit but it is harnessed to protect- not for destruction."

I looked at Logan in the eyes and bluntly asked, "I, uh… are you married?"

The man sniffed the air, then looked at me from head to toe. His  distrustful feelings which I felt coming from him melted into consideration, then into amusement touched by interest, but I also felt that he denied himself. 

He smiled at me and sighed. "Girl, I am not a cradle robber… but come back to me in another two years if you are free."

I snapped my fingers and smiled back at him. "Damn, I finally found a good guy and I am too young…"

Seeing the professor roll his eyes, with a gaze full of reprimand was new to me."Can you two stop flirting?" He seemed cranky. 

I smirked at him. 

"Don't be a downer Chuck. The girl and I were just having a little fun." Logan patted the professor's shoulder.

"Professor, let's take a seat, fortunately I see you brought your own." Everyone stopped moving as I insulted the man. 

Then I realized what I said, and I couldn’t believe it. Xavier looked at me with a disappointed expression.  Despite me, I apologized, "I am… that was disrespectful, sorry. My mouth gets ahead of me sometimes. I shouldn't let my dislike of you color our every interaction. "

Xavier leaned in his seat, taking on a grandfatherly expression, his eyes kind, suddenly making me feel like an eel. "Jean, I don't understand why you are this hostile with me. I know we didn't start well, but sometimes there are things that shouldn't be said, lines that shouldn't be crossed."

As hard as it is to me to say it, the guy is right.

"I-it won't happen again. When I am going to make a snide comment I will try to time it better." I reluctantly answer.

Xavier pinched his nose at that. It seemed that I  gave him a headache. "Jean, that's not the point."

I wanted to laugh at him, but I refrained, then I stared at the delicious piece of man-meat at the professor's side; Logan looked at the interplay in silence, damn I hoped I didn't make him think the worse of me…

"Aww, okay. But seriously, sorry. Mocking you about your disability makes me feel like a bitch... You know, I hope one day I might be of help about that kind of thing, after all I had a dream and I plan to start a company in medical technology."

This surprised Xavier who looked at me with interest, and then he reminded himself of something. "Why would you help me?"

I may hate the guy, but I wasn't a complete psycho.

Averting my eyes, I reluctantly explained, "We may have our differences professor, but you still do good. I know you've been helping our people for decades with Erik Lensherr- your counterpart. "

Shaking his head Xavier kept silent, and then suddenly a waitress came. She wore a classy uniform and asked what everyone wanted. I ordered a cake, the other two ordered coffee. Then, the young waitress left with a smile staring long at Logan. *Shit, sister he is my prey!* I glared at her retreating silhouette as she rolled her hips.

I keep rolling my eyes, Logan smiled at the show, and Xavier kept looking at me, and he finally spoke to me. "Like I thought you read my mind, Jean."

Not at all, I just know about you from another universe where you are just a fictional character... is what I cannot say.

"Not really. I saw things. Flash of memories and visions." I lied through my teeth. "This is something I can't control, some things get past my mental shield."

Xavier looked worried suddenly, and through my empathy I knew he was remembering something from his past. He stared at me long, and with an eager expression he spoke, "I see, Jean if you need help we could schedule some mental training…"

I scowled, that was never going to happen, his help might consist of entering my mind and there were things in there that he would try to capture me for.


Xavier closed his eyes and wore a depreciating smile."You still don't trust me."

I shook my head, indeed I don't. "I don't professor. You are the kind of man I am wary of, you have too many secrets for everyone around you that will bite you in the ass and a flexible sense of ethics. By example, Logan here, or should I say James Howlett."

"Who?" Logan said before holding his head painfully.

*I  knew this would happen.* I took one of his hands and began to talk to him soothingly. "Logan, you real name is James Howlett, I saw a photo of you in the history books with the Howling commando. You worked with Captain America."

"Jean, how do you know this? I looked everywhere…"

"I have an eidetic memory, professor." I simply said to cover my knowledge and it was true as I never forgot anything. "In one of the visions I told you about, I saw you and Lensherr meeting him when you were younger. Can I say that you looked really hot in the seventies?" I tried to deflect the attention from my knowledge and dissemble about the information. 

The old man facepalmed, groaning. "Jean…"

It was funny to see the Patrick Stewart lookalike do that action. Logan massaged his temples, and suddenly said aloud, "I-I need to go professor, I need fresh air. Memories flooded my mind and I don't know what to make of them. "

He then looked at me, not knowing what to think of little old me. 

*Aww.* I wanted to hug him.

"Your welcome James, I hope you'll forgive my bluntness." I shot him a dazzling smile. I waved at him.

"Call me Logan." He stood up and left.

After this, it was me and the professor at the table, the waitress came with our orders and placed them before us, but she was sad to see that Logan was outside. 


Xavier observed me as I munched on my chocolate cake. Though it was time to speed through this farce. "So can we get to the point of this little meeting? Cause I'm bored from blowing people's minds." I quipped. 

Xavier raised an eyebrow at me. "Right… hmm, Jean how do you know about SHIELD?" Xavier started; it seemed I rubbed him wrong.

I hoped that next time that he would stop seeking me out, as that's why I acted this way with him.

Snorting, I told him as if it was obvious, "They are everywhere in my hometown, and the agents' minds are loud. And one night I had enough of skulking in the dark and wanted to know what was going on, so I riffled through the mind of a high level agent."

Charles Xavier had a look of shock plastered on his face. "Jean, what about their privacy?"

*Ah right, he is a hypocritical goodie goodie.* I harrumphed and shrugged, "So? I ascertained their threat level and I wanted to know if they were after me or something."

Xavier looked at me as though I sprouted two heads or something, then he continued his interrogation,  because yeah it felt just like one and I didn't like that at all. "What do you know about what brought them here?"

It seemed I had to lie again, fortunately,  I had complete control of my body thanks to my telekinesis. I steadied my heartbeat and my stolen training as an agent gave me clues about how to turn an interrogation in my favor. 

Facing the professor I leaned forward, gazing into his eyes with a thoughtful tone. "Well let's say someone is piling up bodies, which are made into vegetables? I'm not sure, but I think someone is cloning people and as they are brain-dead when they develop, I think they dispose of them in the neighborhood…"

"This is certainly a good theory." The professor still seemed suspicious of me. Still, I felt that I put his fear of me being involved in this mess to rest, barely, but he must be thinking that I still hid something from him.

*I actually do.* I laughed in my mind.

I decided to feign being insulted. Crossing my arms before me, I scowled at Xavier. “Was this all? Did you suspect me of turning people into vegetables, Professor?”

Xavier seemed ill at ease under my gaze and averted my eyes. “You are one of the primary suspects.” He confessed.

“You wound me professor. I know we didn't have a great start but… I’m not such a psycho you know. Did you tell SHIELD about me?” I simulated a crack in my voice as I said this and tried to look nervous.

The professor was still wary of me, I could see it in his stoic expression. *What a paranoid bastard.*

“No, Jean.” He shook his head and placed his hands before him.

We stayed silent for a while as I finished my slice of cake, Xavier sipped onto his coffee and continued to observe me. As for me, my brain went into overdrive as I analyzed how Xavier learned about the bodies and suddenly it clicked. 

Looking at him, I began to speak in a thoughtful tone. “I surmise that you have friends in this organization and that’s why you were tipped off. Then they asked you if there was one of our people in the area, I do hope for you that you weren’t followed, professor…”

This bout of insight in how he came to contact me seemed to have taken by surprise. "I didn't think about that…" He looked thoughtful.

The guy was a nonce, and I had to get out of here.

"It was almost nice meeting you professor." Taking one last bite of my cake, I rose. Xavier looked apologetic. "Jean I am sure there's no reason to worry." He tried assuring.

My voice was calm yet cold when I spoke. "Prof, I was in the mind of one of SHIELD's top agents, I know how they think and operate."Then I added for good measure, "Don't call me. I will call you, capiche?" 

He flinched as he looked into my eyes. I don't know what he saw but he quickly answered, "Crystal."

I nodded. "Bye and take care." Then I turned on my heel, storming out of the cafe. My telekinetic field was at its optimum, enveloping me. I felt my psionic energy fill me and focused my senses around me. Trees, people, polluted air, cars and finally nondescript ones and black. I stretched my mental field and yes indeed, those were SHIELD's flunkies. I deployed a notice-me-not field around me and zipped toward them and opened their car's door by manipulating the mechanical system in them with my TK and then forced them to sleep with a compulsion. As everyone ignored us beside Xavier, I began to shift through their mind, and when I found what I wanted began to erase the last thirty minutes from their memories.

"Wow okay, so Peggy Carter is still Director in this dimension. What am I going to do?" I asked myself as I became invisible. I zipped at super speed through the streets, leaving the agents. 

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