The Raptor of Life

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Monday 11th, 1996
Queens, Forest Hills
Midtown High School
08:35 AM

I was still worried about my meeting with Professor Xavier, but fortunately Patsy and Jessica took my mind off it. They were like a balm on my soul when I came back and found the SHIELD agents who followed the professor, I recognized that I became a bit paranoid on the way home.

Needless to say, they stayed all sunday, watching movies, indulging in gossip, and helping mom with the laundry. I introduced Patsy to martial arts by loading Jeet Kune Do into her mind and speaking about the future. I told them about people like me and my plan to save them. Jessica became interested, though I didn't think Patsy understood very well, but she accepted us without malice, besotted by our super powers. That girl was an angel. Really.

After jogging, and consuming a huge breakfast, we took turns in the bathroom. Let's just say I am happy that my big sister moved out of the house long ago as sharing everything in the house with other girls has become a chore. It took us forever to prepare ourselves and then leave for school at six AM.

We were early when we arrived and the girls had time to return to their house, retrieving their bags and books. Alisa Jones, Jessica and Patsy's mom was happy to see them back. Then, we were quickly out of the house and headed for the school.

I parked my car, noticing we weren't the first to arrive at the parking lot. We watched as the yellow and black school bus was being emptied of students. Focusing my visions, I saw a certain fairylike blonde coming down, followed by Peter Parker aka emo Pete who wore black clothes. Was he goth?

"What's wrong?" Jessica's voice pulled me out of my spying.

Flipping my hair, I looked at her. "Just someone I must talk to. Do you know anything about Gwen Stacy?"

Jessica tilted her head, a stray lock of hair covering her face. She blew it out of her face as she thought hard. "Gwen, Gwen? Oh, ah yeah she's the smart cookie."

I nodded. "Yeah, I want to invite her to our circle of friends. " Leaning on the drivers wheel, I waited for the obligatory question to come from either one of them.

"Why?" This time it was Patsy who intervened.

"I spoke about my dream, right?"

The two of them nodded. I gathered my thoughts for a second before explaining what I felt about the little blonde. "I c-can literally feel how smart she is with my telepathy… She's truly smarter than anyone else in the school- even more so than other teachers. When I open my company, I want her in it. Just like I want you to help."

Jessica was surprised that she was brought into the conversation this way. "Jean, I ain't smart enough.." She said, shaking her head vehemently.

Placing a hand on her arm, I shot her a smile. "Jess, don't worry I have a plan for you. We will talk about them in detail later. I must go find a place to speak to Stacy. You want to follow?"

I opened the car door from my side.

She nodded. "Sure."

The girl was just curious about how I would approach Gwen. I turned my head to the other redhead in the car. "Patsy come with us."

Patsy rolled her eyes. "As if I would let you leave me aside Jeany." She exited the car first.

Once outside, the girls flanked me and we slowly walked toward the entrance where a certain blonde girl spoke to a black haired boy. Her smile was dazzling. Despite me, my heart skipped a beat. She was terribly cute and really my type. No one came in my way; this is one of the effects you have when you are sorta popular, beside tongue-tiedness, heart palpitation or outright fear. Let's just say that I don't have a good reputation in this establishment.

The jocks avoided me, the bees retreated in fear from any tongue lashing from me. It was cool as there was no one to annoy me.

We arrived at the stair's rail and the blonde fairy looked at me, and I stared at her. Raising my hand, I waved at her. "Hi."

She made an awkward wave. "Hum, hi."

Peter who was at her side shot me a poisonous look, *Wow, calm down buster.*

"You are Gwen, right?" I asked the cute blonde.

Of course she was, as I especially looked for her, Jessica and Peter when I joined this school.

"Last time I checked my ID. " She rolled her eyes.

*OMG, she has sass!* My heart thumped faster in my ribcage.

I plastered on my most beautiful smile. "I'm Jean. Jean Grey."

Her green eyes were evaluating me, and it was clear she was deciding if she should listen to the rumors about me or making her own judgment. "I know who you are."

"Hum, well I wanted to…"

"What are you doing here, Grey?" A bothersome voice interrupted me.

I wasn't surprised to see that Emo Pete was yet again being rude to me. He had been like that since I tried to speak to him last week. It made me snort, and I decided to ignore him. His face darkened when I did so.

"So, Gwen someone told me that you are good at Biochemistry." I began without preamble.

She took on a thoughtful expression, leaning against the rail. "Hum, who?"

Well, I can't just tell her that I knew this information from comics books about her and Pete. "Most of the geeks in school." I quickly answered.

She nodded, accepting my answer. Gwen does indeed pass a lot of her time with a lot of people from Computer science and physics classes. She straightened her purple cardigan as she waited for me to continue.

*I want to gobble her up, she's so adorable.* I observed her, liking what I saw. It wasn't just her mannerisms and body that attracted me, but that big brain; she kept working on a project at the same time she was speaking to me.

I began with my offer. "Say, I have a project in mind and I wanted to know if you would be interest-"

"She isn't." Peter intervened again.

I stared at him. Today he wore black baggy t-shirt and pants with a brown jacket, and had bags under his eyes. My mind reached for his and what I saw was that he was beginning his spiderman patrol each night already. Oh and he doesn't like me at all, and see me as the enemy when it concerns the girl he loves.

*Aww, he is in love with Gweny. Too bad I'm hot for her too.* the assholish emo was getting on my nerves.

I noticed a thread of annoyance in Gwen's thought.

Capitalizing on it, I asked,"Does he speak for you, Gwen?"

"Certainly not." Gwen turned to him. "What's gotten into you Pete?"

The boy looked surprised by what was happening. He didn't understand what he was doing, and he clearly offended her by presuming he could choose for her who she interacts with. Poor bastard. I didn't care anyway.

"Come on, Gwen. She's hitting on you, I don't-" He tried to say as he glared at me.

But my new favorite little fairy took the wind out of his sails. "And is it your business if she does?" Gwen asked in a threatening tone.

I laughed in my heart. *Come on, she's throwing you a bone to apologize.* I encouraged the spiderboy half-heartedly.

He averted his eyes from her own deadly glare "But Gwen, I-" He was a stubborn little git, though.

As he was still unrepentant she turned to face me, caught my arm and said, "Let's go somewhere else to speak, Jean."

Then she looked at Emo Pete and held her school bag to him. "Wait for me Peter, ok?"

He looked like a lost puppy for a second, until he looked at me and scowled. If his eyes could kill I would be dead twice over, fortunately he couldn't.

"Fine!" He took Gwen's bag and continued to glare at me.

I shook my head at the despicable behavior the guy had, but it was all born from pain. A pain that he wielded to keep people away, though people like his aunty and Gwen could get past it. Gwen walked me to the nearest courtyard, Patsy and Jessica shadowed us, it seemed they gave me space to win over the blonde girl.

We sat on a stone bench, then there was an awkward silence for one minute until I decided to break the ice with something obvious.

"You know Peter is in love with you?" I started the conversation.

She smiled, but it was quickly replaced by a frown. "I am aware, but he does nothing to confess."

I shook my head, I pitied the guy. "Poor boy has just lost his uncle, I don't think he is ready for romance."

That made her glare at me, she didn't like the tone I employed it seems. I toned down the snark, I didn't want to attract her enmity. *Calm down, me. Damn she looks so cute when angry.*

Gwen looked thoughtful. "Why does he hate you this much?"

The blonde girl was curious why Pete and I were so hostile to one another. I decided to tell her the truth and not brush it off, one day I will save her from being in a relationship with the guy, it might save her life, after all. Well, it depended on what type of spiderman Peter Parker was, he clearly wasn't the Earth 616 version.

"Well, let's just say that I told him that I was sorry for his loss, but he took it badly and shouted at me to leave him alone. I don't know what's his problem." I shrugged.

Gwen's eyebrow rose at that. It seemed that his behavior didn't sit well with her. "I will speak to him, this is not good to be rude like this."

I shrugged. "I really don't care about it."

I gave up on ever being friends with Peter Parker, because I didn't want to participate in the fucking drama that was his life. The guy was so guilt ridden that he preferred to live a life of mediocrity.

She crossed her legs, looking at me questioningly. "So, what is it that you want, Jean?"

I instantly went to the point. "Say, do you have a plan for after you graduate school?"

Gwen was surprised by me asking that, and she felt that it wasn't appropriate to speak of her goals to a total stranger. However, with the trust me field that I copied from Xavier, people became more malleable and loose tongued, as if they knew for a long time and more subjects to reveal things.

"Yes, I plan to go to Empire State University and maybe intern at Oscorp. A friend of mine, Harry Osborn is willing to recommend me to his father for it." Gwen informed me.

Interesting. Her plan was almost word for word what I would expect from her counterpart in the 616 reality, but she wants to intern at Oscorp. *Does she have any ideas of what might happen to her if she goes there?*

I wanted to protect her from her choices and Norman Osborn. That evil fucker was a stain on this world that I will gladly erase, with prejudice.

Now it was my turn to speak and give the reasons of why I approached Gwen. "Hum, ok. You see I'm going into Genetics and Bioengineering too. I want to open a company and I am looking for talented people like you."

I wanted to become someone wealthy, and powerful who had connections. That was what it would take to be able to change this world. Just saving people on the street like spidey does? That's small time. No- I wanted to do Tony Stark level stuff, have my own tech and companies, then prepare the world for the threats coming from the great beyond.

Her eyes widened at my declaration. "You are my age, and already want to open a company?"

She sized me up.

"I have my reasons, but for now I am busy gathering resources and studying. I could actually get my GED right now and apply for a university."

This wasn't a boast, at my current level I could already graduate and with the knowledge I took from Agent Shane have a degree in political science like she did.

*But fuck that!* I had better things to do, so I would follow my plan.

"Why don't you?" Gwen cutely tilted her head.

This girl was dangerous for my heart...

I shrugged. "I have friends I don't want to leave behind in this school and I can actually prepare for this period of my life by planning, but at the same time enjoying school life and dissing all those sheeps in Midtown High."

She chuckled at that; she was no angel. "Interesting." Gwen finally said. "Why me?"

I smirked at her. "You are the smartest girl I know and I want you to work for me later and um... youarekindagorgeous." I quickly said while lowering my head to look at her feet.

There was a long silence after that, until it was broken by Gwen's laugh. "Pete was right, you want in my panties."

"Can you blame me? You are exactly my type." I did a perusal of her from head to toe, grinning.

She blushed. "Hum, can I think it over?"

I nodded and held my hand to her. "Can we become friends?"

"Sure." She fitted her hand into mine, and shook it.

Gwen then felt something in her hand when I took mine back. She saw a bit of paper. I had given her my contacts, I cursed the world for not having smartphones yet! But I will make do.

Grinning, I proudly said with a wink, "Here's my phone number. See you at lunch, ok?"

Gwen laughed. "Wow, very smooth Grey. Okay, I guess we will see each other at lunch."

She left and- honest to god- I saw her roll her hips provocatively while I watched her.

# # #

(Phil Coulson)

Cerberus Security HQ, front for SHIELD
09:15 AM

There was a computer lab located in the sub basement number three of the tall building cradling the Cerberus headquarters which was a front for S.H.I.E.L.D. A group of three high level agents watched the video that was recorded by the agents charged in tailing Charles Xavier.

During the first thirty minutes, nothing happened, just people mingling and going to work. Director Carter had recognized the car used by the professor. What surprised Phil was the man who drove Xavier to the cafe: Logan a man who hadn't aged a day from when Phil had met him.

They seemed to have met a young woman, a redhead; at first the agent believed that this was one of Xavier's recruiting trips. But it didn't seem to be it, as five minutes later when Logan left, he clearly looked distressed and entered the Rolls Royce.

Peggy, Phil and Fury who were seated before the screen looked at each other, clearly not understanding what was happening.

Then the redhead exited the cafe after ten minutes or so, and looked around the street. Peggy leaned forward in her chair, placing a hand on the desk, taking in all the girl's features. As for Phil, he didn't like how this teenager clothed; she looked like a girl trying hard to seem tough and provocative.

But as she moved in a confident and predatory gait toward the agents' vehicle, Phil felt as though the agents were in danger, and he was proved right when the car doors opened by themselves and the girl waved her hand. The agents fell slack unconscious.

"Mother fucker! What's goin on?" Fury shouted, pausing the video.

No one around her reacted to her actions. Everyone on the street was ignoring the car and the girl. She then approached the vehicle and touched each of the men. Her eyes went glassy as she seemed to focus on something. After two minutes, a worried expression etched on her face, but she shook her head, let go of the agents and then she turned into a black and red blur completely disappearing from sight.

Coulson rose from his seat, placing a hand on his chin, then looked at Peggy. "Madam Director, we clearly have an enhanced problem on our hands."

"I can see that, Phil." Peggy affirmed, rewinding the video and played it again.

Fury's black skin darkened even more as anger welled up inside him. "How come no one is reacting to her basically assaulting people in their car?"

"Better yet, how fast is she?" Coulson added as he sat back at his friend's side.

Fury was an ex-military who attained the rank of colonel in the United States Army in the late sixties, he was discharged honorably. After a stint in the CIA as an operative during the cold war he joined SHIELD. Since then he has been… even more paranoid when he noticed that the world didn't look like he really thought, aliens, mutants, magic wielder. Coulson smiled at the man; most agents working here were aware of how the world worked and had a more open mind after going through the induction process into SHIELD.

But seeing a young girl disappear in a blur of speed? It was too much it seemed.

He pointed his finger at the screen, asking, "Is there a way to know who that is?" Fury looked at the screen which was frozen with the redheaded teenage girl in view of the camera, before switching to one of the random agents in the computer lab.

It was one of the female agents who stood up and answered him. "The facial recognition software prototype is working on it, ma'am."

He nodded and sat back. As for Phil, he began to discuss the type of power this young and enhanced teen possessed with the director. Clearly the girl had super speed and… telepathic powers. They judged that it was her who had been tampering with the behaviors and memories of the agents in Annandale-on-Hudson. While they discussed, the agents ran like chicken in the room, looking for information on the young girl.

It was one hour later when they had a breakthrough. The blonde agent put folders on the desk before the three high level one and the director; then returned to work.

Phil read aloud the pages in the folder, "Jean Grey, age sixteen, she lives in Annandale-on-Hudson, goes to school at… strange."

Peggy looked at Phil. "What is?"

So far the girl seemed to have a normal background from what they could investigate superficially.

Raising an eyebrow, Phil informed her of what he thought was strange. "She goes to school in the Queens at Forest Hills to Midtown High, at 175 Km from where she lives."

Fury's brows furrowed, and after quick mental calculations, he asked, "How the hell can she commute?"

Peggy shook her head, "We have a mystery on our hands, Phil."

Thinking fast, Phil's eyes moved to the redhead on screen and said aloud, "Though we saw her run at super speed, do you think she... runs to school?"

Fury looked at Phil, who could barely think that someone was that fast. The Director shrugged. "You never know with enhanced individuals. They don't think like us. When they have such extreme abilities, common sense doesn't apply to them." Peggy gave them some pearls of wisdom.

Phil nodded and returned to reading. He was surprised to find a history of bullying in the girl's files and that she changed schools multiple times, then was homeschooled at thirteen when she put her bullies in the hospital. Broken bones, and some were in critical condition.

"I say we bring her in!" Fury's voice was laced with venom as he slammed the folder on the desk.

Phil turned to him and saw that Fury had reached to where he is in the file, the agent asked himself if Nicholas wasn't being too hasty. He turned to Peggy who looked thoughtful.

"I don't think we should, Nick." Phil put his folder on the desk too.

Fury flinched, as he assumed Phil would agree with him. "What? Why?"

Phil saw how fast the girl moved and how she seemed to be able to control what people can see and the memories of his agents she had tempered with.

"We don't know what she's capable of and the tough sell might not work with her." He finally said, not wanting to create a situation where they would go in completely blind.

*And the young woman might not like that we come barge into her house in force, and get confrontational. Who knows what she can do? What if she knows exactly what we do? We might have a civilian knowing about SHIELD.*

"We must know why she's attacking our agents." Peggy stood up. "We must meet her for that."

Phil followed suit. He straightened his tie, and felt for his pistol in his shoulder holster. "I will go with you Director."

Fury raised too, rolling his eyes. "Fine, I will prepare a team in case Red goes batshit crazy."

Director Carter chuckled. "Thank you Nicholas. "

He waved Peggy away and left the room. Phil and Peggy followed him outside.

# # #

Forest Hills
Midtown High
12:23 AM

Jessica, Patsy and I entered the cafeteria conversing about P.E classes and how some baseline humans are too soft. We have been showing off even to the so called track and fields jocks, and it had been funny to pass them and look at their surprised expressions. Though, we now had a standing invitation to join the club by the coach which I wasn't willing to take up.

*I already have a bad time commuting after all.*

After P.E, Jessica went to get Patsy, while I stood waiting for them and was suddenly accosted by Flash Thompson. He wore his red football jacket, but the expression on his face didn't look like the cocky brain addled jock I knew. He walked up almost timidly toward me.

"Hey Grey." He waved at me.

"Thompson?" I scowled at him. "What do you want?" I closed my locker brutally when he addressed me.

He flinched as I looked at him venomously. As I reached for his mind I felt that he was feeling truly lost and disgusted with himself.

Flash passed a hand in his hair and seemed to take his courage in his hands and spoke. "I want to apologize for my conduct the… last time."

*Huh?* Ah yeah when he tried to 'give me a lesson' and I make him confront his demons. Even with an eidetic memories you can forget about inconsequential people. I'm being a bit harsh, but I truly don't care for hormonal boys who keep lusting after me or try to 'melt' the bitch heart like I heard them say one time.

Raising my chin, my voice was taunting, "So?"

Flash looked me in the eyes. "I just had a.. revelation. What I've been doing to people doesn't sit well with me."

My lips quirked into a smile. "You finally noticed that you have become a bully?"

He lowered his eyes, his hand forming a fist. "Yeah…"

We didn't speak for a minute, but I decided to throw him a bone to avoid this awkward moment between us. "What are you going to do now?"

Just as expected, he stood tall, with a determined expression etched on his face. "I'm going to try to undo the harm I have caused."

"Good. Later Flashy." I nodded to him and turned heel, until I reached the end of the corridor leading to the cafeteria and courtyard.

"Jeanie!" A redheaded missile impacted me, and I saw that it was Patsy.

"Can you let me breath?" I asked calmly to Patsy who then looked sheepishly at me and let go of the tight hold she kept on me.

This meeting with Flash Thompson showed me that I could manipulate and influence the less important person in this timeline. Jessica took me out of my train of thoughts and began to speak about Etsy, the clothes shop she showed me last Saturday and how she planned to make me go punk rock. I bristled at that, I wasn't the type!

As for Patsy, she followed us like a baby duck. Looking around her, and held onto my red jacket. I looked behind me and saw that a lot of people looked at us, their thoughts were quite loud.

<The loners are together.>

<Damn, Red is as gorgeous as ever, too bad she has a stick up her butt.>

<Why is Jones with her? I thought we made the whole school ostracize her?>

I stopped moving and scowled, turning my face toward the one who thought that. It was coming from the cheerleader squad table, a brunette girl with long curly locks of hair. Wearing the yellow and purple cheerleading outfit that made her look like a skank. Amanda Smith, the captain of the squad that I had previously humiliated last year. It seems she didn't understand her lesson.

*I will take care of her later.* I promised myself.

As we couldn't find a table inside the cafeteria we decided to go find one in the courtyard outside the cafeteria and connected to the garden and woods behind the faculty's building. We found a table under the shadow of a tree and sat there, as we installed ourselves, I felt a familiar mind coming toward us.

Turning my head I saw my favorite petite blonde walking toward us, I smiled at her, she smiled back at me; it was as if the sun suddenly broke out of the clouds and shone his kind and warm light upon me. Behind Gwen, Peter Parker appeared and just like that stormy clouds covered my sun.

I frowned when I noticed him, causing Jessica and Patsy to look in the same direction.

"Well, there's a hanger on." My shoulders slumped as I lamented the presence of emo Pete.

"It's ok, Jeanie." Patsy put a hand on my arm, then she returned to eating the boxed lunch that mom made for us when we left home.

"Hi Jean!" Gwen chirped as she finally reached them.

"Gwen." I gave her a smile and a wave.

Why did I feel happy just by seeing her? What was wrong with me? Was I controlled by my hormones? What I felt was different from lust and love. Fortunately, I had nothing but time to discover it.

After a moment between us, Gwen turned to Peter and dragged him forward. "Hum, I brought Pete with me. I couldn't just leave him alone, you know."

My eyes found the reluctant ones of Emo Pete and bored into him, he broke the exchange first. *Wimp.*

"Sure, he can join us. At least if he can stay civil and stop being an ass." I then took a sip of my Pepsi.

Gwen looked at Peter and with a frosty gaze commanded, "Sit, please."

The young man obeyed but the surly expression on his face lingered. He opened his bag, pulling out a brown bag out of it which contained a sandwich. He began to bite into it and chewed slowly, directing a harsh glare towards me. I smiled tauntingly at him.

Ignoring him again, I turned to Gwen who sat at Peter's side and took out her own lunchbox containing rice salad. I became envious of the dish, as I just had some beef burgundy. It was fatter and heavier. She shrugged, but continued to eat. Jessica stole my yogurt, taking advantage of her eating it, I pinched her arm but it did nothing to her and she just smiled at me tauntingly .

It was after I finished and so had Gwen, when I decided to broach the subject that was really important to us.

"Did you think about my offer?" She has been trying to anticipate this moment, but I took her by surprise it seems. Gwen took me for one of those teenagers she had a habit to put in their place. But I am not conforming to any scenario she made in her head.

Gwen nodded. "As a matter of fact, yes. I'm really interested, but I wish to see your planning first and… results."

Smiling, I leaned forward. "You are prudent. I like that, never jump into something without checking first."My voice was smooth as silk.

Then we began to discuss her field of expertise; it was a stretch to call her an expert, but Gwen was scarily smart. I couldn't let Norman Osborn have her, if I could get some Oz serum I was sure that Gwen could make it safe, and not a goblin generator. Gwen proved to me how she would cure it, when I asked her how she would treat the madness and physical change that are the symptom of a biogenic chemical compound.

We then talked about what kind of salary and facilities she would need to begin her own research, and on a paper I gave her with information about the Vita Ray Process.

As we spoke, Peter hesitantly addressed Jessica. "What are they talking about?"

She shrugged, not really sure what her best friend discussed with Gwen as it got too technical for her when they began speaking about a laboratory and distribution system.

"Jean is trying to recruit her for her future pharmaceutical company. "

"Oh." Then emo Pete glared at me anew.

I sensed another mind coming toward us, a familiar one, and I found myself hugged from behind before I could react. "Hello Jean." A familiar voice whispered in my ear.

I forcefully turned and the person made a 'Eep', finding herself on her ass hitting the ground. I was surprised to see my locker neighbour, the gorgeous asian girl. "Huh? Cindy is that you?"

Cindy stood up from where she fell, wiped the bottom of her black pants and looked at me with a disapproving expression. "You don't call, don't even come to look for me at school. A girl would think you are trying to avoid her."

Just like that I find myself feeling guilty. "I wouldn't! I mean sit with us, ok?"

Cindy grinned a victorious grin as she looked at Gwen. Gwen scowled at her. There was a story there, but I didn't want to enter their mind, as they are friends of a sort- or at least the beginning of ones.

Suddenly I noticed that the table was full of people I surrounded myself with, just like I intended when I choose this school. Peter Parker, Gwendolyn Stacy, Jessica Jones were there, and Patsy was there as a bonus. I thought I would have to look for her in California but no… this dimension was a weird mix of MCU, Comics and Marvel animation.

*Interesting.* I found myself thinking. I will need hours of meditation to concert with my other self to discuss about the things she knew about those different forms of media and the changes that it may put to my plans.

After lunch, we went to classes and I couldn't wait for it to be done with. Tonight, Elektra and I had a date.

# # #

As Chemistry class finished, I found myself in a booth in the girl's toilet with Cindy Moon in my arms, her tongue down my throat. How did this happen? I thought she just wanted to talk.

She was so... intoxicating, her hair was like silk under my fingers.

Cindy had accosted me in one corridor when I was heading to my car to wait for Patsy and Jessica. She had on her hockey stick behind her back and a stylish sport jacket, blue top, red skirt and black boots that made her look cuter.

She walked up to me, there was shyness in her body language but a lot of determination in herself. There was lust and obviously more than a little interest for me. I didn't understand why. I've barely showed her how interested I was and she suddenly settled her choice on me? *Or is it about availability? There weren't a lot of people like us in school interested in same sex relationships.*

"Hey Jean." She greeted in a husky voice.

I waved at her with a smile plastered on my face. What the hell, Marvel? Why are you placing hot girls before me? I won't be fooled! *But dang… she's cute.*


She stopped walking. "I hoped to catch you before you left."

*Why?* Was it because I didn't call her when she gave me her phone number? I can honestly say that I've forgotten with all the shit happening to me. Is that how Spiderman feels? I refused to try to empathize with emo Pete!

"Oh, is there something troubling you?" I asked politely.

A cunning smile spread on Cindy's face, and the lust she radiated raised up a notch as she stepped into my personal space.

"Yes, you could say that." She said as she caught me by the hand and pulled me to the nearest girl toilet.

And that's how I found myself kissing the asian girl of my dreams. I should have seen it coming, but who was I to complain? As I continued to french kiss her as if my life depended on it, my mental shield became looser as the heightened emotions between us got to me and despite myself, I saw some of Cindy's memories. I couldn't but help to see a scene from her immediate memory in her own point of view.

"Hey, Stacy!" Cindy called on the petite blonde girl.

Gwen who was closing her locker turned to the voice of the interloper and saw Cindy coming to her threateningly.

Gwen kept her affable expression on her face and asked, "Yes? Who are you?"

The fairy-like girl put her workbooks in her arms, placing them defensively between her and Cindy. The asian girl was all in Gwen's face and said with anger, "Back off Jean, she's mine?"

I couldn't help but notice that there were people around them and they were hearing them, and they began to whisper among them. Gwen looked around her, closed her eyes and then sighed heavily. When she reopened them, the nice and kind Gwen disappeared to let place to a vindictive, sassy and tough girl.

"Slavery was abolished in 1865 in the USA; so I doubt it. And Jean belong to herself, we are just… friends." Gwen's chin raised as she looked at Cindy in the eyes.

Cindy snorted. "Not the way I saw you act with her this morning."

Gwen gaped at her, not expecting such a response. "So you resorted to stalking us?"

Cindy suddenly looked panicked and she quickly tried to cover her actions with, "I am not a stalker! I just saw you with her."

Gwen laughed at her and said, "Right." Then she turned heel and left.

As I took in her memories, I stopped kissing the asian girl who seemed to have some yandere tendency- or should I say stalking? It was cute in a way, but she was far better than some other people I've met who are utter creeps.

"Wow." I felt warm and fanned myself. Was it me or is it hot in here?

"Yes, wow." Cindy giggled, licking her lips as she stared at me in lust. Her hands clasped mine and she began to stroke my palms with her fingers.

Cindy was a young woman who knew what she wanted, and didn't shy away from using underhanded tactics to get them; at least that's what I felt from her. It was hard to gauge her as she was unpredictable. I could really dive into her mind, but I wouldn't. What with my already frayed mental shield, just a bit of kissing and it came undone. I needed to do better than that. Though her memory was interesting, now I understand why this silent conversation with Gwen had taken place at lunch.

Those girls were fighting over me- me. That's strange, after being unwanted for so long in my previous schools I didn't understand the intricacies of such mating ritual from a teenage standpoint. I was kind of blunt in my approach of romance.

Just like now. "So, was it your way of wanting to claim me?" I asked Cindy who blushed at my directness.

"Did it work?" There was a note of uncertainty and fear of rejection in her voice.

"Kinda." I shrugged, making her let go of my hands and then suddenly put them on her shoulders and pulled her to me for another kiss that she instantaneously reciprocated. She tasted like strawberries, my favourite.

We must have been making out for hours, but as I watched my wristwatch, it had only been twenty minutes. With regret I stopped, but Cindy still clung to me and kissed me back again, our bodies almost moulding together.

"Sorry Cindy, I must leave right now…" I mumbled between kisses.

*God I also don't want to let go, But I must.* Reluctantly I let go of Cindy.

I felt the sadness of my new paramour as she felt that she had to stop too. Cindy's amber coloured eyes found mine and she said, "Promise me."

I was so lost in her eyes that it took time for me to notice that had spoken to me. "Huh, what?"

She grinned, the little minx knew exactly what she was doing to me. "Promise me we will at least go on a date." Cindy insisted.

I thought about it, my arm automatically snaking around Cindy's waist. *I have time for dates. But the training with Elektra will be savage, should I tempt fate by accepting? *

I saw hope in the expression of the amber eyed girl, puppy dog eyes that made my heart thump frantically in my ribcage. "Certainly, hey wanna go to see a movie or eat a bite at the mall this weekend?" I blurted out.

With a million dollars winning smile, Cindy nodded. "The mall is okay?"

I felt that she was used to this place, and lived near. Some of her memories bled through my mind and I saw the apartment where she lived inside was decorated with asian things and furnished with furniture that remind me of the one you would see from a Korean household. This startled me. Cindy could bypass my mental shield. Why? Another mystery for another time.

"Yes. I will call you." I answered.

Cindy's happiness threatened to overwhelm my empathic ability, and for the first time since I got them I turned them off.

"You better." She kissed me on the lips and the left cheek, opened the door of the booth and left with a spring in her steps.

*Why do I always attract the weird ones? * I lamented internally.

My other self was the same. She had weird friends and weird lovers in her original world; she even ended up in weird situations. Now this has translated in the Marvel Universe too. I shrugged and got out of the pink colored booth, placed myself before one of the mirrors and bathroom sinks. I looked like a mess, my hair is tangled like a bird nest and my face all flushed.

And I couldn't stop grinning. *Damnit Cindy.*

After another five minutes to make myself presentable, I left the girl toilet and crossed the corridor to find myself at the school's entrance giving view on the parking lot. Almost everyone was away, only those had cars were left, and my red camaro was still waiting for me with Patsy and Jessica. Damn, I left them waiting there.

I gradually approached, and I saw Patsy's eyes light up at my arrival; Jessica didn't look happy though. "Where were you, Jeanie?"

"I… someone asked me something and I had to help." In a sense it was true.

Jessica looked at me skeptically, but I avoided her gaze, entering the car. I ignored her enquiries and focused on Patsy, asking her about her day. Then she told me how some people approached her because of her association with me, asking questions they had no business to ask.

"Don't worry I told them all to fuck off." The younger redhead said proudly.

My chest swelled with pride as I watched at the smiling and satisfied face of Patsy in the mirror. *They grow up so fast…*

Jessica was horrified; I was being such a bad influence on her perfect sister. "Patsy! Language!" This was the first time that she heard Patsy swear at all. Alisa their mother wouldn't allow it, and she even had a jar of money and bills for swear words, so far they were all full with Jessica's money.

Patsy harrumphed. "That's rich coming from you, Jesse."

I laughed at their antics. Jessica shot daggers at me and I shrugged, started the car and we left Midtown High. We avoided traffic jams by flying and staying invisible after I made everyone ignore the flying camaro. And in fifteen minutes, I brought the girls home. Alisa tried to invite me but I told her that I was late for home and it was family night tonight.

Alisa settled for the weekend of the next week, and I promised to have a sleepover with all the girls. I didn't like how pushy the woman was, but bottled it up, waving at the family and leaving the house. It didn't take me long to fly over Manhattan, I passed over the Queens, aligned my car in the direction from where I felt my parents were and the car zipped at high speed toward Annandale.

# # #

Grey house
16:02 PM

When I arrived at home, I was still high from the kisses with Cindy Moon when my mental detection field and instinct told me that there were strangers in my house. I scowled. There were two unknown minds in the living room. I let my psionic energy fill me, I held tight on the lid as it threatened to come free. My power fluctuating between ten and thirteen percent, I still had control issues when in tough and unforeseen situations.

Those two minds felt like clockworks and hidden schemes brewing in them. I don't know how to explain it, but I knew those two were spies.

Parking my car before the garage near dad's, I sighed, preparing for a battle or just neuralizing those two people. *What are spooks doing in my house anyway? Was it Xavier's fault? If it is I will kill him.*

Walking up to the door I opened it, and through my empathy I felt the mind of my parents and the spooks reacting to my entrance.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted.

Then I let psionic energy in my right arm and formed,ready to unleash psychic blast to incapacitate anyone threatening my family.

"Jean come in the living room we have… guests." She sounded nervous.

Walking slowly to the living room, I saw two people facing mom and dad in the sofas, dressed in black suits. One was a woman with white hair, she looked nice for her age, and the man at her side was… Phil Coulson, at least a younger version of him. The woman turned toward me, sizing me stood up and walked up to me. She held her hand before her to allow me to shake it. I didn't. "Miss Grey. We finally meet."

I tilted my head. "I don't know who you are."

She was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint why. I admired how she held herself. If she was here they must know who I am and somehow know what I can do. But this woman was there not scared at all of me. She was either crazy or thought she was in total control of the situation.

Then it clicked. I knew who she was now, and I was scared.

"Oh, my bad. I am Director Carter of-" She smiled at me as she told me that.

"S.H.I.E.L.D." I finished her sentence.

*FUCK YOU MARVEL!* I shouted in my mind. I knew today was too good to be true! Though recalling Cindy's sweet kisses calmed me down. I wanted more of those, and I would do my damned best to not jeopardize that.

"Like we thought, you know of us." Phil Coulson mused, nearing us.

He too didn't feel like he was in danger at all. He seemed intrigued by me and the puzzle that I represented. The man was a really kind soul, but he placed his duty before everything, so no appeal to him to find here.

My parents began freaking out. Dad thought it was a mistake to have invited those people in their house. Mother was just weirded out by my hostile stance toward those people.

I glared at the man and then at Carter. "Your agents have been crawling all over town, it would be difficult to not know who you are. Look, I don't know what you want, but we don't-"

"Jean! Be more respectful!" Mom cried out.

She looked at me as if I was the one troubling those people. What was her problem with figure of authority? This is another thing I will have to help her stop.

I snorted. "They just barged into our lives. I know how their kind operate, and they will fuck it up because it's convenient to them."

This seemed to have shut mom up, really thinking about why those people were here. I told her about how the government took people with powers like me and we were experimented on. This came to the forefront of her mind and she began to elude fear for me. "You seem to speak from experience, Miss Grey." Phil found me strange.

She acts as if she knows our methods and protocols. But it can't be, right? I read his thoughts, or at least he blasted them at me. Typical unshielded mind.

"Phil Coulson, level 4 agent, serial number SKJ 08U7342. I met your partner, Katherine Shane. " I remembered as all the information agent Shane knew came at the fore of my mind.

Phil who looked surprised at my revelation scowled at that, as I had tampered the mind of his best friend. It's not something that could be easily forgiven.

"Fascinating," I heard Peggy say. "not only can you look at memories but also retain the details you perused." Peggy Carter looked at me as if I was a shiny new toy.

I knew what she thought. She wanted me in the employment of SHIELD to help them protect uncle sam. But I won't, at least not until they were still under the World Security Council purview or that I was sure that there was no Hydra plant in their midst.

"Forget it." I speared Peggy with a glare.

She looked at me dumbly, not aware that I was reading her like a book.

"I will make you forget that you ever came here anyway." I walked toward Peggy.

That's a shame. I would have loved to speak with her about the good ol' times. She smirked at me, not afraid at all, when I was about to take her arm

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, we took… precautions." Peggy warned.

And it was at this exact moment when I felt that the house was surrounded by at least fifty people all ready to rumble and more were coming.

I glared at Peggy. She smiled at me, Phil was nervous.

"That's playing dirty." I whined.

50, 80… 100 people surrounded the house. They were all armed, through my spatial sense that I spread around the house I could feel them approaching. This was a zero sum game that we were playing right now.

Mom approached me, folding her arms around me. "Jean what's happening?"

"They brought back up." I answered mom. "Not enough. I could take them all, but I wouldn't be able to protect you."

"You are certainly confident." Peggy crossed her arms, still watching and listening to my reactions.

If I was in control of my power, I could take this many people. But if the lid broke at this time, it would be X-Men The Last Stand all over again, and the neighborhood would get vaporized. Despite me, red psionic energy surrounded me at my elevated level of stress. Coulson was about to take his gun in his holster as he panicked when he saw my aura, when Peggy stopped him from shooting me.

Decision, decision…

1. Flee.

2. Stay and listen to what they want.

3. Fight, take mom and dad, and become a fugitive.

Obviously, it was number 2 that I choose, as I lacked the guts to become a fugitive. I wanted stability and a clear record for my plans to commence. The USA were the staging ground for Mutant/Innovade rights and the most powerful of my people were here. The X-Men were here, the future invasion by the Chitauri? Here. I couldn't afford to become wanted.

I let my psionic energy dissipate, but not my dermal armor. "Fine, what do you want Director Carter?" I looked at her.

She sighed in relief when I spoke. "Finally you see reason, would you have seriously…?"

I know what she wants to say, would I have taken the entire SHIELD taskforce around my house. I chose to be as forthright as possible. "I can take everyone you gathered if I want yes. You are just lucky that you have two hostages here."

Phil became even more nervous at my revelation. But after some breathing exercises (?) he calmed down, and to defuse the situation even more said, "Oh. We are not here to become your enemy Miss Grey."

I snorted, and took off my red leather jacket and gave it to mom who decided to go to stash it. Dad went to take a drink, he was sweating like a cow.

"It sure looked like it." I told them, and went to sit on the sofa.

We all sat, dad and mom came to sit with me in the middle. I felt the SHIELD taskforce retreat slightly, but they were still wary. Mom put snacks and drinks on the low table and we started the conversation with a question that seemed to burn Phil Coulson. I took care to deploy my trust-me-field, courtesy of Charles Xavier; it's one of the best lessons he has taught me.

*We will see if they are susceptible to it. I will ramp up the intensity of the field until they leave.* I crossed my legs and put my hands in my lap.

"Do you know why SHIELD had a presence in this town." His brown eyes boring into mine.

*Shit, they start with the big guns already?* Leaning back on the sofa, my teeth felt they were being pulled as I clipped out, "Yes."

"Excellent, this conversation will move along." Phil smiled eagerly.

When mom and dad looked at him with trepidation, I put both of my hands on them in reassurance. I could protect them and just nuke the area if I wanted to, but I liked my house as it was.

Peggy took some peanuts that she swiftly gobbled up and poured some lemonade in her glass. She stared at me for a moment, until she spoke.

"Miss Grey, can I call you Jean?"

It was hard to refrain from rolling my eyes. "You are Peggy Carter, you can do what you want."

I was sure of it. America and the world owed her a lot, and I knew most politicians were afraid of her.

Peggy raised an eyebrow at my assertion. "A fan?"

Even though I was being hostile and felt violated that SHIELD came into my house, I couldn't stop admiring the woman, and yes she is one of my favourite characters in her show. I nodded carefully. "To be truthful… yes, you are one of my role models. Diana Prince is another, you two are in the same class, after all you went through World War 2 and fought alongside heroes."

"Diana…?" Peggy tried to guess who that was and if she had met her, she drew a blank from her memory.

Phil intervene and tells her, "A comic book character, Diana, Princess of the Amazon of Themyscira."

Peggy scowled at the two of us when she realized we spoke about a fictitious character. *By the-all-mother, she shouldn't throw stones in her glass house. To me she was also a fictitious characters… wait, I'm real, everything is real I can't think like that.*

"Phil, you a geek too? I would have never guessed" I teased.

And just like that the tension in the air slowly dissipated when I began to take the lead in this conversation. Peggy noticed as she looked at me with a frown, huh I guess I won't be doing my usual Dumbledore dissembling thing.

"I get around." He nodded with a slight smile on his face. "I collect some of them, I have this almost mint captain America cards that-" Phil was about to take something from his jacket when Peggy stopped him with a hand on his arm.

Cough. "Phil, this is not the time." Peggy reprimanded him, the man blushed, looking disappointed. I was too; those cards are legendary.

I smiled at them, the trust-me-field seemed to work… instead of ramping it up, I would keep it at the level it was. After all, subtlety was key. Xavier kept it at this level too, even when he wasn't aware that he had it. Their guards were lowered, but even with bouts of levity like this one they were still wary. *Of course they are, I just told them that I can take on their army of minions.*

"Where were we?" Peggy continued.

I took control of my bodily functions and decided to control my emotions. My face became blank, and I realized that I was still green. Peggy and Phil were spies for years, even if I knew what they thought they could still surprise me. The way they thought was kind of squirrely to me, always flowing. It meant I needed more training.

"The brain dead people we found in the neighborhood?" Phil reminded her like the helpful person he always was.

"Ah, yes." Peggy nodded, her eyes landing on me as though I was a troublesome child. "I heard about that. Some people were found brain dead in this vicinity." Dad commented as the news of the last three years came to mind.

Three years, that's how long Sinister had been trying to get a sample of my DNA or to kidnap me. He had even come himself one time to try to brainwash me, and this was one of the rare times I let go of my psychic lid to attack his mind with my full power. I know I hurt him the last time, and since then he has been using proxies.

"I see in your eyes that you know about it too, Jean." Peggy sipped her lemonade. This was frustrating. Did I fib up the truth or do I tell them that I am being hunted? I turned my head to mom, then looked at dad, both looking nervous. What will they think of me when they learn that I am a killer? I am already a mutant and a telepath to boot.

I closed my eyes, sighed and then as I reopened them addressed Peggy. "Director Carter. I can tell you the truth, but I don't know if my parents can… handle it."

"Jeanie?" Mom placed her hand on my shoulder. She was confused by what I was saying, another sign that I was right.

Phil leaned forward, getting closer to the low table and he tried to be reassuring. "You can tell us, Jean. We will try to keep an open mind."

Sigh. "It was me, I wiped the minds of all those guys and let them be found."

Mom stood up in shock. "WHAT?!"

Phil wasn't surprised at all, and Peggy didn't look happy at all. But as they promised, they kept an open mind and didn't judge my actions right away.

I continued to speak, undeterred by the reaction of my mother. "They don't matter anyway, they were just clones of a powered person like me." I didn't want to say mutant, as the term was dehumanizing. I prefer my own word to describe my people and myself 'innovade'.

As I looked at Phil and Peggy, I carried on, "Clones used to try to capture me or obtain a sample of my DNA. The one sending them has also tried to capture me personally. From what I could glean from their minds, they want to create an army of people with my power. Basically to turn me into a broodmare as well as use me for experimentation."

I looked at mom. "They are after me because of my abilities. It's certainly no law-abiding citizen who is making and sending them."

Mom remembered when I told her that people would come for me when Xavier visited us. This made her sit at my side again and place a hand on mine.

There was silence in the living room for a minute as everyone digested my confession. Mom still held on me, dad stared at me as if he was seeing me for the first time, just like when Xavier came the last time. Then I used my telepathy to show him everything they wanted to do to me in his mind. He gasped, held on his head. I showed him Sinister and how he had tried to chase me the first time after Annie's death, the different occasion when I almost got caught.

I stopped the influx of memories and then dad's eyes began to tear up and all of a sudden embraced me. "I'm sorry for judging you, Jean."

"It's okay dad." I patted him on his back two times. His t-shirt was getting rumpled.

"What's got into him?" Peggy asked with her brow furrowed.

I held on a tearful dad while answering Peggy. "I showed him everything that happened."

"What? You can do that?!" Mom shouted in awe.I took advantage of this moment to do the same with her and showed her my memories.

Mom gaped in shock, then had a focused expression on her face that slowly melted into a wrathful one. It scared me! Since when could she get that angry? "I will kill them."

"Woah! Slow down mom!" I tried to pacify her as she stood up and began to pace in the living room, her rage and anger simmering, then gradually cool. Giving her purpose, she really didn't like what those memories I sent her implied.

# # #

(Margaret Elizabeth Carter)

She battled Nazis and Hydra operatives, babysitted a genius man child the likes of Howard Stark and founded SHIELD with like minded individuals and fought for the little people to keep them safe. But this was the first time Peggy felt out of her depth when confronted with someone who seemed to know what she was thinking as she thought it.

What this young girl was telling her frightened her though. They had felt the power of this young lady when she had unleashed that weird red aura around her. An army of people like her? It would be dangerous, until now the girl seemed to know how to take care of herself, she held herself with poise and she was smart. Even better than Peggy when she was her age.

"Do you know the name of the one after you?" Phil asked.

"Only his face, but the clones called him Master or leader. The guy felt like a total wanker too as he ordered those guys."

Phil looked worried, a completely serious expression on his face. Peggy and Phil completely believed the young woman because nothing else would make a young girl act this way. Self defense, because she was really young, Jean Grey would have sought to end the threat. It would explain her attacking the SHIELD team they sent in town for investigation.

But why didn't she ask for help from an adult? Phil asked her just that and her answer baffled them.

"What could mom and dad do? The guy has super strength, can use telepathy like me, superhuman reflexes, durability, speed and stamina and he can fly and is bloody immortal! He is a ruthless and sadistic man who has no compunctions about ruining or taking away the lives of others to get what he wants. He prefers to operate in the shadows, letting lackeys and unsuspecting dupes do his dirty work. He is very cruel, confident, unsympathetic, and expects total obedience from his underlings." The girl began to rant as she stood up.

Peggy noticed how the table and some of the furniture around them began to either float in the air or shake. She asked herself if it was the girl's ability entering in play? To the Director, the young woman was genuinely afraid for her life or for her parents'. Her father stood up and took her into a hug and all the floating decorations and furniture were back to their emplacements.

She noted how Phil looked fascinated, but Peggy realized how dangerous this girl was and the threat she gave them at the start of this meeting to be real. *Thanks god I didn't let Nick attack first!* She thought with relief.

It was at this moment that Jean looked directly at Peggy with caution. The director also guessed that the girl was reading their thoughts. She cursed in her mind, the young woman tilted her head and then chuckled at Peggy. That made her sweat a bit,and she asked herself how much were they underestimating this girl because of her age? But her pain and anguish seemed real.

Phil began to pace with Mrs Grey, whose anger didn't let up one iota. All of a sudden he stopped moving and turned to the young woman and asked "Is there any ways for you to show us his face?"

Jean Grey nodded. "Do you want me to show you the memories?"

The redhead looked at the two agents, Phil was about to answer when Peggy spoke over him and said,"No, no offense but I… don't want you in my mind, can you describe him?"

*God knows what she could do to me if I let her in my mind, the secrets buried there are better to not end up in her hands…* Peggy thought afraid.

In her mind, Peggy decided that this young woman asked careful handling, she couldn't let her be captured and used against her country of adoption. If Jean Grey is in danger, she will protect her, even if she had to take her by force today. However, Peggy was afraid that such a course of action would not be accepted by the young woman. Peggy needed her willing to cooperate.

Jean Grey continued to look at Peggy, when she nodded at her. The director understood that the young woman was acquiescing at her decision.

<Good choice, I am willing to work with you only Mrs Carter. I don't trust SHIELD and, from what I've seen, you shouldn't either.>

Hearing the voice of another into her mind made her flinch and scared her badly. But after calming down Peggy marvelled at the ability. Then she began to think about what Jean said; Peggy didn't understand what the young girl meant, not trust SHIELD? An organization she helped to build? Why?

But she had no answer as Jean focused on Phil Coulson. "I can draw his likeness on my notepad if you want? It shouldn't take more than ten minutes."

"Please proceed." Phil nodded at her and went to sit on the sofa and poured a bit of lemonade to calm his nerves.

Peggy saw the school bag of Jean fly to her and open, she took a notebook who opened with blank white page and three pencils from it. She placed them on the table and the old woman didn't know what to think of what but Jean didn't touch any of pencils and it began to draw a face. The teenager was focusing on the piece of white paper and ten minutes later a high resolution picture appeared. It was like seeing a photography before them.

"This is his base form, he looks like this most of the time. He can… shapeshift?" Jean showed them the final product.

It a man with white skin and black hair with extensive sideburns on the side of his face and a lozenge shaped tattoo on his forehead. It shocked Peggy and Phil to hear the young girl says that her most hated enemy was a man that could look like anything. How did you fight someone like that, then Peggy realized something, *Does she not trust anyone and use her ability to probe minds to discover who is and isn't that man? Because I would.*

Jean nodded at her again, and Peggy clicked her tongue. "Jean, are you willing to work with us. You will be placed under my protection."

Peggy looked at John and Elaine Grey, they suddenly looked lost in their impotent rage and failure in protecting their daughter.

"Will it be yours or SHIELD's?" The redhead asked.

She seemed to have already decided what she would be doing, Peggy smiled at her. "Mine, I understand that you don't trust the agency."

"One day I will tell you why Mrs Carter." Jean Grey sounded so serious, Peggy and Phil looked at each other. It must be grave for her to not want to say it, *Did she discover something from the agents she… read?*

Phil began to negotiate, "Are you willing to work for your freedom?"

Peggy knew how excited he was to have someone with Young Jean Grey with so many useful abilities. The director saw how valuable a telepath would be in interrogations.

Jean sighed and her gaze bored into them and she categorically said, "No assassination, no brainwashing, no politics?"

They were not surprised that she wanted nothing to do with this kind of things. Peggy decided that she will only put her on interrogations duty and gradually try to integrate them into SHIELD as she gets older and get past her mistrust of her organization.

Peggy nodded. "That's fine with me. I wouldn't let someone as young as you in the business anyway."

For Jean's parents those were graceful terms, they were hashing out more terms and the hours passed. It was decided that the Grey family would be put under discreet protection. They didn't want to move to Manhattan, though Peggy insisted. Jean was still vehemently against changing school,for a good reason.

"I just got my first girlfriend today…" She explained.

Peggy and Phil understood, though Jean being lesbian was a surprise to them; the redhead proceeded to tell them about how awesome her new friends were and that she didn't intend to move somewhere else and if Peggy could arrange something in the Queens, in Forest Hills to be more precise.

*Something can be done about that.* It made Peggy happy that happenstance was helping them. Cerberus HQ was located in the Queens.

Jean smile was radiant and Phil smiled back at her, Peggy took a communicator and began to give orders. Then the two left, leaving a communicator with Elaine Grey just in case something happened. Jean's father was still in shock by the revelation of today and sat numb in the sofa. Peggy followed by Phil exited the house and went directly to the armoured truck with Fury inside.

"Is there a reason we aren't bringing in the girl?" The black man asked.

He wore a dark blue uniform with a badge on the right arm, belt pouch a holster at his waist. Over his uniform he had heavy tactical vest with a ballistic rifle in his hand, the driver was in the same attire as him.

"We have come to an arrangement." Peggy climbed into the heavily armoured vehicle. Fury made way for her and Phil.

The man looked disappointed that there would be no battle. "Oh?"

"Nick, you have to meet the girl and do an assessment of her abilities. I fear that if we had gone with your angle first everyone who has come with you would be dead." It pained Peggy to say it, but she was happy to not have gone in this house all guns blazing with a tactical team.

He looked askance at Peggy, then at Phil. "She can't be that tough."

Peggy remembered how the decoration and furniture reacted to Jean's anger and floated or shook in the living room. She looked into Fury's eyes and said with conviction, "Something tells me she is."

"Motherfucker." Fury mumbled.

# # #

Back with Jean...

I collapsed on the sofa, the furniture floated around me as I barely got control of my abilities. I dodged a bullet! SHIELD still discovered me and I almost went terminator on them. It was a sure way of becoming public enemy number one.

"Shit, I am on the map now, for the likes of General Ross, HYDRA and the World Security Council." I lamented.

Calm down me! I won't give them anything away. Not my soul, nor my integrity. This encounter proved that I must be in control of those powers of mine as soon as possible. At full power they wouldn't have been able to get to me, I would have been able to send them back packing by manipulating their mind and it would have been that.

So this is what it felt like to not be part of any faction like the Brotherhood or the X-Men? Charles Xavier would have smoothed out what was happening in Annandale long ago. Marvel was trying to force me back into my designed path, and though I knew this universe was dangerous, this proved it to me that I wasn't safe. Even my silent battle with Sinister's toadies didn't stress me as much.

*Constant vigilance and all that.* I nodded.

I felt it when the SHIELD's goons retreated and left town. At least the big force- some were still in the neighborhood for protection and a bit for us to not run away somewhere else. Peggy wasn't taking any risk.

"Jean? Are you ok?" Mom came at my side, the decorations floating making way for her to pass and sit at my side. Dad was still numb on the sofa, and as I leaned my head on his shoulder, I sent positive feelings into him. Safety, love, affection.

He was out of his stupor and he silently put a hand around my shoulders.

"No, I am not mom…" I said as I made a bit of lemonade float into a glass and caught it in my hand. It wasn't cold, but I downed the beverage.

I couldn't wait to be able to drink Rum or Mead again. But maybe it wasn't the best idea; alcohol might affect my abilities. After a long discussion with mom and dad, I explained in more details what Sinister wanted from me. I told them about Scott Summers and the plan to breed with him and create a so called super-mutant to fight against another powerful guy called Apocalypse, who was one of the first mutant that ever walked the Earth.

"How do you know this?" Dad asked.

I thought fast, not wanting to tell them about my other self being from another reality and saw what happened to some of our future."I know a seer, dad. Someone who saw the future, and let me tell you it's not pretty."

"Telekinesis, Shapeshifting and now a Seer? Jean this is…" Dad remained skeptical.

The man of science and history that he was, battled with the concept of super powers and genetically empowered people. I couldn't blame him, but I hoped that he would get over it soon. Unconditional support came from mom and it made me love her even more.

"I believe her. Our Jean wouldn't do bad things without reason. That bastard will not have my daughter and turn her into a broodmare." Mom's rage still didn't abate, and now I knew where I got it from.

I looked at the time, noting it was 19:14 PM. I felt exhausted by the turn of events of today. Nothing else could happen to make it worse.


There was someone at the door and this mind was familiar… how the fuck didn't I notice her coming? I rose from the sofa with swiftness and as I was about to pass the stairs, I saw mom at door.

*Why Marvel? Why? Please let me some peace!* Mom opened the door. I wasn't surprised to see Elektra Nachios enter my house without being invited.

She was just like Jennifer Garner, but with a more Mediterranean skin tone, and silky black hair. Elektra was armed with her Katana behind her back and her Sais in sheath on each of her thigh. Her red Kunoichi costume didn't leave anything to the imagination. "Geia (Hello) Jean. It is time for your instructions."

Mom looked at Elektra's attire, then at me. "Jean who is this?"

Fuck my life.

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