The reborn giant beast was summoned by his girlfriend

Chapter 172 I need to explain to you when I am doing something? (beg

Chapter 172 I need to explain to you when I am doing something? (please follow up the order)


Another young woman, with tears streaming down her face, stepped forward to help the woman.

Her name is Zhang Ya and she is the younger sister. Her sister's name is Zhang Jing, and they are twins.

Zhang Ya cried and shouted: "My mother has been forced to death by you, do you have to kill her all?"

Lu Longqiang shrugged: "I am also following orders. As long as you cooperate well, I will give you a happy life. Otherwise, hehe."

He looked at the twin beauties, his eyes reflecting a sinister and lustful light in the night.

Being stared at by his eyes, both sisters felt cold all over.

"You may not know what I used to do. I used to run a nightclub, and I had many women under my command. I know how to torture you, and I guarantee that you will live and die, hehe."

Lu Longqiang used to work in gray industries. Places such as nightclubs and bars were formal on the surface, but privately engaged in illegal business.

Being able to be the boss, Lu Longqiang is not weak in strength. At that time, his strength was at the high-level extraordinary level.

Until one time, when he drank too much, and a certain boy happened to offend him, he beat him to death.

With his strength and wealth, it would be easy for him to make a big deal out of a big deal and just take a small punishment and be done with it.

As a result, he happened to meet a super-powerful boss who refused to take hard and soft measures, and he was sentenced to twenty-five years and imprisoned.

In this way, he was imprisoned for five years.

I don't know if it was a blessing in disguise or if he already had a talent, but despite the difficult conditions in prison and lack of resources, he broke through to the super level.

But this does not hinder his sentence.

Until the behemoths attacked the city, the prison located in the outer city was destroyed by the raging monsters. Many people died, but Lu Longqiang survived because of his strength.

Just when he was about to take advantage of the chaos to escape to other base cities, he met Li Shicao, a boss in the super realm.

Li Shicao is a very ambitious female warrior, and her strength is among the top in the super realm. Two war gods in Xincheng Base City fell, and a large number of strong men died. She wanted to "take the upper hand".

Taking advantage of the chaos, as long as she operates correctly, it is very possible to establish her own power and control the power in the new city base city.

Xincheng Base City is an isolated base city, and the power that controls Xincheng Base City can only be described as "monstrous".

Li Shicao promised Lu Longqiang that as long as he acted obediently, he would "cleanse his name".

There happened to be an excuse for monsters to attack the city. As long as Lu Longqiang's achievements in hunting monsters and protecting residents were glorified, the previous sins could be washed away.

More importantly, Lu Longqiang climbed onto this thigh. He is already in the super power state, and with the support of Li Shicao, he will be able to control the wind and rain in the future. The future is promising, and what kind of gray industry is he engaged in?


"You, you are adding insult to injury, you are going too far!"

Zhang Jing gritted her teeth and hated these people.

Their father, a top super-realm boss, was killed in the battle to defend the city. It's a pity that not only did they not get any pension, but they also attracted a group of "jackals" who wanted to swallow up their wealth!

She only hated herself for being cowardly and cowardly and afraid of death. She should have died as soon as possible, just like her mother.

Lu Longqiang came not only because of the Zhang family's wealth, but also because the Zhang family had a feud with Li's grass.

Their mother thought she could die and her debts would be wiped out. Protect your daughter. As everyone knows, these people have no intention of letting sisters Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya go.

"I only want money. If what you come up with satisfies me, I will probably let you live. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to die.

Zhang Jing, even if you don’t think about yourself, think about your sister. "

Lu Longqiang knew that with their temperament, the two of them might really die.

First stabilize the two of them and prevent them from committing suicide.

Zhang Jing shook her head: "I have no money, haven't I given all my property to you? Our house has been searched from top to bottom by you. You can take whatever you want from here."

"Haha, do you think I'm stupid? With your father's status, he has saved tens of billions in his lifetime, who would believe it?"

Lu Longqiang rolled his eyes. He had tens of billions of assets when he was in the high-level transcendent realm.

"My father has been honest all his life. Besides, haven't you all taken away his armor and weapons? They are the most valuable."

Integrity, this Lu Longqiang believes in.

He had a relationship with the father of the two sisters. He was sentenced heavily because of the big boss, who was unwilling to give a light sentence no matter how much money he paid.

"How did I hear that your family also hides a set of secondary black gold armor?"

One of Lu Longqiang's goals is the secondary black gold armor.

This is what Li Shicao told him. Zhang Jing's father exchanged two sets of secondary black gold armor from the southeastern base city of the Yanxia Alliance. A set of secondary black gold armor is worn on his body, and another set is hidden at home.

The value of the secondary black gold armor cannot be measured by money, and even 100 billion cannot buy it.

Hearing this, Zhang Jing's expression was fine, but Zhang Ya's panicked expression showed flaws.

Lu Longqiang would not miss this detail. The corner of his mouth raised, knowing that the news must be true: "Tell me, where did you hide the things? As long as I see the things, I will let you sisters go."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Jing seemed to have exhausted all her strength and said, "I'll take you there."

"Okay, that's right. The life of something is important."

Later, Lu Longqiang led his men and escorted the two sisters to get their things.


They walked for a long time under the night.

"Where are the things hidden?"

Lu Longqiang frowned.

"For safety, my dad has a very hidden warehouse, and the resources inside are the most precious."

Zhang Jing said.


<divclass="contentadv">Hearing the warehouse, Lu Longqiang’s eyes lit up.

The resources that a super-realm boss has hoarded throughout his life must be good things.

At this moment, Zhang Jing saw two people wearing armor passing by not far away.

She winked at her sister, and then the two of them suddenly rushed over: "Help! Help..."

The sound suddenly stopped because the two men were covered and caught back.

In fact, Zhang Jing is not stupid. She knows that if she hands over her things, she will not be able to survive.So she circled around, trying to find a chance of survival.

She saw a passerby just now, but she didn't dare to act rashly. She didn't make this risky decision until she saw the person wearing the armor and was sure to be a warrior.

Lu Longqiang's men did not expect that the two of them were still thinking about struggling at this time, so they were not prepared for their sudden shouts.

"court death!"

Lu Longqiang was unhappy and glared at the two of them.Then, facing two passers-by wearing armor, he walked up.

These two people were Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman on patrol.

During the night, they had gained a lot and had hunted down three S-class monsters.


When the two saw Lu Longqiang and others, they stepped forward in confusion: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"We are base city staff, catching criminals."

Lu Longqiang showed proof, and since they were all wearing uniforms, they were indeed the uniforms of official staff.

"Catch the criminal? Do criminals also cry for help? What did they commit?"

Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman will not trust each other easily just because of their official status.


Lu Longqiang frowned, thinking that it would be over when he revealed his official identity.

"I need to explain to you when I'm doing something? Don't hinder the official's work, otherwise..."


Xu Manman refused to accept it. Was she being threatened?

"We are students from the God of War Camp, and we are here specifically to maintain law and order. You'd better explain."

Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman both saw it. The two women were tightly held with their mouths covered, and they were both asking them for help with their eyes.

This situation is obviously not normal.

Ares Camp? Trouble.

Lu Longqiang secretly said.

It would be easier to deal with someone from their base city, as their official status would be taken into account. But the people in the Ares Camp would not care about his face.

He put on a smile and said: "It turns out to be the God of War Camp. I have heard about it for a long time. Thank you for coming. In fact, those two are thieves and have stolen a lot of supplies. I am taking them to investigate."

While speaking, Lu Longqiang released the aura of a powerful person in the super power realm. The two people in front of them didn't even have the aura of the extraordinary realm. Even if they came from the God of War camp, they wouldn't contradict the powerful ones in the supernatural realm.


With the strength of those two women, even if they commit theft, they will not steal any valuable resources.Besides, when there is such a shortage of manpower, so many people arrest two ordinary thieves?

This was a lame excuse, but Lu Longqiang's super-powerful aura really put pressure on the two of them.

Xu Manman whispered in Zhang Xiaohui's ear: "Xiaohui, super power realm. Do we care about this matter?"

Xu Manman was helpless because she was not as strong as others, otherwise she would definitely not care.

Super energy realm and high-level transcendence are two concepts, which are the evolution of life and the qualitative change of strength!

Lin He's voice rang in Zhang Xiaohui's mind: "Summoner, do what you think is right. Don't be afraid of the strength of the super realm."

Lin He's strength is Zhang Xiaohui's confidence!

When Lin He weighed several hundred tons, he could kill a king-level spiritual beast. Now he weighs more than 7,000 tons, and his strength has increased dozens of times. Ordinary king-level spiritual beasts are easily killed in front of him.


Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya were desperate.

In the face of Lu Longqiang's super power level strength, who dares to care about their affairs?

The two sisters were heartbroken. Their father had been honest all his life and died on the battlefield to protect the base city. However, after his death, his wife and daughter suffered such a tragic situation.

"This gentleman."

Zhang Xiaohui's voice is crisp and sweet, and you can tell that she is a young beauty.

"I still want to hear their side of the story."


Lu Longqiang couldn't believe it. He showed super power level strength. This man still wanted to meddle in others' affairs?

"you sure?"

His expression changed and he no longer gave the two men from the God of War Camp a good look.

"I'm sure. Why, are you doing some shameful things under the official banner of Xincheng Base City?"

Zhang Xiaohui's tone was very rude.

There was a bit of a quarrel between the two sides.

"Okay, okay, okay, haha."

Lu Longqiang laughed a few times and turned to look at Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya. The warning in his eyes was obvious.

"Let them go and let them speak for themselves."

Later, Lu Qiang's men let go of Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya.

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