The reborn giant beast was summoned by his girlfriend

Chapter 173: First kill in the super power realm, big trouble

Chapter 173: First kill in the super realm, big trouble

Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya were released, feeling very uneasy and nervous.

On the one hand, they face Lu Longqiang's naked threat, and their lives will be in danger if they say the wrong thing.

On the other hand, they knew that with Lu Longqiang's strength, the two female warriors in front of them could not save them, but would instead harm them.

Zhang Jing motioned her sister to stop talking with her eyes, and she said: "I, we did steal something, and we plead guilty. You can leave quickly, it has nothing to do with you two."

She looked at Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman with complicated eyes. She didn't want to harm them, she just hoped that someone could investigate the truth in the future and let the truth be made public.


Do you not want to implicate us?

Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman both understood what was going on. Given their personalities, since they decided to intervene, they would not just sit idly by.

"Is that so? Okay, let's go."

"Haha, you two walk slowly."

Lu Longqiang was very satisfied with the answers given by the two sisters.

Afterwards, they took Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya and prepared to leave.

Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman looked at each other, and with the tacit understanding that they had cooperated many times, everything was clear.

The summoning door appeared beside the two of them at the same time.


A black cat beast sprang out of the summoning door, it was Rainbow. After it appeared, it rushed towards the people beside Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya.

Its mission is to ensure the safety of Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya.


The wind caused by the rainbow alerted Lu Longqiang, who was in the super power realm. His senses were sharp and he spotted traces of rainbows.

Just when he was about to stop Rainbow, the feather blade of the Swift Wind Sword Eagle flew out of Xu Manman's summoning door.

Under the night, a cold light passed through the space and flew towards Lu Longqiang's chest.


Lu Longqiang's pupils dilated instantly and he saw it.

Body of steel!

His body instantly turned into the color of shiny black steel, and his whole body seemed to be plated with a layer of black iron from head to toe, including his hair, which turned into iron color.

This is the superpower that allowed him to advance to the superpower realm, which he calls his "Steel Body".

The current ability is only at the elementary level, it can turn skin, muscles and bones into indestructible steel, doubling the strength.

If his strength increases further, he can cultivate his body of steel until even his internal organs turn into steel, making him as immortal as possible.


The feather blade of the Gale Sword Eagle hit Lu Longqiang's chest, making a crisp sound of metal collision.

The ability of the S-class spiritual beast cannot harm Lu Longqiang who is in the super power realm.

On the other side, Rainbow slapped the people around Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya away with one claw, and the beast held them in its mouth and took them away.


After Zhang Ya screamed in fright, she realized that this was not a monster that wanted to eat them, but a monster that was trying to save them.

Later, Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya were placed next to Xu Manman.

"Don't be afraid, you are safe."

After leaving Lu Longqiang and others, the situation of the two sisters was temporarily safe.



Lu Longqiang sneered. His body was iron-colored, as if he were made of steel, and his voice was a hoarse mechanical voice.

"You two from the God of War Camp, what are you doing?"

He didn't expect that the two of them would snatch Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya away, catching him off guard.

He saw the two summoning gates.

Are they all summoners?

Is this their confidence?

But Lu Longqiang looked at Rainbow, it was just an SSS-level gemstone cat and could not hurt him in the super power realm. The feather blades that flew out of Xu Manman's summoned door just now were unable to break his defense.

If this is the confidence of the two of them, Lu Longqiang will make them regret meddling in their own business.

"We just want to hear the truth."

Zhang Xiaohui looked at the two sisters: "You can talk now, don't be afraid of them."

Afterwards, Zhang Jing briefly talked about how they were robbed of their property by Lu Long after their father was killed on the battlefield.

This? !

Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman were shocked. They didn't expect such a secret behind them.

More importantly, Lu Longqiang was working as an official of Xincheng Base City. Who gave him his identity?

Lu Longqiang's expression was solemn, but his face was a dark iron color, so others could not see his expression.

"You two have one last chance to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, you are going against me and the official."

He didn't want to risk offending the Ares Camp.

"You alone deserve to have an official title?"

After Zhang Xiaohui learned what Lu Longqiang had done, she was full of contempt for him. She believed that Lu Longqiang must have taken advantage of the chaos in the base city to fish in troubled waters and obtain the status of an official staff member.

"If that's the case, then..."

Lu Longqiang's eyes were stern. Since the two were seeking death, he could only help them.


He stepped on the ground, gravel flew and exploded towards Zhang Xiaohui.

"Manman, take them further away."


Xu Manman knew that she couldn't intervene in a battle of this level, so she retreated far away with Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya. The rainbow guards the three of them.

Originally, they planned to ask the officials for help, but now it seems that the people coming from the officials may be friends or foes.

In front of Zhang Xiaohui, the summoning door opened again.


A rock block three meters in diameter flew out.


Lu Longqiang was surprised, and then he hit the rock without dodging.

boom! Click!

He hit the rock with his head and smashed the rock with his steel body. The rock fragmented into pieces and turned into a rain of gravel all over the sky.

And he fell back dozens of meters due to the violent collision.


he wondered. When he saw the rainbow just now, he thought it was Zhang Xiaohui's spiritual beast.

How come the Summoning Gate can still launch such an attack?

Thinking that the opponent is a monster genius from the God of War camp, it is only normal that he has all kinds of tricks and trump cards.

<divclass="contentadv">"It's a pity that such a young genius has to die here."

No matter what kind of monster the other party is, he must die today.The strength gap between them is huge.

Lu Longqiang rushed forward again, faster than before.


Continuous rocks flew out from the summoning door.

Pieces of rocks smashed into pieces on Lu Longqiang's body.

He was continuously pushed back by the blast, but due to the strong physique of his steel body, he only lost some strength and was not injured.


Another boulder hit Lu Longqiang's head, shattering his head and deforming it.

But his steel body can heal these injuries. After a while, the dents all over his body that were hit by the rocks were restored to their original appearance.

"How can it be?!"

He couldn't understand what kind of spiritual beast was in the other party's summoning door, and why it could continue to send out such powerful rock attacks?

It wasn't long before he broke through to the super power realm, and he had been in prison before, so he had no other special moves except for the superficial use of his super powers.

Facing Zhang Xiaohui, he couldn't even get close.

On the opposite side, Zhang Xiaohui was also surprised: "Is this the physique and super power of the super power realm? It is indeed powerful."

Even an SSS-level monster would be injured when hit by so many boulders. As for Lu Longqiang, he didn't look injured in any way.

At this time, an ice water arrow flew out of the summoning door.

Lin He realized how difficult this guy was and used a more powerful ice water arrow.


The huge ice water arrow hit Lu Longqiang's chest, sending him flying backwards.

Hundreds of tons of compressed ice water froze him in the ice.

He struggled hard amid the layers of blue-white ice.


Suddenly there was a loud shout, and the ice around him cracked.A few seconds later, there was a "click" and the ice fragments flew.

Ice water arrows are indeed very powerful, but it is impossible to instantly kill Lu Longqiang who has a body of steel.

Then came the extremely hot flaming water arrows.

"Zizi" arrows of hot flaming water were poured down on his head.

Lu Longqiang's surroundings had just experienced an ice attack, and white mist formed by high-temperature water vapor filled the sky.

If it were a simple fire arrow, Lu Longqiang would not be afraid.

But experiencing the change in temperature from freezing to scalding hot made him uncomfortable.

An ice water arrow and a fire water arrow, taking turns.

Lu Longqiang's steel body kept switching between severe cold and scalding heat. His energy was twitching, and he felt that the energy in his body was being consumed rapidly, and subtle cracks appeared in his body's performance.

This feeling is too torture.

"What on earth is in there?"

Lu Long was convinced, and he found that he had seriously underestimated the strength of the opponent's spiritual beast. The spiritual beast in the summoning gate is probably a king-level spiritual beast.

He had the intention of retreating. He couldn't even get close to the opponent, so how could he fight?

At this moment, the various attack methods flying out of the summoning door stopped.

Just when Lu Longqiang thought he could catch his breath, several vines flew out quickly.

"What the hell is this?"

Lu Longqiang was unable to dodge and could only watch as the vines entangled him.

After the vines wrapped around him, they began to shrink. With Lu Longqiang's physique, he made a "creak" sound of steel deforming.

However, with the current strength of King Kong Vine, it still cannot kill the Super Realm.

It was seen that it lifted Lu Longqiang up to a hundred meters above the ground, and then suddenly fell towards the ground.


The ground shook, and a pit several meters in diameter appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the Vajra Vine raised it high in the air again and smashed it towards the ground.

It looked like one end of a huge rope was tied to Lu Longqiang, and he was constantly swinging it toward the ground.

Even in the super power realm, he cannot withstand a variety of attacks in turn.

He was beaten to pieces and was even unconscious.

Finally, a huge boulder appeared in his sight and fell from the sky, hitting him in the head.He lost consciousness.

Lu Longqiang's men saw that something was wrong and dispersed.


Rainbow completed her mission and returned to the spirit beast world. The summoning door is closed.

Zhang Xiaohui and others looked at Lu Longqiang who was lying on the ground and exiting the "steel body" state.

It's not easy to kill a powerful person in the super realm.

Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya looked at the dead Lu Longqiang, feeling happy and amazed at Zhang Xiaohui's strength.

"Thank you, thank you very much for saving us!"

"If you kill him, will there be any trouble?"

The two sisters were worried that Zhang Xiaohui would get into trouble.

"Trouble? This kind of scum deserves to die. When we report the situation to the God of War Camp, someone will investigate clearly."

"By the way, you can follow us for the time being. You are the key witnesses."

Later, Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman took the two sisters back to the hotel to settle down, and reported the situation to the God of War Camp.

Zhang Jing and Zhang Ya did not know that the person who instigated Lu Longqiang behind the scenes was Li Shicao.

Zhang Xiaohui and Xu Manman didn't know that they had indeed caused trouble and were involved in the high-level power struggle in Xincheng Base City.


The world of spiritual beasts.

"My long-range attack ability is too weak."

Lin He was very dissatisfied with his performance just now.

It actually took that long to kill a warrior who was at the beginning of the super power realm.

If Lu Longqiang were in front of him, he would definitely trample him to death with one kick.

But across the summoning gate, it was not easy for him to kill a powerful person in the super realm.

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