The Red Hand

Chapter 319.5 – Fate of a Nation and Imposters.

"Such an unfortunate sight..." Feline said as her carriage drove past an active slave market. She was on her way back from a meeting with certain members of the Amdamell Nobility and was hoping to get some time to speak with her Brother and Father about what Merkyul had told discussed with her, as well as her concerns about the consequences of ignoring their demands.

{Most of that Market is filled with other races, but I can see a few Spirits mixed in. I'm surprised that the Dumetorians haven't made a move to rescue them, but based on what that wolfkin said, they see their persecution and enslavement as a useful casus belli. It's debatable whether they actually care for the Spirits, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. The threat posed by a Demon Lord cannot be ignored and I need Father and Brother to understand just how precarious our situation is.} (Feline)

"Your Highness." Albert's words snapped her out of her thoughts. "Are you feeling alright? You've been awfully quiet since we left Duke Malon's Mannor, and your face has grown increasingly pale." He was worried that she was sick or that the stress had finally gotten to her, and Feline's tendency to burn both ends of the candle made him certain that she'd been overworking herself. "Perhaps you should rest rather than speak to His Majesty today? I'm sure that we can schedule a meeting another day."

"Ah... Sorry, I was just lost in thought." Feline replied with a slightly embarrassed smile. "And no. While I appreciate the concern for my health. I must speak with Father and Brother today." She shook her head, internally noting that any further delay would only make things worse.

"Is it really important enough to risk your health? It's clear as day that you are not well." Albert pointed to her slightly trembling hand. "Will you not consider-"

"My health matters not when the fate of our entire nation is at risk." Feline replied without thinking, blurting out more than she'd intended. She hadn't told anyone about the demands made by Dumetor yet as she was worried about potential leaks.

{Darn it! I must be reaching my limit if I slipped up so easily!} (Feline)

"Fate of the..." Albert furrowed his brows, not understanding.

{What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into?} (Albert)

"You will have to forgive me for keeping quiet, but I cannot speak of this information now." Feline shook her head as the carriage continued toward the Palace. "There is too great a risk of someone overhearing, and if this information leaks, it will spark a panic. So I just ask that you take me at my word. Everything that I've been doing these past days have been in service to our people, and if my health suffers then so be it."

"I see..." Albert let out a deep sigh. "Then I'll trust you, but please promise me that you'll get some rest afterward everything is said and done today. I don't want you see you collapse because you pushed yourself, and I can imagine that Dorran doesn't want that either." That was her fiance in an arranged marriage and a man that she'd only ever met a handful of times in her life. He was the Son of a Duke and the adoptive Nephew of Albert, which was how he was introduced to the Princess.

{I know Albert thinks highly of him, but I couldn't care less about that man's opinion or thoughts. Our union will serve political purposes and nothing else, so I see no reason to allow anything else to seep in to our relationship, and he knows that.} (Feline)

As the carriage drove toward the Palace, the two sat in silence. Feline was certain that the discussion that was about to commence was going to be neither quick nor pleasant. King Fredrick was a pious man and someone who held absolute faith in the Gods, and her older Brother, the Crown Prince was far too ingrained in the Kingdom's politics to make enemies of his faction members. Feline was expecting to be brushed off or even imprisoned for requesting the release of the Spirits, but even so, she'd steeled herself for whatever was to come.

{I have to convince them. I just HAVE to! If I don't...} (Feline)

Exiting the carriage, Feline could feel her blood pressure increase and her heart felt like it was about to leap out of her throat. Not wanting to involve him in the coming mess, she dismissed a reluctant Albert and headed up to her Father's office, where she knew he was waiting. Feline had specifically requested an urgent appointment with the two of them, and this was the first opening that they had in their busy schedules.

"Your Highness, His Majesty, and His Highness are waiting for you. Shall I escort you?" One of the maids curtseyed to her as she entered the main hall of the Palace.

"No, there is no need for that." Feline shook her head as she rushed past the maid. "Please inform the staff that no one is to interrupt our meeting under any circumstances." She couldn't risk any of this information leaking, since it would likely cause panic.

"I... Of course!" The confused maid bowed as Feline steamed through the Palace and quickly ascended the grand staircase. Her Father's office was on the top floor and overlooked the city below. It was a truly magnificent sight, but Feline feared that it would be soon reduced to ash if she failed her mission.


Feline knocked on the door to her Father's office, and after what felt like an eternity, a deep voice responded. "Come in." As she gripped the handle, Feline's throat dried up before she finally calmed herself down enough to enter. There would be no going back from here, and she was prepared to do whatever it took to save her people.

"Father, I've arrived." Feline said as she stepped into the room, her Father sitting behind his desk and reading over some papers. He was a slightly older man and gave off the intense aura befitting a Monarch, while his trademark golden hair glinted in the light of the Sun. "Brother, it's good to see you too." She closed the door behind her and curtseyed to him as well as the Crown Prince. Her Brother, Yeshua, was the spitting image of her Father when he was younger, sharing the blonde hair and blue eyes that all members of the Royal Family had. He was well regarded within the Kingdom and the Alliance, and most expected him to be a great King in the future.

"It's been a while since we've last spoken in person." Yeshua smiled as he hugged her. "I've been so busy on a diplomatic tour over this last half year that I've scarcely been home!" He laughed. "But it's so good to see you again, Feline. You've truly blossomed into a beautiful young woman while I've been away! If I didn't know any better I'd think Mother had walked into the room!”

"Yes, you've been away far too much, Brother." Feline returned a smile. She got along with him well enough, but the factional power struggle in the background meant that she couldn't entirely drop her guard around him. As the King's second child, Feline was technically in competition for the throne, and while she had no interest in taking it, the two siblings knew that other Nobles would be more than happy to pit them against each other.

{You're faction members have been busy, and playing around them has been a hassle. I hope you understand that they're just using you, Brother.} (Feline)

"I'm sure that Yeshua is happy to see you, but sadly he won't be staying in the Capital long. He will be heading to Northwind soon to negotiate with Gildra on a joint naval venture soon. So I'd make sure you spend time with him before that." Fredrick said, the stern look on his face giving the false impression that he was a heartless stiff when in reality he could be a doting Father.

{It would seem that the combined exploration fleet that I've heard rumors about is going to actually come to pass. If things go as Father wants, we'll have a sustainable passage to the South and West, but before that...} (Feline)

"So, what did you call this urgent meeting for anyway?" Yeshua asked a question that had been on his mind since he got the strange invitation. "It's not like you to ask for something like this, and why did we need barriers?" He was referring to anti-divination magic placed around the office to prevent all attempts at scrying. It was normal to protect state secrets, but the special request or stronger protections gave the Prince the feeling that his Sister had something unpleasant to discuss.

"Yes, I'm quite interested in what you have to say as well." Fredrick said as he put down his quill. "You've never liked being involved in politics, so I can't imagine it's something involving succession."

“Yeah, don't tell me this is where you announce your candidacy for the throne.” Yeshua laughed, knowing that it couldn't possibly be that.

"Its definitely political in nature, and something to do with the future of our Kingdom." Feline said with a stern expression.

"Hold up! Don't tell me you're actually going to announce your candidacy to the throne!" Yeshua laughed, knowing full well that his sister didn't want to become Queen.

{She wouldn't!} (Yeshua)

"No... Rest assured its not that, and my feelings on the matter have not changed." Feline shook her head. "Father, Brother... I've called this meeting... To discuss with you the fate of our nation... No, realistically its about the fate of the entire world..." Her words caught both by surprise, and the more jovial atmosphere a moment prior vanished in an instant.


<Copy Boze POV>

"I suppose things have worked out rather well." Copy Boze smiled as he inspected his face in a hand mirror. He, as well as the copies of his 'Daughter' Sophie and 'Wife' Margareta, had been sent back to their family estate once the Copy Slimes had acquainted themselves with their new forms. Overall Akagi was satisfied with the results of Imp's special slimes, and the Devil woman was excited to see her experiment in action. "It's just too bad that we couldn't take the place of Nobles with slightly more standing." He smirked as he looked at Sakura, who was riding with them. “A Count is decent but I wouldn't have scoffed at maybe something a bit higher up in the food chain.”

"You know full well the reason that our Master didn't have you replace a Duke or even the Regent herself was because that would make her further plans more difficult." Sakura didn't like the Copy Slimes and was worried that their loyalty to Akagi wasn't 100% like the other members of the clan. "All that information should've been imprinted in you when Imp and Alice created you."

"Yes, yes, yes." The Copy Boze shrugged. "I was just thinking aloud, that's all. I'm fully aware of Lady Akagi's plans, and I'll ensure that we play our part perfectly."

{You'd better, else you'll be answering to a lot of very angry people.} (Sakura)

"Anything less would be an insult to Her Greatness." Copy Margareta said as she extended a folding fan and put it in front of her face. "I guarantee that we will complete our objective without fail. The Demons will foolishly pick a fight they cannot win, and Her Greatness will put them in their place for being so insolent." She laughed in a very stereotypical aristocratic manner.

"I hope Ms. Erina will be okay..." Copy Sophie looked sad. The real Sophie and Erina had been 'friends' though there was never a doubt that the Half-Naga was servant and she the master, and while the Copy was still a Copy, she felt some of the affinity the real Sophie held for the Spirit.

"Don't worry, my dear." Copy Boze pat her on the head as their carriage pulled up in front of the family estate. "Lady Akagi will handle everything, and Erina will be fine." He smiled. “I'm sure she'll be much better off now that she's free.”

“Indeed, so don't fret, My Dear.” Copy Margareta reassured her.

"Just don't forget your missions while you're out here." Sakura cautioned them against being too engulfed by their new forms. "I'll be checking on you regularly, and you'd best be prepared to give detailed reports. Master does not tolerate failure, and neither do I." She said before her form melted into the shadows, vanishing from the carriage without a trace.

"I swear that pink fox is so uptight." Copy Margareta sighed as Copy Boze helped her down from the carriage. "She could definitely learn to loosen up a bit."

"I believe that's just how all those Ninja are." Copy Boze replied as he helped Copy Sophie down from the carriage as well. "But regardless of her uptightness, we've got a mission to do. It's too bad that Lady Akagi won't allow us to deploy more of our kind, but it is what it is I suppose." He said before the the three of them walked from the carriage toward the front entrance, noting the various statues in the nearby gardens. "Though I suppose that dealing with those should come first. I don't think they suit our new agenda, and I for one find them positively tacky."


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Next Chapter: Chapter 320 - The Investigation Beings.

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