The Red Hand

Chapter 320 – The Investigation Beings.


Hey everyone! Take a look at the poll below for me if you can and give me your opinion. I just wanted to check in on how ya'll are enjoying this part of the story, mostly because the Enoris arc is the part I was worried about the most while writing. There's a lot of moving parts and its the most complicated and different part of the story, so feel free to tell me if you've been enjoying it or not.


"I suppose that meeting went well, all things considered anyway." Reflia sighed as the massive wooden doors to the Imperial throne room closed behind her.

{But still, Hadrus was putting on his usual stoic demeanor, but I could tell that he was incredibly disturbed. To have someone toy with him like that was never something that I could've even imagined. He's one of the more powerful mortals currently alive, and even if we count in the Demis, he'd still rank highly in terms of raw power.} (Reflia)

"Mother." The petite red-haired knight next to the Goddess spoke up as they exited the room. Her small size contrasted with the large compound bow on her back, and from an outside perspective, one would have to question if she could even use the weapon on her back. "If I may speak." She lowered her head slightly.

"You know that you don't need to ask permission Penelope." Reflia sighed as the two of them began walking down the hallway. "But go ahead."

{This girl... I'm your Mother, not your master...} (Reflia)

"Please forgive me if I am wrong, but I believe that Princess Rebeckah was lying to you." Penelope said with determination and confidence in her voice. "You asked her if she'd had any contact with either Lady Elariel or Halifax recently, and I detected a slight change in her body, which I believe indicated that she did." She could detect biometric data which, like with Akagi, made her an expert and knowing if someone was trying to deceive her.

"Naturally." Reflia shrugged. "I picked up on that immediately, but I have no idea why she was attempting to conceal that fact."

{Though its not a good sign. It should've been easy for me to find Elariel's Avatar, but I sense nothing. She hasn't been killed, that much is certain by her domain and servants still existing, but its almost as if she's being hidden. Finding her may prove to be more difficult a task than I expected, and I suppose I'll have to pull in some of my off the books resources to help me out.} (Reflia)

"Perhaps it's because she was subject to one of Elariel's whims." The Bow on Penelope's back spoke in a male voice, laughing. "It wouldn't be the first time that Goddess made an interesting lover out of a mortal."

“I suppose that's possible...” Penelope said, conflicted.

"No, I don't think that's it." Reflia shook her head. "If Elariel had put her hands on the Princess, then her energy would be all over her." She explained that, like with scent, such a thing would remain behind for some time. It wouldn't be the first time she'd had to deal with her sister's penchant for seducing mortals if it was true, but in this case it looked not to be the reason for the Princess' deception. "Thogh now that you mention something like that, Arcus, did you sense any of Halifax's energy on her? I know that you said something about feeling her presence in the City faintly after we arrived."

"It's hard to tell." Arcus replied. "Halifax has been involved with the Imperial Royal family for some time, so I'm unsure just how recent any trace of her power is. I could sense a bit of it on Rebeckah, but there's no telling just how old it is."

"I see..." Reflia descended into thought.

{Elariel and Halifax have been on bad terms for a millennia after what happened with the Dark Elves, so it's hard to believe that they'd suddenly work together out of the blue. I suppose that my sister could've commanded her to do her bidding, but I don't think the present Elariel could do something like that...} (Reflia)

"Regardless of the Princess' motivations or interactions with those two, our primary focus should be on finding the one behind Tahena's death. Hadrus is going to spread the word that she's merely wounded, which should buy us some time, and mortals will eventually forget about her if we tell them that she's resting for a few hundred years." Reflia tapped the front of her forehead as she sighed.

{The last thing we need is word spreading that one of us died, it would send people into a panic. Though at this point it probably doesn't matter much with what Gale and the others plan to do.} (Reflia)

"I still cannot believe that Lady Tahena is..." Penelope bit her lip in frustration. "To have done something so vile to such a kind and caring Goddess. These Cultists have gone too far!"

"Do not worry, my child." Reflia pat her on the head. "Vengeance shall be had, and the one who took her away from us shall pay in blood." She said that, but feared that it may not just be the assailant's blood that was spilled.

"I'm still concerned about how she was killed." Arcus interjected. "Reports stated that she was stabbed and then decapitated with a 'shadow blade', but how is it possible that killing her Avatar destroyed her as well? Even Divine Weapons like myself aren't capable of something like that, and I know for a fact that the Demon Cult's corruption shenanigans can't enable such an ability."

"That... That is still a mystery to me as well..." Reflia trailed off as they descended the main staircase and exited the Palace.

{Her body reeked of dark energy, a kind that makes my stomach churn if it's what I think it is. But lets not start jumping to any conclusions. That Red handprint painted on the wall isn't something I've seen before and for all I know its just the Axe, and not the real deal come back to life. Though even if it is... I suppose that will work.} (Reflia)

"Mother, is it possible that Vikes has returned?" Penelope asked a question that even the Goddess hadn't wanted to contemplate. She was incapacitated by the Demon Lord a the beginning of his rampage and knew that he was a being that caused great devestation.

"No, such a thing is impossible." Reflia shook her head as they stopped outside the palace gates. The City was far less lively than when Akagi was here, largely due to her antics. "We confirmed that Vikes' soul was shattered by Halifax, and we spared no amount of time making absolutely sure that he was gone." She paused. "However... That name, Demon Lord Akagi..."

"Isn't that just a cover to hide Vikes' return?" Arcus postulated that it was a ruse. "Perhaps a fragment of him survived, and this 'new' Demon Lord is his reincarnation?" He'd seen similar things before and figured that if anyone could do it, a Demon Lord could.

"That would make the most sense. We never did capture his Axe, and it's possible that part of him was contained within as a backup." Reflia gave the idea some thought, but quickly dismissed it as unlikely.

{If that was truly the case, then why would a partially revived Vikes act in such a covert manner? He was never more than a bloodthirsty monster, and he had no interest in playing games like this. No if it really was Vikes reborn, then this world would be a sea of flames by now. I think its more likely this is ANOTHER Demon Lord, and if its true then I need to work quickly to put my plan into motion. Gale is going to be busy focusing on her, so I doubt he'll realize I've taken some detours.} (Reflia)

"I know how much this bothers you, so I implore you to let me go after them, Mother." Penelope knelt down. "I will bring you the head of the one who took Lady Tahena from us without fail, so please give me permission to defeat them!"

“Such passion!” Arcus laughed.

"While I applaud your enthusiasm, my dear, what you are asking isn't going to happen." Reflia shook her head. "The last thing we need is for Arcus to get corrupted, and if they have the power to kill one of us, then you can rest assured that a Demi-God like you wouldn't be any threat to them or their operations."

{Nor do I want you to die. For all the trouble you are, you're still my only daughter and I can't lose you. If I can save just one person from this world's death, I'd like it to at least be you, Penelope.} (Reflia)

"Yeah, I don't really want to be turned into an instrument of evil either. We've had enough of my siblings get turned over the years, thank you very much." Arcus huffed.

"I don't know, it might be an improvement." Penelope smirked. "Perhaps an evil version of you would talk a bit less."

“But then I'd lose my most defining and important feature! Besides, if I stop talking then you'll probably revert to grunting and snorting like an animal due to lack of friends!” Arcus laughed as Penelope silently seethed.

"Well, let's not even entertain such thoughts." Reflia coughed to get the conversation back on track. "Though while I cannot send you against the Cult, I do have a job for you."

"As you wish, my Lady." Penelope bowed her head to accept her mission. "Please give me your orders, and I will complete them without fail."

{Again... I'm not your master... There's no need to treat me like that...} (Reflia)

"In the far South, in the Simoea plains, I sensed a disturbance in the spacial structure that is consistent with a portal opening." Reflia explained what she'd felt. "Now, I'm not entirely sure what's happening, and it could easily just be an anomaly related to the magical disasters that are occurring ever more frequently, but I'd like you to investigate it for me. There's a chance that it's connected to the one behind Tahena's death, and the timing is too close for me to chalk it up to coincidence. I need someone I can trust to go down there and check it out."

{Besides, even if it is nothing, an open portal has the potential to destroy this world. We can't even move between layers without risking catastrophic collateral damage, and at least this way I can keep her from directly hunting the Cult itself and this will keep her safely away from the action. I hate to take advantage of her filial nature, but if I tell Penelope to stay away from danger, then she will. Its both a blessing and a flaw of hers.} (Reflia)

"Is it not dangerous for me to leave you alone?" Penelope protested separating from her Mother. "I am your shield, and if the worst should come to pass..." Her face grew dark.

"My dear child." Reflia giggled as she pat her on the head. "You need not worry about me. I am far more adept at self-preservation than Tahena ever was."

"Not to mention that if this 'assassin' can kill a God, I don't think you'd be much of a challenge." Arcus laughed.

"Funny. Keep it up, and I might just bury you in some manure for a few decades." Penelope grumbled.

"Too bad I can grow legs and walk away. Otherwise, it would be the perfect plan." Arcus retorted.

{Stupid Bow...} (Penelope)

"Alright, Alright, calm down, children." Reflia sighed. The two of them never got along well, and it was a wonder that they were able to work together as well as they had over the years. "Arcus is right, Penelope. There is no meaning in you staying by my side when that will accomplish nothing beyond putting you in harm's way. You would be far more useful to me performing this investigation, so please don't argue. Now go down there and investigate these anomalys and whatever you do don't go engaging the Cult or getting into any fights with them. If you end up determining that they're connected to the Simoea incident then you are to contact me immediately and wait for my instructions. Understand? No running off and doing something crazy like attacking a stronger foe head on, okay?"

{I really don't need you going off and doing something reckless, but luckily Penelope saves her brash nature for things that don't involve my direct orders.} (Reflia)

"If that is your wish, then I will do as you command." Penelope reluctantly agreed, though whether or not she would actually stay away from Akagi's forces was questionable, something that Reflia hadn't noticed. "But I implore you to be careful, Mother. At the very least, you should summon other guards in my absence."

"I will see what I can do." Reflia sighed.

{But first things first, I need to figure out who or what is behind all this. Demon Lord or not, somebody managed to kill a God, and they might just be the kind of person that I've been looking for.} (Reflia)


<Akagi POV>

After a long day of picking off important Nobles and merchants, Akagi returned back to the Dumetor base camp, ready to relax and unwind. There was much kitty pets to receive and Yumi was in the mood for snuggles under the blankey with one fluffy kitty.

"Hey, guys! I'm ba-" Akagi paused as she burst through the door to the canteen.

"You... Youse should know... *hick* That you're so much better than those bastards *hick*" Amakusa stammered, her face flushed red as she tried to speak to Halifax, who was in no better shape. "You're... You're an alright girl *hick* Hali... Hali... You... *hick* You person you..."

"And you're not so bad yourselves..." Halifax slurred her words heavily as she poured another glass. "Oh?" She looked inside the empty bottle, tossing it aside and causing it to explode into a shower of shards with the rest of the bottles that they'd drank. "WAITRESS! I NEED MORE DRINK!" She yelled loudly and, a moment later, an absolutely mortified Elariel brought her another bottle. “BRING IT OUT!”

"Well, they've been busy." Akagi was struggling to hold in laughter as she watched Elariel bring out more alcohol, only to have it snatched from her hands.

"Busy is an understatement! They've been at this since TEN in the morning..." Elariel whined. "I had to send Silfana back to your world to get more wine since they DRANK IT ALL!"

"Oh my..." Yumi's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the plastered girls and the dozens upon dozens of empty wine, whiskey, and beer bottles. "They really had a go at it, huh?"

"Shouldn't you have cut them off by now?" Akagi asked as she counted up the bottles.

"What makes you think that I haven't tried?!?" Elariel yelled. "I told them hours ago that I was done getting more drinks for their drunk assess, and when I did that they proceeded to beat me until I changed my mind."

{Had I not relented there was talk of BRANDING me for my refusal!} (Elariel)

{Oof. Drunks and their booze are not to be fucked with, especially emotional drunks.} (Akagi)

"H-Hey... Is... Is it bad that this stuff tastes like... like water now?" Amakusa said as she fell out of her chair and onto the floor, giggling.

"Nah... Just means is workin'..." Halifax started giggling uncontrollably as Akagi watched on. “Sall good...”

{Now that I think about it, how the fuck is a Sword getting drunk?!?} (Akagi)


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Next Chapter: Chapter 321 - The Temptation.

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