The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 415 Tang Hongyin, Tang Hongyin

Chapter 415 Tang Hongyin, Tang Hongyin

Granny Tang leaned on a cane and walked in the dark.

At first she walked on the neat road, then walked on the winding path, and then she walked out of the living area and walked into the woods that still retained the original style.

Yanluge and Su Er VII have been following behind her.

She was very close and kept busy, but she didn't notice it all the time.

When Grandma Tang stepped on the unmodified path, the uneven road in front of her automatically became smooth; Entering the primitive forest, the branches and vines that might trip her would automatically avoid them, and the snakes, insects, rats and ants that might pose a threat to her died instantly...

It was as if an unknown force was silently opening the way for her. As long as it was where she wanted to go, there would be a smooth road under her feet.

Su Er VII involuntarily paid some attention to the instigator, Yan Li Ge.

Although the other party said that they would not interfere, they actually provided help covertly.

The last one to enjoy such a nanny-level treatment was the eldest daughter of the emperor Nishizawa... No, even the eldest daughter of the emperor who spent a lot of money did not get such meticulous services.

This young man devoted himself to killing gods, but has a gentle preference for mortals who are powerless.

Suddenly a drop of water fell on Su Er VII's head.

It looked up.

The stars and the moon in the sky were obscured by thick dark clouds, and there were faint flashes of thunder between the clouds.

I don't know when, it started to rain.

"The weather forecast said that there will be a storm tonight." Yan Lvge said, "The storm on the island is usually a little more violent than on the land, so the forecast reminds everyone not to go out unless necessary, and it is best to stay at home honestly. "

But Grandma Tang has already left the house...

Being held in Yan Luge's arms, Su Er VII poked his paws, watching the soybean-like raindrops hit Grandma Tang's face, but when he was about to touch the old man's silver hair, he was affected by some force, Automatically collapsed into a misty mist.

It seems that there is nothing to worry about.

The golden cat glanced at the expressionless, but actually quietly blocked the wind and rain for the old man, and retracted his paws that had slightly protruded from the pads.

It is theoretically the strongest spirit in the world, and Yanlige is actually the fiercest transcendent in the world.The creatures they want to protect, even an old woman over eighty years old, can cut through the storm between heaven and earth with a single thought.

At the end of the sky, at the other end of the sea, there are winds howling and waves roaring.

In the dark clouds, there seems to be an evil dragon swirling up with tons of seawater, which turns into a slanting rain curtain and blows towards the face, bringing the entire island into the Wind and Rain Kingdom.

The uncultivated land turned into a muddy swamp, and the tall trees were uprooted and fell down.

The sound of thunder exploded in the sky, and the lightning slashed across the night, splitting the night in two, and fell on the towering giant tree.

Not far away, there was a curl of green smoke from burnt wood, which was instantly extinguished by the heavy rain.

But miraculously, Grandma Tang, who was walking tremblingly on crutches, kept walking.

The strong wind enough to roll up a big tree failed to blow her down, the swamp enough to engulf a person failed to trip her up, even the lightning strike that was supposed to fall on her head changed its direction in mid-air.

——Although he was thrown into a tree inexplicably, the excellent conductor Surr VII, who turned into a lightning rod and was struck by lightning, expressed his resentment.

Grandma Tang went forward boldly in such a storm, broke through the virgin forest on the island, and walked all the way to the cliff on the coast.

She stopped at the edge of the cliff, raised her head, listened to the wind and watched the rain.

There were huge waves hitting the cliff under her feet, like a giant imprisoned beast hitting the cage repeatedly, making a rumbling roar.

Grandma Tang tremblingly opened her cloth bag, and took out a glass bottle filled with ice crystals and a ghost lamp with Tang Hongyin's name written on it.

She placed them on the raised rocks of the cliff, and slowly lit the lamp of the dead.

The storm should have easily blown up the glass bottle and doused the lights, but miraculously, these two things were as unaffected by the wind and rain as Grandma Tang, and even the tiny lights kept burning steadily.

"Hongyin..." Grandma Tang stared at the undead lamp, "My Hongyin... I long for a miracle, and your life is a miracle, you know that?"

She gently stroked the palm-sized glass bottle, as if she was stroking her little granddaughter's head many years ago.

The thunder in the sky suddenly appeared, illuminating the pupils of her eyes in an instant, and also ignited the reflection of the ghost lamp reflected in her pupils.

In those old and cloudy eyes, an amazing flame seemed to be burning at that moment.

"Do you still remember the fire when you were seven years old?" Grandma Tang said softly, facing the storm, "In that fire, your parents rescued you from the fire, but you died...

"But you probably don't know, they had already escaped before that... When the explosion just happened, they escaped with the customers in the store.

"But when they found that you didn't come out and were still trapped on the second floor, they went back."

Grandma Tang closed her eyes.

There were water stains running down her wrinkled face, whether it was rain or tears.

Few people know that when the fire broke out, Grandma Tang was also at the scene.

She picked a big fresh watermelon from the field, took the train all day and night, and hurriedly brought it to Long'er's family to taste, but she didn't expect that what was waiting for her was the eternal separation of heaven and man.

That melon is the best and the biggest one in the melon field. It is bigger than the other melons. Grandma Tang watches and protects it every day, for fear that it will be bitten by mice or picked by passers-by. She has been caring for it until it is fully ripe. Just take it off and bring it to your children and grandchildren to taste.

But the children and grandchildren have not been able to taste it.

The big, sweet melon fell to pieces in front of the burning shop, and no one cares about it anymore.

At this moment, Grandma Tang struggled to unscrew the lid of the spiritual power potion, and poured the emerald green spiritual power potion into the glass bottle.

The spiritual power potion submerged the box full of ice crystals, but it was not absorbed.

That means - those ice crystals are inanimate, unconscious.

So Grandma Tang continued: "The fire was so huge that even the firefighters who wanted to save you rushed in three times, but were forced to come back... Don't blame them, they really can't do anything.

"But you are just ordinary people's parents, but you poured a bucket of water on your head, turned around and rushed into the fire.

"They ran up the second floor through a fire that even a high-pressure water gun could not extinguish, and then protected you with their bodies, and walked from the second floor to the first floor through the raging flames.

"Your father failed to come out in the end, pushed your mother and daughter hard at the door, and fell down.

"Your mother handed you over to me, and you fell to the ground, your hands and feet shattered into coke.

"So I know... I've always known...

"If you want to achieve an impossible miracle, if you want to snatch a person back from death, you have to pay a price.

"The price is life."

Su Er VII, who was hiding in the rain to eavesdrop, froze suddenly.

It seemed to have guessed what Grandma Tang wanted to do.

For the first time, it had an urge to stop something, but it was held down by Yanlvge.

The latter slowly shook his head.

Grandma Tang threw down her crutch and walked forward against the storm until she reached the edge of the cliff.

And she had a smile on her face: "I'm old, my hands and feet are weak, and my mind is confused... One must accept old age.

"But when I was young, Tang Meizhen, I also climbed the cliffs to gather life-saving herbs for my husband. I also hacked to death a wild wolf who wanted to take Long'er away with a knife. I also fought with the bullies in the village. The hoe knocked out two of his teeth, so he no longer dared to think about the money in my medicine cabinet!

"Now that I'm old, this body is useless, but if I can use it to exchange you for your safe return, and exchange you for the rest of your life without fear of wind and waves—that would be a great thing!
"What my son and daughter-in-law can do, I can do too!"

Grandma Tang's body fell forward.

Under her feet, the sea breeze whipped up an unprecedented huge wave, which slammed into the cliff like a crazy giant beast.

And she threw herself into it expectantly... into this raging sea.

"Hongyin, my Hongyin, you have always been a brave girl.

"The fire wants to kill you, you beat the fire; the monster wants to kill you, you beat the monster; the sea wants to kill you, you beat the sea; if fate wants to kill you, you beat fate!
"Hongyin, my brave have never bowed to bad luck in your life, and from now on, you don't need to compromise either!
"If death wants you to sleep forever, give him a knife and knock out all his teeth!
"Grandma will accompany you, be the knife in your hand, and always be with you...

"If someone asks how much I miss you, how strongly I want you to come back, and how much I am willing to pay for it, then my answer is——

"——Reviving you is my only wish for the rest of my life, and I am willing to give everything for it!
"—to sacrifice my life!

"—Come back, my red voice!"

Grandma Tang jumped into the sea.

The glass bottle containing Tang Hongyin's remains burst out with dazzling light.

The ice crystals soaked in the spiritual potion seemed to come alive, and began to devour the spiritual potion at an extremely fast speed.

Before Grandma Tang fell into the water, she tried her best to look back. Before she could smile, her figure was swallowed by the huge waves.

(End of this chapter)

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