The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 416 Birth of the Ocean Spirit 1

Chapter 416 Birth of the Ocean Spirit 1
Grandma Tang fell into the sea.

She expected cold, dark and suffocating to meet her, and prepared for it.

Anyway, this old body has long been useless.

It is worth it to be able to exchange for my granddaughter.

My wife should still be waiting for her over there, right?She came down so slowly, he must have had a hard time waiting...

When people are about to die, all kinds of memories always come to mind.

Grandma Tang recalled her first encounter with her wife in the wheat field when she was young, her unconcealable joy when the newborn was born, and her disappointment when her two sons grew up and left her one behind the other...

She recalled it for a long time - so long that she felt that it was a long time.

Why hasn't she drowned yet?How can I still breathe?

Grandma Tang opened her eyes.

She found herself in the water, but not in the water.

Above her head was the turbulent sea water, and there were fleeting fish beside her, but the water strangely did not touch her.

She was in a huge blister.

This surprised Grandma Tang, and she couldn't help but want to raise her hand to touch the edge of the blister.

But the next second she found that she couldn't do it.

She was entangled, tightly bound, by some scarlet tentacles.

Grandma Tang: "..."

Are there sea monsters in this sea?
Oh, by the way, this is an island that cannot be measured by common sense. It has dazzling superpowers, a talking golden cat, and a magic spell that can bring her granddaughter back to life...

Then, it is not incomprehensible that there are sea monsters with tentacles that can spit bubbles.

She was going to die anyway.

There seems to be no difference between being buried in the belly of a fish and being buried in the mouth of a sea monster.

Thinking of this, Grandma Tang's state of mind became stable again.

She lay quietly in the tentacles, and prayed devoutly to the sky: "I hope Hongyin returns safely, and I hope she spends the rest of her life happily... I hope that the man-eating sea monster will be strangled by my bones, don't Scared my lovely granddaughter."

Yan·The sea monster about to be strangled by the bones·Lige: "..."

Is Grandma Tang so irritable?
Well, it doesn't seem to be too surprising.

He could tell from Grandma Tang's self-report just now that this gentle, polite, and well-educated old lady was definitely a character when she was young. She usually looks delicate, but if you provoke her, this woman dares to stand on a cliff. Crawl, even wolves dare to kill, even bullies dare to hit their heads and faces.

In fact, her granddaughter Tang Hongyin did not give up too much.

The little sheep, who can even speak softly, finally awakened the extraordinary ability to be the "Wings of Purification" with explosive attack power, which wiped out all the pollutants in the sky and the earth in one move.

Should I say——is the family style like this?
Grandma Tang was still babbling her words of blessing: "I hope all the friends who have helped us will be happy, I hope that the kind kittens will be loved and loved by others, and I hope that the residents of the island will not be hurt by monsters... I hope that what is said in the legend The boss who eats everything dragged the sea monster to add food."

Yan · Boss who eats everything · Li Ge: "..."

Is it okay to bring your own extra meal?

He was silent for a while, and then said quietly: "Let me tell you, don't bless me and curse me at the same time, okay?"

Grandma Tang was taken aback.

The tentacles that were softly wrapping around her suddenly loosened, bursting out a powerful force to split the flowing water, engulfing the two of them to swim towards the sea surface.

The two broke through the water at the top of the huge wave.


Grandma Tang was placed on the sea cliff again.

The word "release" best reflects her state after leaving the water.

Yan Luge was like treating a fragile object. Not only did he pick a piece of relatively flat ground and handle it gently, but he also helped her adjust the center of gravity of her body, and then picked up her crutch and stuffed it into her hand. inside.

"Stand still, don't fall and touch porcelain in front of my eyes." Yan Lvge let go of the tentacles and made a joke.

Grandma Tang's sluggish thinking slowed down a few beats before she realized that she was saved by this man with tentacles.

But after realizing this, her first reaction was not to thank, but to look at the stone platform where she placed the undead lamp and the glass bottle.

A big golden cat squatted on the wet boulder. Its long flowing fur shone brightly under the night, and it seemed completely unaffected by the storm.

In front of Su Er VII, there was a burning undead lamp.

But the glass bottle filled with ice crystals has disappeared.

Grandma Tang's eyes widened: "The bottle...the bottle..."

"The glass bottle fell into the sea just now. The ice crystals in the bottle probably melted long ago and flowed into the seawater, so..."

"No..." Grandma Tang's face turned pale immediately, she didn't care about her own safety, she staggered towards her, "Hongyin, my Hongyin..."

Yan Luge stretched out his tentacles, and pulled her back helplessly: "Can you listen to me?"

Grandma Tang struggled for a while, then calmed down again, looking back at Yan Lvge with hopeful and bewildered eyes, as if parents who lost their children were waiting for their last hope.

"You succeeded." Yanlvge said, "You created a miracle, a miracle even greater than I imagined."

He waved his hand, and a ball of extremely bright light condensed in his palm, and then he threw it flying, suspended on the beach not far away, illuminating half of the coast.

Heavy and heavy waves hit the beach, washing the reefs and sea sand on the shore.

When a wave receded for a while, whether it was Yanluge, Su Er VII or Grandma Tang who had a bad eye, they all saw a huge line of text on the beach: "Boss, grandma, and the little girl I don't know Cat, I'm back."

"Do you remember who you are?" Yan Lvge raised his voice and asked.

His voice carried far away.

Another wave washed up on the beach, erasing the previous handwriting and washing out new marks.

Dahai replied: "I am Tang Hongyin."

Grandma Tang froze as if struck by lightning.

A moment later, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, and she stretched out her hand tremblingly to the sea.

"This is a miracle." Yan Luge said each word, "Tang Hongyin's body once collapsed into countless ice crystals, and the ice crystals in the glass bottle were only a small part, and most of them had long since melted, and they were separated from the vast ocean. into one.

"But Grandma Tang, your prayer not only awakened the 'Tang Hongyin' in the glass bottle, but also awakened the part of 'Tang Hongyin' in the sea.

"When the glass bottles are swept away by the waves, they become one again.

"At that moment, although the existence that woke up was no longer the human girl you were familiar with, the sea under our feet had a name since then.

"Her name is 'Tang Hongyin'."

A spirit with human memory, but born in the sea.

The spirit of the ocean, Tang Hongyin.

(End of this chapter)

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