The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 979

Chapter 979
What Li Qingxiong and Kim Zhengtai thought of could no longer be described as horror, they only hoped that their guesses were all false.

"Leave this issue alone, and don't tell anyone, no one can bear this news!"

Kim Jong-tae came back to his senses and said.

"I know, I'm still shaking!"

Li Qingxiong said with a pale face.

"The situation has become more and more serious. The Blue House has been surrounded by parents. Now the topic of serial murders has not only caused panic across the country, but even foreign countries have known about the shocking things that happened in our country. Case, although this will clear us a lot of obstacles, but at the same time, our pressure is already unimaginable!"

"You and the task force must arrest Park Qirui before the deadline, otherwise the country will fall into complete chaos, the Blue House will be overthrown by angry people, and our country will be on the verge of extinction!"

Kim Zhengtai wanted to use the influence of public opinion to resist the pressure exerted by Park Qirui's minions, but he ignored that Park Qirui's subordinates would also use this incident to create momentum to suppress Park Qirui. Now no one can control the turn of public opinion. The pressure will indeed bring motivation to people, but too heavy pressure will overwhelm people, and now the entire Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has been overwhelmed.

Now not only everyone in the country is staring at this serial murder case, but even many countries in the world are paying attention to the development of the gaffe, and many countries have already cut off flights with Bangziguo in order to prevent serial murders of the murderers fled to their country to commit crimes.

It can be said that it is really facing a life-and-death crisis now. If this serial murder case cannot be solved, it is no longer that he, the chief and the police department, are unlucky, but a crisis that will shake the political arena of the entire Bangzi country.

However, it is extremely difficult to solve this serial murder case within three days. Park Qirui is not an ordinary person. If he wants to hit him, he must have conclusive evidence.

"It's really not possible. We can only take the lead and arrest Park Qirui secretly. This way at least we can ensure that no more children will die. I will handle this matter, and you have to pretend that you don't know!"

Li Qingxiong gritted his teeth and said.

Li Qingxiong has been forced to do nothing. He thought of using extraordinary means to control Park Qirui, so that Park Qirui would not be able to continue committing crimes. Although this is against the police's duty, for the sake of the safety of more children, this is not a solution. way.

"No, even if Park Qirui is arrested, he still has helpers. Now we don't know how many people Park Qirui has to help with this matter, and we don't know who is there. Once Park Qirui loses contact, who will There is no guarantee that his helpers will not go crazy, and more casualties may be caused by then, what we have to do is to catch Park Qirui and his helpers, and there must be no omissions!"

Kim Jung-tae hesitated for a while and rejected Li Qingxiong's proposal, not because he was worried about the adverse effects of this incident, but the key is that Park Qirui's serial murder case is fundamentally different from other serial murder cases.

Park Qirui's Shinrikyo has been clearly a cult, and the believers of the cult are a bunch of brainwashed lunatics. No one knows what they will do. Their loyalty to the faith is terrifying.

If Park Qirui made preparations in advance to prevent his viciousness from being interrupted after he was arrested, and let the believers who are completely loyal to him continue his unfinished business, then things will become even more terrifying, and more people will be affected. harm.

If catching Park Qirui can solve all problems, Kim Jong-tae doesn't mind solving Park Qirui once and for all, but with Park Qirui's mind and identity, it is impossible for him not to leave behind, and this very likely backhand is The place that Kim Jong-tae fears the most.

"It's really hateful. Who would have thought that the biggest philanthropist in our country is actually a devil disguised as kindness. It would be great if someone could read minds, so that they could see through Park Qirui's thoughts, and we could hit the nail on the head!"

Li Qingxiong said bitterly.

"Mind reading?"

After hearing this, Kim Jong-tae was taken aback for a moment, and then had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"That's right, if you have mind reading skills, you can read Park Qirui's thoughts, and then all of Park Qirui's secrets can't be hidden."

Li Qingxiong said.

"Maybe I have an idea!"

Kim Jong-tae said with a joyful expression on his face.

"What's the idea?"

Li Qingxiong hurriedly asked.

"Do you still remember that there was a famous sorceress in Gyeonggi-do, Seoul a few years ago?"

Kim Jong-tae asked back.

"Oh, remember, it's said to be a witch, but she's just a little girl in her early 20s who has been pretending to be a ghost and deceiving people. I heard that she cheated a rich man of a lot of money and was arrested."

Li Qingxiong recalled and said.

"Yes, it's that witch, but what you understand is the modified version. In fact, that girl does have the ability to read other people's inner thoughts, and she was not arrested for defrauding the rich man of his money. The Blue House wanted to use her ability, and then made up such a reason to protect her."

"This girl is actually a mutant. Her ability to save the world is mind-reading. Through contact with other people, she can read the other person's heart and know the other person's secret. Therefore, she was very famous during that time, and because of this, she was given attention by the Blue House. Arrived."

Kim Jong-tae said.

"Mutants? There are also mutants in our country?"

Li Qingxiong asked in surprise.

"What's so strange about this is that there are mutants in almost every country, but the number is very small. Our country has controlled all the mutants. However, the mutants in our country are not strong, and only the mutants that can be used in battle Fewer and fewer, so almost no one knows."

Kim Jong-tae explained.

"Then where is this girl? If she can help us read Park Qirui's heart, then all problems will be solved, and we will be able to arrest Park Qirui immediately!"

Li Qingxiong said excitedly.

"I don't know where. I can only contact the Blue House, but it's not certain whether it will succeed. You can't completely rely on this girl. You have to rely more on yourself. I can only try to convince the Blue House!"

Kim Jong-tae said helplessly.

The population of Bangzi Kingdom is small, so the chance of mutants appearing is even less. Although Kim Zhengtai doesn’t know how many mutants there are in Bangzi Kingdom, he estimates that there are at most ten or so. He is in a position where he can barely access this secret. In addition, he handled the girl's case, so he knew something about it.

But Bangzi Nation is not as deep-rooted as the United States, and the Avengers, the superhero alliance, can suppress mutants, so Bangzi Nation will not treat mutants in the same way as Bangzi Nation, let mutants set up a similar X-Men It is very likely that these mutants were secretly imprisoned, and they might even be eliminated.

"Chief, you must convince the Blue House that they are facing more troubles than us now. I think they will agree to your request!"

Li Qingxiong is still hopeful. After all, if this problem cannot be resolved, the Blue House will lose even more. Those politicians are stupid and may lose everything overnight. Therefore, in order to keep what they have, Li Qingxiong believes that the Blue House will do the right thing. choose.

"I hope so! It's just that I'm not sure if those mutants are still there, or if they are still alive. If they are all secretly solved by the Blue House, then we can rely on ourselves in the end, so we have to be prepared. If It is a good thing that the Blue House agrees to my request, but if those mutants are really gone, we have to be prepared."

Kim Jong-tae said.

"I understand that if possible, I would prefer to solve this case by ourselves. Relying on mutants to solve it can only bring out the incompetence of the police. Even if the case is solved, it will be a great blow to us."

"But this case is too special and the impact is too bad. We must use all available power to solve the case. Even if people say that our police are incompetent, it doesn't matter, as long as we can save those children!"

Li Qingxiong nodded and said.

The problem that hundreds of thousands of policemen could not solve was easily solved by a mutant. It would indeed appear that the police are incompetent, but when it comes to saving people and their dignity, Li Qingxiong chose to save people without hesitation. Dignity can be restored, but people It is dead but cannot be brought back to life.

"I know, I will try my best, but this secret must not be known to a third person, and you should not hold out too much hope, you still have to investigate with all your strength, and I will use all means to try."

Kim Jong-tae and Lee Kyung-woong have the same idea, he is more inclined to rely on the police to catch Park Qirui, but sometimes it is not what you think, so Kim Jong-tae also wants to fight for it, no matter if he succeeds or not, he will not give up , Park Qirui must be arrested and brought to justice.

"I'm going to arrange to intensify the search. The suspects have also been monitored. Now they are fully monitored and monitored. Once they make any changes, they will never escape our monitoring."

"And I will also apply for a search warrant from the Prosecutor's Office. Since Park Qirui is so unscrupulous and dares to commit crimes against the wind, I will also change my strategy and start a comprehensive investigation of him. I will use all available means and let him go. fight."

"I don't believe that nothing can be found. I have a hunch that important clues will be found in Park Qirui's home. The serial murderer will leave a relic of the victim as a souvenir. I think Park Qirui will also No exception, if we can find him, Park Qirui will definitely not be able to escape!"

Li Qingxiong thought for a while and said.

"The prosecutor's office won't give you a search warrant easily. Their chief has a lot to do with Park Qirui. Without Park Qirui's help, their chief would not be able to take that position, and we don't have any important evidence in hand. Based on this, this trick probably won't work and will only alarm Park Qirui."

Kim Jong-tae said.

"If I can't apply, I will apply. I did it on purpose. It is also a response to Park Qirui's unscrupulousness. Since he wants to fight, I can't back down."

"I also know that the Chief Prosecutor has a deep relationship with Park Qirui, but the Chief Prosecutor of the West District Prosecutor's Office and Park Qirui are not in the same line. My application from him has a great possibility of success."

"Besides, without a search warrant, I have other ways to search Park Qirui's home, but it's not as convenient as having a search warrant!"

Li Qingxiong said.

"Then you have to pay attention, if you don't apply for a search warrant, if you use other methods, don't be caught. You also know that evidence obtained by illegal means cannot be used as evidence, and it is more likely that Park Qirui will If the evidence of existence is destroyed, the problem will be more complicated.”

Kim Jong-tae instructed.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it. This time, I will definitely frighten Park Qirui. He probably wouldn't have thought that I would confront him head-on. We can't do what he wants us to do now. We have to use other methods."

Li Qingxiong nodded and said.

"Okay, then you go, I will contact the Blue House right away, and try to get him on loan."

Kim Jong-tae said.

"Okay, Chief, I'll trouble you then, I'll go now!"

After Li Qingxiong finished speaking, he left.

Regardless of whether Kim Jong-tae can borrow mutants from the Cheong Wa Dae, Li Qingxiong is ready to change his strategy. He wanted to use public opinion to restrict Park Qirui. Thinking that Park Qirui was so crazy, he dared to make a move.

From this we can see how crazy Park Qirui is, but it also allows Li Qingxiong to see Park Qirui's thoughts clearly. Park Qirui just wants to further expand his influence. He doesn't care what others say or think, and he doesn't care whether others know it is What he did, what he cared about was how big the impact would be, so Li Qingxiong was worried that there would be accidents with girls in the future.

So Li Qingxiong chose to take the initiative to attack. Since he has already torn his face, there is no need to worry about it.

After leaving the chief's office, Li Qingxiong immediately contacted Jin Daozhu, chief prosecutor of the Western District Prosecutor's Office, and straight to the point said that he wanted Jin Daozhu to issue a search warrant to search Park Qirui's home.

"Deputy Chief Li, do you have conclusive evidence to prove that Park Qirui is the serial murderer?"

After hearing Li Qingxiong's application, Jin Daozhu asked in silence for a long time.

"No, if there is conclusive evidence, I have brought Park Qirui back, so why would I ask you to apply for a search warrant!"

Li Qingxiong said without concealing it.

"You know, I can't issue you a search warrant without evidence, it's against the rules!"

Jin Daozhu said with a big head.

"General Prosecutor, do you think the regulations are more important than human life? If I catch Piao Qirui, your chief will surely fall, and your department will also be finished, and you are the most qualified to succeed, Prosecutor. So for the sake of those children whose lives are hanging by a thread, and for the sake of being able to clear up the moths in the prosecutor’s office, Chief Prosecutor, you should give me this search warrant!"

"Of course I don't deny that this is a gamble to block everything, but I'm sure that Park Qirui's home must have so many evidences that he committed crimes over the years. As long as you have these evidences, your act of issuing this search warrant will be fine. If someone pursues it, on the contrary, you will become a hero, now, it depends on how you choose the prosecutor!"

Li Qingxiong said straightforwardly.

Whether Park Qirui's family has any evidence of his murder, Li Qingxiong is not sure at all, but he believes that there is a very high possibility. Going straight to Huanglong is Li Qingxiong's current strategy. As for the impact, Li Qingxiong has already ignored it. What Li Qingxiong wants to do most now.

(End of this chapter)

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