The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 980

Chapter 980
How to choose?Now Jin Daozhu only wants to protect his life wisely. Now that the problem of serial murder has become so serious that whoever touches it will die, how can Jin Daozhu want to intervene in it!
But what Li Qingxiong said also moved Jin Daozhu a little. His current position is very awkward, and he wants to go further, but their chief is Park Qirui's people, and he is under pressure and does not give him a chance to be promoted.

Originally, it was his turn to be the deputy chief. No matter in terms of experience, qualifications or age, Jin Daozhu was the most suitable one. Even he himself was ready to take over the position of the old deputy chief, but the chief promoted his own Ren took the position of deputy chief and cut off Jin Daozhu's path at once, which made Jin Daozhu extremely annoyed.

But he had no choice. Jin Daozhu was able to reach the position of chief prosecutor entirely because he was appreciated by the vice-chief of the wounded and was promoted. Jin Daozhu himself had no background, so no one spoke for him.

Before the former deputy chief was transferred, he had already paved the way for Jin Daozhu. Everyone thought that Jin Daozhu's succession as the deputy chief was a certainty, but suddenly a subordinate of the chief came out and took the position of the deputy chief away. Because of this, Jin Daozhu was so angry that he was almost hospitalized.

When the suspect in the serial murder case came out, Jin Daozhu was very relieved. If there was a problem with Park Qirui, then the chief executive would definitely not be able to escape, and he would definitely be in trouble.

Moreover, Jin Daozhu has been staring at the deputy chief during this period. He obviously found that the chief has been anxious recently, and loses his temper from time to time. It can be seen that the chief minister and the deputy chief minister have had a very difficult time.

The worse the chief and the deputy chief were, the happier Jin Daozhu was, as if all the anger he had suffered before had been released, and the boredom in his heart disappeared.

But I didn't expect that Li Qingxiong came to the door at this time, and asked him to issue a search warrant to search Park Qirui's house. The key is that there is no evidence, and everything is Li Qingxiong's guess. If there is evidence, even a little evidence, Jin Daozhu will do nothing. He issued a search warrant without hesitation, but Li Qingxiong had no evidence, only a verbal check. Jin Daozhu absolutely didn't want to be involved in this matter at this time. If he was not careful, he would be crushed to pieces!
But this is also an opportunity, a chance to overthrow the chief and the deputy chief at once. As long as these two fall, coupled with the strong support from the police department, Jin Daozhu has the opportunity to directly surpass the deputy chief and become the chief. A once in a lifetime opportunity!
Of course, there is a considerable risk in doing so. If Li Qingxiong can't find any evidence in Park Qirui's house, he will be the chief prosecutor, and he will suffer from Park Qirui's crazy revenge. It is really difficult to choose between gains and losses.

"Besides, as long as Park Qirui's identity as the murderer is confirmed, neither your chief and deputy chiefs will be able to escape. I know that recently your chief and deputy chiefs have been jumping up and down to work for Park Qirui. As long as Park Qirui is finished, the two of them will If you were arrested by us at the first time, then it will be your chance, Chief Prosecutor Jin."

"I can assure Chief Prosecutor Jin on behalf of our chief, and I will do my best to help Prosecutor Jin win the position of chief executive. Even if it fails, you can also blame Prosecutor Jin on me, saying that I gave you false evidence , you just applied for a search warrant for us, and you also acted according to the rules, and you can protect yourself."

Li Qingxiong further bewitched.

He really has nothing to do now, there are only three days left, and the progress in all aspects is very slow. Although he has a direction, if there is no other way, there will be no useful clues at all within three days. The body of the fifth victim is about to appear on the street.

So Li Qingxiong wanted to put all his eggs in one basket. As for what would happen to Chief Prosecutor Jin afterwards, Li Qingxiong couldn't control it, because Li Qingxiong himself was in danger at that time, and it would be okay to add one more forged evidence.


Jin Daozhu was a little speechless after hearing what Li Qingxiong said, this is all empty teeth!Everything is based on being able to bring down Park Qirui. If Park Qirui escapes, even if he puts all the blame on Li Qingxiong, it will be in vain!Who the hell would believe that the Attorney General who has worked for 20 years would apply for a search warrant because of a false evidence!
But Jin Daozhu was really unwilling to see the duck with its mouth fly away, and Jin Daozhu didn't expect to be the deputy chief one day. He knew that he could only become the chief prosecutor because of the appreciation of the deputy chief.

But before his retirement, the deputy chief came to him specifically, saying that he should prepare himself to take over the position of the deputy chief. This made Jin Daozhu's heart throb, and it was already his dream to be the second in command of the prosecutor's office in his lifetime.

This person lives well even when there is no hope, but when hope suddenly comes, the feeling is different. When there is hope, I also look forward to it in my heart, but at the end of the day, someone gives me a slap in the face. This gap made it difficult for Jin Daozhu to accept.

The old deputy chief is also very helpless because of this, he has a backer, but he is not as good as Park Qirui, Jin Daozhu is his favorite student, and he still wants to fight for this student who has no backer before he leaves. Cheng Yaojin comes.

Originally, it is almost impossible for a department to have a situation where the first and second leaders are all one party's forces, but Park Qirui's power is too great to hold back. He is only the second leader of the prosecutor's office. No one wants to have any disputes with Park Qirui over this, although this matter Park Qirui didn't know it at all, but who made the chief belong to Park Qirui, so it was taken for granted that it was Park Qirui who was in charge, and the chief also took advantage of this to make it.

"Deputy Chief Li, how sure are you?"

Jin Daozhu, who had been silent for a long time, asked.

Just now Jin Daozhu thought for a long time when Li Qingxiong was speaking, and the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. The f*cking number one and the second number are both Park Qirui's people. As long as they are on top of him, he has no chance.

After the chief leaves, he will definitely be replaced by the deputy chief. As for the position of the deputy chief, he must be replaced by the chief prosecutor of their department or who has a good relationship with them. It is impossible for Jin Daozhu to have a chance. No further chance was possible.

Since this is the case, Jin Daozhu will fight hard, you ruined my future, I will kill you, the worst is to resign and quit, anyway, what he did is really bad, although the money he made these years is not much, but it is enough for Jin Daozhu The elderly are old, and their children are also working, so they don't need to help themselves. Only the old couple can basically live well.

"More than 20%, Park Qirui's character determines his actions, and you have been the prosecutor general for [-] years, and you must understand that serial murderers will definitely leave the victims' things as souvenirs, and they will put these things in A place where I can see it, so Park Qirui must be at home."

Li Qingxiong was going to say [-]% at first, but when he said it, it became [-]%, just to give Jin Daozhu some confidence, although he knew that Jin Daozhu could not believe that he was [-]% sure.

"Eighty percent?"

Jin Daozhu was taken aback.

What the hell, I don't even bring such a fool!You say [-]% I believe it, you say [-]% fool you!But Jin Daozhu didn't expose Li Qingxiong's lies, but he knew that Li Qingxiong's situation could be said to be on the edge of a cliff. Even if he wasn't very sure, there were still some clues.

Jin Daozhu still believes in Li Qingxiong's character. Although the prosecutor's office and the police department had many conflicts before, over the years, Li Qingxiong and Jin Daozhu have had a lot of contact. Come on, Jin Daozhu won't even listen to the other party's tricks.

"Prosecutor Jin, time is running out. As you know, the interval between the appearance of the victim is seven days. We only have three days now. We must act as soon as possible. I really have no other choice!"

"I know that Prosecutor Kim's family has a married daughter, and she is very happy now, but there are still three known abductees out there who are underage girls. Now the parents of those children are very anxious. The sooner we Rescue those girls, the sooner they will be safe, Prosecutor Jin, just for the sake of these three girls whose lives and deaths are unknown, I also ask Prosecutor Jin to apply for a search warrant for me!"

Li Qingxiong used the victim again to persuade Jin Daozhu.

Jin Daozhu couldn't help but sigh when he thought of his daughter and his granddaughter who just turned one year old. He could understand the families of the victims. His daughter once broke his leg, and he couldn't sleep for several days because of his heartache. Not to mention the parents whose children were killed, they must be heartbroken.

"Okay! Deputy Chief Li, I will apply for a search warrant for you, but I have a request!"

Jin Daozhu rubbed his brows and said.

"Prosecutor Jin, you said, I will agree to any request!"

Li Qingxiong was overjoyed. At first he had no hope, but he didn't expect a turning point.

"The murderer must be brought to justice. I can understand the feelings of the parents of those children. The children I have raised and brought up with so much painstaking efforts were killed in such an inhumane way. Their hearts are also dead. Now support It is our responsibility to bring the perpetrators to justice!"

Jin Daozhu said righteously.

"Don't worry, Prosecutor Jin, I guarantee with my head that Park Qirui will never escape, and his minions will also be buried with him. I will use Park Qirui to comfort the souls of those children!"

Li Qingxiong said firmly.

"I hope Deputy Chief Li can do what he says. I will personally bring the search warrant to the scene. Let's meet in front of Park Qirui's house together! This time, I will stop everything and accompany Deputy Chief Li!"

Jin Daozhu said with a sigh.

After making the decision, Jin Daozhu's heart was not so entangled. Instead, Jin Daozhu became more relaxed about his responsibilities and the direction of his heart.

"Thank you Chief Prosecutor Jin, I will wait for you at Park Qirui's house!"

Li Qingxiong said hastily.

After getting Jin Daozhu's promise, Li Qingxiong hurriedly contacted Han Sunmi and asked the special case team to go to Park Qirui's house together. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Park Qirui would never have imagined that they would skip the procedure and go straight to his death gate.

Han Sunmi was also overjoyed after receiving the news from Li Qingxiong, and immediately called Dongbai, Gu Qingtan, and Wu Zhixun, and the four went straight to Park Qirui's house to meet Li Qingxiong.

"The deputy chief is amazing! He even applied for a search warrant!"

Gu Qingtan sighed on the way to Park Qirui's house.

"The deputy chief is betting everything. If we find nothing, the deputy chief will become a victim. He is desperate!"

Dongbai said.

"The missing person who appeared last night made the deputy chief anxious! Who would have thought that Park Qirui would dare to commit crimes against the wind at this time!"

Wu Zhixun said.

"Comparing the course of action of the missing person and those of the suspects, is there any overlap?"

Han Shanmei asked.

"None of the three suspects had an alibi. They all said that they were at home and there were no witnesses. Jin Zhihai said that he was at home alone, and his wife went to help his son look after the children, so there were no witnesses to prove his words."

"Sang Hee-hyun's son was at a classmate's house last night, and there is no way to prove whether Sang Hee-hyun is at home. Although some neighbors saw that the lights were on at Sang Hee-hyun's house when the kidnapping happened, it cannot prove that Sang Hee-hyun was at home. .”

"Cui Anna is Cui Anzai, she lives alone, and there are no witnesses to prove it."

Gu Qingtan said.

"However, none of the three people's cars moved, but this is not evidence. After all, the vehicle suspected of kidnapping is an SUV, which does not match the cars of the three of them. There must be another car specially prepared for kidnapping and transporting corpses." car!"

Oh Ji-hoon added.

"Any clues about the kidnapper's vehicle investigation?"

Dongbai looked at Han Sunmi and asked, Han Sunmi has always been watching the vehicle investigation.

"The suspected vehicles that appeared in the monitoring were all confirmed to be not the ones used by the kidnappers, but through investigation, we found a road that can avoid all the monitoring and leave the urban area, and through comparison, we found that all the victims were abandoned here. I have asked people from the Guangsou team to search along this road, and I don’t know if there will be any gains!”

Han Shanmei said helplessly.

She and the people from the wide search team stared at the surveillance for a long time, ruled out all possible vehicles, but still did not find the car driven by the suspect, which shows that the other party is very familiar with the surveillance in Seoul, and was found by the other party. The road that was able to leave the city for the first time was photographed by surveillance.

Although this road is very complicated, it can avoid all monitoring, but it can only go outside the city. Once the road is changed halfway, it will be detected by the monitoring immediately, so the murderer can only leave the city. This can be regarded as finding a clue, which is basically certain. The murderer didn't commit the crime inside the city, but tied the person outside the city and killed him, then transported the body back and threw it away.

"Outside the city?"

Dongbai was thoughtful after hearing this.

"Immediately ask the people from the Guangsou team to check the properties under Park Qirui's name outside the city. Is there any air-raid shelters or underground caves dug nearby? I think the murderer must have used these places. These underground caves and air-raid shelters have been destroyed. People have forgotten, only these places that have been forgotten will no one go, this is the key to why Park Qirui has not been discovered for so many years!"

Dongbai said with an idea.

Thinking of the outside of the city, Dongbai immediately thought of these places. The caves and air-raid shelters are located in sparsely populated places, and no one will pay attention to these deserted places. They are the best places to commit crimes.

(End of this chapter)

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