The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 13: Devil in the courtroom

Pov Matt Murdock

“And that is why judge my client couldn’t have Mr Declan” I was looking the jury dead in the eye as I made my closing argument in the trial that would ever send a man to death row or free him. As I exited the courtroom my best friend Franklin Nelson was waiting for me. 

“How did it go Matt” I turned to him and sighed.

“I think he will be found innocent”

“Well as I always say Matt don’t count your chickens before they hatch” I instantly recognised the voice it belonged to John James McCoy.

“And why don’t you think he will be found innocent John” I turned around to face him.

“Because his blood is at the crime scene his finger prints are on the murder weapon and he already had a restraining order against him by the victim” I did a slight chuckle.

“If you find the person behind that horrible triple homicide send him my way will you” I heard him do a slight chuckle before he patted my shoulder.

“When we catch him I’ll pass him your name” I heard a rapid beeping noise. “Well look at the time I have another trial I’m over seeing starting in two minutes I’ll be off, if you ever get tired of defending scumbags ring me we will always have an open prosecutors chair for a good lawyer like you Matt” I could hear his footsteps receding. 

“I don’t know why you don’t agree to his offer Matt you’ll net much more dough being a prosecutor then defending the clients you pick” I patted my friend on the back.

“I probably would Foggy but then who would the innocent people who have been framed” I could feel the unease in my friends demeanour. “What’s wrong with you Foggy?”

“It just that my last date didn’t go the way I hoped for” 

“What happened?”

“It wasn’t her It was me I don’t think a relationship with her would work out anyway” I patted him on the shoulder.

“You’ll find love someday, how about I buy us some coffee” I could feel that his mood changed slightly.

“What would I do without a friend like you” 

“I don’t know and I would rather not think about it” as we exited the courthouse I could feel someone watching us. I turned around slightly.

“What’s wrong?” I felt him pat me on the shoulder.

“Nothing I just had a strange feeling” I suddenly felt uneasy ‘I need to check out that crime scene near that new laundromat’

Pov Midnight 

I woke up extremely sore I could barely remember what had happened. I out stretched my new arms and felt something leaking down my leg. I then gazed down my Master was underneath me ‘Ow that’s right I claimed Master’ I got off him and gazed at his naked lower body. ‘He is definitely a grower and not a shower’ I tiptoed away to find something to wipe his leaking essence from my legs.

‘I’ve definitely been impregnated by Master I feel like I will need help to please him in the future’ I shudder at the thought of having another woman servicing Master. ‘No master is mine and mine alone’ I did a couple of stretches and got used to walking with only two legs. I found some towels and cleaned myself thoroughly. I searched for Masters phone and tried to remember were I put it. I finally spotted it on a table beside him I carefully sneaked past him and picked it up.

‘Ha thankfully Master didn’t put a password on his phone’ I thoroughly searched it for photos or messages from other women. I wasn’t able to find any and I was happy about it, I quickly accessed the camera and started to take photos of my new naked body. I added them to a new photo albumen and labelled it (use these when you want to relive yourself).

‘Maybe I should take some photos of me in one of the lab coats maybe he will like those.’ I decided not to though as I had to carefully place his phone back. ‘I need to study more on how to please Master humans have all sorts of fetishes maybe he’s into that cosplay stuff.’

Pov Wilson Grant Fisk

“What do you mean they are all dead” I slammed my fist into the table. My eyes glared at the man in front of me he did a nervous gulp and tried to shuffle backwards.

“All we found at the warehouse was spent bullet casings, pools of blood, bloody handprints and shreds of fabric” the man wore a policeman’s outfit.

“Could it be Daredevil?”

“Impossible I’m sure he doesn’t kill people and if he was responsible he must have had help to depose of the bodies” the police officer wiped his forehead with a handkerchief. 

“I’ll give you twenty four hours to find who did this or I’ll have my men pay a visit to your pretty wife, you’re expecting a child aren’t you” The police officer nodded frantically. I shook his hand firmly “it’s a pleasure doing business Captain Johnson” as he left a woman entered.

“Who was that honey” 

“That was just a police officer Vanessa telling me there was a break in at one of my warehouses” my wife’s face turned to shock.

“Was anything taken” she came closer her round belly just inches away from my desk.

“No thankfully it was one of them I didn’t use often, you don’t need to concern yourself with it, you need to make sure you and our baby are okay.” She kissed me on the cheek.

“What did I ever do to deserve you” as she drew closer to the door she turned to face me. “Remember you have that fundraiser for the orphans tonight make sure you wear that nice suit I bought you” she gave me a smile before closing the door.

‘Damn Daredevil once I find out who you are you’re done for’.

Pov Matt Murdock

I was called to enter the courtroom once again and I stood beside my client. It had taken the jury six hours to deliberate and they had made their verdict. My client was rubbing his hands nervously. “Has the jury made their verdict” A woman stood up I could only tell by her feminine voice.

“We have your honour”

“On the first count Murder in the first degree how do you find the defendant Mr Brandon Hampshire” I could feel every gaze hit the jury woman.

“On the count of murder in the first degree we the jury find the defendant Brandon Hampshire not guilty” I could hear a mixture of disbelief and anger coming from the crowd. I felt a hand grab my hands.

“Thank you thank you” 

“It’s my job I’m glad we were able to prove your innocence” as I exited the courtroom I felt a familiar presence following me. “Don’t say your a sore loser now John” I turned to face the man.

“No I’m here to congratulate you on doing a splendid job, I was wondering if I could buy you a coffee or something” I shook my head politely. “You do know how to pick them, well thanks to you a man gets to go free”

“Well if he was guilty I wouldn’t have been representing him, I’m an amazing judge of character” I left quickly and proceeded to walk down the courthouse stairs when I suddenly bumped into someone “sorry miss”.

“No I’m sorry I wasn’t watching were I was going you’re not hurt are you” I shook my head.

“I’ll be leaving now Miss”

“Miss Valentine, Midnight Valentine” I could hear the women's footsteps receding quickly as I carried on my journey. ‘Hum I remember Foggy telling me a laundromat had opened up next to law firm sure beats that Chinese takeaway place’ the owner was nice. He gave us a lifetime discount when we defended him from a food poisoning charge a couple years ago. I did a slight chuckle as I reminisced about the memory. 

As I crossed the street I could hear Foggy coming closer to me. He had wrapped his arm around me before I could greet him. “I heard you won the case congratulations” I sighed.

“Did you have any doubt” I could hear him chuckle loudly as we got onto the bus. 

“Well you know how that new Laundromat has opened” I didn’t like the way this was going. “I was thinking why didn’t we go in and introduce ourselves and tell them what we do and if they ever need lets say a lawyer that we are extremely cheep”.

“You want another discount don’t you”

“No Matt we need green you know mula, dosh, dough, bread, cash our last client paid us with enough footballs to open our own club” I had to agree with him we are running out of money. 

“We’ll talk about this when we get back Franklin”

Pov Luke Valentine 

When I awoke every inch of my body was really really sore I couldn’t see Midnight anywhere. ‘When I get my hands on you I’m going to turn you back into a fucking centipede’ my back made a sickening cracking sound as I straightened it. I noticed my largest lab coat had disappeared as I checked the time on my phone my jaw dropped. ‘Damn it’ it was now the late evening Midnight had made me waste an entire day. 

I then noticed a small note stuck on the table (Gone to buy clothes with your credit card P.S if you haven’t checked your photo albums check them now) it finished with a hand drawn winking smiley face. “Forget turning you into a centipede I’m going to kill you now” I checked my photo albums and saw what she meant. I got an immediate erection ‘Damn it I will forgive her this time’ I now had a new problem ‘well she did say to use these to relieve myself’

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