The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 16: A Job Offer

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy 

“Die fuckers” I let another volley fly into the encroaching hoard of shambling corpses. I had discovered their critical weakness. “Aim for the head” I shouted the my fellow officers. I squeezed the trigger but nothing happened, ‘Fuck out of bullets looks like I need to do this the old fashioned way’. I pulled out my nightstick and took a swing crushing one of the undead’s head with a single blow.

‘I hope this doesn’t count as police brutality?’ I took another swing detaching one zombies jaw from his head. But then I saw it, the corpse of a small girl lumbered towards me. A small tear escaped my eyes as I clubbed the little girls brains out of her body. ‘I’m going to find who the fuck did this and bring them to justice’ I heard some more screaming ‘fuck you guys have guns why are you getting close to them’. I swung at more of the zombies splattering their brains on my uniform.

Just then I heard an enormous rumble of gun fire, I turned and saw a small battalion of people all dressed in tactical gear. They started to open fire into the horde cutting them down quickly. Their tactical gear bore a strange symbol.

I then heard a monstrous roar coming from the arena and got an uneasy feeling. I could hear some of my fellow officers thanking the new allies. BOOM! I heard a massive bang coming from the arena. BOOM BOOM BOOM! Something was trying to smash its way out of the arena. 

“Team 1 move up and secure that arena, Team 2 sweep the surrounding area for anymore of these things, Team 3 with me” I heard the tallest man from the men barking orders.

“Do you need any help” I asked the man his face was hidden behind a gas mask.

“Yeah we need you and the other officers to secure the area and keep the citizens away from here” I nodded to the man. I called out to my fellow officers and we started to secure the perimeter.

“Is that?”

“Yeah it is them the S.H.I.E.L.D special task force” I could hear some of the officers gossiping ‘so those guys were from S.H.I.E.L.D’. I then heard more smashing and banging coming from behind me. I then turned around just in time to see part of the arena wall explode outwards. A large cloud of dust had been kicked up almost obscuring the monstrous figure that had started to climb out of the hole. It was about ten feet tall and was extremely muscular. I could see some of the other soldiers trying to shoot its head but it was protecting it with its own arms.

“I’ve had enough with fucking zombies” I grabbed a shotgun from one of the nearby officers. I checked if it was loaded ‘four shots more then enough’ I had to duck because one of the soldiers was launched towards me. I could hear the soldier hit the squad car behind me. I turned to see his mangled corpse slump out of the dint it made in the squad car. I took a deep breath and charged at the monstrous zombie.

It also started to charge at me as we got closer I was able to see how ugly it was. Its skin was discoloured and it had points were the skin had completely tore away exposing the muscle underneath. It eyes were rooted in sunken sockets and its hair was sparsely covering its own head. It’s shirt was ripped and hung off its biceps and well its pants were none existent. I combat slid between the creatures legs as it tried to swing for me. 

I used this opportunity to shoot the creature in the crotch. I could see some of the other officers grabbing their own crotches after I did this. The zombie yelled in pain and cupped its now none existent dick. As it was distracted by its new found loss I shot again this time in the backside of the knee. I watched as the pellets tore through the muscle and bone. The creature slumped back screamed again, I then went in to finish the job placing the muzzle at the base of the skull.

“Say nighty night!” ‘Damn that’s a bad catchphrase’ I squeezed the trigger sending the creatures brains flying through the air. I collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and I started to hear applause coming from some of my fellow officers.

Pov Wolfgang Von Strucker 

I threw a remote at the tv “How dare someone impersonate our great organisation!” I turned to face one of my henchmen. “Find out who did this and bring them to me alive” ‘If Hydra can gain access to this Zombie gas we will become the masters of the world’. I exited the room I was in and was saluted by two Hydra soldiers.

Pov Some random goon

We had been driving for about thirty minutes to get to a house ‘what make this guy so special that Marcus would send us to get him’. I looked around there were six of us me included all of us had seen action in Iraq or Afghanistan. We were employed by Marcus Gallo to do his dirty work, he wanted someone to disappear we were the guys he would call. We were driving in a white panel van which doesn’t at all scream kidnappers.

“Next time I pick the the vehicle Jake” I said to a tall African American. 

“Well then how about you drive ow wait I’m the only one with a drivers license so I pick the vehicle until someone else gets one”. I couldn’t argue on the man’s logic as I peered out of the tinted front windows I saw the target’s location. 

“Alright gentlemen everyone get your tasers and silenced pistols also remember your masks” we all pulled our masks on and exited the van. It was the middle of the day so most people would be out ever at work or watching that stupid race. I had started to pick the doors lock and I did it quickly “we need to be in and out in under five minutes boys.” As we entered the house we could hear loud music and singing.

“Say no more counting dollars we’ll be counting stars” ‘holy shit how does that short stack fuck a woman that tall’ I shook at the mental image that started to form in my head. I signalled for the two guys at my left to flank left and then signalled for the two guys at my right to flank right. Me and Jake started to approach the abnormally tall woman. 

“Don’t even try screaming” I whispered placing the muzzle of my suppressed at the base of the women's skull. I did a sharp whistle and Jake pulled out a zip tie. 

“If you don’t want to lose your hands short stuff I recommend you put away that tiny pea shooter before I rip yours off.” I took a step back but still kept the gun pointed at the woman’s head.

“Were is your husband?” I tried to keep a calm tone whilst the rest of the men gathered around.

“One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six” ‘is she counting us.’ “So six people around two hundred pounds wait I need to leave one of you alive” she turned to face me. “I think you are the leader so good news you get to live bad news for the rest of you my baby is hungry and needs to eat”. She spun round and grabbed Ben and Zack before I could react. Me, Jack, Liam and Jake all pointed our pistols at the woman.

“Drop them you fucker!” I could hear Liam say. We all glared at the woman as our friends dragged helplessly in her grip. I could hear a cracking sound accompanied by the screams of Ben and Zack. We all opened fire unloading everything into the women’s body. Much to our chagrin the bullets didn’t even seem to graze the woman's skin. ‘What the fuck is she made out of?’ She changed at Jack and punched so hard that her fist exited through his back. I could hear Liam scream as she picked him up and started to pull him apart. 

I could only look on as he pleaded and was ignored by the woman. I could hear his back cracking, flesh tearing and with one final tug the woman ripped him in two. His blood had started to spray everywhere including on my face. ‘What the fuck did Marcus send us into’ me and Jake turned to run but I felt something wrap around my neck. I could see something shoot towards Jake and impale him straight through his head. I could hear some gargles coming from Jake as the blood started to pool in what was left of his mouth.

I was lifted into the air and was turned around I could see jolting out of the woman's head were to super long wipe like antenna. “My husband will be home soon so I better get cleaned up” she did a menacing smile at me.

Pov Spiderman (AKA Peter Parker)

My day had been going fairly normal Flash had hurled my school bag into the trash again. I took a sigh ‘I wonder how he would react if he knew his Idol was the boy he mercilessly bullied’. My back still hurt from the encounter with that ginormous monster centipede. I had decided to take a break from being Spiderman to mend my relationship with MJ. “Are you ready for our date Peter?” I turned around and was greeted by MJ.

“Yeah I am” I tried to not let on that my back was still hurting.

“Is your back still hurting Peter maybe you should have it looked at” I tried to chuckle I had told her that I injured it at work because I couldn’t tell her that a massive centipede had nearly crushed me to death.

“It’s fine MJ I’m a tough man it will take a lot more than a bad back to stop me from going on our date” I felt a had grab my shoulder.

“Ah is the little Peter got a bad back you know what you need.” I instantly recognised the voice and turned my head to gaze directly at Flash Thompson.

“No Flash what do I need” I knew I was walking into one of his traps.

“You need a Flash Thompson Atomic Noogie” he instantly got me into a head lock and started to rapidly twist his free hands knuckles into my hair. I could easily bare with the pain but I wasn’t surprised I received one of these every day since we have known each other. 

I looked around no one was going to stop him, the teachers definitely weren't going to do something. After all he was the captain of the football team and he had so many sponsorship deals he probably contributed to half the schools sport budget.

“Come on Flash stop it” MJ stepped in she always had too, since if Flash was left to his own devices I would probably be hanging from the school’s flagpole by my underwear. 

“I don’t know what you see in this nerd MJ but if you ever want a real man you know who to call” he did a smile that would put a cheshire cats grin to shame. MJ simply brushed off his remark and started to sort out my hair. 

“I don’t know why you don’t stand up to that guy” I laughed slightly.

“If I did I probably would end up with my head in a trash can, anyway you’ve seen him right he’s like twice my size and is built like a roided up gorilla” he probably took steroids since no eighteen year old should be that buff. “Anyway I just need to bare with it until I get my scholarship” my smile must have convinced MJ since she smiled and chuckled.

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy

I sat in a helicopter being flown to goodness knows were. After I returned to the station I was immediately whisked away by men in black suits. We must have been flying a fair distance since I really needed to go to the bathroom. I suddenly felt the helicopter land and the bag on my head was removed. A tall man with an eyepatch was waiting on the platform.

“Mr Leon Scott Kennedy do you know who I am” I simply shook my head honestly I had never seen the guy before. “Well I’m Nick Fury the director of S.H.I.E.L.D and I would like to offer you a job” I was kind of shocked.

“Why I’m just a regular cop”

“You were just a regular cop until this evening when you took down a thing which a squad of our task force soldiers couldn’t. We need a person like you because we are forming a special task force to deal with incidents like these.” He out stretched his hand. “Will you accept a call to help your country and maybe the whole world” I didn’t need to think a second longer and shook his hand.

“Well that’s good report to agent Romanoff tomorrow for training”.

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