The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 17: Dealing With Hydra

“I will have my vengeance on you Homelander for lasering me in half”. I had been able to reattach myself and escape before the police had come and now I was once again in the sewers. I pulled out my phone and called Midnight “hello Midnight it seems like I’ll be late returning home.”

“Ah but I have a surprise for you”

“Sorry I have something that really needs to be attended to I’ll make it up to you” I instantly knew I was going to regret what I said. 

“That’s more like it I will wait for you but you better hold up on your promise”. I could already feel my back and hips cursing me, then a saw something really odd. A man in a green suit and yellow suit was running ‘that’s odd’ I decided to follow the man carefully. Maybe he can lead me to somewhere interesting I licked my lips menacingly. I had the extra vial of the T virus safely stored in my pocket thankfully Homelander didn’t laser me any further down. 

I followed the man down the twisting turning New York sewer system until he finally stopped near a wall. I could hear a beeping sound and saw the wall open up ‘there must be something interesting hidden there if they have a hidden entrance’. I walked up to the wall and started to feel around for a hidden lever or control panel. I finally found a hidden control panel after ten minutes of searching. ‘They need to fire the guy who opened this last’ I could see greasy finger print outlines on control panel.

I started to input different combinations until I got the right one ‘really your password to your secret base is 1234’. I huffed at the stupidity of the people who set the password up. As I entered I could instantly tell who’s secret base it was.

‘So this is a Hydra base, great’ I sighed slightly a siren had started to go off and in a matter of minutes I was instantly surrounded by more men wearing the green and yellow suits.

New Storyline mission triggered: Hail Hydra

Mission: Raise your relationship with Hydra to 0 or higher by any means.

Rewards: Continuation of this storyline, 1 vial of Experimental super soldier serum.

A woman with dark green hair seemed to be watching me from afar. “I would call your goons of Ms Viper otherwise you’ll have a repeat of what happened to the stadium” I pulled out the vial of the T virus. ‘I hope she doesn’t want to test me because since I didn’t pack it’s dispersal unit it’s pretty much harmless unless I can make everyone here drink some of it’. I did a maniac grin and glared at Viper she just glared back at me.

“All men stand down” Viper seemed very pissed at me and her disgruntled face showed it. She started to approach me with a confident if somewhat cocky attitude. “So why don’t you do it then are you afraid that your gas will make you a monster too.”

I did a small laugh before bringing my masked face closer to her. “It doesn’t effect me idiot, I’m here to meet your boss and see if I could make a deal with him”. I could hear a heavy footfall coming closer and closer and a smile formed on my face.

“And what deal would that be Mr?” I looked at a tall man with a monocle over his right approach me. 

“I don’t give my name on a first meeting but for now you can call me Mr Animo and I would to formally apologise for using the name of your grand organisation without your permission.” I handed the vial of T virus over to him “Take this as a token of my apologies and don’t try to reverse engineer it I’m the only one who can make it.” Wolfgang von Strucker eyed me curiously whilst twirling the vial in his hands.

“After your little stunt quite a few agencies and heroes will be coming after us and you think one vial is enough” his eyes seemed to burn with anger.

“There will be more but first you need to earn my trust, I don’t lack money but I do lack manpower, I’ll make you a deal you do tasks for me and you get points these points will be recorded and you can purchase items from me with those points” he looked at me curiously. “You are probably thinking it doesn’t sound like a good deal but rest assured it is you will be able to gain access to the things only I can make”.

“What happens if we decide to keep you hear and force you to work for me” I had thought he would say something like this. I rolled my sleeves up slightly and activated my *Muscle growth* mutation. I could hear the fabric in my sleeves stretching and straining. Wolfgang von Strucker seemed surprised at my ability as my arms continued to become more and more muscular.

“I wouldn’t come here without any backup if I wasn’t confident In my ability to kill everyone in this facility” the Baron chuckled and took a step back.

“You are an Interesting person Mr Animo, I look forward to working with you” he smiled as he pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen. “Here is my number contact me when you have a mission”.

+30 relationship with Hydra
Current Relationship with Hydra is friendly.

Storyline mission completed rewards will now be given.
1 vial of Experimental super soldier serum.

Pov Midnight 

“You humans sure do bleed a lot” I huffed as I finally finished cleaning up the blood. I looked over my shoulder and saw the man I had captured struggling in the chair I had tied him to. I could hear his muffled screams as tears started to roll down his face. “You should be grateful that I had a a gag already prepared otherwise I would’ve ripped your tongue off”. ‘Okay I dismembered the corpse and they are in the freezer in the basement, I’ve put the roast on so hopefully me and Master can have a romantic meal, there was something else’ I placed my finger on my lip as I pondered on my thought.

I heard a knocking coming from the door, I looked at the tied up man and placed my finger on my lips. I carefully looked through the peephole and what I saw , made me want to punch through the door and murder the person on the other side. I opened the door slightly and gazed at the woman who my master thought could been an asset to us. She gazed up at me “hello is there a man about four foot tall has a stinger tail thing living here”.

“He is my husband and he isn’t in why do you want him” she seemed surprised at my response.

“I need to tell him to be careful he could possibly be in terrible danger” I sighed.

“Would you like to come inside and have some tea whilst you wait for him” I smiled slightly and clasped her shoulder with my massive hand. I guided her inside and she immediately saw the tied up man. “As you can already see I’ve already sorted out the problem”. I walked past the man calmly and entered the kitchen “how many sugars do you have?”.

“Just one please, why has the man got a gag in his mouth?”

“He has got a gag in his mouth because he wouldn’t stop screaming and begging for mercy”

“Then why haven’t you called the police?” I pulled a small vial from a draw ‘I was saving this for master but I want to try something’ a large smirk appeared on my face as I poured the entire vial of pink liquid into the tea. 

“Because I need to wait for my Honey bun to interrogate him” I walked back in and gave the woman the tea. “May I know your name please” I smiled fondly as the man started trying to scream. 

“It’s Ada Wong, may I know yours?”

“It’s Midnight Valentine sweetie is there anything else you want to know” I stared at Ada as she stared to drink the tea.

“Yeah one thing how do you two you know” she did a nervous cough “Do it?” I laughed at her shyness.

“Lets just say he may be small but he’s massive where it’s needed” I noticed her face had gotten more red. 

“Is it get hot in here or is it just me ?” Ada started to pant as she started to undo some of her jackets buttons. 

“Are you alright Ada?”

Pov Batman 

I stared at the bat computer and groaned “this is unlike anything I’ve ever seen” I imputed a few commands into the console and stared at the screen. “This thing is capable of mutating things at the subatomic level” I was analysing a piece of flesh Gordon was able to get from one of the bodies from a recent terror attack. I heard footsteps echoing behind me I felt a gloved hand being placed on my shoulder.

“Master Bruce you have been staring at that screen ever since Commissioner Gordon gave you that piece of flesh in a bag”

“I know Alfred but I need to know what this is and if Hydra is actually capable of producing something like this, and if they did how much more so they have” I imputed more commands. “No matter how many times I try to analyse it I can’t figure out this one component I was able to nail it down to a plant but I can’t find it in any database”.

“Maybe Ms Ivy knows since she is a plant lady herself”

“You maybe right I will go to see her right now” I felt Alfreds grip tighten.

“No Master Bruce, Young Master Dick or Young Master Damian will have to go you have to attend a meeting and gala between Wayne and Stark Enterprises” I huffed slightly. “What is wrong Master Bruce I thought you and Mr Stark were good friends”.

“Friends is stretching it a bit Alfred we haven’t been friends since we were kids” I could hear Alfred chuckle and pat me on the back.

“Well we need to get you out of this cave first of all, then you need to bathe, then you need an appropriate outfit” I sighed Alfred always got lost in his work kind of like me. 

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