The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 18: Robin shenanigans (R-18)

I marched through the sewers at a rapid pace ‘I must make something that makes this ordeal easier’. I sighed as I walked faster and faster into a sprint then into a run.

Pov Midnight Valentine 

I could taste the sweet nectar that Ada was producing as my tongue creeped further and further into her vagina. The aphrodisiac had worked it magic and the woman who had the most chance of stealing my man was now at my mercy. “Please slow down” I heard her gasp as she started to shake, my gaze was torn away from her and was now focused on the man who now was frantically trying to free himself from the chair ‘I will deal with you later’

Pov Wilson Grant Fisk 

I was furious and I slammed my fist into the side of my door ‘that fucker Marcus how dare start selling Angels dust on my turf’. Angel dust was an extremely addictive and toxic drug that had just emerged on the streets. It forcefully expands the user’s brain and increases their reaction time to the point that they could matrix dodge bullets. The one massive drawback was that the users had to keep taking it or their brains would collapse in on themselves. I had banned the distribution of this drug after several people took it and started to play hero. 

I pulled my phone from my coat pocket and immediately dialled my inside man in the police department. “Where are we at with that arrest warrant for Marcus?”

“Sorry but it will take time we need to plant evidence and what not to make sure it looks legit “

“I don’t care about excuses I want results you have to the end of the week or Marcus won’t be the only one on my list to get rid of”

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy

I had gotten back to my dingy apartment after my meeting with Nick Fury. “What a fucking day? My body was in pain I had pretty much pulled every muscle in my body after I took down that massive monster. I turned on the tv and flicked through the channels until I saw a trailer for a movie. “Coming this fall, they killed his dog, stole his car and didn’t apologise John Reeves plays Keanu Wick in this action packed blockbuster”.

I chuckled as I made a note in my planner on the date this movie was being released. I started to heat up a plate of cold pasta from my fridge I sighed at my depressing home situation. ‘Maybe I should get a dog or something’ I remembered that there was a pet shop nearby that probably sold something I could use to satiate my loneliness. A ding brought me out of my deep thought my pasta had reheated ‘lets see whats on the movie channel.’

Pov Tony Stark 

“ J.A.R.V.I.S. Please begin the analysing sequence of the subject 434#2

“Certainly Mr Stark” a mechanical limb stabbed into a massive heavily deformed corpse, a vial started to be filled with a green ooze. A whirling sound occurred as I sat on a chair sipping a coffee. “Results collected Mr Stark it seems the blood in this subject has higher concentrations of the mysterious substance then the blood of any other subject.” 

As I looked at the body I noticed several gun shot wounds and I turned around when I heard the door to my lab open. “Why are you here Natasha” I was face to face with Natasha aka Black widow.

“Furry wants an update on our little friend” she hit the foot of the ten foot corpse.

“Well the corpse seems to have a larger concentration of this substance in its bloodstream.” I sighed “how in gods name did a normal person with a shotgun take this thing down”. Natasha shrugged “this thing has no sense of pain, no fear, from the photos you gave me this thing could shrug off small arms fire like it was nothing and it has the strength to destroy buildings”.

“Is there a cure Stark?”

“Cure” I laughed at her “what ever he was exposed to killed him mutated his body then sent it on a homicidal warpath”. “The initial infected die instantly before coming back then they can turn others by biting them or transmitting bodily fluids, do you know what this means Natasha?” She just shrugged at me and I sighed “Hydra has basically created to zombie gas, fuck they only can be killed by destroying their heads”.

“What are the chances of Homelander and A-Train being infected” 

I chuckled “those fucks who call themselves heroes but run away when people need them most seem to be immune to the gasses affects their bodies have antibodies capable of fighting this thing”. “Do you have any Idea what this could do if it gets into the water supply of a city, Hydra or anyone could basically bring a country to their knees, does S.H.I.E.L.D have any idea where sample Kid came from”


“Yeah I felt Nick wasn’t telling me everything so I hacked into your servers and I noticed it I analysed it and I noticed some similarities and differences between our meat pile on the tables genetics and the sample”

“What similarities and differences?” I turned away from her and poked the body on the table.

“For one the sample from Kid is much purer then the sample from tall, gross and ugly here this guy has leach DNA mixed in with the substance whilst the substance in Kid is completely pure”. “There is a startling difference tho the Kid sample is highly unstable and is constantly mutating to any test I put it through” Natasha looked worried.

“I must inform the director”

“Yeah also tell him his security is shit”

Pov Robbin somewhere in Gotham

“Stupid Nightwing having to dump this mission on me” I remembered him just dumping it on me because he had a date with Starfire. I was running on a roof and doing several somersaults over obstacles until the building I was on ended with a high ledge. Below the ledge was a large glass dome roof I could see it was teeming with plants. “Damn it I hate having to deal with the plant lady”.

“Now now Young master Damian that is no way a young gentleman like yourself should speak” I groaned.

“You know Alfred, Bruce never gave a shit what I said”

“Well Master Bruce isn’t here I am now would you like to change your language or should I ban you from playing video games for a month”

I chuckled “ow no please don’t take my game consoles away Alfred what ever would I do without my games” I started to laugh hysterically.

“Ah right that threat doesn’t work on you well how about this I will ban you from practicing your swordsmanship for a month” if I could see Alfreds face it would probably be one of smug.

“Fine I promise I won’t swear within your presence ow great and powerful butler” I jumped and smashed straight through the glass dome into a green house.

Pov Midnight Valentine

I had fully stripped Ada Wong and she was completely exposed before me the man that I had tied to the chair was still struggling to escape. Ada was now panting as I started to slide my fingers into her vagina. ‘Where is my husband he left really early and now its getting late, some woman might have taken advantage of his sweet and innocent nature like this one was going to do.’ 

I started to move my fingers faster and deeper making Ada squeal and moan. I started to look over her my breasts where definitely bigger then hers. I stopped moving my fingers for a moment and took out my phone. I only had one phone number and that was my masters I rang it and waited.

“Hello Midnight why are you ringing me?”

“I just wanted to see how you are” I started to move my fingers faster and harder then I did before trying to get Ada to squeal. 

“Stop if you do it that fast I’ll … I’ll … I’ll I’m cumming I’m cumming!” I felt Ada’s insides spasming wildly as her legs started to violently shake.

“Midnight who is that are you with someone?”

“Come home and find out” and with that I hung up, I pulled my fingers out of Ada’s vagina and licked them. The liquid that coated them was tasty not as tasty as my masters cum but it was tasty nonetheless. I looked at Ada and noticed that she was nearly out of energy. “I don’t want you tucked out before master comes back” I got up and went to the kitchen inside one of my bags was a bottle.

“You humans do come up with some crazy things one of these little pills can give renewed energy” I walked back in and shoved the pill down Ada’s throat “now where were we?”

Sorry for the long wait for another chapter I was busy with other things. I hoped you enjoyed this little piece of Midnight on Ada action. Please comment and please rate my novel it makes me have a warm feeling inside when I know you guys are enjoying this.

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