The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 20: Super G-virus

My hips and back were completely destroyed the bones were pulverised into dust. Midnight had left to make breakfast and Ada had left before I had woken up. Me and Midnight had made love all throughout the night and into the early morning leaving me completely exhausted. I only had been able to move my toes just recently I groaned a morning was going to be wasted.

I was able to reach my phone and pulled it out as I opened it I noticed something in my contacts. Midnights number name was changed to wife and I gained a new number. ‘I really need to put a password on my phone’ I groaned as the new numbers name was Ada Wong. 

Hey Host are you dead?

‘No not yet system what has happened in the world since I was nearly fucked to death’.

Well the man you had tied up is now dead your wife killed him. Ada Wong woke up and was escorted out by your wife she told her everything she needed to know about the guy who sent the kidnapping squad. And congratulations you’re having twins.

‘Aw twin’s thats great” I nearly choked when I realised what the system had said “What do you mean twins?”

Well because of Midnights and your biological structure the pregnancy period is only a month. I was just minding my own business when I sensed a strange abnormality in the life energy I investigated and found that there are two babies.

I didn’t know how to respond then I heard the door to the bedroom open and Midnight entered. She was wearing an pink apron with a red love heart on it I then noticed she wasn’t wearing anything underneath it. She had a tray with her “ah good you’re awake I made you breakfast”. As she placed the tray down on my lap I got a good look at what her cooking. She had made me eggs, sausage, bacon and toast. The toast and eggs were completely burnt and the sausage and bacon were so raw I swear I could hear the bacon going oink.

Midnight looked at me hopeful as I took my knife and fork and started cutting the sausage. I cut a piece off and ate it, I almost immediately puked as I swallowed it. “Is it good?” Midnight beamed a smile at me as I continued to eat the food.

“Yes it’s really good” I smiled at her and I swallowed another piece of sausage that caused me to shiver slightly.

Pov Ada Wong

I was walking down a busy street near the arena that was hit by the Hydra terror attack. The skies had started to darken and a few drips of rain had started to fall. My phone began to ring and as I pulled it out I groaned ‘fucking Marcus always calling me at the worse possible times’. “Hello Marcus why have you called me?” I carefully looked around for any suspicious individuals.

“I haven’t heard from my strike team that I sent after that child” I heard the anger in his voice.

“I told you not to mess with him” I walked into a nearby clothes shop and started to look around.

“Yes I know but my I need that cure imagine how much money I could make from it.” I just sighed ‘rich men sure are short sighted’ “are you listening Ada”.

“So what do you want Marcus I told you I ain’t getting involved”. 

“Why not I will triple the pay”

“No Marcus he is a monster especially down there” I muttered as I spotted a beautiful red dress.

“What was that last part you muttered Ada” I groaned.

“I’m hanging up so fuck off Marcus and don’t call me again”. I could him protest as I hung up my jaw ached slightly ‘that damn woman nearly killed me with her husbands cock’. I rubbed my jaw some more as I went into the changing rooms.

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy 

“Get your ass moving meat bag” I was forced to run laps with four other people, three men and a woman whilst Romanoff glared at us. Romanoff looked at us with dismay “take five you lot” I saw her talking to Nick. 

“So how did you get recruited” a taller Caucasian American man with blonde hair he wore a similar tactical combat uniform like mine. A badge on his chest identified him as Albert Wesker he eyed my badge “Leon Scott Kennedy”.

“I took down a giant ass zombie” Albert didn’t seem impressed by my remark.

“So you’re the famous coper that took that freaky thing down.” I nodded at the woman who had approached me her badge read Jill Valentine.

“You don’t happen to be related to a Luke Valentine do you?” She looked at me strangely as she shook her head.

“I have no idea what you’re on about I don’t know anyone called Luke Valentine”. 

“Hey Jill are you going to introduce me to your friend” I read his badge name. “Hi I’m Chris” he outstretched his hand and I shook it.

“I’m Leon” I turned to see in the corner a tall pale man with brunette hair and blue eyes glared at me. His name badge read Ike Ashmoon I heard oncoming foot steps and turned to see Nick Fury approach us. 

“You lot seem to know each other a bit better now, so I will cut straight to chase, as you all should know a chemical agent was released into a populated arena, this in turn turned the exposed into zombies. As only Leon here has had experience dealing with them I will let him tell you about their weaknesses” he gestured towards me.

“Well from what I can tell is that it doesn’t matter what you do to their bodies as they will keep trying their best to eat you. Blows to the head seem to kill them they are usually slow but I encountered some that could sprint. Lastly as I previously mentioned I did take down a giant ass zombie I don’t know if we will encounter one again but a few things to note about it was that it was much more resistant, stronger and it seemed slightly more intelligent then the others because it protected its head.”

“Thank you Leon now to why you are here, we need a strike team of normal humans to evaluate and deal with these incidents before they become out of hand”

“Why don’t you just use the Justice League or the Avengers or maybe the Seven” Wesker looked at Fury weirdly.

“These things can infect and change anything their fluids get to and we don’t know if these things can infect people with powers, now this is our primary focus.” Fury pressed a button and a familiar face popped onto the screen.

“Our primary focus is a child?” Jill seemed confused.

“His name is”

I interrupted Nick “his name is Luke Valentine and his power makes him look like that.”

“You’ve met him before?” Nick looked at me sceptical.

“Yes when I was a police officer I had to bring in his wife after she nearly killed a guy who snatched her purse.” Everyone looked at me weirdly and Romanoff came closer.

“He has a wife?” Fury seemed surprised himself.

“Yeah she’s about seven feet tall and she is extremely dangerous”. Fury coughed slightly and pressed another button and the picture changed.

“He currently owns a warehouse, a laundromat and a house, we need to be careful I’ve already lost an agent to an apparent monster that was lurking in his warehouse”

“Why are we interested in investigating him?” Chris had a very good point why were we going after this man.

“We discovered that his D.N.A has a purer and more dangerous form of the substance we have recovered from corpses infected by this agent, so we believe that he is responsible for this.” A door opened and a woman came charging in “and this is the other member of the team Rebecca Chambers she will be the medical expert for this strike team.” Romanoff handed out firearms and tactical gear. “Romanoff will be leading with Leon as Co leader and Maria Hill will be  assigned to your team as well.”

Pov Luke Valentine

I started to whistle as the rain began to fall, I had left Midnight to her own devices as I walked to the pet shop near my laundromat. I was hit by a familiar orchestra of animal noises, I took a look round this shop was different from the Friends of Pets pet shop as it was much bigger. A woman at the desk looked at me and I walked around. ‘I need more powerful B.O.W’s and since the best a human can become is a grade 1 if it dies with my current virus I need animals.’ I looked around and spotted three perfect subjects an Adder a Jackson Chameleon and a rabbit. A wide grin appeared on my face the Adder was a greenish black. The rabbit was a pure white and the Jackson Chameleon was a vibrant green. 

‘You three will do’ I smiled as I used my pincer to hold the Adders tank and I lifted the other tanks with my hands. As I walked toward the woman at the counter I sighed slightly ‘I really need to make my company famous then maybe people will stop trying to kidnap me’. I paid for the animals and quick left it was a short walk to the laundromat. I quickly got to the secret entrance to my lab ‘system give me every Sonnentreppe flower I have available’. As I entered my lab a notification window popped up.

5 Sonnentreppe flowers delivered.

New mission triggered by Nick Fury.

New Mission: Defend against S.H.I.E.L.D strike teams.

Nick Fury is going to send three strike teams to find evidence on you, stop him at all cost.

0/3 strike teams defeated or routed 

Rewards: 300 Sonnentreppe flower seeds, Professional Sonnentreppe flower growing kit.

The teams will attack in 24 hours.

“That sleazy mother fucker all I did was kill one of his agents and commit an act of domestic terrorism.” I sighed “lets get to work then!” ‘System give me my vial of experimental super soldier serum and my G virus research notes’. A vial of blue liquid and a stack of papers and notebooks appeared on the closes table. “Well then lets get started then” I started to read the G virus research notes. “So basically I just need to synthesise the progenitor virus differently for the G virus.” I started to follow the instructions of the notes, I started to laugh maniacally as I finished and a vial full of green liquid was ready.

Low grade G-virus
A vial of low grade G-virus can only be injected into 1 person.

This virus doesn’t kill those who are injected. Those injected all start as a high quality 1st grade B.O.W but as time passes they mutate and grow in strength this can be speed up with outside stimulation. Because of the nature of this virus those infected don’t usually keep their human forms for long and rapidly turn into horrible monsters.

Those infected with the G-virus can usually take on B.O.W infected with a different virus that is on a much higher grade. 

G-virus B.O.W’s are insanely hard to kill even in their early mutated stages. 

I looked at the vial of G-virus and the vial of experimental super soldier and a warped smile emerged onto my face. I put the newly created G-virus into a special hyper mixer with the experimental super soldier serum.

Host I must tell you mixing these two components from two different worlds could have disastrous consequences.

‘You worry to much system what is the worst that could happen’. I started my maniacally laughing again as I start to turned three of the flowers into T-virus and another flower into G-virus. I was nearly done with creating another G-virus when I heard a ping I eagerly ran to collect my prize. I was super excited as I took the vial out inside was a turquoise liquid.

Super solider G-virus hybrid 

This can only be administered by injection.

A hybrid substance created by Luke Valentine it combines the super soldier serum and the G-virus into one potent mix.

Those administered will experience enhanced speed, strength, endurance, durability, intelligence. Subjects will almost instantly heal from pretty much anything even having their heads blown off without any side effects. Because of the super soldier serum the negative effects of the G-virus rapid and uncontrollable dividing of cells seems to have ceased. But as a drawback the host can’t mutate into a giant monster. 

Those injected are classed as a Mid quality 3rd grade B.O.W. The host also seems to retain their higher cognitive functions allowing them to function at a equal or higher standard then they did before.

Congratulations host on creating a new substance.

+500 RE points

Does host want to name new substance?

“Wow this description makes this sound like super roids”

Confirming new name Super Roids

“No wait don’t call them that!”

Too late the paper work is already done.

I gritted my teeth at the system before I grabbed my phone. I dialled Ada and waited for her to answer “Hello little man how can I help you?”

“Stop calling me that or do you not want what I was going to give you” i tapped my foot as I heard her go quiet.

“What were you going to give me?” Ada’s tone had completely changed.

“Come to the laundromat I own and find out”

“Fine but if this is some sex thing I will kick you in the balls” ‘what is with women and always going for the bloody balls’. 

“Fine but it isn’t a sex thing, Midnight would probably kill me if she found out”. Ada hung up and I continued on completing my other G-virus and I set up a operation table with restraints. Half an hour past when I heard my phone buzz it was a text message from Ada. I quickly entered the lift and waited for it reach the top. Ada was waiting in my office and looked surprised as I emerged from the wall. She was wearing a long blue dress and a black jacket “would you like to follow me please”.

We did speak for the entire trip in the elevator, as the doors opened I could see the impressed look on her face. “How in gods name did you build this place” I simply tapped my nose and grabbed a special device to inject my special solution into her.

“Could you please strip and get onto the table” I turned around and saw a disgusted look on her face.

“I knew this would be some weird sex thing” I saw her leg cock back.

“Please wait it isn’t I promise I just don’t want your nice clothes to rip if there’s any side effects from this” I tapped the side of the device in my hands. She didn’t seem convinced “alright think about it like this why would I invite you down into my creepy secret lab basement to get you to strip and then strap you to a table so I can inject a unknown liquid into your body.” I laughed then I saw Ada start stripping I did a nervous gulp as Ada laid on the table.

“If you do anything untoward I will rip your dick off with my bare hands” I gulped as I put the restraints on Ada’s hands and legs.

“Now you may feel some discomfort maybe a burning sensation but don’t worry I’m a doctor” I grabbed a long metal bar from the desk nearby. “Could you open your mouth please I wouldn’t want you biting your tongue off”. Ada opened her mouth and bit into the bar I pressed the device to her neck a pulled the trigger. I saw the turquoise liquid drain into Ada as it started to circulate I started to notice her veins in her arms started to discolour. Then she started to convulse and I heard a sickening crack and tearing sound.

I could see Ada’s eyes fill with fear and she bit the metal bar harder. “It’s okay it will soon be over” I placed both my hands on each side of her face and stared her in the eyes. I heard her trying to scream as tears streamed down her face but then she started convulsing. I started to release her restraints and I glimpsed at my work. Her body had changed drastically, her breasts were much bigger, she had a chiseled six pack, her legs and arms were much more athletic and she had grown in height from 5ft 7 to at least 6ft 5. “How are you feeling” I was immediately answered by get punched in the face I flew back three feet and Ada shakily stood on her feet.

She looked at herself in the mirror then looked at me “What have you done to me?” she marched over to me and easily lifted me by my collar.

“I wanted you to be safe” she put me down and glared at me to explain. “After I nearly choked you to death I kept thinking about what could happen to you since you helped me so I made a serum that would improve your physical condition and to make sure you couldn’t be hurt”. I forced a couple tears out and turned away from her I felt her arms wrap around me and I was pulled into her embrace.

“You did this for me?” I turned slightly and nodded putting on a innocent and remorseful face. She seemed to buy it as she hugged me tighter she stopped when she heard a loud crack sound. I gritted my teeth in pain as I waited for my body to heal itself. “No one has actually worry about me before” Ada seemed to blush slightly. She turned to her dress and instantly knew she wasn’t going to fit in it. “I’m going to borrow one of your lab coats so I can go out and get some more size appropriate clothes, then I will think of a suitable punishment for you putting me through that”. As she left I got a message from Midnight I started to read it.

“A cold shiver ran down my spine, are you with another woman? Is it that Ada Wong?” I chuckled at Midnights text.

“Don’t worry you have my word nothing happened I have a little work to do then how about I take you out for a meal?”

I would like to thank Rad622 for allowing me to use his OC Ike Ashmoon may he rest in peace or rather in pieces once I’m done with him. 

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