The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 21: Strike Team part 1

I cracked my neck and placed the animals in separate containment vessels. I placed the three vials of T-virus into a control panel and pressed a few buttons. Each containment vessel had a mechanical arm with a syringe on the end. The snake and the chameleon were easy to administer the virus to but the rabbit kept moving so I had to administer it manually.

I saw amazing results from the snake and chameleon as they began to grow larger and larger. The snake had grown to at least twenty feet long and its black scales became even more darker. Whilst the chameleon grew large enough to probably eat two humans it kept its vibrant green skin and it horns grew long enough to probably shish kebab someone. The bunny rabbit on the other hand didn’t show much change it didn’t grow any bigger at all, its fur was still snow white the only thing that was different was that it had blood red eyes now. 

Congratulations Host on creating 1 low quality grade 2 B.O.W and 2 mid quality grade 2 B.O.W

1000 RE points for the low quality B.O.W 
3000 RE points for the 2 mid quality B.O.W

“I thin I will call the snake Yawn, the chameleon will be known as Jackson and the rabbit” I looked at the rabbit and remembered a similar looking rabbit from an anime. “Since that anime didn’t give you a proper name I will name you Zero” I noticed that the teeth of Zero also had changed into sharp nasty meat tearing fangs.

Age: 3 years    Species: Snake (Adder)
Quality: Mid     Grade: 2

Mutations: Increased size, Extremely potent venom, Thick Skin, Thermal vision, Hyper evolved sense of smell, Enhanced strength, Iron fangs.
Traits: None
Skills: Unhinging Jaw, Slow digestion, Quick digestion.

Age: 2 years   Species: Jackson Chameleon 
Quality: Mid     Grade: 2

Mutations: Increased size, Extremely long and powerful tongue, Iron horns, Thick skin, Hyper evolved  camouflage, Bone grinding teeth.
Traits: None
Skills: Independent eye movement 

Age: 6 months    Species: Rabbit
Quality: Low   Grade: 2

Mutations: Enhanced speed, Bone Shattering teeth, extreme stomach acid.
Traits: Hunger for meat
Skills: Quick digestion, Rapid Multiplication, Rapid Division, Shared memories.

Pov Midnight

I was in what the humans called a library looking for books about child care. A small woman with ginger hair tied up in a ponytail approached me. She smiled at me with her blue eyes gleaming at me.

“I need to find the books that help you people take care of ones spawn” the woman looked at me confused.

“The child care section is this way” I followed the woman to a different bookshelf. “Ask me if you need anything” she left quietly ‘lets see parenting 101, 101 ways not to kill your baby, beginners guide to motherhood’. I smiled as I took those three books and sat at a table to read them.

Pov Madelyn Stillwell

I was at my desk filling in a press release for the arena incident when I heard a knocking at my door. “Come in” I stopped what I was doing and gazed at my door one of my tech guys had just entered. 

“Mama we found them” I shook my head.

“Found who?”

“We found Mr Butcher and his associates, we think he helped coordinate the terror attack at the stadium.” I closed my laptop and glared at him and walked towards him. 

“What proof do we have that Billy Butcher is responsible or partially responsible for the attack at the stadium” he handed me a tablet on it was a video clip”.

“He and his cohorts were there at the arena and left a few minutes before the attack happened”. I tapped my foot slight as I watched the footage.

“Send Black Noir to investigate this matter further” 

“Yeah that might not be possible”

“Why not” I glared at him.

“He returned after failing to capture the target and when we ran test on him we noticed that he was healing much much slower then he usually did. He was bit by the target and Black Noir body is currently fighting off some kind infection”.

I sighed “send fucking Translucent then” I waved the tech guy out then sighed again “fuck this job is going to kill me one of these days”.

Pov Nick Fury

“Move faster you lot move move move” I saw Natasha training the new strike team diligently. I paced nervously as I pinched the bridge of my nose. I had authorised three strike teams to move onto a civilian target. A hundred things could go wrong with an operation but most of the people on the teams knew this. I was most concerned about the target itself if he is responsible for supplying HYDRA with that gas who knows how much he could have stored or if the laundromat was some kind of HYDRA base.

“Sir I need to show you something” one of my subordinates approached me with a tablet. “We have a slight problem” I looked at the tablet and sighed ‘this is bad very bad’. I signalled for Natasha to come to me, she quickly got to me after she told the strike team to take a break. 

“Yes Director Fury what is it?” I quickly showed her the tablet “That Chinese bitch is working with him”. I saw her face twist in anger as she punched a wall ‘Ada and Natasha had history as they were friends and both were operatives for shield, but Ada betrayed S.H.E.I.L.D and went freelance for a better paycheque.’ I noticed something else in her eyes “something has happened to her she is way taller and her boobs are as big as mine.” I shot her a glance and took a closer look at the photo.

“Are you completely sure?”

“Yeah I’m sure she was about five foot seven but in this photo she is about six five”. She tapped the screen “have you seen her clothes she goes in with a dress and exits in a lab coat, what does that say”.

“The laundromat has a laboratory hidden in it” Natasha nodded her head in agreement. ‘Damn this has gotten more dangerous if both locations are labs he could have more and more of the gas within arms reach. “Have we identified his wife yet” I turned to the subordinate who had given me the tablet. 

“Yes sir our agent made contact with the target in a library, she was looking for child care books”. I pondered on what my subordinate had said ‘if his wife is expecting a child she might make a good hostage’.

“Tell our agents to keep eyes on her and notify me if anything changes”. 

Pov Luke Valentine 3 hours later

I had brought Zero to my house and had ordered Jackson and Yawn to stay hidden in the sewers. I had made a reservation for me and Midnight at a restaurant it wasn’t anything to fancy. I was wearing so fairly decent clothes Midnight was waiting for me in a purple dress. “I can’t wait this is our first date” I noticed she was holding a long box as she spoke. She gave me the box “I got you this” she blushed slightly as I opened it.

It was a cane made of a black wood with a silver rounded handle a familiar insignia was on the top of the handle. It was the logo of my company the Umbrella Corporation the red was probably gilded on or a special metal paint. ‘This will definitely help with my limp’ I thought as I beamed a smile at Midnight. We coupled arms as we walked into the restaurant I had a wide smile as I gazed at Midnight.

‘Nick Fury better not try anything to harm Midnight or my unborn twins otherwise I will rip out his other eye and make him eat it.’ We were greeted by a woman in the typical waiter outfit. She showed us to our table I caught glimpses of other guests eyeing me. “Let them think what they want love” Midnight whispered to me as I pulled out her seat. My tail swayed side to side as we waited to be served Midnight’s eyes lit up as she read the menu.

“May I take your order?” A African American male waiter with black hair and brown eyes waited to take our order.

“I’ll have the steak rare please what do you want love” Midnight gazed at me.

“I’ll have the steak medium rare please” I smiled at Midnight as the waiter took the menus away.

“Honey we need to discuss baby names?” I looked at Midnight quite surprised.

“What are your ideas?” I was quite curious about what she would come up with.

“Well I’m stuck between Ruby and Violet for girls”

“What if the baby is a boy?” I couldn’t let her know I knew we were having twins.

“What do you mean if” I could sense some hostility from Midnight “the baby is going to be a girl I can feel it”. I looked around some of the others were looking at us strangely I chuckled nervously.

“Well I do hope it’s a girl, I’m sure she will be just as beautiful as you are” I nodded slightly. “And if she ever gets a boyfriend I will skin him alive if he hurts her” Midnight laughed.

“Not if I get to him first honey”

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