The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 29: Advanced warfare

Pov Ada Wong

I walked through the Umbrella Corporation new mother location. Luke had called it the Umbrella Tower I thought it was a dumb name but Luke was persistent on it. Red Queen was probably watching me through the security cameras apparently I am a high level threat. To who I don’t know I think she just doesn’t like me after I threatened to pour coffee on her central processing unit. I had arrived at the main reception area and sighed, a man was pestering a receptionist. The man had brown hair and brown eyes “but I need to speak with with your boss”. 

“Sorry sir but without an appointment you can’t see him” the receptionist was probably waiting for security to remove the man. 

“But I can’t go back to my boss unless I see him” the man had become more aggressive. I had to step In before it got ugly I quickly joined the receptionist who seemed relieved that I was there.

“Hello sir I’m Mr Valentine’s secretary what seems to be the reason for your visit”.

“My boss told me to come here and inquire about something private” he shifted slightly. “I really need to see him” I tapped my chin before I pulled out my phone. I dialled Luke and waited until he picked up “are you calling him”

“Hello Ada what is it?”

“We have a” I looked at the man “what’s your name sir?”.

Bob Dobalina” he seemed quite proud of himself almost like he has never talked to a woman before.

“We have Bob Dobalina here trying to see you” he started to speak. I shifted slightly so Bob wouldn’t here our conversation. “Alright I’ll take him up now” I turned back to the man as I put my phone away “this way please.” I guided Bob to the only elevator that went to Luke’s office. I had to place my keycard to call the elevator and I didn’t have to wait long for the elevator. We both got in and the elevator started to go up the classic elevator music started to play and Bob started to tap his feet to it.

We finally arrived before I nearly throttled the man, I sighed as I guided him. Luke’s chair was turned away from us, but as we approached he spun round in it revealing him stroking Zero. ‘I wonder if he need to do that or if he did it for dramatic effect.’ 

“Thank you Ada you can leave now” Luke smiled at me as I turned to leave Zero came up to my leg and ruffled against it.

I picked her up “I’ll be taking Zero so you can conduct your business, call if you need anything.” I got into the elevator and left quickly Zero seemed happy to be with me. “Lets go on our lunch break I’m sure he won’t mind” Zero squeaked happily.

Pov Luke Valentine 

I glared at the man before me “Why is a Agent of Hydra wanting an appointment with me”. I stared daggers into him and he shifted nervously under my gaze. 

“Well one of our spies in S.H.I.E.L.D got information about a unsuccessful raid and we were able to work out the Identity of Mr Animo”. He paused slightly “well when I say we it was actually Madam Viper she read the file and instantly recognised you.” He paused again and started to chuckle “well I’m sure anyone could tell it was you, your stature and tail give it away”.

He does have a point Host a 4 foot 2 inch tall boy with a stinger tail thing isn’t that hard to identify.

‘Shut it system’ I glared at him “so Bob what does the Baron want?”

I heard Bob cough as he pulled out a small piece of paper “Dear Mr Valentine we know your secret Identity so as a token of our friendship we are willing to keep this secret for a price. Of either equipment or more vials of that chemical agent your’s sincerely Madam Viper”. I got up and started to limp towards Bob my cane made a menacing banging sound.

Bob seemed to shuffle back a bit as I got closer “well Hydra has a very funny way of showing friendship don’t they.” I smiled widely and patted him on the shoulder “don’t worry I won’t kill you follow me”. I pressed the button on the elevator and waited for it to come. We both entered and a small hologram of Red Queen appeared.

“What floor Sir?” She smiled and stared at Bob.

“Floor twenty eight please and prepare the range” I wanted to kill the system apparently I still need to use points to change the elevator music even in buildings I was given. I stared at the digital display showing numbers rapidly decreasing until it hit twenty eight. The doors opened and we were greeted by the hustle and bustle of machines and fabricators. 

“I give you the SN6 submachine gun” I picked up a compact black gun. ‘I’m so glad I remembered what his weapon looked like from Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. I had to completely do the mechanics of it and the internals but with my vast knowledge it was easy. “32 round magazine with quick release mags, has  three fire modes a four round burst, single fire and fully auto.” I handed the gun to Bob who gazed at it in amazement “It has a special internal suppresser built on the inside”.

“It fires special armour piercing rounds and it has a bio scanner so if the gun ever leaves your hand no one else can take it unless they have a chip in them.” I tossed a small cylinder at Bob it contained a small rectangular piece of metal.


“The Shredder bullet spins at about 5000 RPM and can tear through flesh, bone and lightly armoured vehicles without a worry.” 

“How many of these SN6 do we get?” Bob said as he fiddled around with the gun.

“You will receive 300 SN6 and 32,000 Shredder bullets” we walked towards a small shopping gallery. A few metal targets were ready “now lets see this thing fire” I switched the SN6 into single fire mode.

“Shouldn’t we be wearing ear protection” I turned to him and smiled. I pulled the trigger and Bob quickly covered his ears, but to his surprise the gunshot sound was almost completely silent. The target I had aimed at now had a small hole in the centre of its head. 

“The suppressor was specially built and unlike others that just muffle the sound this one pretty much makes this gun silent.” I switched the gun into burst fire and aimed at the targets chest. As I pulled the trigger four more small holes appeared in the targets chest area. “This thing has very low recoil even in full auto and its small compact and special design make this good for close to mid range engagements.” I then switched the gun into full auto and emptied the remaining mag into the metal target. When the gun had finally ran out of ammo there was very little of the metal target that wasn’t riddled with holes. 

“This is the future of warfare and there is much more to come” I smiled even more widely as I placed the gun back onto a rack. “So do you think these will be enough for Hydra Bob” he nodded frantically. “Good tell Hydra they can acquire their new toys at this location at this time” I jotted down a time and a location onto a piece of paper. I guided Bob to the elevator but he noticed the blueprints of a strange mech like device.

“What’s that?” Bob was starting to annoy me slightly.

“That is something I’m working on, now you need to go back and report this to your superiors” I started to push him back to the elevator.

A few hours later

I was starting to get excited my relationship with Hydra jumped from +10 to +30 ‘I’m guessing they are happy with the new stuff.’ I started to whistle as I checked my watch ‘its 4:30pm I wonder how Midnight is doing’.

Well Host they invented these things called phones maybe you could I don’t know call her.

The systems was right I picked up my phone from my desk and called Midnight. It dialled three times before she picked up “Hello honey whats wrong?”. 

“Nothing I just wanted to see how you’re doing”

“Well nothing much watched some TV and I received some interesting news from Ada” Midnight was obviously holding back her jealousy. “She told me she was your secretary is that true” I coughed slightly as I prepared to answer.

“I wanted to give you that position but I didn’t think you where the most suitable for it”

“What do you mean the most suitable, don’t secretaries just sleep with their bosses”. I nearly choked on her words.

“Secretaries don’t do that I said you aren’t suitable because a secretary needs to have people skills.”

“I have people skills”

“Dismembering and killing people doesn’t count as people skills, they also have a lot of other duties that I think you would struggle with.” I heard Midnight sigh as I tried to comfort her “well anyway I’m nearly done at work so I’ll be home soon”. I hung up and rubbed my eyes slightly “Red Queen how far is project Goliath coming”. I had also nicked that idea from Call of Duty Advanced Warfare as well.

“Project Goliath is encountering certain problems mainly to do with manufacturing. To create some of the parts required for this we need a much bigger fabricator” I groaned.

“Okay how about project Exo” I taped the table waiting for an answer.

“Project Exo is proceeding as scheduled the first working prototype will be completed in two days.”

“Good, good make sure that Exo is completed on time”

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