The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 30: Exo

I stared at a metal Exoskeleton with amazement it had turned out fairly well. It was more bulky then the ones from Call of Duty Advanced Warfare but I didn’t mind this one wasn’t meant for combat applications. I had also received word that The Seven where having problems with a group called The Boys. I groaned at the memory of getting ambushed by Black Noir. Leon must have been trying to make my life more difficult because a few officers wanted to speak to me about the two dudes I murdered they didn’t know that tho.

Midnights belly was getting rounded and bigger and I started to hear strange voices in my head. The system had told me not to worry about it hearing it say that was concerning. I sighed “this world is so peaceful currently” I smiled as that was about to change. I checked my watch “well would you look at the time I’ve got the investors coming in an hour”. My watch read 12:10 I had a suit prepared so that I would make a good impression. It was a normal black business suit but Ada had gotten me some cufflinks designed after the Umbrella Corporation logo. 

Why are you so nervous Host it’s not like anything can possibly go wrong. Red Queen double checked the Exo and you have an Ex-soldier showing the project off. Your designs were flawless and the investors would be crazy to pass on such an offer.

I smiled the system was right I can do I will do this Red Queen emerged behind me. “Sir Lance Corporal Ions Tucker is here with his wife” I turned and called the elevator. A man in a wheelchair and a woman was waiting for me. The man had brown hair cut in a military fashion he wore brown trousers and a green jacket. The woman had long blond hair and wore a blue dress they both had brown eyes. I walked up to the man and shook his hand and smiled.

“Thank you Mr Tucker for coming in” his wife pushed him forward a bit.

“Can we get to why I’m here I just received a call from a strange girl telling me to come here for a trial.” I pulled out a small tablet and started reading.

“Lance Corporal Ion Tucker age 32 you have the Medal of Honour, the Service Cross Medal, a Bronze and Silver Star Medal and a Purple Heart”. I took a deep breath “that is very impressive but that isn’t what you want is it?”. I saw a spark ignite in his eyes “you served your country above and beyond the call of duty. That is why your here” I placed the tablet on his lap he picked it up and looked at it. “That Mr Tucker is the prototype of the Exoskeleton that will change the world.”

“How is this meant to help him” his wife was quite snappy.

“Please forgive me if this brings back any bad memories but as I understand your husband had his spine severed by a bullet by a terrorist in Afghanistan.” I saw Ion’s clutch his legs tightly “you used your own body to protect not only several children but also a fellow injured soldier. There is a quote I like that I like Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get scared, Courage means you don’t let fear stop you” I patted him on the back. “You didn’t let fear stop you and that’s why I want to help people like you and many others”. The tablet shone a hologram into the air “this is what I offer, it’s more than a handshake and a couple pieces of metal on your chest.”

I started to walk away “wait!” I stopped and turned around slowly. “Can this really do what you say it can” I just smiled as a response and beckoned the pair with my finger. Ion’s and his wife joined me in the elevator and I pressed the 31st floor button. It was a short trip up and I let them out first, the 31st floor I had reconfigured into a wide open space for testing. A lone exoskeleton stood in the middle with a pair of mechanical arms just on the roof above.

“Red Queen please secure Mr Ion’s into the Exosuit please”

“Certainly sir” Red Queens voice echoed out from the speakers and the mechanical arms slid along the ceiling towards Ion’s. They lifted him up and brought him to the exoskeleton. A soft clacking of metal could be heard as the Exo equipped itself to him. The arms released him and he immediately fell flat on his face with a noisy bang. He soon started to get back up and his wife started to cry as he stood on his own two feet.

“Hows it feel?” I said watching the man take a few shaky steps forward.

“It feels bloody weird” the man smiled as his steps became less and less shaky.

“Well I need to conduct some tests, the only thing I wish was that I could give this device to you now, but rest assured when these get on the market you will get one for free.” 

1 hour later

The investors arrived and I was more then excited, the test had gone better then I could have ever expected. Ion’s was slightly sad that he had to leave the Exoskeleton but I convinced him. Red Queen had recorded the footage of the various tests and I just waited in the main lobby for them. I was expecting four people but five turned up the first four where the people I had invited but the fifth made my jaw drop. The man had blue eyes and auburn coloured hair he was about five foot eleven. 

Wow Host even Norman Osborn turned up good going.

“Hello Mr Osborn” I approached him and stuck my hand out and he shook it slightly. Red Queen emerged and I saw some of the investors just blankly look on at the small red hologram girl. 

“Sir the meeting room is ready for you” I nodded and guided the group to the elevator. I pressed the top floor button the elevator started to go up and I started to tap my cane slightly. The doors opened and I prepared myself to show off my product for the first time. I readjusted my glasses and exited the elevator first. Red Queen had readjusted my office into a conference room with a large rectangular wooden table. Osborn and the others sat down and started to look at the tablets before them. 

“I would like to thank all of you who came here today”

“Get on with it my time is precious” a man with short black hair and brown eyes interrupted me he had a heavy Russian accent. I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath and recomposed myself.

“You gentlemen are here today because I need your help to improve the lives of millions of people”. I could see them scrolling through the tablet’s presentation. I pressed a button and a video started to play on the big screen behind me. “The man in that video in Lance Corporal Ion Tucker he lost the use of his legs when he committed an act of pure bravery and heroism”.

“Look if you’re trying to get us to invest don’t try to use the old trick in the book and pull at our heart strings, we’re aren’t some kids watching a WWF appeal we’re business men”. The Russian interrupted again and I saw some of the others just glare at him.

“What I offer is a chance to be in on the profits from this venture the amount you receive will be based on the amount you invest”.

“What are the applications of this device” Osborn asked me.

“Well it depends on the model the one in the video is a prototype but we are going to make more variants like ones for construction for lifting heavy objects and welding and ones for civilian use for those with disabilities like Ion’s”.

“What about military applications” the Russian had his hands together like he was scheming something.

“Yes I guess these could have military applications”

2 hours Later 

Most of the investors left but Osborn stayed behind “what are you expecting to do with this technology?”

His question stunned me slightly “well I want to help people”. I smiled slightly as I looked out the window “do you want to know the reason I chose Umbrella as my company's name Osborn.” He shook his head and I turned “I chose it because an Umbrella protects people from the rain and so will my company. It will protect people from the rains of uncertainty and inequality.”

“You are a interesting man” I shook his hand before the door opened up and Midnight walked out. She was wearing more baggy clothes then what she normally wore. More of the strange voices flooded my head I couldn’t understand them as they were mostly garble.

“Ow sorry honey I didn’t know you were still in a meeting should I come back?” She turned to leave but I quickly grabbed her hand.

“No the meeting is over how have you been” I could see the visible confusion on Osborn’s face as Midnight towered over him. 

“Hello there” Midnight stuck out her hand which Norman shook “I’m Midnight Valentine” she had a wide smile on her face. 

“Well I’m sorry to cut our time short Mr Osborn but I must be going Red Queen will show you out.” The hologram of Red Queen emerged and started to guide him to the elevator. I turned back to Midnight “so what does my beautiful wife want with me this time.”

“The little ones wanted to see you” she lifted her baggy hoodie slightly and I could see a strange shape moving in her stomach. As I got closer a small lump started to emerge forward. I heard Midnight gasp in pain slightly “see the little ones really wanted to see you”. A small hand like shape started to push against Midnights stomach. 

“Well they seem very eager to meet me, hello little ones” Midnight grunted again as a second hand pushed forward. “Be good you two for your mother” I smiled as I kissed Midnights belly.

This is some AI generated art for Midnight for give the style but that was the only style the generator did good.


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