The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 34: Operation Beheading the serpent

Pov Black Widow at the same time Luke was at the X-Mansion 

“Faster you lot, move, move!” I yelled at the new recruits Maria Hill had given us”. After Furry was demoted and nearly kicked out of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hill had made it her personal mission to gather evidence on Luke Valentine and arrest him. She had given my team a proper name our group was now know as the Anti Umbrella Task Force or A.U.T.F for short. We were now being funded off the books so we could investigate the Umbrella corporation under the radar. 

We now had a secret base a few streets away fro the Umbrella Tower. The new base was disguised as a normal office building but inside was everything we would need to bring Luke and the Umbrella Corporation down. We were being given a small amount of men to start and limited equipment but that was all we needed for now. 

A large board was one of the first things we had placed into our new compound. At the top most centre of the board was a picture of Luke Valentine. Then there was rope leading down and at a diagonal direction to pictures to Midnight and Ada. Someone had drawn an arrow going through the Ada’s head. Next to Luke’s photo was a rope leading to an all but familiar photo of Baron von Strucker leader of Hydra. We knew they were connected but we needed to find out there relationship. 

Leon patted me on the shoulder and pulled me out of my deep thought. “Natasha you alright?” I turned to face him and nodded. “Well good Albert thinks he might have found something” he started to walk away and I followed him. “So do you want to tell me about the beef between you and Ada?” I stopped cold in my tracks.

“She was someone I trusted and she betrayed me” my mind recalled the fateful night. 

Flashback 2 years ago Location Las Vegas Pov 3rd person

A much younger Natasha stood at the roulette wheel next to a younger Ada. “How much you want to bet ladies” a African American male in a casino uniform asked them. 

“Three hundred on number seven please” Ada place the poker chips on the roulette table number seven space. Other people placed their bets and the man spun the wheel. 

“Didn’t Fury tell us not to blow all of the money” Natasha told Ada as the woman crossed her fingers. 

“Come on Nat we’re in Vegas” Ada said as she continued her gaze on the now slowing down wheel. The got slower and slower “come on big money, big money” Ada said whilst crossing her fingers even tighter. 

“Congratulations Ms” the wheel had stopped and the ball had stopped on number seven. Ada smiled as an enormous pile of betting chips were pushed to her. Natasha looked around and spotted a tall African man with blonde hair and blue eyes near the bar. The man wore a green three piece suit and was talking to a woman whilst waiting for his drink. 

“Ada the target has arrived” Natasha nudged Ada before the latter could bet any more.

“Okay lets go greet him” Ada got up but not before she gave the croupier a thousand dollars worth of betting chips. 

“Where are we going to lure him to get the package” Natasha said as she looked at the woman who was with the man. “He seems preoccupied with that woman” Ada just laughed.

“All we need to do is give him a small amount of attention and shake our tits a little and he’ll be putty in our hands.”

Natasha tutted “well you might comfortable in this situation but I feel like a piece of meat.” Natasha looked and saw several men look at them particularly her ass. Ada adjusted her red dress slightly to make her boobs look bigger and laughed. 

“Well seduction is an important part of spy work” Ada said as she loosened Natasha black dress a bit to show more of her breasts. “Now remember smile, agree with him and pretend you’re interested in what he has to say remember these lessons and you’ll be a master of this in no time”.

Flashback end Black widow 

“So are you going to tell me or?” Leon had his hand on my shoulder. I brushed it off and continued walking before Albert approached me. 

“We might have a problem” Albert had a tired look on his face. He walked to the investigation board and took Struker’s picture down. “It seems like the late Baron was murdered by heroes” Albert crumpled the picture in his hands before chucking it into the bin.

“What do you mean he’s dead” Leon stepped forward.

“Well I’ve been listening in on Hydra chatter and it seems like there is an internal power struggle because someone killed the Barron.”

“Could this be a ploy of Strucker to trick us into acting” Chris emerged from the corner. Just then my phone began to ring and I walked away to answer it.

“Natasha it’s me I just had a meeting with Luke Valentine”.

“So could you read his mind?”

“I only got some brief images but he killed some man with a red gauntlet”

“Was that man bald with a monocle?”

“Yes he had some giant snake eat him.”

“Shit, that confirms our suspicions, is there anything else?”

“Yes in fact I must warn you Logan said that his wife isn’t human, and one of his unborn daughters can interfere with mind reading”.

“Thanks Xavier I ow you one” I sighed as I started to walk back.

“No I must thank you without your help I might not have gotten to these talents before their father corrupted them.” Xavier hung up and I put my phone away.

“You were correct Albert, Strucker is dead our friend here got his freak on nature snake to eat him.” All of the people in the room looked at me.

“How do you know this Natasha?” Albert asked me as I walked to the board.

“I had a friend of mine investigate him privately” I pulled out a few pictures and pinned them to the board. “Okay listen up people we have our first lead, Strucker was murdered by this” I pointed to a cruelly drawn sketch of the giant snake. “We have identified that Luke has these three things with him” I pointed to more cruelly drawn pictures of a lizard and rabbit. “The rabbit is called Zero, the snake and lizard are called Yawn and Jackson, they should be considered highly dangerous and unapproachable”.

“Now Luke Valentine killed Baron von Strucker and we need to know why. Did Stucker try to blackmail Luke or were they in some kind of partnership and Luke wanted rid of Stucker. This woman is probably vying for control of Hydra” I pointed to one of the few photos of Viper we had. “If Luke is in a partnership with Hydra he will be looking to support the next potential leader. This is where we come in, if we monitor Hydra carefully and find proof that Luke is helping them we can put him in prison.”

I start to write on the board “I call this operation Beheading the serpent” I turned to Albert. “Albert I will intrust you with listening in on more Hydra chatter”. I turned to the rest of the men in the room “I want the rest of you to find out anything we don’t know about Hydra like base locations schedules.” I turned to Jill and Chris “you two will infiltrate Hydra and discover what is going on”. I then turned to Leon “Leon you and me will begin surveying Luke and his associates”.

Pov Viper 4 hours later

I stood waiting in a secluded warehouse I was called by a strange number claiming to work for that little monster. I was wore a blonde wig to hide my green hair as it was very distinctive. ‘I hope that little monster isn’t sending that snake to eat me’ I shivered at the memory of Strucker sliding down that things throat.

“I hope I haven’t kept you long” a monstrously tall woman entered the warehouse. She had purplish hair and was visibly pregnant I placed my hand on the handle of a gun I had hidden. I didn’t know if it would do much but I would be damned if I didn’t try to defend myself.

“Did that little monster send you?” I saw the woman’s facial expression twist slightly like she was trying to hold something back.

“No my husband doesn’t even know I’m here” I instantly drew my gun and pointed it at her as she attempted to get closer.

“You’re married to that monster” I remembered how tall he was and gauged how tall she was.

“You must be wondering how do we do it?” I shook my head and she laughed “don’t worry you’re not the first to wonder and you won’t be the last”.

“What do you want?” I said as I tried to calm down my now shaking hands.

“Well I have come here to give you a proposal” the woman waited slightly. “Well don’t you want to know what it is” I shook my head. “Well I’m going to tell you anyway, I want you to become one of my husband’s women”.

I nearly gagged at her comment and was tempted to just shoot her then and there. “You must be wondering why I would just say something like this hum”. In a blink of an eye the woman had closed the gap and crushed the end of my gun. “There are many benefits to becoming one of his women, like power, amazing sex and most importantly you will be safe”. She paused “well you’ll be safe from him trying to kill you but not me”.

“And if I don’t want to become one of his women?” The woman just smiled and let in closer.

“Well you don’t get much choice in the matter” I felt something prick me. “You should be thankful Ada made promise to knock you out via injection otherwise I would’ve done it the old fashion way”.

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