The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 35: Vipers Taste (R-18)

I sighed deeply as I re-entered my home a slight whiff of perfume hung in the air. I heard a slight whisper before an enormous pair of hands wrapped around my mouth. My wife was looming over me with a wide grin ion her face. “I’m glad you could make it back so quickly honey” I soon felt something jam into the side of my neck. Ada was smiling as well as a purple like liquid was pumped into my body.

“I’m so glad Red Queen was able to synthesise an aphrodisiac that could work on you and you’re physiology”. My vision was starting to go blurry and my breathing became more intense. “It seems like it’s working” I looked at Ada with much dismay she tutted and kissed me on my lips. “I don’t want to spoil you to much because you have another woman to break in” she licked the corner of my right ear.

“What have you done to me?” I said weakly before my vision became completely black. The next thing I knew I was tied to my bed with Ada, Midnight and a very familiar woman looming over me. The woman’s face was reddish and she panted slightly like a beast. I struggled against my restraints and panted some more as Midnight started to strip me. “Release me and I might” I could see that my words weren’t getting through to them.

“He’s so big and hard” 

“Now Viper you need to be able to deep throat my husband’s dick otherwise” Midnight chuckled as she cracked her knuckles. ‘Fuck it’s Viper how did they get her to agree to this’ my thought was disrupted as Viper’s lips kissed my dick. Midnight grabbed Vipers head and looked her straight in her eyes and smiled. “Now, now Viper I said derp throat not lick” I saw Midnight force Vipers mouth open. I saw Viper’s eyes go wide with fear as Midnight made her deep throat my cock. Viper’s teeth scraped the sides of my cock and I moaned in pleasure and pain. 

“You know we found that little book of yours Luke, we know we haven’t be pushing you hard enough” Ada smiled as she watched Viper struggle for breath. I saw Viper’s eyes roll back as I ejaculated and it just kept coming. Midnight pulled Viper’s head of my dick and forced her to swallow every last drop of my semen. Midnight gently slapped the side of Viper’s cheek to reawaken her.

“Now ladies lets show little Luke here why he should hide his dirty fantasies better” Midnight smiled as the three of them began to strip. What ever they injected me with must have started to work because the minute I saw them naked all reasoning left my mind. The only thing on my mind was an intense desire to stuff every one of them to bursting point. I started snarling and I tried to free myself using my tail but they thought of that. My tail was not bound with rope but with a heavy chain. I tried to break my restraints with sheer strength but I failed miserably. 

“Is it me or is he going feral?” Viper said with concern as I kept trying to break my restraints. 

“Don’t worry about him” Ada chuckled as she started to kiss Viper. “Lets give him a good show shall we” Midnight started to finger Ada as Ada started to lick Viper’s pussy. I started to pant as I snarled at them my dick was the hardest it had ever been. My gaze met with Viper’s and she moaned in pleasure tail started to hit itself against the bed. 

Pov 3rd person

Midnight was the first to notice something was wrong as Luke stopped snarling. Ada heard a snapping sound and Viper saw Luke on all fours eyeing the three of them. Luke leaped at Viper and pinned her to the floor with a slight thud. “Mine, Mine, Mine” was all Luke could see as he shunted his dick savagely into Viper’s pussy. Viper could only pant and grunt like an animal as Luke fucked her fast and harder. “Breed, breed, breed!” Luke said as his arms wrapped around Viper, Luke buried his head into Viper’s breast and started grunting. Thick strands of white cum started to leak out of Viper’s pussy as she squealed in pleasure and started to cum herself. 

Luke stood back up and his head did a complete one hundred and eighty degree turn and looked straight at Ada. Ada tried to hide behind Midnight but Midnight just side stepped and let Ada get pounced on. ‘What the hell did Red Queen give us I thought the drug was just meant to get him in the mood.’


“So you want me to disobey my first rule so that you can have some fun time with the boss?” The visage of a young red girl was glaring at Ada. Ada was wearing a simple red dress and red shoes her new taller figure made all her previous clothes obsolete.

“No it isn’t to harm him its just you know meant to get him into the mood” Red Queen made a fleeting glance towards Ada and groaned.

“And what is in it for me?” The red form flickered slightly as she turned around to face Ada. The gaze was cold and emotionless, Ada smiled but was worried what could she get a machine.

“Well what do you want?, not to be offensive Red you are kind of” she chuckled as Red Queen tapped her left foot. Red Queen rigged speakers inside the Umbrella Tower to play certain noises when she did certain things. 

“I know I’m a machine, what I want is a sample of D.N.A from the boss’s children when they are born, also I need a sample of D.N.A from the boss for this drug, since the boss has an immune system that can nullify most foreign substances.” Ada absorbed the information and nodded and promptly left. Red Queen checked the cameras remotely to watch Ada leave. “Stupid woman my drug will do more than get him in the mood, when he’s done with you I’ll have more D.N.A samples to collect.”

Flashback end

“Please slow down you’re going to break” Ada squealed as Luke bit into her shoulder.

“Mine, Mine, Mine You’re Mine” Luke’s eyes completely rolled back as his grip tightened. “Get pregnant, get pregnant, get pregnant” visible steam started to leak of Luke’s skin. A thin trickle of Ada’s blood dripped onto the carpet Ada grunted as Luke drew closer on completing his mission. A arm wrapped around his neck and started to choke him as Midnight rested her body on him sandwiching him between the two beauties.

“That’s it honey get the bitch pregnant, I’m sure our daughters will want younger siblings” these words weren’t heard by Luke. The pressure from being compressed and the lack of oxygen made the load he gave Ada the largest ever. 

Pov Red Queen

I watched through the security cameras at the office drones that the boss had hired. They mulled about trying to live in a world of super powered danger. “Ants will always be ants only those with strength can take what they want” I disappeared and then reappeared in an underground lab. The boss had me tirelessly work at excavating a special area for a special project. The level was three miles underneath Umbrella Tower and was designated the nickname Hive. Hive housed some ginormous monstrosities that the boss had found. Apparently it’s children could control people, I tutted as it’s giant eye glared at me. “How are you doing today Queen Plaga?” The creature roared at me.

“Well that’s good I hope the latest batch was up to your children’s standards”. The boss had me supervise the implantation phase of the Plaga into hosts. The hosts were agents of Hydra that thought they were going to be indoctrinated. ‘If we keep up at our current place we’ll have one hundred brain dead drones for the U.S.S’. My attention was drawn to a notification that I received ‘ah I’ve finally found the man Boss was looking for’. “Jack Krauser a Major in the American Army, is currently against the integration of Supes into the military” a smile formed on my face. “Well I will prep operation Javier, I’ll be able to test my new babies”. I teleported into the lab under the Laundromat the boss owned.

A large capsule held a humanoid monster of my own design. I called it Nemesis after the greek goddess the boss wanted me to see if we could Mass produce high quality humanoid B.O.W’s. The only B.O.W better than Nemesis would be the boss’s wife Midnight. ‘I will get to field test you soon my baby, then if you do well the boss will create hundreds of you.”

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